Man punches Nazi Richard Spencer during interview

Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

Oh, I googled him, and he is an out spoken white nationalist.

Still no reason to run up and punch him out while he was minding his own business.

Be like me walking up to Al Sharpton on the street, and putting him on the ground, just because I dont' like him.

I googled him too. I had no idea who the fuck he was...It doesn't matter, he has the right to his opinion just like communists and BLM do.

he has that right.

and thank you to anyone who would cap his ass

Why you leftists always resort to violence to censor people? Maybe because your ideas don't win in a debate?

...cause you guys do....?
. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

Oh, I googled him, and he is an out spoken white nationalist.

Still no reason to run up and punch him out while he was minding his own business.

Be like me walking up to Al Sharpton on the street, and putting him on the ground, just because I dont' like him.
I googled him too. I had no idea who the fuck he was...It doesn't matter, he has the right to his opinion just like communists and BLM do.
he has that right.

and thank you to anyone who would cap his ass
Why you leftists always resort to violence to censor people? Maybe because your ideas don't win in a debate?

...cause you guys do....?
If yunger generations weren't dumbed down and would know just a tiny bit about the Constitution and how it was created with historical background, it would be an easy task. No, I don't think common sense wins, free stuff does.
Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

Thanks, that speech and sieg heiling was enough to get punched.
Typical liberal coward.

Hit someone and run and hide.

I hope he gets arrested and thrown in jail. ...... :cool:
You do realize that you're framing this as Liberal/conservative, right?

And if the Liberal is the puncher, the conservative is a Nazi.

Thank you for that. :)

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