Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

the medieval mind set in action..
Nothing medieval about it.

When a man takes a wife it's like being given the keys to a car.

It's his to drive anytime he desires. .. :cool:
thanks for making my point..
women are not property

I agree completely.

But why get married if you don't want to have sex? What exactly do you think the point of marriage is? Just to have a sugar daddy give you money so you can go shopping, and pay the mortgage?

The primary purpose of marriage is sex. That's why they say "I do", as in: I do you, you do me, we don't do anyone else.
You guys are already to page four, quick question which may have been addressed. Did it help? Just a guess, but no?
Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex


She needs to be a better bitch. Period.

Geez. My husband usually has to beat me off with a stick, I'm always up for sex. Well except today, I had a root canal, I think that's a good enough excuse for one day. Bitch needs to get some anti depressants or have a frank discussion with hubby because she's not being satisfied in the sack.
I only beat off when my wife's away...however when I was going through puberty I did lot's o sausage spanking..

That increases your chances of cancer by the way.

Hope you are better than the average spanker. Most can't last 2 minutes, which is a drag for the wife.
OMG You are completely blaming the woman. How Christian of you. Who would have your brand of Christianity?

Really? I didn't write, or intend 'blame' anywhere. I was just saying what I've seen myself in other couples.

As a Christian, blame isn't part of it. If you are Christian, the Bible says both members of a marriage are to do their duty. The rest of my statements were just observations of practical reality.

And by the way, the reverse situation is also typically true. If the girl has the higher sex drive, and the guy is the one shooting her down, the same pattern tends to emerge.

As for 'my brand'... well, there are not very many Bible Christians anymore. So obviously very few. Most people are "buffet" Christian, and the Bible is just a dusty relic, and they pretty much believe whatever they want. If you actually read the Bible, it's pretty clear what is expected.
and in this discussion what the bible say or does not say is irrelevant...

Irrelevant to you, but not to me, and it was my post, thanks.

If you don't care what the Bible says, don't respond. But asking me to not talk about something I believe, is a waste of your time. Don't waste your time.
Geez. My husband usually has to beat me off with a stick, I'm always up for sex. Well except today, I had a root canal, I think that's a good enough excuse for one day. Bitch needs to get some anti depressants or have a frank discussion with hubby because she's not being satisfied in the sack.
I only beat off when my wife's away...however when I was going through puberty I did lot's o sausage spanking..

That increases your chances of cancer by the way.

Hope you are better than the average spanker. Most can't last 2 minutes, which is a drag for the wife.
somebody's full of shit and it's not me

For men in their 50s, "frequent masturbation" was one or more times per week. Compared to same-age men who reported never masturbating, 50-something frequent masturbators had a 70% lower risk of prostate cancer.

guess you don't know a joke when you read one.
too much bible reading kills a sense of humor.
He may or may not be the problem; most likely he would not be the whole problem. They have issues though. It is ridiculous to think that if your wife refuses to have sex with you 27 times, one day after another, that it is her that is the problem. You have to ask yourself why she doesn't want to do something she should enjoy and look forward to.

So, to ask your question but in reverse: explain why she is the problem?

She has the vagina and the legs that open. Pretty simple

I have to take it back tho...This is his fault for dealing with this. He needs a side chick or something. What she wont another will.
I overheard a conversation once that I am quite certain I was not to hear. It was between My mother and My sister and it blew Me away because...well, who thinks their mother thinks that way?

Anyway....As I was walking by, I heard her say to My sister....."Its your body, but understand something about a man. If you won't have sex with him, he will go elsewhere for it."

Given enough time, I think this is true. Perhaps its time for....ah....this guy to move on.

Very true. The man may not want to but how long to you expect him to spank the monkey before he gets tired of it and looks elsewhere. There is no shortage of women who are willing to hop in bed with your husband. Men and women's sex drives are very different. Men have a very physical sex drive while women have a very emotional sex drive. If a woman doesn't feel like having sex on a regular basis, then she needs to ask why. Do you not feel sexy? Do you feel mentally exhausted? Not enough romance? find the issue and correct it.

After I had my kids I felt like a fat blob. I didn't feel sexy and wasn't into sex. I still did have sex anyway for my husbands sake, but I also attacked the problem with diet and exercise. New Clothes, new hair cut, new accessories really lifted my spirit as I slowly lost weight. Dates with just Hubby and I also helped so much we still do it. You have to keep your marriage fresh.
Really? I didn't write, or intend 'blame' anywhere. I was just saying what I've seen myself in other couples.

As a Christian, blame isn't part of it. If you are Christian, the Bible says both members of a marriage are to do their duty. The rest of my statements were just observations of practical reality.

And by the way, the reverse situation is also typically true. If the girl has the higher sex drive, and the guy is the one shooting her down, the same pattern tends to emerge.

As for 'my brand'... well, there are not very many Bible Christians anymore. So obviously very few. Most people are "buffet" Christian, and the Bible is just a dusty relic, and they pretty much believe whatever they want. If you actually read the Bible, it's pretty clear what is expected.
and in this discussion what the bible say or does not say is irrelevant...

Irrelevant to you, but not to me, and it was my post, thanks.

If you don't care what the Bible says, don't respond. But asking me to not talk about something I believe, is a waste of your time. Don't waste your time.
like I said what the bible says is irrelevant to this discussion, like most thumpers you have either lost or never had the ability to know when not to pontificate..
I only beat off when my wife's away...however when I was going through puberty I did lot's o sausage spanking..

That increases your chances of cancer by the way.

Hope you are better than the average spanker. Most can't last 2 minutes, which is a drag for the wife.
somebody's full of shit and it's not me

For men in their 50s, "frequent masturbation" was one or more times per week. Compared to same-age men who reported never masturbating, 50-something frequent masturbators had a 70% lower risk of prostate cancer.

guess you don't know a joke when you read one.
too much bible reading kills a sense of humor.

Masturbation and Prostate Cancer Risk
"Frequent masturbation in young men is linked to higher risk of early prostate cancer"

So when you said "when I was going through puberty", unless your puberty was over the age of 50............

Ironically, I found your two posts there very humorous.
and in this discussion what the bible say or does not say is irrelevant...

Irrelevant to you, but not to me, and it was my post, thanks.

If you don't care what the Bible says, don't respond. But asking me to not talk about something I believe, is a waste of your time. Don't waste your time.
like I said what the bible says is irrelevant to this discussion, like most thumpers you have either lost or never had the ability to know when not to pontificate..

Again, you don't have to respond. It's not up to you, to tell others when they can talk about their faith, and when they can't. If you can't handle it on an open forum, that's your problem, not mine.
The Bible also talks about Christ and his relationship to the Church. It makes parallels as to how men and women should interact with each other within marriage. It requires men to love their wives which includes respecting them.
Irrelevant to you, but not to me, and it was my post, thanks.

If you don't care what the Bible says, don't respond. But asking me to not talk about something I believe, is a waste of your time. Don't waste your time.
like I said what the bible says is irrelevant to this discussion, like most thumpers you have either lost or never had the ability to know when not to pontificate..

Again, you don't have to respond. It's not up to you, to tell others when they can talk about their faith, and when they can't. If you can't handle it on an open forum, that's your problem, not mine.
you still don't get it..ever heard the word discretion

Definition of discretion (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ di skrésh'n ]

1.tact: the good judgment and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others
2.freedom to decide: the freedom or authority to judge something or make a decision about it
3.confidentiality: the ability to keep sensitive information secret
That increases your chances of cancer by the way.

Hope you are better than the average spanker. Most can't last 2 minutes, which is a drag for the wife.
somebody's full of shit and it's not me

For men in their 50s, "frequent masturbation" was one or more times per week. Compared to same-age men who reported never masturbating, 50-something frequent masturbators had a 70% lower risk of prostate cancer.

guess you don't know a joke when you read one.
too much bible reading kills a sense of humor.

Masturbation and Prostate Cancer Risk
"Frequent masturbation in young men is linked to higher risk of early prostate cancer"

So when you said "when I was going through puberty", unless your puberty was over the age of 50............

Ironically, I found your two posts there very humorous.
you a bad case of selective reading...
that's the same article I used to refute your non sense .
here's more : For men in their 50s, "frequent masturbation" was one or more times per week. Compared to same-age men who reported never masturbating, 50-something frequent masturbators had a 70% lower risk of prostate cancer.

What's going on? The study wasn't designed to answer that question. But Dimitropoulou and colleagues have some theories.

They suggest that young men genetically predisposed to have hormone-sensitive prostate cancer will be at higher risk if their bodies naturally produce high levels of male hormones -- the same hormones that give them an intense sex drive.

So it's not masturbation itself that's increasing prostate cancer risk in young men. More masturbation may just mean more sex drive -- and more androgens bathing prostate tissues.

That's not the case for older men. Dimitropoulou suggests that in older men, masturbation itself may actually be helpful, ridding the prostate gland of fluids that may contain cancer-causing substances.

"In mature age, it may be more important that toxins get flushed out of the system," she says. "And because the masturbation frequency was not as high in the men's 50s as it was in their 20s, even low levels of masturbation in the 50s has a protective effect."

btw if you didn't masturbate during puberty and your teen years ,you must have some kind of disorder.
The Bible also talks about Christ and his relationship to the Church. It makes parallels as to how men and women should interact with each other within marriage. It requires men to love their wives which includes respecting them.

But it doesnt say anything about disrespecting yourself to respect someone else.

Drop the bible stuff. There maybe a number of reasons why she's being like this but the sad fact is that he will stray. Right or wrong thats reality and reality doesnt change because a woman thinks its wrong.

When he steps off maybe she will learn to do the next guy better...or get some cats
"Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet" is enough all by itself to explain why she doesn't wanna boink him.
When sex is over for the man: When he's finished.

When sex is over for the woman: When the sheets are washed, dried and back on the bed.
The Bible also talks about Christ and his relationship to the Church. It makes parallels as to how men and women should interact with each other within marriage. It requires men to love their wives which includes respecting them.

But it doesnt say anything about disrespecting yourself to respect someone else.

Drop the bible stuff. There maybe a number of reasons why she's being like this but the sad fact is that he will stray. Right or wrong thats reality and reality doesnt change because a woman thinks its wrong.

When he steps off maybe she will learn to do the next guy better...or get some cats

Could not possibly disagree more.

Marriage is about love, not sex.
The Bible also talks about Christ and his relationship to the Church. It makes parallels as to how men and women should interact with each other within marriage. It requires men to love their wives which includes respecting them.

But it doesnt say anything about disrespecting yourself to respect someone else.

Drop the bible stuff. There maybe a number of reasons why she's being like this but the sad fact is that he will stray. Right or wrong thats reality and reality doesnt change because a woman thinks its wrong.

When he steps off maybe she will learn to do the next guy better...or get some cats

Could not possibly disagree more.

Marriage is about love, not sex.

How could you disagree with dont disrespect yourself? I'd really love to hear it

Oh and you can believe marriage isnt about sex but most divorces happen because of sex and/ or money.

Like I said you can be mad at the reality but that doesnt change reality
like I said what the bible says is irrelevant to this discussion, like most thumpers you have either lost or never had the ability to know when not to pontificate..

Again, you don't have to respond. It's not up to you, to tell others when they can talk about their faith, and when they can't. If you can't handle it on an open forum, that's your problem, not mine.
you still don't get it..ever heard the word discretion

Definition of discretion (n)

Bing Dictionary
[ di skrésh'n ]

1.tact: the good judgment and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others
2.freedom to decide: the freedom or authority to judge something or make a decision about it
3.confidentiality: the ability to keep sensitive information secret

Right, and you are implying that I care when you think I should use discretion. Your opinion on this has been noted, and ignored.

This is an open forum, for adults to discuss topics. All adults have world views that shape how they see the topics they discuss. Mine is the Bible.

As an adult on an open forum, I have just as much right to express my world views and opinions as you do.

If you can't handle that.... too bad. Tough. Sucks to be you, huh? You really need to just grow up, and learn to accept that other people have other views you don't like. I get it, there are 'bible thumpers' that bang on your front door, and start preaching at you from your own front steps. I've met those people, and I'm more than willing to tell them to can it.

But this is not your front door. This is an open forum, and I'm going to talk about the Bible with, or without, your approval.

You don't have the right to tell me what I can, or can not, discuss on an open forum like this.

I will prove this to you in the following way. Next post you make complaining about me talking about the Bible, I'll put you on my ignore list, and still continue to talk about the Bible, and not only will not you not stop me, but I won't even see your complaints.

Time for you to just grow up a little bit.

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