Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

In fairness to women, our excuses aren't any better. GF years back often wanted to, but at the time Iw as big into Everquest and I used excuses of "Can't get together tonight, my guild wants to raid." :)

Dood...give back your Man card......right now!

He doesn't have a man card. He has a Nerd card. It's a different thing, and completely irrevocable.
As a Christian, we are supposed to give ourselves to our spouse, in fulfilling our marital obligation.

As a practical matter, people who routinely avoid sex with their spouse, often end up with unhappy marriages. The bitterness and lack of affection, will spill over into other things. People getting angry in their marriages over really dumb problems, in many cases in actually the result of the lack of affection in the bedroom. It's hard to be bitter over stupid issues, with someone you are routinely extremely intimate with. Not so much, when you are rarely intimate with them.

The other side, is that at some point, if the husband doesn't ditch the wife, he'll eventually switch off. He'll just shut down. This is why 20% of all married couples, live in sexless marriages.

Now of course there are other factors, like physical problems, that prevent sex. But generally, when a girl shuts down her husband enough times, he'll switch off. Then later in life, after the kids are largely out of the house, or gone, suddenly she wakes up sexually again, but he couldn't care less. He's been switched off for so long, it's not even on his radar.

This is why you see movies like Hope Springs, where the disconnected husband, and the sex starved wife, desperately seeking the attention she got when they were younger.... and duh... having sex.

Where do you think the Cougar phenomenon came from? These older chicks switch back on, while their shunned husband does not.

My opinion? And this is just my opinion, so who cares what I think? I think either spouse should never turn down the other to have sex. Unless obviously, one is being abusive or, you actually are sick, or one is hooked on porn, and wants some sick twisted crap. But otherwise, you should take up your spouse every time they want sex.

OMG You are completely blaming the woman. How Christian of you. Who would have your brand of Christianity?
There is no blame. She is either frigid, or they have a lousy marriage, and both need a change in partners.

Been there. Done that.
If someone is having a problem with their spouse, the adult thing to do would be to sit down and seriously talk about it. Emailing a spreadsheet would be considered a sub-optimal way of dealing with issues.
As a Christian, we are supposed to give ourselves to our spouse, in fulfilling our marital obligation.

As a practical matter, people who routinely avoid sex with their spouse, often end up with unhappy marriages. The bitterness and lack of affection, will spill over into other things. People getting angry in their marriages over really dumb problems, in many cases in actually the result of the lack of affection in the bedroom. It's hard to be bitter over stupid issues, with someone you are routinely extremely intimate with. Not so much, when you are rarely intimate with them.

The other side, is that at some point, if the husband doesn't ditch the wife, he'll eventually switch off. He'll just shut down. This is why 20% of all married couples, live in sexless marriages.

Now of course there are other factors, like physical problems, that prevent sex. But generally, when a girl shuts down her husband enough times, he'll switch off. Then later in life, after the kids are largely out of the house, or gone, suddenly she wakes up sexually again, but he couldn't care less. He's been switched off for so long, it's not even on his radar.

This is why you see movies like Hope Springs, where the disconnected husband, and the sex starved wife, desperately seeking the attention she got when they were younger.... and duh... having sex.

Where do you think the Cougar phenomenon came from? These older chicks switch back on, while their shunned husband does not.

My opinion? And this is just my opinion, so who cares what I think? I think either spouse should never turn down the other to have sex. Unless obviously, one is being abusive or, you actually are sick, or one is hooked on porn, and wants some sick twisted crap. But otherwise, you should take up your spouse every time they want sex.

OMG You are completely blaming the woman. How Christian of you. Who would have your brand of Christianity?

Christianity has nothing to do with this. Who else grants access to her vagina?
If someone is having a problem with their spouse, the adult thing to do would be to sit down and seriously talk about it. Emailing a spreadsheet would be considered a sub-optimal way of dealing with issues.

Exactly. Which indicates a possible reason for why the wife is not very interested in sex with her husband: the way he approaches marital issues, including sex.
So what you're saying is after 27 times of being turned down you guys believe that he NEVER EVER EVER brought it up before and you believe his FIRST action to attempt a resolution was to create a spreadsheet?


Fuck talking he needs to set expectations. I expect to be fucked this often and I will meet your expectations...not when I feel like meeting them.
Why was the guy asking?? ....... she belongs to's his right to take it when he wants some. . :cool:
the medieval mind set in action..
Nothing medieval about it.

When a man takes a wife it's like being given the keys to a car.

It's his to drive anytime he desires. .. :cool:
thanks for making my point..
women are not property
No, women are not property.......but a husband owns his wife.

Don't believe me?

Have some other guy hit on your wife and see if you don't get mad and want to punch him. .. :cool:
Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex


Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He's never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it's a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won't miss me for the 10 days I'm gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my 'excuses,' using verbatim quotes of why I didn't feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his 'document', we've only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 'attempts' on his part.

She needs to be a better bitch. Period.

Geez. My husband usually has to beat me off with a stick, I'm always up for sex. Well except today, I had a root canal, I think that's a good enough excuse for one day. Bitch needs to get some anti depressants or have a frank discussion with hubby because she's not being satisfied in the sack.
Nothing medieval about it.

When a man takes a wife it's like being given the keys to a car.

It's his to drive anytime he desires. .. :cool:
thanks for making my point..
women are not property
No, women are not property.......but a husband owns his wife.

Don't believe me?

Have some other guy hit on your wife and see if you don't get mad and want to punch him. .. :cool:
sorry shit head but that's not ownership but again your answer proves my original statement...
my guess is, if another man even looked at your imaginary wife you'd want to punch him.
As a Christian, we are supposed to give ourselves to our spouse, in fulfilling our marital obligation.

As a practical matter, people who routinely avoid sex with their spouse, often end up with unhappy marriages. The bitterness and lack of affection, will spill over into other things. People getting angry in their marriages over really dumb problems, in many cases in actually the result of the lack of affection in the bedroom. It's hard to be bitter over stupid issues, with someone you are routinely extremely intimate with. Not so much, when you are rarely intimate with them.

The other side, is that at some point, if the husband doesn't ditch the wife, he'll eventually switch off. He'll just shut down. This is why 20% of all married couples, live in sexless marriages.

Now of course there are other factors, like physical problems, that prevent sex. But generally, when a girl shuts down her husband enough times, he'll switch off. Then later in life, after the kids are largely out of the house, or gone, suddenly she wakes up sexually again, but he couldn't care less. He's been switched off for so long, it's not even on his radar.

This is why you see movies like Hope Springs, where the disconnected husband, and the sex starved wife, desperately seeking the attention she got when they were younger.... and duh... having sex.

Where do you think the Cougar phenomenon came from? These older chicks switch back on, while their shunned husband does not.

My opinion? And this is just my opinion, so who cares what I think? I think either spouse should never turn down the other to have sex. Unless obviously, one is being abusive or, you actually are sick, or one is hooked on porn, and wants some sick twisted crap. But otherwise, you should take up your spouse every time they want sex.

OMG You are completely blaming the woman. How Christian of you. Who would have your brand of Christianity?

Really? I didn't write, or intend 'blame' anywhere. I was just saying what I've seen myself in other couples.

As a Christian, blame isn't part of it. If you are Christian, the Bible says both members of a marriage are to do their duty. The rest of my statements were just observations of practical reality.

And by the way, the reverse situation is also typically true. If the girl has the higher sex drive, and the guy is the one shooting her down, the same pattern tends to emerge.

As for 'my brand'... well, there are not very many Bible Christians anymore. So obviously very few. Most people are "buffet" Christian, and the Bible is just a dusty relic, and they pretty much believe whatever they want. If you actually read the Bible, it's pretty clear what is expected.
Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex


Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He's never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it's a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won't miss me for the 10 days I'm gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my 'excuses,' using verbatim quotes of why I didn't feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his 'document', we've only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 'attempts' on his part.
She needs to be a better bitch. Period.

Geez. My husband usually has to beat me off with a stick, I'm always up for sex. Well except today, I had a root canal, I think that's a good enough excuse for one day. Bitch needs to get some anti depressants or have a frank discussion with hubby because she's not being satisfied in the sack.
I only beat off when my wife's away...however when I was going through puberty I did lot's o sausage spanking..
Hmmm lets look at these lame excuses:

I'm watching a show. What? you can't record the program and get back to it later?

Need to shower. How long does it take to shower? I can shit, shower and shave in 15 minutes.

I'm exhausted. When I'm tired I just let hubby do all the work.

Tender from yesterday? Unless it was rough sex, maybe she should use KY or talk to her doctor.

I have to be up early. I don't know about her man but mine can be done in under five minutes. Just saying.

Eating too much? Don't pig out?

Getting drunk? Don't drink so much.

The only excuse I see that's half legit is him coming home drunk. I won't sleep with a drunkard either.
I might be getting sick. If it's obvious you have a nasty cold no sense in spreading it.
It sound to me like she is depressed and maybe not feeling sexy. They should get counseling. If you're not sleeping with your man don't be surprised when another woman takes your place.
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As a Christian, we are supposed to give ourselves to our spouse, in fulfilling our marital obligation.

As a practical matter, people who routinely avoid sex with their spouse, often end up with unhappy marriages. The bitterness and lack of affection, will spill over into other things. People getting angry in their marriages over really dumb problems, in many cases in actually the result of the lack of affection in the bedroom. It's hard to be bitter over stupid issues, with someone you are routinely extremely intimate with. Not so much, when you are rarely intimate with them.

The other side, is that at some point, if the husband doesn't ditch the wife, he'll eventually switch off. He'll just shut down. This is why 20% of all married couples, live in sexless marriages.

Now of course there are other factors, like physical problems, that prevent sex. But generally, when a girl shuts down her husband enough times, he'll switch off. Then later in life, after the kids are largely out of the house, or gone, suddenly she wakes up sexually again, but he couldn't care less. He's been switched off for so long, it's not even on his radar.

This is why you see movies like Hope Springs, where the disconnected husband, and the sex starved wife, desperately seeking the attention she got when they were younger.... and duh... having sex.

Where do you think the Cougar phenomenon came from? These older chicks switch back on, while their shunned husband does not.

My opinion? And this is just my opinion, so who cares what I think? I think either spouse should never turn down the other to have sex. Unless obviously, one is being abusive or, you actually are sick, or one is hooked on porn, and wants some sick twisted crap. But otherwise, you should take up your spouse every time they want sex.

OMG You are completely blaming the woman. How Christian of you. Who would have your brand of Christianity?

Really? I didn't write, or intend 'blame' anywhere. I was just saying what I've seen myself in other couples.

As a Christian, blame isn't part of it. If you are Christian, the Bible says both members of a marriage are to do their duty. The rest of my statements were just observations of practical reality.

And by the way, the reverse situation is also typically true. If the girl has the higher sex drive, and the guy is the one shooting her down, the same pattern tends to emerge.

As for 'my brand'... well, there are not very many Bible Christians anymore. So obviously very few. Most people are "buffet" Christian, and the Bible is just a dusty relic, and they pretty much believe whatever they want. If you actually read the Bible, it's pretty clear what is expected.
and in this discussion what the bible say or does not say is irrelevant...

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