Man Shot At Protest In Denver

So now they are saying that...

A Right wing man

Got into a confrontation with a BLM protester... an ANTIFA event

and then was shot by a MEDIA bodyguard....


I'm not buying it. .....sorry but sounds fishy to me.

Shooter is "antifa". Check the tattoo on his right wrist.

He's had firearms training too. Look at the grip he's using:

View attachment 400310
you can get that on youtube,,,

True that. I've been shooting for decades, but discovered that I was doing it wrong. Some good Youtube videos can point you in the right direction, but it takes enough practice until it becomes instinctive. It's easy to forget all the proper grip, target acquisition, and trigger control you learned in a stressful or hurried situation, and just one-hand it.
if he did work for a security firm I am sure they gave him some training,,,

you would think one of those things would be DONT shoot unarmed people,,,
Depends on what the unarmed person is doing.
So now they are saying that...

A Right wing man

Got into a confrontation with a BLM protester... an ANTIFA event

and then was shot by a MEDIA bodyguard....


I'm not buying it. .....sorry but sounds fishy to me.

Shooter is "antifa". Check the tattoo on his right wrist.

He's had firearms training too. Look at the grip he's using:

View attachment 400310
you can get that on youtube,,,

True that. I've been shooting for decades, but discovered that I was doing it wrong. Some good Youtube videos can point you in the right direction, but it takes enough practice until it becomes instinctive. It's easy to forget all the proper grip, target acquisition, and trigger control you learned in a stressful or hurried situation, and just one-hand it.
if he did work for a security firm I am sure they gave him some training,,,

you would think one of those things would be DONT shoot unarmed people,,,

Colorado repealed their death penalty last February.

Too bad: He'll probably spend the rest of his life in the ass-pound prison.
who knows,,, he may like that kind of thing,,,
Back in the prison the cons all said you weren't gay if you quit 2 weeks before you got out, AKA gay for the stay.
So now they are saying that...

A Right wing man

Got into a confrontation with a BLM protester... an ANTIFA event

and then was shot by a MEDIA bodyguard....


I'm not buying it. .....sorry but sounds fishy to me.

Shooter is "antifa". Check the tattoo on his right wrist.

He's had firearms training too. Look at the grip he's using:

View attachment 400310
you can get that on youtube,,,

True that. I've been shooting for decades, but discovered that I was doing it wrong. Some good Youtube videos can point you in the right direction, but it takes enough practice until it becomes instinctive. It's easy to forget all the proper grip, target acquisition, and trigger control you learned in a stressful or hurried situation, and just one-hand it.
if he did work for a security firm I am sure they gave him some training,,,

you would think one of those things would be DONT shoot unarmed people,,,
Depends on what the unarmed person is doing.
personal security is to protect the person they are there to protect,, from my understanding their main job if danger presents itself is to get the person out of there not stand and fight,,,
Seriously, why is it so hard for Trumpsters to accept the fact that there are libertarians and conservatives who think Trump sucks??
because it's not based on facts nor realitiy

ahh... fake news. Your own unique reality. Make sure you keep your eyes closed and your ears plugged so none of that fake reality gets in.
hell yes mainstream media is fake news
Did you know not one of the mainstream media reported anything on the latest release of what we now know about Hillary's missing email's?
So, you think the claim that there are libertarians and conservatives who oppose Trump is fake news? Really?
never said that I said they are basing their hate on fake news
Sure, skulk away. I'm not defending the left, and you know it. You just can't address my criticism of Trump, so you divert the discussion by attacking me. Weak.
do you even know the meaning of the word or is it the use of the word where you take your ball and go home declaring victory even before the game started?

What word?

I addressed what you said then you tried to twisted what I said into something I did not say just like a leftists does.

I did? How so?
the word skulk away do you even know what it means?
In this context, means backing away from a claim you know is false.
where did I say some conservatives and libertarians hate was fake news?
Seriously, why is it so hard for Trumpsters to accept the fact that there are libertarians and conservatives who think Trump sucks??
because it's not based on facts nor realitiy

That was your claim. Trumpsters keep insisting that I'm a leftist or a Democrat because I oppose Trump. They only do this because they can't address my criticism of Trump. So they play the partisan name-calling game instead. It's weak and worthless, but it's all they've got.
In the context, you thought what you wanted to believe those some libertarians and conservatives hate is based solely on fake news. If they would do some research they would realize their hate is based on fake news
I am appalled by the incompetence of our side if the shooter is an ANTIFA slime who was employed by an NBC tv station

they should have video from every angle of the encounter from start finish

and that video should be flooding the internet

But with only a few exceptions our side is asleep at the wheel
I think this Leftist terrorist was more associated with OWS.

But, clearly he supported Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA.
This thread isnt about you. Nobody gives a damn
Exactly ....

This is the very reason no one should feed the trolls.

This Leftist POS is supporting the Left by attempting to derail the thread.

That's what these Leftist assholes do.
Let's talk about the thread topic. Why can't Trump speak out in a way that mitigates the anger and violence? Instead, he mostly throws gasoline on the fire. It's happened over and over again. He doesn't unite. He doesn't heal. He drives greater division and hatred.
He has many times
Why haven't any of the democrats? WHY DID CLINTON TELL PEOPLE TO RESIST?
So now they are saying that...

A Right wing man

Got into a confrontation with a BLM protester... an ANTIFA event

and then was shot by a MEDIA bodyguard....


I'm not buying it. .....sorry but sounds fishy to me.

Shooter is "antifa". Check the tattoo on his right wrist.

He's had firearms training too. Look at the grip he's using:

View attachment 400310
you can get that on youtube,,,

True that. I've been shooting for decades, but discovered that I was doing it wrong. Some good Youtube videos can point you in the right direction, but it takes enough practice until it becomes instinctive. It's easy to forget all the proper grip, target acquisition, and trigger control you learned in a stressful or hurried situation, and just one-hand it.
if he did work for a security firm I am sure they gave him some training,,,

you would think one of those things would be DONT shoot unarmed people,,,

Colorado repealed their death penalty last February.

Too bad: He'll probably spend the rest of his life in the ass-pound prison.
who knows,,, he may like that kind of thing,,,

Well, he is more than likely a Democrat, so...
and your desire to have video of every angle is just wishful thinking,,, there is plenty for me to make a decision that he murdered the guy,, for what is still unclear but it wasnt self defense,,,
I dont attend protests but if I did making a video record would be my highest priority

Because when you are in the right video evidence is the best antidote to the lying lib media

you would think conservatives would have figured that out by now but apparently not

the same thing happened in Colorado Springs earlier this summer at a pro 2nd Amendment rally that was broken up by ANTIFA thugs

michelle malkin was the speaker and she was driven off the stage and had to run for her safety

the conservatives who organized the riot blamed it all on the lefties

but my reaction was to question the foresight and manhood of the organizers who were so limp dick they could not stand up and protect their women
Getting baited into a bad reaction is exactly what the leftist want, so it's not a question of manhood, but more of a be the better man than what they are. Ever heard of give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves ?? Well that's what's been given to the left who started this war against Trump based on fake news and lack of evidence that he was out to get them or that he even gives a crap about them.... The man had a country to run, but based on the set up by the Obama administration and Hitlery bullcrap, they went into attack mode. It was just an excuse though, sort of like an alcoholic looking for an excuse to go on a month long binge. They felt their agendas were threatened, so it was on especially when Trump picked Mike Pence to be VP. Their drive to oust God from the public square was directly threatened.
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Would it surprise you if it comes out that this guy was not employed by the Pinkerton Company?
not really,,,
Yep, and now the prosecutor will have to get 12 member jury favorable to Trump cock suckers.

Good luck with that one.

Damn, how stupid are you magat's, that you actually want to die for donny dotard?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Any Questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

About just how psycho these Leftist sick fvcks really are?
I am appalled by the incompetence of our side if the shooter is an ANTIFA slime who was employed by an NBC tv station

they should have video from every angle of the encounter from start finish

and that video should be flooding the internet

But with only a few exceptions our side is asleep at the wheel
I think this Leftist terrorist was more associated with OWS.

But, clearly he supported Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA.

Antifa was cultivated from the 2011 #Occutard movement. The rhetoric, funding, and terrorist tactics are the same, and even some of the participants are the same.

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