Man threatens to kill Donald Trump, his daughter, and wife

Doesnt Hillary threaten to beat the bejezuz out of the secret service time to time?
Surprise, surprise ...this POS has been identified as a Black Lives Matter member, the mulitant, racist, terrorist group Obama embraces and has brought to the WH twice to praise.

BLM is also the group that forced a luberal pilitician to publicly apologize for saying ALL lives matter (and the idiot complied) and the group that has called for the murder of all whites and cops.

Seems like Barry still like hanging with domestic terrorists like his old pal Bill Ayers... Yeah, sure, libs...Obama has not engaged in the racial division of this country.
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Anyone can kill Donald Rump. Couldn't be easier. All you gotta do is pay no attention to him. He starves to death.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
Anyone can kill Donald Rump. Couldn't be easier. All you gotta do is pay no attention to him. He starves to death.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
How about the man child Obama blaming everyone but himself on all of his failures?
Anyone can kill Donald Rump. Couldn't be easier. All you gotta do is pay no attention to him. He starves to death.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
How about the man child Obama blaming everyone but himself on all of his failures?

How about the link that shows that?

How about my challenge on this board, out there for months and still unanswered, to find me anywhere, any time, in or out of politics, that Donald T. Rump has ever admitted to a fuckup, acknowledged a mistake or apologized to anyone for anything, ever?
Anyone can kill Donald Rump. Couldn't be easier. All you gotta do is pay no attention to him. He starves to death.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
How about the man child Obama blaming everyone but himself on all of his failures?

How about the link that shows that?

How about my challenge on this board, out there for months and still unanswered, to find me anywhere, any time, in or out of politics, that Donald T. Rump has ever admitted to a fuckup, acknowledged a mistake or apologized to anyone for anything, ever?
Better yet find me onetime Obama blamed himself for one of his many failures.
Anyone can kill Donald Rump. Couldn't be easier. All you gotta do is pay no attention to him. He starves to death.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
How about the man child Obama blaming everyone but himself on all of his failures?

How about the link that shows that?

How about my challenge on this board, out there for months and still unanswered, to find me anywhere, any time, in or out of politics, that Donald T. Rump has ever admitted to a fuckup, acknowledged a mistake or apologized to anyone for anything, ever?
Better yet find me onetime Obama blamed himself for one of his many failures.

I asked you first, and you can't answer.

But we've already done this, so it's still handy.
Any more "questions"?

Apologizing for, or admitting that one made a fuckup is not some unusual thing. We all do it eventually because we're all human and fallible. Making such a list should not be necessary for anybody, since it's easy to document.

Until we come to an inveterate Narcissist like Rump. Then it becomes bizarrely impossible, as my standing untouched challenge shouts from the rooftops. And that has to do with the fact that he's never ever in his life been in a position of being responsible for anything. He's been handed everything from birth. He's never even so much as held a job. So it literally means he takes no responsibility for anything. Yet somehow he has no issue with taking credit, even if it's for something not true or something that no longer exists --- such as "Trump steaks" or "Trump magazine".

And that's why that challenge has no answer and stands untouched. He lives in a world of his own self-delusion.
I know, that plan should've been used against Obama.

Yeah, if only we had ignored The Obama's reality TV show.

And his endless lawsuits against people saying he's not worth what he says he is, or that his casino would fail, or because there are planes flying over his estate. :gay:

And his never-ending barrage of tweets about some reporter who posed a pointed question about things he actually said. And his endless meltdowns over anybody who dares not kiss his Holy feet. And his threatening the owners of the Chicago Cubs. And his describing his penis size in a Presidential debate and his desperate self-rationalizing pleads of "I have a very good brain" and "I have the best words".

Ah, the road not taken....
How about the man child Obama blaming everyone but himself on all of his failures?

How about the link that shows that?

How about my challenge on this board, out there for months and still unanswered, to find me anywhere, any time, in or out of politics, that Donald T. Rump has ever admitted to a fuckup, acknowledged a mistake or apologized to anyone for anything, ever?
Better yet find me onetime Obama blamed himself for one of his many failures.

I asked you first, and you can't answer.

But we've already done this, so it's still handy.
Any more "questions"?

Apologizing for, or admitting that one made a fuckup is not some unusual thing. We all do it eventually because we're all human and fallible. Making such a list should not be necessary for anybody, since it's easy to document.

Until we come to an inveterate Narcissist like Rump. Then it becomes bizarrely impossible, as my standing untouched challenge shouts from the rooftops. And that has to do with the fact that he's never ever in his life been in a position of being responsible for anything. He's been handed everything from birth. He's never even so much as held a job. So it literally means he takes no responsibility for anything. Yet somehow he has no issue with taking credit, even if it's for something not true or something that no longer exists --- such as "Trump steaks" or "Trump magazine".

And that's why that challenge has no answer and stands untouched. He lives in a world of his own self-delusion.
Well he did blame Benghazi on a video when it was because of his and Hillary's incompetence that allowed it to happen. There are many more.

Just another African American (Said, So As To Be Politically Correct) shooting his mouth off, and instead shooting himself in the foot !

Ever notice that, even though we now have had for the past 8 years a (African American ?) President that , nothing has really changed for them, even though change was promised. I think that this proves the point. You Can't Fix Stupid as in the case of having 12 kids, all from different sperm donors, on welfare, no job, no education and no ambition, demanding change and (All Black Lives Matter) While the men go out and sell drugs, steal and be punks with guns and 22's on the rim's !

Ever notice that your own source is not only a YouTube blogger (who by amazing coincidence happens to be selling books, no relevance to that I'm sure) ---- but that the video he's "posting" here contains no source whatsoever? In other words, this could be, and probably is, simply an actor he hired to sell his own book, playing the part of "scary black man".

Maybe you should check your own sources. Just an idea.

it's a war.

it's a war, sir.
In other words, this could be, and probably is, simply an actor he hired to sell his own book, playing the part of "scary black man".
Right. I'm sure that guy is gonna risk going to prison for threatening the life of a presidential candidate to help some white guy sell a book.
In other words, this could be, and probably is, simply an actor he hired to sell his own book, playing the part of "scary black man".
Right. I'm sure that guy is gonna risk going to prison for threatening the life of a presidential candidate to help some white guy sell a book.

Not if he doesn't actually exist, no. You want to arrest and imprison every actor who ever read a line containing a death threat?

Read it again and try to keep up.
Not if he doesn't actually exist, no.
Wow, isn't it amazing what they can do with computers these days? I could have sworn that was a real person.
You want to arrest and imprison every actor who ever read a line containing a death threat?
The FBI won't see it that way. Did you see a disclaimer? I didn't. And your attempt to dismiss it by comparing it to a movie scene is classic pogo. :laugh2:
Not if he doesn't actually exist, no.
Wow, isn't it amazing what they can do with computers these days? I could have sworn that was a real person.
You want to arrest and imprison every actor who ever read a line containing a death threat?
The FBI won't see it that way. Did you see a disclaimer? I didn't. And your attempt to dismiss it by comparing it to a movie scene is classic pogo. :laugh2:


You mean the part where the guy says he's not going to post the original or where it came from? That one?


Wonder why, huh.

Nothing like reliable sources....

Oh that reminds me --- Purple people from the planet Koanqeqysp called. They're taking over your house and you have to move. I don't have a link though, because that would just give them the attention they want. I reported them to the Secret Service. Trust me.
Not if he doesn't actually exist, no.
Wow, isn't it amazing what they can do with computers these days? I could have sworn that was a real person.
You want to arrest and imprison every actor who ever read a line containing a death threat?
The FBI won't see it that way. Did you see a disclaimer? I didn't. And your attempt to dismiss it by comparing it to a movie scene is classic pogo. :laugh2:


You mean the part where the guy says he's not going to post the original or where it came from? That one?

No, the part where he says "this is a parody".
Not if he doesn't actually exist, no.
Wow, isn't it amazing what they can do with computers these days? I could have sworn that was a real person.
You want to arrest and imprison every actor who ever read a line containing a death threat?
The FBI won't see it that way. Did you see a disclaimer? I didn't. And your attempt to dismiss it by comparing it to a movie scene is classic pogo. :laugh2:


You mean the part where the guy says he's not going to post the original or where it came from? That one?

No, the part where he says "this is a parody".

A "parody"? :lol: A parody of what? Do you even know what the word means?

Does it occur to you that this alleged "Black Lives Matter thug" --- who never mentions BLM --- also never mentions Donald Trump, or any name at all? That he uses nothing but a personal pronoun, and could be talking to anybody, including his landlord, his boss, or himself?


Furthermore, since there's never any view of the mouth moving --- and suspiciously, the mic placement changes dramatically midway through --- the entire voice, or any part of it, could have been dubbed in by someone else, including the YouTube conspiracy nut himself, over a completely unrelated video.

Double Duh?

But yanno what, this is a blogger selling books on YouTube and he says it's about Donald Dump, so hey, that's all we need. And conveniently ---- he can't say where he got the video and can't prove what it's about.

Hey, wanna buy another bridge?
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So is the man who threatened to kill Trump in jail?

Funny how you ignore the 100% of threats Trump gets. And it's also interesting you say nothing of the guy who actually made an attempt.

Anyone make death threats against politicians should be taken seriously and not treated as a joke. The person in the video should be investigated and if he does have intent of doing harm to Trump and his family then the individual should be put away until cleared by a mental professional.

This goes for anyone no matter who the politician is...

Right. I'm sure that guy is gonna risk going to prison for threatening the life of a presidential candidate to help some white guy sell a book.

The fact remains ----- the kid makes no reference to Rump. At all. The kid makes no reference to ANY Presidential candidate. The kid makes no reference to anyone at all. Just the pronoun "you", addressed to the mirror/camera. Which for all we know could be simple posing for any number of purposes.

This is why you ALWAYS read past the headline and make the story prove its case, or fall on its face trying.

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