Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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Yeah...they missed Barry Goldwater and for the last 90 years or so they have been voting for the political party that kept their family members in chains.......

Actually, here's what the Democrats have done for blacks in the last 90 years.

Ended Jim Crow
Desegregated the Armed Forces in 1948
Signed the civil rights acts of 1964 and 1968
Created social welfare programs to reduce poverty
Created an actual middle class. (We really didn't have one before 1932)
Created affirmative action programs
SIgned the voting rights act and passed the 24th Amendment.
Elected the first black man to be President
Elected the first black woman to be Vice-President

Here's what Barry "Deep Down You Know He's Nuts" Goldwater did for them.


Wait. Can't think of a thing.

The democrats didn't end jim idiot, they created it.

The republicans pushed all of the Civil Rights acts while the democrats jumped in only at the end when lyndon johnson told them if they didn't jump in....they wouldn't win elections again....

Did they reduce poverty? No.

The first racist black man and the first racist black woman.......

And what came out of electing them based on their skin color versus their policies? Blacks have suffered more death and idiot.....

LBJ was a racist, who voted against every Civil Rights act that came along when he was in the congress and voted against the anti-lynching law...

Yeah, he only signed the VOting Rights Act, and the CRA's of 1964 and 1968, which were considered pivotal steps in Human rights.

Meanwhile, Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights idiot.

Yeah, who amazing only got 6% of the Black vote. Did blacks just "miss" his heroism?

Yeah...they missed Barry Goldwater and for the last 90 years or so they have been voting for the political party that kept their family members in chains.......
Another Blacks are too stupid to know what's good for them post. Get out of here with your stupid, racist bullshit.

Not racist, the truth.....Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights Hero....lyndon johnson was an out and out racist, who voted against every single Civil Rights act when he was in congress and even voted against the anti-lynching moron...

The racists are you and the democrat party...

LBJ was a racist, who voted against every Civil Rights act that came along when he was in the congress and voted against the anti-lynching law...

Yeah, he only signed the VOting Rights Act, and the CRA's of 1964 and 1968, which were considered pivotal steps in Human rights.

Meanwhile, Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights idiot.

Yeah, who amazing only got 6% of the Black vote. Did blacks just "miss" his heroism?

Yeah...they missed Barry Goldwater and for the last 90 years or so they have been voting for the political party that kept their family members in chains.......
Another Blacks are too stupid to know what's good for them post. Get out of here with your stupid, racist bullshit.

Not racist, the truth.....Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights Hero....lyndon johnson was an out and out racist, who voted against every single Civil Rights act when he was in congress and even voted against the anti-lynching moron...

The racists are you and the democrat party...
You are delusional.
Actually slavery was legal in the British Empire during the American revolution. Therefore plantation owners in the South would not have feared the loss of their slaves if the British won the war.

Learn some history. There was already an active abolition movement in the UK at the time, which had ended the slave trade by 1804 and ended slavery itself by 1835.

The American Revolution was entirely about maintaining slavery. It's what the 1619 project is about.

You don't speak for any majority of us.

Gun sales are up because a much larger part of the population that you represent is fed up with violent, destructive subhuman criminal filth such as yourself, and with the police being prevented from doing their job of protecting us from your kind.

Mormon Bob.

The majority of us don't own guns.
The majority wants tougher gun control.

View attachment 507103

The people we need protecting from are people with anger management issues who fetishize guns.

You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

The U.K. simply transported the slaves.......they didn't have a huge population of slaves on their their efforts are minimal compared to the U.S.

The 1619 project is a joke, and even left wing sources are calling it a moron.......
On July 3, 1776, there was no United States and every single slave in the British colonies were British slaves.

I deleted the rest of a long draft on this topic because it's off topic but you're absolutely correct. There were slaves on the island but few; the British did most of their slave holdings in colonies around the globe, not just North America, in order to hide the evil from the people on the British Isles. They only started to eliminate it because they knew the United States was eliminating it. "American" slavery is not United States slavery nearly as much as it is "British" slavery, along with others such as Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and even Africans who were the slave traders and holders in America.
You have what I consider a very distorted view of early American history. Of course you feel I have the distorted view.

I am not going to change my view and neither are you.

While I understand our history has numerous areas where this nation was far less than admirable I firmly believe had we not broke away from the British and formed our own nation this world would be worse off. We would likely be speaking German today.

Actually, if we hadn't broken off, we'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd have universal health care and we could have ended slavery without a fight. It's also probable that we never would have fought a war of aggression with Mexico.

I don’t imagine the racial minorities in this nation would be as happy living in the thousand year rule of the third Reich.

Um, except would there be a Third Reich in such an alternate history.

So here's the short version.

1777 - George Washington and pals end up at the ends of Ropes.
1830- Slavery is banned in the British Empire.
1867 - British North America is organized as a Dominion with self-government (Much like Canada and Australia are today)
1914 - The Dominion of North America joins the Allies in the European War. WIth the additional manpower and industry, the war is brought to a quick end, thereby making the Allies less vindictive towards Germany. The Kaiser stays in power, and Germany continues to progress towards constitutional monarchy. The Tsar is never toppled and Russia progresses towards a constitutional Monarchy.
1930 - A barely known street bum dies of venereal disease in the streets of Munich. His name was Adolf Hitler.

That's about the most idiotic alternative universe I've ever seen. The reason Britain ended it's global colonization was because they lost the revolution. Had they maintained an affordable, enriching in fact, hold on the American colonies, they may very well still be holding slaves and what is now Canada and Australia would still be colonies, as would the entire United States and probably Mexico and South America.

Like others, you blame the US for crimes by the UK and Europeans because you hate the United States and Europe is not the United States so, in comparison, they must be good. In comparison, they are not.
Yes...he bought them off with the great society.....and they sold their children to the democrat party blood baths in the cities they control.

Actually, the reason why the cities are blood baths are because you fucking gun fetishists keep letting the gun industry flood our street with guns.

Barry Goldwater was an actual Civil Rights hero.....Lyndon Johnson was a true blue racist.....and blacks voted for the racist....and have been paying the price ever since......

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what Crazy Barry did to advance civil rights.

I told you what LBJ did. The CRA's of 64 and 68, the Voting Rights Act, and the Great Society. (The Great Society was a good thing, and it benefited white people just as much as blacks. It's why you don't have to worry about being bankrupted by medical expenses after you retire.)
That's about the most idiotic alternative universe I've ever seen. The reason Britain ended it's global colonization was because they lost the revolution. Had they maintained an affordable, enriching in fact, hold on the American colonies, they may very well still be holding slaves and what is now Canada and Australia would still be colonies, as would the entire United States and probably Mexico and South America.

The British didn't end their Global Colonization after the revolution of 1776. They expanding it, taking over half of Africa, large chunks of Asia, expanding into Australia and genociding the shit out of the aborigines.

What killed the British Empire (Good riddance) was that they couldn't control all these parts of the world AND fight wars with Germany.
Like others, you blame the US for crimes by the UK and Europeans because you hate the United States and Europe is not the United States so, in comparison, they must be good. In comparison, they are not.

Naw, man, I hate us for EXACTLY what we did. We fought this revolution over these flowery ideas of equality and liberty, then we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.

THEN we sent a bunch of dumb, inbred rednecks out to fight to keep slaves, and they were dumb enough to not only do it, but still be proud of doing something stupid 150 years later.
The democrats didn't end jim idiot, they created it.

The republicans pushed all of the Civil Rights acts while the democrats jumped in only at the end when lyndon johnson told them if they didn't jump in....they wouldn't win elections again....

Actually, you are a bit confused. FDR, Harry Truman and JFK did more to advance civil rights than Eisenhower and the Republicans did.

Now, this is what you don't get about modern politics. The big shift that happened after Herbert Hoover lost was that lots of working class northerners joined the Democratic Party because they realized that the Republicans were only out for the rich. This lead to a 50 year Democratic dominance of American politics where we fixed most of the problems of the country and made it the greatest in the world. What made Ike a great president is that he realized we needed to go forward, not back.

Then Republicans came along, starting with Nixon and Reagan, and fucked it up. Why advance people when you can play them against each other?

Now, prior to 1932, the majority of blacks voted for the GOP. The ones who were allowed to vote, anyway, most of them weren't. In 1932, they realized the GOP really didn't know what it was doing, and voted for FDR, but the GOP could still count on getting about 35% of the black vote.

Then your boy Barry opposed the Civil Rights act, not necessarily because he was a racist, (although he probalby was) but because he didn't want to see that kind of federal expansion. Blacks responded by voting 94% for LBJ.

But you guys point to 10% of blacks voting for Trump because he was on TV and famous, and say, "See, see, we're starting to turn blacks away from the Democrats!!!"
Yes...he bought them off with the great society.....and they sold their children to the democrat party blood baths in the cities they control.

Actually, the reason why the cities are blood baths are because you fucking gun fetishists keep letting the gun industry flood our street with guns.

Barry Goldwater was an actual Civil Rights hero.....Lyndon Johnson was a true blue racist.....and blacks voted for the racist....and have been paying the price ever since......

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what Crazy Barry did to advance civil rights.

I told you what LBJ did. The CRA's of 64 and 68, the Voting Rights Act, and the Great Society. (The Great Society was a good thing, and it benefited white people just as much as blacks. It's why you don't have to worry about being bankrupted by medical expenses after you retire.)

The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

Then the democrat party attacks the police forcing them to stop pro-active idiot..

95% of our gun crime problem in cities controlled by the democrat party is due to their policies......
Yes...he bought them off with the great society.....and they sold their children to the democrat party blood baths in the cities they control.

Actually, the reason why the cities are blood baths are because you fucking gun fetishists keep letting the gun industry flood our street with guns.

Barry Goldwater was an actual Civil Rights hero.....Lyndon Johnson was a true blue racist.....and blacks voted for the racist....and have been paying the price ever since......

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what Crazy Barry did to advance civil rights.

I told you what LBJ did. The CRA's of 64 and 68, the Voting Rights Act, and the Great Society. (The Great Society was a good thing, and it benefited white people just as much as blacks. It's why you don't have to worry about being bankrupted by medical expenses after you retire.)

Barry Goldwater....

Barry M. Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics

Goldwater treated all people the same.

As a private citizen, he flew mercy missions to Navaho reservations, never asking for recognition or accepting payment.

He felt that “the red man seemed as much—if not more—a part of Arizona and America as any white or black person.”[20]

Moreover, a few weeks after Goldwater was discharged from the Army in November 1945, Democratic Arizona Governor Sidney Preston Osborn asked him to organize the Arizona Air National Guard.

One of Goldwater’s first recommendations, soon approved, was to desegregate the unit. Goldwater’s integration of the state’s Air National Guard took place more than two years before President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.

Goldwater was an early member of the Arizona chapters of both the NAACP and the National Urban League, even making up the latter’s operating deficit when it was getting started. Later as a Senator, he desegregated the Senate cafeteria in 1953, demanding that his black legislative assistant, Kathrine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee after learning she had been denied service.

In the mid-1970s, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating improper operations of the intelligence community in the United States, proposed that transcripts of the FBI tapes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s alleged indiscretions be published.

An outraged Goldwater declared he would not be a party to destroying King’s reputation and strode out of the committee room. A fellow Senator recalled that Goldwater’s protest “injected some common sense into the proceedings,” and the electronic surveillance transcripts were not released.[21]

That his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds and not political considerations was underscored in the final week of the fall campaign.

Speaking in Columbia, South Carolina, Goldwater condemned segregation and declared that government must treat “all men as equal in the arena of law and civil order.”[22] He pledged if elected President to implement all provisions of the act. His forthright pro-civil rights speech was televised on 87 stations throughout the South.


NPR Wrong on Goldwater '64, Civil Rights, Say 4 Who Were There

As for the Republican nominee's position on the Civil Rights Act, Goldwater had said he would vote for passage if Section II on public accommodations and Section VII on equal employment opportunity were removed. With his view reinforced by a detailed memorandum from Phoenix lawyer and future Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Goldwater felt these sections were unconstitutional, were unenforceable without a federal police force, and would lead to the creation of racial quotas and affirmative action.

"He was absolutely right about [the two sections of the Civil Rights Act] and they did lead to precisely what Goldwater and most conservatives were afraid of," said Tom Winter, then executive editor of Human Events, who would join Ryskind as its co-owner a year later. As for the "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech, Winter recalled watching it from a San Francisco restaurant "and cheering it because it was clearly about freedom and fighting communism. I certainly didn't think it had anything to do with race."

More specifically, Goldwater had problems with title II and title VII of the 1964 bill. He felt that constitutionally the federal government had no legal right to interfere in who people hired, fired; or to whom they sold their products, goods and services. He felt that “power” laid in the various states, and with the people. He was a strong advocate of the tenth amendment. Goldwater’s constitutional stance did not mean he agreed with the segregation and racial discrimination practiced in the South. To the contrary, he fought against these kinds of racial divides in his own state of Arizona. He supported the integration of the Arizona National guard and Phoenix public schools.[4] Goldwater was, also, a member of the NAACP and the Urban League.[5]

His personal feelings about discrimination are enshrined in the congressional record where he states, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or creed or on any other basis; not only my words, but more importantly my actions through years have repeatedly demonstrated the sincerity of my feeling in this regard…”[6]. And, he would continued to holdfast to his strongly felt convictions that constitutionally the federal government was limited in what it could do, believing that the amoral actions of those perpetuating discrimination and segregation would have to be judged by those in that community. Eventually, the states government and local communities would come to pressure people to change their minds. Goldwater’s view was that the civil disobedience by private citizens against those business establishments was more preferable than intervention by the feds. He, optimistically, believed that racial intolerance would soon buckle under the economic and societal pressure.

You idiot......
Yes...he bought them off with the great society.....and they sold their children to the democrat party blood baths in the cities they control.

Actually, the reason why the cities are blood baths are because you fucking gun fetishists keep letting the gun industry flood our street with guns.

Barry Goldwater was an actual Civil Rights hero.....Lyndon Johnson was a true blue racist.....and blacks voted for the racist....and have been paying the price ever since......

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what Crazy Barry did to advance civil rights.

I told you what LBJ did. The CRA's of 64 and 68, the Voting Rights Act, and the Great Society. (The Great Society was a good thing, and it benefited white people just as much as blacks. It's why you don't have to worry about being bankrupted by medical expenses after you retire.)

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
there is a man who, according to a memo filed by FBI agent William Branigan, seems to have been in the Ku Klux Klan. This memo was only revealed in recent months, with the release of the JFK Files.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937, for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill –

against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.


The Party of Civil Rights | National Review

The Party of Civil Rights

The depth of Johnson’s prior opposition to civil-rights reform must be digested in some detail to be properly appreciated.

In the House, he did not represent a particularly segregationist constituency (it “made up for being less intensely segregationist than the rest of the South by being more intensely anti-Communist,” as the New York Times put it), but Johnson was practically antebellum in his views.

Never mind civil rights or voting rights: In Congress, Johnson had consistently and repeatedly voted against legislation to protect black Americans from lynching.

As a leader in the Senate, Johnson did his best to cripple the Civil Rights Act of 1957;

not having votes sufficient to stop it, he managed to reduce it to an act of mere symbolism by excising the enforcement provisions before sending it to the desk of President Eisenhower.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill. The reformers came back in 1960 with an act to remedy the deficiencies of the 1957 act, and Johnson’s Senate Democrats again staged a record-setting filibuster.

In both cases, the “master of the Senate” petitioned the northeastern Kennedy liberals to credit him for having seen to the law’s passage while at the same time boasting to southern Democrats that he had taken the teeth out of the legislation.

Johnson would later explain his thinking thus: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”
The democrats didn't end jim idiot, they created it.

The republicans pushed all of the Civil Rights acts while the democrats jumped in only at the end when lyndon johnson told them if they didn't jump in....they wouldn't win elections again....

Actually, you are a bit confused. FDR, Harry Truman and JFK did more to advance civil rights than Eisenhower and the Republicans did.

Now, this is what you don't get about modern politics. The big shift that happened after Herbert Hoover lost was that lots of working class northerners joined the Democratic Party because they realized that the Republicans were only out for the rich. This lead to a 50 year Democratic dominance of American politics where we fixed most of the problems of the country and made it the greatest in the world. What made Ike a great president is that he realized we needed to go forward, not back.

Then Republicans came along, starting with Nixon and Reagan, and fucked it up. Why advance people when you can play them against each other?

Now, prior to 1932, the majority of blacks voted for the GOP. The ones who were allowed to vote, anyway, most of them weren't. In 1932, they realized the GOP really didn't know what it was doing, and voted for FDR, but the GOP could still count on getting about 35% of the black vote.

Then your boy Barry opposed the Civil Rights act, not necessarily because he was a racist, (although he probalby was) but because he didn't want to see that kind of federal expansion. Blacks responded by voting 94% for LBJ.

But you guys point to 10% of blacks voting for Trump because he was on TV and famous, and say, "See, see, we're starting to turn blacks away from the Democrats!!!"

You really are an idiot....
Like others, you blame the US for crimes by the UK and Europeans because you hate the United States and Europe is not the United States so, in comparison, they must be good. In comparison, they are not.

Naw, man, I hate us for EXACTLY what we did. We fought this revolution over these flowery ideas of equality and liberty, then we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.

THEN we sent a bunch of dumb, inbred rednecks out to fight to keep slaves, and they were dumb enough to not only do it, but still be proud of doing something stupid 150 years later.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.
There were slaves on the island but few; the British did most of their slave holdings in colonies around the globe, not just North America, in order to hide the evil from the people on the British Isles. They only started to eliminate it because they knew the United States was eliminating it. "American" slavery is not United States slavery nearly as much as it is "British" slavery, along with others such as Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and even Africans who were the slave traders and holders in America.
Europe started the process of abolishing slavery, while America put slavery into place with constitutional protections, such as guaranteeing the continuation of slavery until at least 1808.

In 1803, Denmark-Norway became the first country in Europe to ban the African slave trade.

In 1807, Britain abolished the Atlantic slave trade,

The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.

You never explain how locking up a violent gun criminal, the ones actually using their guns for crime and murder......and then letting them back out.....lowers the crime rate......
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.

You really are stupid....I listed what he did, and you pretend I didn' are an idiot.
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.

There was no genocide....the primary cause of death among Indians in this country was disease because they did not have immunity to European, and likely, African, diseases...

Slavery happened because Africans and Europeans created the transatlantic slave trade.
There were slaves on the island but few; the British did most of their slave holdings in colonies around the globe, not just North America, in order to hide the evil from the people on the British Isles. They only started to eliminate it because they knew the United States was eliminating it. "American" slavery is not United States slavery nearly as much as it is "British" slavery, along with others such as Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and even Africans who were the slave traders and holders in America.
Europe started the process of abolishing slavery, while America put slavery into place with constitutional protections, such as guaranteeing the continuation of slavery until at least 1808.

In 1803, Denmark-Norway became the first country in Europe to ban the African slave trade.

In 1807, Britain abolished the Atlantic slave trade,

Dipshit......they profited from the slave trade by trading with the South for cotton and other products.......Norway and Britain didn't have actual slaves on their soil, so just ending the shipping of slaves was no big deal...considering they created the transatlantic slave trade in the first place.......
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