Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.

You moron...

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

In the Senate, that solitary figure was Strom Thurmond. In the House, Albert Watson. The constellation of racist Dixiecrats includes Senators William Murray, Thomas P. Gore, Spessard Holland, Sam Ervin, Russell Long, Robert Byrd, Richard Russell, Olin Johnston, Lister Hill, John C. Stennis, John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Everett Jordan, Allen Ellender, A. Willis Robertson, Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, Herbert Walters, W. Kerr Scott, and Marion Price Daniels.

The list of Dixiecrat governors includes William H. Murray, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, and Benjamin Laney. I don’t have space to include the list of Dixiecrat congressmen and other officials. Suffice to say it is a long list. And from this entire list we count only two defections.

Thus the progressive conventional wisdom that the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans is exposed as a big lie.

The Dixiecrats remained in the Democratic Party for years, in some cases decades. Not once did the Democrats repudiate them or attempt to push them out.

Segregationists like Richard Russell and William Fulbright were lionized in their party throughout their lifetimes, as of course was Robert Byrd, who died in 2010 and was eulogized by leading Democrats and the progressive media.

The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP › American Greatness
You never explain how locking up a violent gun criminal, the ones actually using their guns for crime and murder......and then letting them back out.....lowers the crime rate......

I kind of don't have to.

I just have to point out that the Prison-Industrial Complex doesn't reduce crime. Time to try something better.

We lock up the murderers, that's not the problem.

We can't lock up every disorganized punk who gets caught with a gun he shouldn't have. We'd run out of room in the jails pretty quickly, and frankly, I don't feel like spending 20% of my income supporting the Prison Industrial Complex.

There was no genocide....the primary cause of death among Indians in this country was disease because they did not have immunity to European, and likely, African, diseases...

Slavery happened because Africans and Europeans created the transatlantic slave trade.

Slavery happened because the Europeans tried to enslave the natives, and they were dying off so fast from disease and overwork they had to bring in Africans to replace them.

You really are stupid....I listed what he did, and you pretend I didn' are an idiot.

Someone needs to tell you how to organize your information. Half of your list was slandering LBJ (Who, by the way was listed # 11 in a survey of Historians of Presidents) before you came up with petty stuff like "Let his secretary eat at the Senate Lunch Room" and "Didn't want to release tapes of MLK after he was dead. (Which happened after he lost 96% of the black vote.) Then you came up with weak sauce like, "He would have been fine with the CRA of 64 except for the things that gave it teeth."
You moron...

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

We weren't talking about the actual office holders, we were talking about the Bubba Rednecks who supported them. The Bubba rednecks all figured they could vote for Republicans better than a new breed of Democrat who said, "You know, black people are okay, sometimes." and other radical ideas.

We chased out the bigots, you welcomed them with open arms.
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.
So, yes, you exploit the advantages of the ''Great Satan''.

It's obvious your weepy eyed, pompous bloviating about ''.we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.'', means the poor oppressed American Indians and blacks are reduced to mere talking points for the benefit of the rabid left.
You moron...

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

We weren't talking about the actual office holders, we were talking about the Bubba Rednecks who supported them. The Bubba rednecks all figured they could vote for Republicans better than a new breed of Democrat who said, "You know, black people are okay, sometimes." and other radical ideas.

We chased out the bigots, you welcomed them with open arms.
"We chased out the bigots"?

The rabid leftists did nothing of the kind. The democrat party; the party of slavery and Jim Crow, has always exploited race baiting as a weapon. The rabid left has moved from hatred and revulsion of blacks to hatred and revulsion of whites. It's really remarkable to see the rabid leftists hate themselves, hate each other and hate their miserable lives as they fawn over those who burn their cities to the ground.
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.
Its not at all easy to legally purchase a gun. That's the falsehood typically portrayed by rabid leftists.

On the other hand, criminals aren't bothered by laws because, well, criminals don't obey laws. It's comically tragic to see rabid leftists whine and moan about gun crime when the rabid leftists flail their Pom Poms for defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals.

How did that Portland ''summer of love'l turn out?

Why not riot and loot in democrat cities? There's no reason not to.

It just goes on and on. Rabid dems love their criminal heroes.
So, yes, you exploit the advantages of the ''Great Satan''.

It's obvious your weepy eyed, pompous bloviating about ''.we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.'', means the poor oppressed American Indians and blacks are reduced to mere talking points for the benefit of the rabid left.

Well, yeah, except when we try to do something about it on the left, like affirmative action or police reform, you guys whine about how we don't love America.

I love America, warts and all... But all that bad stuff in our history happened and we need to own up to it.

Its not at all easy to legally purchase a gun. That's the falsehood typically portrayed by rabid leftists.

On the other hand, criminals aren't bothered by laws because, well, criminals don't obey laws. It's comically tragic to see rabid leftists whine and moan about gun crime when the rabid leftists flail their Pom Poms for defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals.

Okay, here's the thing.

James "Joker" Holmes
Adam Lanza's Mom
Stephen Craig Paddock
Seung-Hui Cho
Omar Mateen
Nikolas Cruz
Steven Kazmierczak

these guys were not criminals who got their guns illegally. They are guys who went to a gun store, plopped down a pile of money and were able to walk out with enough guns to murder lots of people.

Now, I suspect that if you went ahead and actually investigated the single shooters like the mass shooters, you'd find they had just as little trouble getting their guns.
The reason democrat party cities are blood baths is the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders.......the politicians make the laws that them off the hook, the judges give them bail, no cash bail, or home monitoring and the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain away the gun charges...

No, guy, the reason they are blood baths is because the National Rampage Association makes it too easy to get a gun in this country. Period.

If locking people up were the answer, we'd be there. We already lock up 2 million people.

For his entire career Lyndon Johnson fought against Civil Rights for moron........and only fell in line at the absolute end because he knew if he didn't, the democrats would neve win elections....since they couldn't beat or murder enough blacks to keep them from voting....

So you wrote that whole long essay, and you couldn't point out one thing Barry Goldwater did, EVER to advance civil rights. You just made a shitload of excuses for him. Point was, LBJ delivered the goods. Barry stood in the way. That's why black people voted against him.

That and he was fucking nuts and probably would have blown up the world.

It should be pointed out that the states where they did murder black people for trying to vote were the ones that went for Goldwater.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill.

Funny thing. When Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party, the Republicans WELCOMED HIM WITH OPEN ARMS.

Wow. Good for you. You describe the stereotypical self-loathing leftist. A self-loathing democrat who described the history of the democrat party of slavery. You also describe the stereotypical self-loathing phony who exploits all the benefits of the society you claim to loathe. A cavalcade of self-loathing as you pound away on your keyboard spreading your message of self-hate. Sell your possessions, donate the money to Al Sharpton and live in poverty. You will feel better about yourself. You can trust me.

Wow- So um, are you going to pretend that Native American Genocide and Slavery didn't happen?

Sure, I take advantages to the benefits of this society. I think everyone should have them. What a crazy idea.

You moron...

The lie about dixie crats changing parties...

What happened to all those racist Dixiecrats that, according to the progressive narrative, all picked up their tents and moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party? Actually, they exist only in the progressive imagination.

This is the world not as it is but as progressives wish it to be. Of all the Dixiecrats who broke away from the Democratic Party in 1948, of all the bigots and segregationists who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, I count just two—one in the Senate and one in the House—who switched from Democrat to Republican.

In the Senate, that solitary figure was Strom Thurmond. In the House, Albert Watson. The constellation of racist Dixiecrats includes Senators William Murray, Thomas P. Gore, Spessard Holland, Sam Ervin, Russell Long, Robert Byrd, Richard Russell, Olin Johnston, Lister Hill, John C. Stennis, John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Everett Jordan, Allen Ellender, A. Willis Robertson, Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, Herbert Walters, W. Kerr Scott, and Marion Price Daniels.

The list of Dixiecrat governors includes William H. Murray, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, and Benjamin Laney. I don’t have space to include the list of Dixiecrat congressmen and other officials. Suffice to say it is a long list. And from this entire list we count only two defections.

Thus the progressive conventional wisdom that the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans is exposed as a big lie.

The Dixiecrats remained in the Democratic Party for years, in some cases decades. Not once did the Democrats repudiate them or attempt to push them out.

Segregationists like Richard Russell and William Fulbright were lionized in their party throughout their lifetimes, as of course was Robert Byrd, who died in 2010 and was eulogized by leading Democrats and the progressive media.

The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP › American Greatness
I saw it happen.
So, yes, you exploit the advantages of the ''Great Satan''.

It's obvious your weepy eyed, pompous bloviating about ''.we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.'', means the poor oppressed American Indians and blacks are reduced to mere talking points for the benefit of the rabid left.

Well, yeah, except when we try to do something about it on the left, like affirmative action or police reform, you guys whine about how we don't love America.

I love America, warts and all... But all that bad stuff in our history happened and we need to own up to it.

Its not at all easy to legally purchase a gun. That's the falsehood typically portrayed by rabid leftists.

On the other hand, criminals aren't bothered by laws because, well, criminals don't obey laws. It's comically tragic to see rabid leftists whine and moan about gun crime when the rabid leftists flail their Pom Poms for defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals.

Okay, here's the thing.

James "Joker" Holmes
Adam Lanza's Mom
Stephen Craig Paddock
Seung-Hui Cho
Omar Mateen
Nikolas Cruz
Steven Kazmierczak

these guys were not criminals who got their guns illegally. They are guys who went to a gun store, plopped down a pile of money and were able to walk out with enough guns to murder lots of people.

Now, I suspect that if you went ahead and actually investigated the single shooters like the mass shooters, you'd find they had just as little trouble getting their guns.
Strange that the rabid left believes ''doing something about it'', involves encouraging criminals to become repeat offenders. Defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals is not ''doing something about it''.

OK, here's the thing,

The list goes on but rabid leftists don't get it.

Now, I suspect that if you research the facts, you will need more deflection and sidestepping to press the rabid leftist agenda.

Apparently, we need an ''assault knife'' ban.
Strange that the rabid left believes ''doing something about it'', involves encouraging criminals to become repeat offenders. Defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals is not ''doing something about it''.

OK, here's the thing,

Why do you avoid my point that most gun criminals get their guns legally? Because it's really easy to get a gun. So can we now admit you conceded that point before we move on to your next thing. Fine. Concession noted

For the Portland Rioters.. no point bringing them to trial if you can't get convictions. My suspiscion, most of the Bubba Rednecks who stormed the capitol on 1/6 will never see the inside of a jail cell, either. It's very difficult to get a

Bail Reform. I'm all for it. Frankly, cash bail is just another wonderful example of white privilege. White people who commit violent crimes get bail while they wait for their lawyers to work out a good deal for them. Poor people who commit non-violent crimes languish in prison for months until their overworked public defenders cop a deal.

here's a crazy idea. No-cash bail for non-violent offenders and no bail at all for violent offenders.

Oh, yeah, George Soros is not hiding under your bed... Just though you'd like to know.
So, yes, you exploit the advantages of the ''Great Satan''.

It's obvious your weepy eyed, pompous bloviating about ''.we created a society based on genociding Native Americans to take their land and enslaving black people to make a few rich assholes richer.'', means the poor oppressed American Indians and blacks are reduced to mere talking points for the benefit of the rabid left.

Well, yeah, except when we try to do something about it on the left, like affirmative action or police reform, you guys whine about how we don't love America.

I love America, warts and all... But all that bad stuff in our history happened and we need to own up to it.

Its not at all easy to legally purchase a gun. That's the falsehood typically portrayed by rabid leftists.

On the other hand, criminals aren't bothered by laws because, well, criminals don't obey laws. It's comically tragic to see rabid leftists whine and moan about gun crime when the rabid leftists flail their Pom Poms for defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals.

Okay, here's the thing.

James "Joker" Holmes
Adam Lanza's Mom
Stephen Craig Paddock
Seung-Hui Cho
Omar Mateen
Nikolas Cruz
Steven Kazmierczak

these guys were not criminals who got their guns illegally. They are guys who went to a gun store, plopped down a pile of money and were able to walk out with enough guns to murder lots of people.

Now, I suspect that if you went ahead and actually investigated the single shooters like the mass shooters, you'd find they had just as little trouble getting their guns.

They all went through mandatory, federal background checks, you lying asshole.....your God, the government, failed in all of those cases......the gun stores did federal background checks and the incompetent government failed to list crimes or allowed repeat offenders off the hook so their crimes weren't on idiot.....

Your God failed...not the gun stores.
Strange that the rabid left believes ''doing something about it'', involves encouraging criminals to become repeat offenders. Defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals is not ''doing something about it''.

OK, here's the thing,

Why do you avoid my point that most gun criminals get their guns legally? Because it's really easy to get a gun. So can we now admit you conceded that point before we move on to your next thing. Fine. Concession noted

For the Portland Rioters.. no point bringing them to trial if you can't get convictions. My suspiscion, most of the Bubba Rednecks who stormed the capitol on 1/6 will never see the inside of a jail cell, either. It's very difficult to get a

Bail Reform. I'm all for it. Frankly, cash bail is just another wonderful example of white privilege. White people who commit violent crimes get bail while they wait for their lawyers to work out a good deal for them. Poor people who commit non-violent crimes languish in prison for months until their overworked public defenders cop a deal.

here's a crazy idea. No-cash bail for non-violent offenders and no bail at all for violent offenders.

Oh, yeah, George Soros is not hiding under your bed... Just though you'd like to know.

They don't get their guns easily, your God, the government, keeps screwing either not documenting their crimes or letting them off the hook...the gun stores do their jobs......doing the federally mandated background checks...but if the government fails to report the crimes that are known, they don't show up on the background check, you idiot.
Strange that the rabid left believes ''doing something about it'', involves encouraging criminals to become repeat offenders. Defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals is not ''doing something about it''.

OK, here's the thing,

Why do you avoid my point that most gun criminals get their guns legally? Because it's really easy to get a gun. So can we now admit you conceded that point before we move on to your next thing. Fine. Concession noted

For the Portland Rioters.. no point bringing them to trial if you can't get convictions. My suspiscion, most of the Bubba Rednecks who stormed the capitol on 1/6 will never see the inside of a jail cell, either. It's very difficult to get a

Bail Reform. I'm all for it. Frankly, cash bail is just another wonderful example of white privilege. White people who commit violent crimes get bail while they wait for their lawyers to work out a good deal for them. Poor people who commit non-violent crimes languish in prison for months until their overworked public defenders cop a deal.

here's a crazy idea. No-cash bail for non-violent offenders and no bail at all for violent offenders.

Oh, yeah, George Soros is not hiding under your bed... Just though you'd like to know.

Why do you make the fraudulent claim ''most gun criminals get their guns legally?''

The pattern of behavior shared by so much of the rabid left is their propensity for lies and fraudulent claims. The facts are clear that legal gun owners are not gun criminals.

"The vast majority of crime that is gun related is committed by people who illegally are possessing that firearm."

Here's something from the Washington Post

New evidence confirms what gun rights advocates have said for a long time about crime​

Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes, according to a novel analysis released this week by the University of Pittsburgh.

In the study, led by epidemiologist Anthony Fabio of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health, researchers partnered with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to trace the origins of all 893 firearms that police recovered from crime scenes in the year 2008.

They found that in approximately 8 out of 10 cases, the perpetrator was not a lawful gun owner but rather in illegal possession of a weapon that belonged to someone else.

Crime across the country is spiraling and that's especially true in the large, democrat run dystopias.

Here's a fun fact:

Here is the Neighborhood Scout ranking of the most crime-ridden cities and their mayors.

1. Detroit

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 50

Mayor: Michael Edward Duggan, Democrat

2. Memphis, Tennessee

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 51

Mayor: Jim Strickland, Democrat

3. Birmingham, Alabama

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 52

Mayor: Randall Woodfin, Democrat

4. Baltimore

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 54

Mayor: Jack Young, Democrat

5. Flint, Michigan

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Karen Weaver, Democrat

6. St. Louis

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Lyda Krewson, Democrat

7. Danville, Illinois

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Ricky Williams Jr. (nonpartisan election)

8. Saginaw, Michigan

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 60

Mayor: Floyd Kloc (nonpartisan election)

9. Wilmington, Delaware

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 61

Mayor: Mike Purzycki, Democrat

10. Camden, New Jersey

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62

Mayor: Francisco Moran, Democrat

11. Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62

Mayor: Shirley Washington, Democrat

12. Kansas City, Missouri

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.9

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 63

Mayor: Quinton Lucas, Democrat

13. San Bernardino, California

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 65

Mayor: John Valdivia, Democrat

14. Alexandria, Louisiana

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68

Mayor: Jacques Roy, Democrat

15. Little Rock, Arkansas

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68

Mayor: Frank Scott Jr., Democrat

16. Cleveland

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 69

Mayor: Frank Jackson, Democrat

17. Milwaukee

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70

Mayor: Tom Barrett, Democrat

18. Stockton, California

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70

Mayor: Michael Tubbs, Democrat

19. Monroe, Louisiana

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.1

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71

Mayor: James Earl Mayo, Democrat

20. Chester, Pennsylvania

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71

Mayor: Thaddeus Kirkland, Democrat

– – –
So... what happens when democrats,

defund police,

turn violent criminals loose on the public

make heroes of criminal sociopaths

Threaten to seize legally owned firearms

Well, it is predictable.

Rabid dems. Best gun sales people on the planet.

And, lets make no mistake, these gun sales are driven by rabid dem policies.
They all went through mandatory, federal background checks, you lying asshole.....your God, the government, failed in all of those cases......the gun stores did federal background checks and the incompetent government failed to list crimes or allowed repeat offenders off the hook so their crimes weren't on idiot.....

Your God failed...not the gun stores.

The government didn't give this fool a gun. The gun store did.

Like I said. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun stores... you'd be amazed how quick they clean up their acts.

"Well, he passed a background check"
"He dyed his hair orange and was cackling like a crazy person!"

Why do you make the fraudulent claim ''most gun criminals get their guns legally?''

The pattern of behavior shared by so much of the rabid left is their propensity for lies and fraudulent claims. The facts are clear that legal gun owners are not gun criminals.

Because you haven't proven otherwise.

Every last mass shooter got his guns legally.
They all went through mandatory, federal background checks, you lying asshole.....your God, the government, failed in all of those cases......the gun stores did federal background checks and the incompetent government failed to list crimes or allowed repeat offenders off the hook so their crimes weren't on idiot.....

Your God failed...not the gun stores.

The government didn't give this fool a gun. The gun store did.

Like I said. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun stores... you'd be amazed how quick they clean up their acts.

"Well, he passed a background check"
"He dyed his hair orange and was cackling like a crazy person!"

Why do you make the fraudulent claim ''most gun criminals get their guns legally?''

The pattern of behavior shared by so much of the rabid left is their propensity for lies and fraudulent claims. The facts are clear that legal gun owners are not gun criminals.

Because you haven't proven otherwise.

Every last mass shooter got his guns legally.

No...moron, your "God" government was supposed to put criminal records into the system....your "God" was supposed to arrest and convict people who commit crimes........

The FBI and the Air Force failed they system.......obama's "Promise Program," kept another shooter from having a criminal record that would have stopped him from getting a gun..

Those are not failures of the gun stores...the gun stores did their job, they did what you shit heads wanted, they did the federally mandated background checks for buying a gun.....

Since your "god" failed to put in criminal records, since your "God" failed to arrest and convict shooters for other crimes on some left wing fantasy policy.....the gun store found no criminal record when they had the FBI do their criminal background check on the gun buyer......

The gun stores did their jobs......your "God," failed.
Strange that the rabid left believes ''doing something about it'', involves encouraging criminals to become repeat offenders. Defunding police, not charging criminals for their crimes, no requirement for bail and basically making heroes of criminals is not ''doing something about it''.

OK, here's the thing,

Why do you avoid my point that most gun criminals get their guns legally? Because it's really easy to get a gun. So can we now admit you conceded that point before we move on to your next thing. Fine. Concession noted

For the Portland Rioters.. no point bringing them to trial if you can't get convictions. My suspiscion, most of the Bubba Rednecks who stormed the capitol on 1/6 will never see the inside of a jail cell, either. It's very difficult to get a

Bail Reform. I'm all for it. Frankly, cash bail is just another wonderful example of white privilege. White people who commit violent crimes get bail while they wait for their lawyers to work out a good deal for them. Poor people who commit non-violent crimes languish in prison for months until their overworked public defenders cop a deal.

here's a crazy idea. No-cash bail for non-violent offenders and no bail at all for violent offenders.

Oh, yeah, George Soros is not hiding under your bed... Just though you'd like to know.

Why do you make the fraudulent claim ''most gun criminals get their guns legally?''

The pattern of behavior shared by so much of the rabid left is their propensity for lies and fraudulent claims. The facts are clear that legal gun owners are not gun criminals.

"The vast majority of crime that is gun related is committed by people who illegally are possessing that firearm."

Here's something from the Washington Post

New evidence confirms what gun rights advocates have said for a long time about crime​

Lawful gun owners commit less than a fifth of all gun crimes, according to a novel analysis released this week by the University of Pittsburgh.

In the study, led by epidemiologist Anthony Fabio of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health, researchers partnered with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to trace the origins of all 893 firearms that police recovered from crime scenes in the year 2008.

They found that in approximately 8 out of 10 cases, the perpetrator was not a lawful gun owner but rather in illegal possession of a weapon that belonged to someone else.

Crime across the country is spiraling and that's especially true in the large, democrat run dystopias.

Here's a fun fact:

Here is the Neighborhood Scout ranking of the most crime-ridden cities and their mayors.

1. Detroit

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 50

Mayor: Michael Edward Duggan, Democrat

2. Memphis, Tennessee

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 51

Mayor: Jim Strickland, Democrat

3. Birmingham, Alabama

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 52

Mayor: Randall Woodfin, Democrat

4. Baltimore

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 54

Mayor: Jack Young, Democrat

5. Flint, Michigan

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Karen Weaver, Democrat

6. St. Louis

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Lyda Krewson, Democrat

7. Danville, Illinois

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 55

Mayor: Ricky Williams Jr. (nonpartisan election)

8. Saginaw, Michigan

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 60

Mayor: Floyd Kloc (nonpartisan election)

9. Wilmington, Delaware

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 61

Mayor: Mike Purzycki, Democrat

10. Camden, New Jersey

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62

Mayor: Francisco Moran, Democrat

11. Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 62

Mayor: Shirley Washington, Democrat

12. Kansas City, Missouri

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.9

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 63

Mayor: Quinton Lucas, Democrat

13. San Bernardino, California

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 65

Mayor: John Valdivia, Democrat

14. Alexandria, Louisiana

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68

Mayor: Jacques Roy, Democrat

15. Little Rock, Arkansas

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.6

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 68

Mayor: Frank Scott Jr., Democrat

16. Cleveland

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.5

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 69

Mayor: Frank Jackson, Democrat

17. Milwaukee

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.3

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70

Mayor: Tom Barrett, Democrat

18. Stockton, California

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.2

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 70

Mayor: Michael Tubbs, Democrat

19. Monroe, Louisiana

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.1

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71

Mayor: James Earl Mayo, Democrat

20. Chester, Pennsylvania

Violent crime rate (per 1,000 residents): 14.0

Odds of being a victim: 1 in 71

Mayor: Thaddeus Kirkland, Democrat

– – –

Great work....
No...moron, your "God" government was supposed to put criminal records into the system....your "God" was supposed to arrest and convict people who commit crimes........

The FBI and the Air Force failed they system.......obama's "Promise Program," kept another shooter from having a criminal record that would have stopped him from getting a gun..

Those are not failures of the gun stores...the gun stores did their job, they did what you shit heads wanted, they did the federally mandated background checks for buying a gun.....

again, the gun store made the decision to look a crazy person in the eye, and say, "Well, yup, he looks like someone who should totally have a gun."

That's the primary point of failure, buddy.

So let's say we got rid of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which was imposed after gun stores sold guns to Malvo and Mohammed, a couple of guys who were in the system as a minor and a felon. A jury found the gun seller liable, but then Congress swooped in and gave them blanket immunity.

You have no faith in government... fine. Let the Gun Industry run background checks themselves... and then be held accountable when they sell to the wrong people.
Well, it is predictable.

Haven't you seen the pattern. No matter who is president, no matter what the policies are, the gun manufacturers come up with new and novel reasons to convince people to buy more gun$$$$$.

2010 14,409,616
2011 16,454,951
2012 19,592,303
2013 21,093,273
2014 20,968,547
2015 23,141,970
2016 27,538,673
2017 25,235,215
2018 26,181,936
2019 28,369,750
2020 39,695,315
No...moron, your "God" government was supposed to put criminal records into the system....your "God" was supposed to arrest and convict people who commit crimes........

The FBI and the Air Force failed they system.......obama's "Promise Program," kept another shooter from having a criminal record that would have stopped him from getting a gun..

Those are not failures of the gun stores...the gun stores did their job, they did what you shit heads wanted, they did the federally mandated background checks for buying a gun.....

again, the gun store made the decision to look a crazy person in the eye, and say, "Well, yup, he looks like someone who should totally have a gun."

That's the primary point of failure, buddy.

So let's say we got rid of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which was imposed after gun stores sold guns to Malvo and Mohammed, a couple of guys who were in the system as a minor and a felon. A jury found the gun seller liable, but then Congress swooped in and gave them blanket immunity.

You have no faith in government... fine. Let the Gun Industry run background checks themselves... and then be held accountable when they sell to the wrong people.

Again....they did the federally mandated background check...

Your "God" government, failed to upload criminal records that should have been in the background check which would have denied the gun, and they failed to arrest and convict because of left wing policies about not arresting and convicting criminals who commit felonies.....

That is on your God, not the gun stores.

Gun stores do not have blanket immunity....if they break the law they can be sued....what the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act does is prevent left wing, democrat party operatives from starting fake lawsuits to bankrupt gun makers and stores who did not break the law...
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