Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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You have what I consider a very distorted view of early American history. Of course you feel I have the distorted view.

I am not going to change my view and neither are you.

While I understand our history has numerous areas where this nation was far less than admirable I firmly believe had we not broke away from the British and formed our own nation this world would be worse off. We would likely be speaking German today.

Actually, if we hadn't broken off, we'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd have universal health care and we could have ended slavery without a fight. It's also probable that we never would have fought a war of aggression with Mexico.

I don’t imagine the racial minorities in this nation would be as happy living in the thousand year rule of the third Reich.

Um, except would there be a Third Reich in such an alternate history.

So here's the short version.

1777 - George Washington and pals end up at the ends of Ropes.
1830- Slavery is banned in the British Empire.
1867 - British North America is organized as a Dominion with self-government (Much like Canada and Australia are today)
1914 - The Dominion of North America joins the Allies in the European War. WIth the additional manpower and industry, the war is brought to a quick end, thereby making the Allies less vindictive towards Germany. The Kaiser stays in power, and Germany continues to progress towards constitutional monarchy. The Tsar is never toppled and Russia progresses towards a constitutional Monarchy.
1930 - A barely known street bum dies of venereal disease in the streets of Munich. His name was Adolf Hitler.
You have what I consider a very distorted view of early American history. Of course you feel I have the distorted view.

I am not going to change my view and neither are you.

While I understand our history has numerous areas where this nation was far less than admirable I firmly believe had we not broke away from the British and formed our own nation this world would be worse off. We would likely be speaking German today.

Actually, if we hadn't broken off, we'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd have universal health care and we could have ended slavery without a fight. It's also probable that we never would have fought a war of aggression with Mexico.

I don’t imagine the racial minorities in this nation would be as happy living in the thousand year rule of the third Reich.

Um, except would there be a Third Reich in such an alternate history.

So here's the short version.

1777 - George Washington and pals end up at the ends of Ropes.
1830- Slavery is banned in the British Empire.
1867 - British North America is organized as a Dominion with self-government (Much like Canada and Australia are today)
1914 - The Dominion of North America joins the Allies in the European War. WIth the additional manpower and industry, the war is brought to a quick end, thereby making the Allies less vindictive towards Germany. The Kaiser stays in power, and Germany continues to progress towards constitutional monarchy. The Tsar is never toppled and Russia progresses towards a constitutional Monarchy.
1930 - A barely known street bum dies of venereal disease in the streets of Munich. His name was Adolf Hitler.

If we hadn't broken off World War 1 would still be going on......and when hitler came to power he would now be in control of Russia and all the way to Britain....
Do you realize that you just supported a major argument from the pro-gun side? When a criminal faces higher consequences, he tends to limit his criminal activities. You yourself said "Burglary, you might not even go to jail for tha. Home invasion, you go to jail for 20 years even if no one gets hurt." to explain why burglars don't invade if they think someone's home. Using that same logic (again yours), if a criminal knows he faces 20 years for using a gun to commit a crime, he's less likely to do so.

No, guy, nothing of the sort. If you are desperate enough to commit a crime with a gun, you probably aren't thinking that far ahead.

Most gun deaths are exactly that... spur of the moment fits of anger that the killer almost always regrets...
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Yes, we realize it hurts the feelings of white people.

Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for slavery in the UK. That's why the colonies wanted out.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.

In 1772, a judge sitting in the High Court in London declared slavery “so odious” that it could not exist at common law and set the conditions which would consequently result in the freedom of the 15,000 slaves living in England. This decision eventually reached America and terrified slaveholders in the collection of British colonies, subject to British law. The predominantly southern slave-owners feared that this decision would cause the emancipation of their slaves. It did result in some slaves freeing themselves.

To ensure the preservation of slavery, the southern colonies joined the northerners in their fight for “freedom” and their rebellion against England. In 1774, at the First Continental Congress John Adams promised southern leaders to support their right to maintain slavery. As Eleanor Holmes Norton explains in her introduction, “The price of freedom from England was bondage for African slaves in America. America would be a slave nation.”

The South, however, with its large slave plantations was engaged in the export trade of tobacco, rice, indigo, grain, and cotton and other natural resources such as timber. Disrupting that export trade was not looked upon favorably, perhaps until the 1775 proclamation issued by John Murray, otherwise known as Lord Dunmore. Dunmore was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

There's a reason I call the Founders the "Founding Slave Rapists".

When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.
You can congratulate yourself that the democrat party was the party of slave holders / rapists which insisted:

"When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.''
Do you realize that you just supported a major argument from the pro-gun side? When a criminal faces higher consequences, he tends to limit his criminal activities. You yourself said "Burglary, you might not even go to jail for tha. Home invasion, you go to jail for 20 years even if no one gets hurt." to explain why burglars don't invade if they think someone's home. Using that same logic (again yours), if a criminal knows he faces 20 years for using a gun to commit a crime, he's less likely to do so.

No, guy, nothing of the sort. If you are desperate enough to commit a crime with a gun, you probably aren't thinking that far ahead.

Most gun deaths are exactly that... spur of the moment fits of anger that the killer almost always regrets...

You don't know what you are talking about.....
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Yes, we realize it hurts the feelings of white people.

Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for slavery in the UK. That's why the colonies wanted out.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.

In 1772, a judge sitting in the High Court in London declared slavery “so odious” that it could not exist at common law and set the conditions which would consequently result in the freedom of the 15,000 slaves living in England. This decision eventually reached America and terrified slaveholders in the collection of British colonies, subject to British law. The predominantly southern slave-owners feared that this decision would cause the emancipation of their slaves. It did result in some slaves freeing themselves.

To ensure the preservation of slavery, the southern colonies joined the northerners in their fight for “freedom” and their rebellion against England. In 1774, at the First Continental Congress John Adams promised southern leaders to support their right to maintain slavery. As Eleanor Holmes Norton explains in her introduction, “The price of freedom from England was bondage for African slaves in America. America would be a slave nation.”

The South, however, with its large slave plantations was engaged in the export trade of tobacco, rice, indigo, grain, and cotton and other natural resources such as timber. Disrupting that export trade was not looked upon favorably, perhaps until the 1775 proclamation issued by John Murray, otherwise known as Lord Dunmore. Dunmore was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

There's a reason I call the Founders the "Founding Slave Rapists".

When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.
You can congratulate yourself that the democrat party was the party of slave rapists which insisted:

"When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.''

He calls the Founders slave rapists...then backs the actual political party founded by slave owners who wanted slavery so bad, they started the Civil War.....and he doesn't understand how stupid that makes him look....
Right, when kids get rowdy, the store owner pulls out his gun and tries to kill them. Yes, armed robbery does happen often, but it's only local news at best. This is why you believe it never happens at all. You think that a store owner defending himself with deadly force would be national news. Well it isn't. It happens so often they'd have to be reporting on such attempted robberies every day. It's like all the murders in your city. Since it happens nearly all the time, it's not national news any longer.

Actually, most murders are domestic arguments, not crime. This is another lie the NRA tells.

How many times have I gotten into a traffic accident that was my fault? None, but that's no reason not to carry auto insurance. And I was only using myself as an example of the millions of CCW holders in this country.

Yes, millions of nuts, thousands of deaths... Good work.
He calls the Founders slave rapists...then backs the actual political party founded by slave owners who wanted slavery so bad, they started the Civil War.....and he doesn't understand how stupid that makes him look....

1860's Democrats have nothing to do with the modern ones.

We threw all the racists assholes out in 1968 and Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.
1860's Democrats have nothing to do with the modern ones.

We threw all the racists assholes out in 1968 and Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.

And yet, to this day, it is the Democraps that openly promote blatant racism, and support policies to that end, while continuing to falsely accuse their opposition of doing so.

The form of their racism may have changed, but it remains the Democraps who are, have always been, and will always be the true party of racism.
If we hadn't broken off World War 1 would still be going on......and when hitler came to power he would now be in control of Russia and all the way to Britain....

Um, okay... not really.

World War 1 was already grinding down to exhaustion by 1918. The Central Powers didn't fall to Allied invasion, they fell to internal revolutions... Meanwhile, they had already toppled the Tsar and teh French Army was already starting to mutiny.

Now, had America stayed part of the Empire/Commonwealth, that would have meant that we'd have gotten into the war in 1914. The Kaiser probably would have thought twice about that prospect. The Germans were very keen on trying to keep the US neutral in WWI. It wasn't until 1917 that the generals, bouyed by the collapse of Russia, convinced the Kaiser to engage in unrestricted submarine warfare against any ships going to the Allies.
And yet, to this day, it is the Democraps that openly promote blatant racism, and support policies to that end, while continuing to falsely accuse their opposition of doing so.

The form of their racism may have changed, but it remains the Democraps who are, have always been, and will always be the true party of racism.
Mormon Bob, you belong to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God. YOu really don't get to lecture people on racism.
Mormon Bob, you belong to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God. YOu really don't get to lecture people on racism.
Mormon Bob, you belong to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God. YOu really don't get to lecture people on racism.

And you, Incel Joe are an actual, blatant racist. Do something about the huge beam in your own eye before you fuss about the mote that you imagine in mine.
And you, @Incel Joe are an actual, blatant racist. Do something about the huge beam in your own eye before you fuss about the mote that you imagine in mine.

No, guy, I'm really not. I've dated women outside my own race, have had them as bosses and subordinates. Now, you might think, No, you are is a great argument, but it really isn't.

And you belong to a fucked up racist cult... but you keep pretending that the people who founded your cult weren't really, really awful people.
He calls the Founders slave rapists...then backs the actual political party founded by slave owners who wanted slavery so bad, they started the Civil War.....and he doesn't understand how stupid that makes him look....

1860's Democrats have nothing to do with the modern ones.

We threw all the racists assholes out in 1968 and Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.
Actually, 1860's democrats have everything to do with modern Democrat racism. Democrats have even expanded their race hate to include whitey, when whitey is the wrong kind of whitey.
An active abolition movement does not mean slavery was illegal. The 1619 project is bullshit.

Yes, we realize it hurts the feelings of white people.

Everyone could see the writing was on the wall for slavery in the UK. That's why the colonies wanted out.

Sorry: Preserving slavery was not a major motive for declaring independence, and next to no one fought in the war for that reason: The colonists didn’t think slavery was under threat, because it wasn’t.

In 1772, a judge sitting in the High Court in London declared slavery “so odious” that it could not exist at common law and set the conditions which would consequently result in the freedom of the 15,000 slaves living in England. This decision eventually reached America and terrified slaveholders in the collection of British colonies, subject to British law. The predominantly southern slave-owners feared that this decision would cause the emancipation of their slaves. It did result in some slaves freeing themselves.

To ensure the preservation of slavery, the southern colonies joined the northerners in their fight for “freedom” and their rebellion against England. In 1774, at the First Continental Congress John Adams promised southern leaders to support their right to maintain slavery. As Eleanor Holmes Norton explains in her introduction, “The price of freedom from England was bondage for African slaves in America. America would be a slave nation.”

The South, however, with its large slave plantations was engaged in the export trade of tobacco, rice, indigo, grain, and cotton and other natural resources such as timber. Disrupting that export trade was not looked upon favorably, perhaps until the 1775 proclamation issued by John Murray, otherwise known as Lord Dunmore. Dunmore was the last colonial governor of Virginia.

In light of that, somewhat like the Spanish, Lord Dunsmore issued a proclamation offering enslaved Africans freedom and land if they left the plantations and joined the British in battle. Dunsmore’s decision backfired. But first some statistics.

Schama states that it is estimated that after Dunsmore’s call some 30,000 slaves had left Virginia; it is also estimated that two-thirds of all slaves in South Carolina had escaped. Schama notes that some of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence that stated “all men are born free and equal” and who lost slaves were: Thomas Jefferson (lost 30 slaves); James Madison, Benjamin Harrison (lost 20 slaves), Arthur Middleton (lost 50 slaves), Edward Rutledge (the youngest signatory who lost slaves as well). Then there was General George Washington. “?while George Washington was encamped in early 1776 on Cambridge Common, wrestling with arguments, pro and con, about the desirability of recruiting blacks, his own slave, Henry Washington, born in West Africa, was finding his way to the king’s lines. In exile with other black loyalists in Birchtown, Nova Scotia, Washington would describe himself, movingly, as a “farmer”, but it was the Union Jack that protected his forty acres and his freedom.”

There's a reason I call the Founders the "Founding Slave Rapists".

When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.
You can congratulate yourself that the democrat party was the party of slave rapists which insisted:

"When they said, "Liberty and Justice for all", they didn't mean black people
When they said, "All men are crated equal', they didn't mean black people.
When they said, "the right to keep and bear arms", they didn't mean black people.''

He calls the Founders slave rapists...then backs the actual political party founded by slave owners who wanted slavery so bad, they started the Civil War.....and he doesn't understand how stupid that makes him look....
Our history has enough problems without the liberals making up false history to pander to the blacks to insure they stay on the Democratic Plantation.
You have what I consider a very distorted view of early American history. Of course you feel I have the distorted view.

I am not going to change my view and neither are you.

While I understand our history has numerous areas where this nation was far less than admirable I firmly believe had we not broke away from the British and formed our own nation this world would be worse off. We would likely be speaking German today.

Actually, if we hadn't broken off, we'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd have universal health care and we could have ended slavery without a fight. It's also probable that we never would have fought a war of aggression with Mexico.

I don’t imagine the racial minorities in this nation would be as happy living in the thousand year rule of the third Reich.

Um, except would there be a Third Reich in such an alternate history.

So here's the short version.

1777 - George Washington and pals end up at the ends of Ropes.
1830- Slavery is banned in the British Empire.
1867 - British North America is organized as a Dominion with self-government (Much like Canada and Australia are today)
1914 - The Dominion of North America joins the Allies in the European War. WIth the additional manpower and industry, the war is brought to a quick end, thereby making the Allies less vindictive towards Germany. The Kaiser stays in power, and Germany continues to progress towards constitutional monarchy. The Tsar is never toppled and Russia progresses towards a constitutional Monarchy.
1930 - A barely known street bum dies of venereal disease in the streets of Munich. His name was Adolf Hitler.
Canada never became a major world power because of British rule.

Under the British we likely would have never expanded westward. The French would never have gave Britain the Louisiana Purchase. The Mexican American War would have never occurred. We would be lucky to be half the size we are today.

Hitler would have defeated the Brits and we would be speaking German today.
Actually, 1860's democrats have everything to do with modern Democrat racism. Democrats have even expanded their race hate to include whitey, when whitey is the wrong kind of whitey.

Okay, you tell yourself that... White fragility much.

No wonder you think you need a gun. The world terrifies you.

Canada never became a major world power because of British rule.

Under the British we likely would have never expanded westward. The French would never have gave Britain the Louisiana Purchase. The Mexican American War would have never occurred. We would be lucky to be half the size we are today.

Hitler would have defeated the Brits and we would be speaking German today.
Well, if France lost the Napoleonic wars, they probably wouldn't have had a choice. The Dominion of America would have taken it as a war prize.

Avoiding the illegal, immoral Mexican-American War would have been a good thing.

It would also be unlikely Russia could have kept Alaska from being annexed.

Hitler never would have come to power in such an alternate timeline... it's unlike his parents even would have fucked inthat timeline.
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