Man uses his concealed gun to save life of woman entering abortion clinic...likely there to kill her baby. Leftists cry.

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500,000 guns are stolen every year. So obviously, disarming everyone would cut off the bad guys main source of guns.

You don't have to disarm them. But you need to have them store their guns so that thieves and visitors can't get control of them.
Tell you what, you go follow someone around, and see how well they take it. (Please leave your gun at home, we don't want you committing a hate crime).

It doesn't matter how they take it. That's not what was being discussed. Nobody has the right to use physical violence unless they were attacked which Martin wasn't. Everything is on the 911 call.

Zimmerman chased after Martin for about 10 seconds or so. Zimmerman admitted he lost Martin because he outran him so quickly. Martin hid between the houses and Zimmerman continued his call with the police dispatcher for another minute. While walking back to his truck, Martin seen he was off the phone and violently attacked him.

Would he have? Creepy ass guy follows you home, you have every right to defend yourself.

Defend yourself from what? Nobody is hurting you by following you.

Guy, according to the National Gang Survey Analysis, only 2000 murders a year (all methods) are "Gang related"

The rest are people who know each other.

So where is it written how many were law abiding citizens that legally owned their firearm they murdered with?

Except this is such total bullshit it doesn't pass the laugh test.

So I ask again, if you gun wankers are waving your guns around stopping crimes like Batman, how is it that only 200 homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Justified", according to the FBI?

You would have us believe that out of a million times you gun wankers pull out your guns, that happy day you finally get to play Batman, and of those, you refrain from shooting that Darkie dead 999,800 times?

Because the only way to control crime is with a strong enough deterrent; death is the ultimate deterrent, that's why. The mere sight of a gun pointed at you is enough to stop just about anything illegal that you're doing. Criminals may be stupid, but they know that anybody getting involved in their actions has the legal authority to use that deadly weapon. They shoot or kill you, they're going to prison. You shoot or kill them, the police call your gun in, check your license, and you go home and have a bologna sandwich.

Most people who are going to break into a home don't break in when someone is home to start with. That escalates burglary to home invasion, and carries much stiffer penalties.

They break into the home with the gun in it to help themselves to a free gun.

500,000 guns are stolen every year. So obviously, disarming everyone would cut off the bad guys main source of guns.

The reason they don't break into an occupied home is because they don't know if you have a gun or not. That's why in most occupied home burglaries, it's usually a disabled or very elderly person unlikely to be able to use deadly force. It's an advantage for the intruder to have somebody home to forcefully tell them where all their valuables are hidden. If you disarm Americans, then we are all like that 86 year old lady living at home alone. The only defense against somebody with a gun is you having a gun too.
The other statistic is that careless gun owners are responsible for hundreds of gun accidents, and thousands of guns getting into criminal hands.

According to the FBI, during the six-year period from 2012 to 2017, more than $829 million worth of guns were reported stolen from individuals nationwide, amounting to an estimated 1.8 million guns

Which (on average) means 360,000 a year. Joe likes to fabricate numbers.

In any case the solution is not to disarm the entire public to stop that problem, the solution is to have a minimum 20 year sentence for being in possession of a stolen gun.
Democrat politicians want us to think they're stupid, but they're really not. They know if they could make guns illegal or virtually impossible to get, we would end up with a society where only the police and criminals have the guns because the criminals will always find a way to get them. This is the society they want to create in the US, because once we have no ability to protect ourselves from criminals with guns, crime will spiral out of control which is their goal. My evidence is what's happening in commie cities today where violent crimes and murders are in double digit increases compared to last year since they stood behind weakening our police force, de-funding their police, and making severe restrictions like they did in Chicago where officers can no longer engage in foot pursuits. They have to call into their supervisor, get permission to chase a suspect, and by then, the culprit has a six block head start. Criminals really celebrate commies like that Mayor Lighthead.

Here's the thing. If we limited the ownership of guns to just the criminals and cops, we'd drop the death rate from guns considerably.

Because 80% of our 15,000 gun homicides are people who are known to each other, we'd take 12000 homicides out of the mix along with 23,000 suicides and 500 accidents.

So that means we go from 39,000 gun deaths a year to a mere 3000.


But it gets better. Once criminals know it's a lot harder to get guns, and cops can spend more time on criminal intradiction because they aren't cleaning up suicides and domestic homicides, we can probably get that number down, too. We'd also have less cases of cops shooting civilians, because then the cops can't use the excuse "Well, I thought that toy was a real gun!!!" or "He was reaching for his cell phone and I thought it was a gun" or "Oops, how did that gun get into his hand after I shot him."

Wow...the stupid is strong with you.....

Taking guns away from people who do not use them for crime doesn't lower the gun crime rate you idiot.

As you have been shown over and over again "people who are known to each other," isn't Bob and Fred down the block who are neighbors........"people who are known to each other," are the rival gang members shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, or insults on social taking the guns away from Bob and Fred who don't use guns for crime or murder does nothing......

You idiot.

And the domesitc homicides? Are again, not Bob and Fred....they are the criminals living with their baby mommas.....they are the criminal murdering the girlfriend after he gets high on idiot.

We know from 27 years of actual expereince that normal people owning and carrying guns does not increase the gun crime or gun murder rate.....letting violent, known, repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison increases the gun crime and murder doofus....

700 known, violent criminals drive the gun crime rate in Oakland....and every other isn't normal people who own and carry guns you idiot....

We know that in any given city there’s a small group of offenders who are responsible for most of the shootings and murders. A 2017 study of homicides in Oakland, California, for example, found that about 700 people, or 0.16% of the city’s population, committed a majority of the city’s homicides and shootings over an 18-month period. Rochester has about half the population of Oakland, California, so the city’s likely going to be focusing its efforts on about 500 residents at high risk of both committing and being the victim of violent crimes.

By focusing policing efforts on these offenders and referring them to the U.S. Attorney’s office for prosecution whenever possible, Rochester can dramatically cut down on the number of shootings and homicides in the city without trying to arrest anyone and everyone who may be committing a non-violent possessory offense like carrying a gun without a license. normal Americans own and carry guns....

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
As has been pointed out repeatedly, Americans use their guns over a million times every single year to protect themselves, other people, or to stop a crime. That means without us, we add an additional one to four million more crimes in our country.

The other statistic is that careless gun owners are responsible for hundreds of gun accidents, and thousands of guns getting into criminal hands.

According to the FBI, during the six-year period from 2012 to 2017, more than $829 million worth of guns were reported stolen from individuals nationwide, amounting to an estimated 1.8 million guns

The other, other statistic is that normal gun owners use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murders....according to the Centers for Disease control......lives saved from violent criminals.....

What you are pointing to is that criminals captured with stolen guns need to go to prison for 30 years...that would dry up that market over night....
Here's the thing. If we limited the ownership of guns to just the criminals and cops, we'd drop the death rate from guns considerably.

Because 80% of our 15,000 gun homicides are people who are known to each other, we'd take 12000 homicides out of the mix along with 23,000 suicides and 500 accidents.

Not to mention a big chunk of the 300.000 guns a year that fall into criminal hands.

Your ignorance of the law is astounding. Nobody has the right to physically attack another person that was "stalking' them, even though that was not the case. If I go for a walk, and half-way down the street another person decides to do the same and is behind me, there is no law that permits me to beat the shit out of them, giving them a broken nose, two black eyes, and a laceration to the back of their head. There is no law against following another person.
Tell you what, you go follow someone around, and see how well they take it. (Please leave your gun at home, we don't want you committing a hate crime).

A person is only legally allowed to use physical violence in defense if they are physically attacked. The lowlife would have been arrested and charged with felonious assault and tried like an adult.

Would he have? Creepy ass guy follows you home, you have every right to defend yourself.

It has nothing to do with him smoking pot, it has to do with that's what he looked like when the animal violently attacked Zimmerman.

Still looks like a kid.

You leftists live in your own little world. The people doing the killing are not law abiding citizens. In many cases they are gang related like we have here, you have there, and in just about any Democrat run major city. The killing would only increase because the gang murders would stay the same, and the rest of us would be defenseless.

Guy, according to the National Gang Survey Analysis, only 2000 murders a year (all methods) are "Gang related"

The rest are people who know each other.

As has been pointed out repeatedly, Americans use their guns over a million times every single year to protect themselves, other people, or to stop a crime. That means without us, we add an additional one to four million more crimes in our country.

Except this is such total bullshit it doesn't pass the laugh test.

So I ask again, if you gun wankers are waving your guns around stopping crimes like Batman, how is it that only 200 homicides a year by civilians are ruled as "Justified", according to the FBI?

You would have us believe that out of a million times you gun wankers pull out your guns, that happy day you finally get to play Batman, and of those, you refrain from shooting that Darkie dead 999,800 times?

Like I tell you leftists all the time, if you really believe disarming the good people would be such a great idea, get a huge sign made that says THIS HOME HAS NO FIREARMS IN IT and place that on your front porch. Get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how that worked out for you. Because by disarming the public, that's exactly what you're doing---putting a sign on all of our front porches we can't defend ourselves.

Most people who are going to break into a home don't break in when someone is home to start with. That escalates burglary to home invasion, and carries much stiffer penalties.

They break into the home with the gun in it to help themselves to a free gun.

500,000 guns are stolen every year. So obviously, disarming everyone would cut off the bad guys main source of guns.

Moron......the gang member shooting the rival over a girlfriend isn't on "gang" business, you it doesn't count as a gang shooting, you moron.

The gang member shooting up a rival gang party isn't doing "gang" it doesn't count as a gang shooting, you moron.
500,000 guns are stolen every year. So obviously, disarming everyone would cut off the bad guys main source of guns.

You don't have to disarm them. But you need to have them store their guns so that thieves and visitors can't get control of them.'s called keeping them in your home. Which is what they do, then the criminals break the law, and enter the home illegally......
And you know this, how? He had a gun. That alone, according to you, makes him a penis obsessed nutcase out to kill as many as possible. Now you're making excuses for criminals but throw the book at law abiding citizens. Okay then.

If he wanted to kill her, he could have done that at home. Instead he hid in her trunk, and popped out when she stopped at the abortion clinic.
Then we should be glad he didn't kill her at home, where he could have taken his time and used a JoeB approved killing tool. What you are saying is ludicrous, because once a person starts shooting at another person, "I didn't want to kill her" doesn't fly as a defense.
You're not thinking broad enough. I'm talking about slowing cars down to slightly faster than horse speed. Slow every vehicle down to 25 mph with passing burst mode up to 35 mph and you'd virtually eliminate highway deaths. Like I said, you're willing to trade tens of thousands of lives every year so you can drive fast enough to kill. As for gun safety, all your "safety" measures would make it harder to use a gun in situations where they're really needed, ala when there's little to no time to get through the safety features. Car safety features don't interfere with the operation of the car. You can still get in and start driving a car as fast as you could in 1955.

Except it would take you forever to get anywhere, that's the thing. Your hour commute turns into an hour and a half. Germany has Autobahns with no speed limits, they are just fine.
Irrelevant. Making sure no car goes faster than 25 mph would save tens of thousands of lives every year.
There are no real situations where a gun is "needed". Most industrialized countries don't let their citizens have guns, and they are just fine.
Well, except for cases like this one, where a woman is extremely grateful to be alive. You know, those people you don't care very much about.
Oh, so the government cares about liberal politicians getting shot, just not Republicans. Heck, you can shoot at a bunch of them practicing for a ball game and nothing's going to change. But hey, when the mythical right wing nut shoots at democrats you bet we'll get right on it. I've noticed that, while he posts evidence to back up what he says, you post nothing beyond "Nuh-uh".

While there was a bit of irony about Grand Wizard SKKKalise being shot by a gun nut and being saved by a lesbian black security officer, even that wouldn't cause the GOP to stand up to the NRA>

Now, if a lot of them got killed and it happened all the time, the ones who survived would certainly love gun control.

On the day that SKKKalise was defining irony, a UPS worker went nuts and shot four of his coworkers. You probably never heard about that one.

View attachment 506075

Again, how was THIS guy able to get a gun?
I don't know, I didn't sell any to him. I can't wait for the lawsuits the first time you try to deny a person a weapon because you think he looks "icky".
As has been pointed out repeatedly, Americans use their guns over a million times every single year to protect themselves, other people, or to stop a crime. That means without us, we add an additional one to four million more crimes in our country.

The other statistic is that careless gun owners are responsible for hundreds of gun accidents, and thousands of guns getting into criminal hands.

According to the FBI, during the six-year period from 2012 to 2017, more than $829 million worth of guns were reported stolen from individuals nationwide, amounting to an estimated 1.8 million guns
I had some guns stolen and the thieves were caught. None of them, including the fence, a twice-convicted felon, that the thieves sold the guns to and from whom the police recovered the guns were charged with any crime.

The carelessness is in Democrats voting for DAs and judges who let criminals go without punishment for very serious crimes. They create a lawless society for criminals and then, blaming the law-abiding for crime, pass laws punishing the law abiding.
He doesn't have to be a career criminal to be a criminal, just like people who buy illegal drugs are in many cases not career criminals. Illegal guns will always be available to those who want them, but only the law abiding won't seek one. Somebody willing to go to the extremes of murder doesn't give a damn whether he has an illegal gun or not.

You miss the point entirely.

Okay. World without guns. The guy who is upset that his girlfriend is getting an abortion does not have a gun in the nightstand. He might be upset enough to be angry about it, but he isn't going to try to find a reliable illegal gun dealer and chuck out a few thousand bucks to get an illegal gun.

The point is, most murders happen because a gun is readily available in a stressful situation. So instead of using fists to resolve a problem, guns end up getting involved. Most homicides are people who know each other, not a criminal taking out a stranger.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out, which is why we have 19,000 homicides a year and they all have less than 1000.
The question is how do we get to your utopian nation without firearms?

There are an estimated 434 million firearms in our nation today. Most firearms and ammo will last and function indefinitely with reasonable care and storage.

You can pass laws requiring all firearms to be turned in but criminals and a high percentage of citizens will simply refuse to comply. Plus Americans have a significant level of distrust for government and many citizens believe the first sign of a tyrannical government taking over a nation is the banning and confiscation of firearms.

All over this nation gun sanctuary counties and states are springIng up. The local law enforcement in those counties and states will not cooperate in gun confiscation efforts.

You need to find a wizard who will cast a spell instantly making all firearms disappear. Good luck with that as such wizards are extremely rare and hard to find today.


I dont know if that number is correct but the logic is pure lib

Punish good people for the actions of the ctiminals

It doesn't matter how they take it. That's not what was being discussed. Nobody has the right to use physical violence unless they were attacked which Martin wasn't. Everything is on the 911 call.

Zimmerman chased after Martin for about 10 seconds or so. Zimmerman admitted he lost Martin because he outran him so quickly. Martin hid between the houses and Zimmerman continued his call with the police dispatcher for another minute. While walking back to his truck, Martin seen he was off the phone and violently attacked him.

So where is it written how many were law abiding citizens that legally owned their firearm they murdered with?

That's a good question. You see, Kellerman did this study where he found a gun in the home was 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, and the response by the NRA was to demand that the CDC never do a gun study again.

Because the only way to control crime is with a strong enough deterrent; death is the ultimate deterrent, that's why. The mere sight of a gun pointed at you is enough to stop just about anything illegal that you're doing. Criminals may be stupid, but they know that anybody getting involved in their actions has the legal authority to use that deadly weapon. They shoot or kill you, they're going to prison. You shoot or kill them, the police call your gun in, check your license, and you go home and have a bologna sandwich.
If you are desperate enough to risk jail and commit a crime, you aren't going to be easily deterred by Marvin Milqtoast pointing a gun at you.

The reason they don't break into an occupied home is because they don't know if you have a gun or not.

No, the reason why they don't break into an occuppied home is that they don't want to be identified.

The Europeans and Japanese don't have guns, they have lower burglary rates than we have.
Moron......the gang member shooting the rival over a girlfriend isn't on "gang" business, you it doesn't count as a gang shooting, you moron.

The gang member shooting up a rival gang party isn't doing "gang" it doesn't count as a gang shooting, you moron.

Except that this is the only agency actually tracking gang violence... and it's not as bad as you claim it is.

"Gang related"... that means the perp is in a gang.

Again, it would be nice if we actually DID gun studies to find out how many of our 15,000 gun homicides were in fact domestic violence, but the NRA demanded the CDC stop studying gun violence after Kellerman.

The question is how do we get to your utopian nation without firearms?

There are an estimated 434 million firearms in our nation today. Most firearms and ammo will last and function indefinitely with reasonable care and storage.

You can pass laws requiring all firearms to be turned in but criminals and a high percentage of citizens will simply refuse to comply. Plus Americans have a significant level of distrust for government and many citizens believe the first sign of a tyrannical government taking over a nation is the banning and confiscation of firearms.

Well, here's how I would do it. First, yes, honestly, most people won't turn in their guns... but I'd be just as happy if they just hid them in a closet somewhere.

The first thing to do is hold the Gun Industry accountable by removing the liability immunity for gun sales. You sell a gun to Joker Holmes, his victims should be able to sue you for negligence. Watch how fast the gun industry gets really responsible about who they sell to.

The second thing I would do is to disqualify gun manufacturers from Federal contracts if they don't comply with regulations. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, no one will want to lose their best customer.

if you are the kind of nut who is stockpiling guns to fight the government, most of your neighbors will be happy when the ATF removes you from the gene pool.

All over this nation gun sanctuary counties and states are springIng up. The local law enforcement in those counties and states will not cooperate in gun confiscation efforts.

You need to find a wizard who will cast a spell instantly making all firearms disappear. Good luck with that as such wizards are extremely rare and hard to find today.

No, you just make the ATF as absolutely feared as the IRS. The IRS doesn't need to go to each and every house to collect tax forms. The mere fear of an IRS audit or garnishment does that.

We have plenty of gun laws on the books now, but they aren't enforced. The ATF only has 2500 agents.

You also pick your targets carefully. Take out the nut who is stockpiling dozens of guns and make an example of him. Then the person who has that gun in his closet he bought in the 1990's isn't going to be that keen on keeping it.
That's a good question. You see, Kellerman did this study where he found a gun in the home was 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, and the response by the NRA was to demand that the CDC never do a gun study again.

When you can post a reliable source of evidence, do it. The NRA has no power over a federal bureaucracy. The Kellerman studies are all padded with phony numbers. Nobody pays any attention to the anti-gun group.

If you are desperate enough to risk jail and commit a crime, you aren't going to be easily deterred by Marvin Milqtoast pointing a gun at you.

A lot of criminals would never actually shoot anybody. They use a gun to get what they want. We see this all the time where a store owner is fed up with getting robbed, pulls out a gun from behind the counter and starts shooting at the robber. The robber just runs out of the store.

I'm leaving the store with my groceries heading to my car. A woman starts screaming because a guy is trying to steal her purse and she's desperately fighting him to keep it. I pull out my gun and tell him if he wants to live, GTF out of here. Or perhaps he is robbing her with a knife. What choice does he have? He can continue fighting and perhaps get killed for twenty bucks and some credit cards, or he gets out of there as fast as he can because another customer may have already called the police and they're on their way.

No, the reason why they don't break into an occuppied home is that they don't want to be identified.

The Europeans and Japanese don't have guns, they have lower burglary rates than we have.

Oh please. Anybody can wear a face covering to not be indentified, especially today where half the people are still wearing masks in public. The only reason you are safe in your home is because any potential criminal knows there is a good chance you are armed. Therefore if he wants to rob your house, he's going to wait until you're not home. Robberies of occupied houses still happen, but as I already mentioned, the criminal has to be very picky to make sure the victim is too weak or helpless to use a firearm.
The question is how do we get to your utopian nation without firearms?

There are an estimated 434 million firearms in our nation today. Most firearms and ammo will last and function indefinitely with reasonable care and storage.

You can pass laws requiring all firearms to be turned in but criminals and a high percentage of citizens will simply refuse to comply. Plus Americans have a significant level of distrust for government and many citizens believe the first sign of a tyrannical government taking over a nation is the banning and confiscation of firearms.

All over this nation gun sanctuary counties and states are springIng up. The local law enforcement in those counties and states will not cooperate in gun confiscation efforts.

You need to find a wizard who will cast a spell instantly making all firearms disappear. Good luck with that as such wizards are extremely rare and hard to find today.

The Democrat party is more than content to lock up innocent people to get what they want. Law abiding people fear jail and many would turn in their guns. The first step however is to make sure they know where those guns are at, and that means creating law that all gun owners must register their guns or get a federal license as outlined in Dementia's gun grabbing plan.

He and the other commies also want to take liability protection from gun sellers and manufacturers, this giving other commies the ability to sue them all out of business. With nobody in the country making guns, and nobody selling them, that stops the flow of guns to the law abiding American public.

Okay, so I have to get a federal license, no big deal. Wait! The Communist agenda is that you have to undergo psychological exams, and nearly everybody that associates with you will also be interviewed by an anti-gun shrink. The cost to you is $850.00, and it's non-refundable if your old girlfriend or coworker you don't get along with is trying to get even with you and make up some BS how violent you get and they deny your application.

In the Dementia proposition, he wants to make buying ammo, guns or gun repair parts over the internet illegal so you can't even fix your gun when it breaks.

Right now there is enough power of real Americans to stop the Nazis. However if they gain even more power, crap like this could very well happen, especially if they pad the Supreme Court with Nazi judges that will rule in their favor.
2aguy CONTROL FREAKS are some very irrational people. He could have been a psychopath who by defination are some very bizarre control freaks-------
I had some guns stolen and the thieves were caught. None of them, including the fence, a twice-convicted felon, that the thieves sold the guns to and from whom the police recovered the guns were charged with any crime.

The carelessness is in Democrats voting for DAs and judges who let criminals go without punishment for very serious crimes. They create a lawless society for criminals and then, blaming the law-abiding for crime, pass laws punishing the law abiding.

A lot of our crime problems, especially those committed with a gun could be stopped, but making much more severe penalties on criminals who use guns wouldn't disarm the public which is their ultimate goal. As I mentioned earlier, if we had it that if you are caught with a stolen gun, you face a 20 year minimum prison sentence, the underground gun market would dry up. Many less gun thefts since there would be many less people who would want to buy them.
You see, Kellerman did this study where he found a gun in the home was 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, and the response by the NRA was to demand that the CDC never do a gun study again.
That study included suicide which is a leading cause of death in America no matter which method is used
you are desperate enough to risk jail and commit a crime, you aren't going to be easily deterred by Marvin Milqtoast pointing a gun at you.

Explain to us how much better off this family would be today if you took their guns away

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