Man w/ CCW (concealed carry) opens fire on kids at pool

They want our guns so they can stop holding back and pull out their true agenda to abolish the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We can't let that happen, so we must die before we let them take our guns.
People knowing anything about firearms know perfectly well what the problem is; irresponsible conduct with firearms.
On the other hand, those persons claiming to promote some imagined rights for incompetents are only 'shooting themselves in the foot'.
Defending such idiocy as is exemplified in this case is tantamount to criminal in itself. "They" want to force everyone to see things their way, and use the slightly veiled threat of violence to intimidate. Any voice that does not toe their party line is categorized as a plot against their pure doctrine.

And yourself....who take the rarest of the rare of accidents with firearms, considering the 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, in order to cave into the irrational demands of the anti gunners....who are not looking to control criminal access to guns but instead want to control law abiding access to make it harder to actually have real, mature, gun safety gun safety education in schools...
An amazing mind reader able to look into the thoughts and, even the souls, of others. Impressive. You should take this on a road show.
Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
Riiiiight and the thread would sink to the bottom of the cue faster than a Linsy Graham post not to mention it would be tl;dr
Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
I like open fire

There was no firing until he initiated it...accident or not
Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.

Better, but still not there.
Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
Riiiiight and the thread would sink to the bottom of the cue faster than a Linsy Graham post not to mention it would be tl;dr

So you admit your side needs to dramatize things to make points then? Figures.
“This man was sitting not two feet away and his gun went off,” Kay said. “She said he had a huge hole in his pocket.

- See more at: Man whose gun discharged at swim lesson faces misdemeanor

This irresponsible guy blew a hole in his own pocket because he mishandled his firearm.

OP equates this to him pulling out his pistol and "opens fire on kids". There are plenty cases of people deliberately trying to shoot others. This isn't one of them.


he was in a gun free zone ta boot

Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
I like open fire

There was no firing until he initiated it...accident or not

open fire is incorrectly attributed to this incident

but then lefts call magazines "clips"

and such
People knowing anything about firearms know perfectly well what the problem is; irresponsible conduct with firearms.
On the other hand, those persons claiming to promote some imagined rights for incompetents are only 'shooting themselves in the foot'.
Defending such idiocy as is exemplified in this case is tantamount to criminal in itself. "They" want to force everyone to see things their way, and use the slightly veiled threat of violence to intimidate. Any voice that does not toe their party line is categorized as a plot against their pure doctrine.

And yourself....who take the rarest of the rare of accidents with firearms, considering the 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, in order to cave into the irrational demands of the anti gunners....who are not looking to control criminal access to guns but instead want to control law abiding access to make it harder to actually have real, mature, gun safety gun safety education in schools...

Be truthful though, a guy who feels the need to carry a gun to a swimming event isn't exactly all there LOL
Accidental discharge of one round = opens fire on children’s swimming lesson.

Accidental or stupid discharge?

This very nice little gun packs a punch, easily enough to kill a child but it can't 'accidentally' go off - It needs quite a lot of stupidity to make it happen.

The big problem with idiots and guns is, well they're idiots with guns.
The maths is simple, the more guns, the more idiots with guns, so the more blindingly stupid incidents such as this because a moron without a clue was allowed to own a dangerous weapon.
all the nutter had to do was leave the fire stick in the car but noooo...
Be truthful though, a guy who feels the need to carry a gun to a swimming event isn't exactly all there LOL

Children who swim are obviously Muslim Syrian terrorists or Mexican illegal immigrants, all there to teach their kids to swim river borders or cross seas more safely.
You absolutely need a loaded and cocked .40 semi automatic at any such event.
Even if there are no mussies or wetbacks, there could be government agents spying on you in an attempt to gun grab.
Accidental discharge of one round = opens fire on children’s swimming lesson.

Accidental or stupid discharge?

This very nice little gun packs a punch, easily enough to kill a child but it can't 'accidentally' go off - It needs quite a lot of stupidity to make it happen.

The big problem with idiots and guns is, well they're idiots with guns.
The maths is simple, the more guns, the more idiots with guns, so the more blindingly stupid incidents such as this because a moron without a clue was allowed to own a dangerous weapon.

Unfortunately morons are afforded the same rights as everyone else.

Honestly, I wish that wasn't so, but the truth is there are morons on the left and right, so BOTH sides would be pissed if you tried to limit the rights of morons, depending on which rights you were talking about at that point.
It never would have happened if the pool had not been a gun free zone! By god, I am having a holster sewn in to my swim suit! And the first person who says, "Is that a gun in your suit, or are you just glad to see me?", gets it!
Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
Riiiiight and the thread would sink to the bottom of the cue faster than a Linsy Graham post not to mention it would be tl;dr

So you admit your side needs to dramatize things to make points then? Figures.

emotion, myths and lies are what they have. The facts, the truth, and reality show that they are wrong on every single aspect of the gun issue....not one of their beliefs is accurate, true or they have to resort to emotion to convince those who are not informed to surrender their right to self defense.

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