Man w/ CCW (concealed carry) opens fire on kids at pool

Suggested title: West Virginia man with concealed carry permit guilty of criminal negligence for causing his firearm to discharge while attending children’s swimming lesson.
Riiiiight and the thread would sink to the bottom of the cue faster than a Linsy Graham post not to mention it would be tl;dr

So you admit your side needs to dramatize things to make points then? Figures.

It is incredible the way that they know they have to lie, in order to make their case,

BUT can't understand that that means that they are WRONG.
People knowing anything about firearms know perfectly well what the problem is; irresponsible conduct with firearms.
On the other hand, those persons claiming to promote some imagined rights for incompetents are only 'shooting themselves in the foot'.
Defending such idiocy as is exemplified in this case is tantamount to criminal in itself. "They" want to force everyone to see things their way, and use the slightly veiled threat of violence to intimidate. Any voice that does not toe their party line is categorized as a plot against their pure doctrine.

And yourself....who take the rarest of the rare of accidents with firearms, considering the 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, in order to cave into the irrational demands of the anti gunners....who are not looking to control criminal access to guns but instead want to control law abiding access to make it harder to actually have real, mature, gun safety gun safety education in schools...

Be truthful though, a guy who feels the need to carry a gun to a swimming event isn't exactly all there LOL

Plenty of people have been attacked at or on the way to or on the way from events that one would expect to be completely "safe".
People knowing anything about firearms know perfectly well what the problem is; irresponsible conduct with firearms.
On the other hand, those persons claiming to promote some imagined rights for incompetents are only 'shooting themselves in the foot'.
Defending such idiocy as is exemplified in this case is tantamount to criminal in itself. "They" want to force everyone to see things their way, and use the slightly veiled threat of violence to intimidate. Any voice that does not toe their party line is categorized as a plot against their pure doctrine.

And yourself....who take the rarest of the rare of accidents with firearms, considering the 357,000,000 million guns in private hands, in order to cave into the irrational demands of the anti gunners....who are not looking to control criminal access to guns but instead want to control law abiding access to make it harder to actually have real, mature, gun safety gun safety education in schools...

Be truthful though, a guy who feels the need to carry a gun to a swimming event isn't exactly all there LOL

Just like the people who went to a concert in reason to have a gun there either.....until the terrorists showed up and murdered 128 France....with extreme gun control....
It was an accidental discharge, not opening fire on anyone.

See....there you go.....putting the truth, the fact and reality into a debate with irrational gun is a wasted effort.....
Accidental discharge of one round = opens fire on children’s swimming lesson.

Accidental or stupid discharge?

This very nice little gun packs a punch, easily enough to kill a child but it can't 'accidentally' go off - It needs quite a lot of stupidity to make it happen.

The big problem with idiots and guns is, well they're idiots with guns.
The maths is simple, the more guns, the more idiots with guns, so the more blindingly stupid incidents such as this because a moron without a clue was allowed to own a dangerous weapon.

And you are wrong......

320,000,000 million guns in private hands in 2013.... 505 accidental gun deaths.

35,000 accidental car deaths...

3,000 drowning deaths....

by any rational understanding of numbers.....your post is stupid.
It never would have happened if the pool had not been a gun free zone! By god, I am having a holster sewn in to my swim suit! And the first person who says, "Is that a gun in your suit, or are you just glad to see me?", gets it!

and yet it was a gun free zone..right? How did that little sign work out....any better than the Gun Free Zone sign at Sandy Hook...or the Colorado theater....?
Accidental discharge of one round = opens fire on children’s swimming lesson.

Accidental or stupid discharge?

This very nice little gun packs a punch, easily enough to kill a child but it can't 'accidentally' go off - It needs quite a lot of stupidity to make it happen.

The big problem with idiots and guns is, well they're idiots with guns.
The maths is simple, the more guns, the more idiots with guns, so the more blindingly stupid incidents such as this because a moron without a clue was allowed to own a dangerous weapon. is cars, and falling and poison and drowning that are more dangerous than guns.......yet you guys only get nuts over gun deaths.....that means that it isn't the deaths that bother is simply the fact that people want to own guns......

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 13 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
What do people think about those murdered at Kent State? They should have been armed? Shot for being around people who were demonstrating against a barbaric and illegal military intervention in a neutral country. Shot by cowards who had no necessity for the action. They had every opportunity to back away and nothing worth another's life to defend.
If four Guardsmen had also been killed, righteous indignation would have thundered. Instead, the guilty were whitewashed.
The partisans who always state the Army won't fire on them better keep this in mind. Totally innocent victims were killed and injured. Is your advice to go to all demonstrations packing?

There is a world of difference between an accidental discharge and opening fire on someone. Your thread title is misleading and pure hyperbole
Don't blame Dot Com , he ? Just read the title of the article and copied it, doubtful he? even read the article and understood what actually happened.

And to be clear, you agree the guy shouldn't have had a gun on campus since they have a no gun policy?

He left out the accidental design.
The title was poor. Very close to an outright lie. However, terming it an accident is no better. It was criminal negligence with a firearm. I really get tired of hearing of cases like this, and seeing termed an accident. When you mishandle a gun to the point that he did, it is criminal negligence, and he was damned lucky no one was killed or injured.
he intentionally brought a firestick to a pool and quelle surprise, it discharged.
What do people think about those murdered at Kent State? They should have been armed? Shot for being around people who were demonstrating against a barbaric and illegal military intervention in a neutral country. Shot by cowards who had no necessity for the action. They had every opportunity to back away and nothing worth another's life to defend.
If four Guardsmen had also been killed, righteous indignation would have thundered. Instead, the guilty were whitewashed.
The partisans who always state the Army won't fire on them better keep this in mind. Totally innocent victims were killed and injured. Is your advice to go to all demonstrations packing?

Can't say much about the state of the Ohio National Guard in 1970 I was a wee one back in those days. But the young soldiers I met on my way out in 2003 are now Senior Enlisted and Field Grades by now, if they took the leap and decided to make a career of it and I can tell you with the up most certainty that none of them would follow an unlawful order to fire on US Citizens on American soil.
The big problem with idiots and guns is, well they're idiots with guns.
The maths is simple, the more guns, the more idiots with guns, so the more blindingly stupid incidents such as this because a moron without a clue was allowed to own a dangerous weapon.
And yet, the number of gun-related murder and accidental deaths continues its more than 2-decade decline.

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