Man Who Filmed Saudi Execution Is Reportedly Arrested

The fact that he's gay won't get him any sympathy in Muslim Arabia:

An Islamic court is all about justice and truth. ...... :cool:
That may be the case, but a Saudi court is certainly not about truth and justice, rather it is about protecting the Saudi establishment.
sadly they don't want the world to see.
this is one reason why MEMRI exists so news, TV and articles do not remain beyond the reach of the non-arab speaking world.
MEMRI is owned and produced by zionist Israeli jews with the sole purpose of denigrating muslims and slandering Islam. ...... :cool:
MEMRI is owned and produced by zionist Israeli jews with the sole purpose of denigrating muslims and slandering Islam. ...... :cool:
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:

I'm sure you have proof of this? Which videos have they "heavily edited" ?
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:

MEMRI translates. Find the same video or article in arab and compare it to the MEMRI translation. The locations are given to compare them for yourself.
You might not like the clips or articles they translate, or rather you don't want the world to see these things, but the translations are just that. The world should see and hear what is being said on arab media.
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:

sunni ---it's not nice to lie------no matter what uncle allah told you------not nice
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:

I'm sure you have proof of this? Which videos have they "heavily edited" ?

sunni just does not want arab media being translated or exposed.
There have been a few instances of translation that might have some alternate means or context but that happens when translating any language from time to time. Such "mistakes" have been posted by MEMRI but they don't change the over all text or the statements being made in those clips.
When arabs write love letters to Israel perhaps sunni will provide us with the clips. When arabs preach hate and violence it should be news and translated for everyone to be able to access.
All MEMRI does it upload videos from Muslim countries while providing subtitles. So by your logic, Muslims are slandering themselves, since it's THEIR videos.
MEMRI heavily edits the videos with out of context dialogue in order to further their anti-muslim hate agenda. ..... :cool:

I'm sure you have proof of this? Which videos have they "heavily edited" ?

sunni just does not want arab media being translated or exposed.
There have been a few instances of translation that might have some alternate means or context but that happens when translating any language from time to time. Such "mistakes" have been posted by MEMRI but they don't change the over all text or the statements being made in those clips.
When arabs write love letters to Israel perhaps sunni will provide us with the clips. When arabs preach hate and violence it should be news and translated for everyone to be able to access.
Trust me, I know that. Sunni will use every Taqiyya excuse he can when it comes to Muslim atrocities. Extremely pathetic.
So, one more time. Where is your proof that MEMRI heavily edits their videos ?
#1) You need to speak some arabic to understand the warped translation MEMRI presents.

#2) Is easy to identify edits if you know what to look for.
That's not what I asked. Where is your proof that they heavily edit their videos ?
Just watch's quite obvious. ... :cool:
I've watched many. All I see are Arab people talking, and subtitles on the bottom.

So, one more time. Where is your proof that MEMRI heavily edits their videos ?

Any Arabic-speaking person is free to translate if it makes them feel good. However, I don't think too many people who speak Arabivc are on these forums. I especially don't think that any converts here are fluent in Arabic. Two posters that I believe can speak Arabic here are Aris and Roudy since they are from the Arab world. However, some posters would not like to hear from these two that the translations are correct.

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