Man Who Ran Over And Killed Another Man Because Of His Political Affiliation Gets Five Years

While peaceful J6 protesters and Proud Boy leaders get 10 years of prison or more for tame “crimes,” a Democrat gets 5 years for premeditated, aggravated murder of a young man because he didn't agree with his politics. Don't anyone tell me that there isn't a two-tiered “justice” system. It couldn't be any more clear. 5 years is a hand slap for committing 1st Degree Murder.
Mod Edited to achieve clean start. White 6

Man Who Ran Down and KILLED a Teenager for Being a Republican in 2022 Sentenced to Only Five Years in Prison


"In September of last year, a North Dakota man named Shannon Brandt ran down and killed a teenager named Cayler Ellingson because he supposedly suspected him of being a Republican extremist."
You get time off for good behavior in helping take out the enemy. But there isn't a two tiered justice system.
One woman got 10 years for murder. That would be a slap on the wrist too, right?
If it was first degree murder? Yes. But Hillary is suspected of many “hits” on political enemies but got away with hers. More slaps on the writs.
But you have no problem voting for someone who brags about “grabbing women by the pussy”. Right? Quite a step away from your macho proclamation above.... dumbfuck.
I didn't vote for Bill Clinton.

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