Man who selling illegal guns...did he require a back ground check or register the guns...?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I was at work today when I heard this story on the news...

1) did he require a back ground check before he sold the illegal guns to the under cover officers....

2) did he register the guns before he sold the illegal guns to the under cover officer?

3) Why didn't he get a federal fire arm license before selling the stolen, illegal guns to the under cover police officer?

Chicago Man Indicted on Federal Charges for Allegedly Illegally Selling and Possessing Firearms Crime All-Stars

A Chicago man was indicted on federal firearms charges alleging that he illegally sold firearms and illegally possessed nearly two dozen firearms, including assault rifles, handguns, and shotguns earlier this year. All of the firearms were seized by ATF agents following alleged purchases by an undercover confidential source, federal law enforcement officials announced today.
The defendant, JIMMY WRIGHT, also known as “Lil Man,” 28, of Chicago, was charged with one count of selling firearms without a federal firearms dealer license and eight counts of being a convicted felon-in-possession of 22 firearms in a nine-count indictment returned yesterday by a federal grand jury.
Dealing in firearms without a license is a felony.

Louisiana Federal courts send quite a few up for that.

It is one thing for an individual to sell and swap a few guns a year; regularly show up at guns shows selling and buying, or, run a lot of ads in the paper, and before long you will probably be investigated.
Okay....this guy was a felon before he tried to sell the stolen, illegal guns to the under cover officers....

Didn't he know it was against the law for him to have those guns in the first place? Did he know that it was against the law for him to sell those stolen illegal guns to other felons who were forbidden by law to buy or own illegal guns....?

Lil Man in big trouble Accused of selling guns to federal source Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago felon accused of owning firearms, and selling a dozen to an undercover source, is facing federal weapons charges.

Jimmy Wright, 28, also known as “Lil Man,” was charged with eight counts of being a convicted felon in possession of firearms, and one count of selling firearms without a federal dealer license in an indictment returned Wednesday, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office.

Between July 21 and Sept. 22, Wright illegally sold at least 12 firearms to a “confidential source” on six different dates, according to a statement from federal prosecutors.

The firearms included two assault rifles, seven handguns, two shotguns and a Tec 9 semi-automatic handgun with an obliterated serial number and extended magazine, the indictment claims.

Okay....hands up anti gunners....which one of you thinks this felon selling illegal guns to other felons required a back ground check before selling these guns?

Hands up anti gunners who think that these stolen guns being registered with the government would mean anything to solving crimes committed with these guns?
The alleged "assault weapons" aside the seven handguns and a handgun with an obliterated serial number is enough to face federal charges but if it happened in California it would be a misdemeanor according to last week's referendum.
Again...what good will back ground checks do.....? What good will registering guns do if they are stolen and then sold to criminals....?

Oh, I know....the normal Joe goes out and registers his gun....he decides to commit a murder....using the gun he just registered....he kills one or more people....and leaves his own, registered gun at the scene....and viola.....the police go to his home and arrest him...

Wow....I understand it now......

But....But....what about all those guys who are criminals who steal the registered guns....and kill someone....and throw the guns in a river or will registration do any f*****g thing to tie those guns to the actual killer?

Anti gunners.....just don't think right....
Again...what good will back ground checks do.....? What good will registering guns do if they are stolen and then sold to criminals....?

Oh, I know....the normal Joe goes out and registers his gun....he decides to commit a murder....using the gun he just registered....he kills one or more people....and leaves his own, registered gun at the scene....and viola.....the police go to his home and arrest him...

Wow....I understand it now......

But....But....what about all those guys who are criminals who steal the registered guns....and kill someone....and throw the guns in a river or will registration do any f*****g thing to tie those guns to the actual killer?

Anti gunners.....just don't think right....

Are you trying to say there's no need to register legal guns at all because criminals don't have registered guns?
Don't you think that would lead to a chaos? I mean, if everyone would be able to have unregistered gun, no one, including the police, would be able to tell law-abiding citizens from criminals. Plus, that would lead to additional problems in investigation.
And I think that registering your gun you, in a way, sign a civil agreement claiming that you are a decent member of the society and you buy this gun for legal purposes, and have no intention on killing people around...
This is possibly the most illogical and useless arguement against background checks I have ever heard. The asshole was illegally selling guns. He was busted. I hope to see the day when buying the guns illegally carries the same penalty as selling them.

We have a society that is awash in guns, and the death stastitics show the results of that. Next year, if the present trends continue, gun deaths will be greater than auto deaths in this nation.
Following the logic of gun fetishists, what`s the point of posting speed limits on our highways when there are so many people speeding anyway?
This is possibly the most illogical and useless arguement against background checks I have ever heard. The asshole was illegally selling guns. He was busted. I hope to see the day when buying the guns illegally carries the same penalty as selling them.

We have a society that is awash in guns, and the death stastitics show the results of that. Next year, if the present trends continue, gun deaths will be greater than auto deaths in this nation.
We have a subculture in this society that is awash in death.

It is called "hip-hop".

There is no need to register guns. Felons who are caught with guns have already broken the law and can be,sent to jail. Currently there is no registration of guns and we don't have chaos...we have millions of gun owners who are normal people who do not use their guns to commit crimes.

We have criminals, in very small areas of the country that commit 80% of the gun murders, they are criminal drug gangs and these killers,do not go through background checks and they do not register their guns. Mass shooters who have killed people many times actually do go through background checks....because they bought their guns legally, and then used them to kill people as the very first criminal act of their lives....the back ground check was meaningless. these mass killers could even register their guns and that would have done nothing to stop the killing.

people think that registering guns will help solve countries that have gun registration it doesn't help solve any gun crimes.....

this is why....

a drug user breaks into a home and steals a gun along with other property in order to sell it to other criminals to get money for drugs....he doesn't register his new stolen guns and did not go through a background check.....

the drug addict sells the gun either to a drug dealer or to another criminal...neither of them insists on a background check since neither of them can legally own the gun in the first place and by having, selling and buying the gun, are all actions that are more felonies....

The ne criminal owner then uses the gun to murder innocent law abiding citizen, or another gang member or criminal....if somehow that gun is found by the police......

There is no way that registering the gun helps find the actual only tells the police who the gun was stolen from.....

That is why registering guns is a useless, pointless idea....

However, as in the past, registering guns is the first step in banning those guns and confiscating those has been done before....and that is why pro 2nd Amendment people fight registration.

criminals in fact are protected by the Constitution from having to register any weapon they illegally actual case before the Supreme Court ruled that a criminal cannot be held liable to registering a gun because that would be an act of self incrimination....Which is unConstitutional.
CherryPanda...background checks and registering guns sound like great ideas...but in truth, they are at best meaningless gestures....and at worst, attempts to hurt law abiding citizens who do not use guns to commit any crimes.

did you know that each year criminals kill 11-12,000 people...

That sounds bad, but there is another side to the equation you will never here in these discussions

Every year, on average, law abiding people use guns to save lives and stop violent criminals 1.4 million times.....which is far greater than the gun murder rate and the accidental gun death rate combined....

Gun ownership in the U.S. Is a positive good that allows innocent people to protect themselves from violent, aggressive criminals....even if the gun owner is a senior citizen, a handicapped person, a woman alone, a lone man, or sporting an injury....or even an individual facing several,armed criminals....

there are,places you can go to read these self defense stories....Gunsaveslives, TheArmedCitizen, or thetruthaboutguns....they are uplifting reading because good people save themselves, their families and strangers from brutal, violent criminals....

Asa to being a good citizen, not committing crimes makes,you a good citizen, helping save lives makes you a good citizen....

Registering a gun is a meaningless act...unless the goal is banning certain categories of guns
This is possibly the most illogical and useless arguement against background checks I have ever heard. The asshole was illegally selling guns. He was busted. I hope to see the day when buying the guns illegally carries the same penalty as selling them.

We have a society that is awash in guns, and the death stastitics show the results of that. Next year, if the present trends continue, gun deaths will be greater than auto deaths in this nation.

old Rocks....selling a gun to a felon is already a crime....a felony....any gun store that does it will lose their license....any individual who does it will be arrested...

Statistics show that guns save more lives than they take....and suffocating and drowning kills more people than criminals using guns to murder people...

As well....more people than ever are buying and owning guns....and carrying them....and the gun crime rate is going down, not up, and even the gun accident rate is going down....

I started a new thread with this case it gets lost in the queue here is an argument against registering guns...

The only question about gun registration

Dear Editor,

Only one thing is overlooked in the common-sense proposals to register guns, so here it is. How exactly would writing down my name, or your name, help arrest criminals or make you safer? Although at first blush, gun listing has a sort of tantalizing appeal, on reflection you have to wonder whether gun lists would be an instrument of crime control at all.

The unfortunate answer is that, no matter how good it feels when the words first pass your ears, registering honest gun owners doesn't stop criminals, and in fact focuses in exactly the opposite direction. It is an allocation of resources that has no chance of achieving its goal, if that goal is the reduction of crime.

1. Registering 70 million American households is extremely expensive.

Do you know what it takes to run a database that big? You need 19,000 changes daily, just to keep up with people who move every ten years. Floor after floor of cubicle after cubicle for employees with permanent jobs, payroll, parking and dry cleaning bills. It's a government jobs program all by itself, all in the common sense -- but deceptive name -- of stopping crime. How many criminals do you figure will register when all is said and done? That's right, none, and the planners know that. All that money and time, invested on tracking the innocent. That's why so many police departments are against it -- they'll be forced to run huge data centers with their limited resources, and hire clerks instead of cops.

2. Americans who fail to register would become felons without committing a crime.

Under registration, activity that is a common practice and has been perfectly legal since inception makes you a felon. Think about that. Possession of private property would subject you to felony arrest, if the property isn't on the government's master list. Boy, that doesn't sound like the American way. No other evil is needed, there is no victim and no inherent criminal act takes place. Paperwork equals prison. That's just wrong.

3. Registration, if enacted, will create an underground market for unregistered guns bigger than the drug trade.

How many times must an elite forbid what the public wants, before learning the unintended consequences of outlawing liberties? People get what they want either way, it's just a question of how much crime the government itself forces to accompany it. With respect to guns, the last thing you want to encourage is the creative import programs and price supports that drug dealers enjoy, for gun runners.

4. People have said to me, "But Alan, if all guns were registered and there was a crime, then you could tell."

Tell what? If your neighbor is shot, that's not probable cause to search everyone with a matching caliber in a ten-block radius. The evidence needed to conclusively link a person to a crime has no connection at all to a registration plan -- you need motive, opportunity, witnesses, physical evidence, the murder weapon. Police aren't waiting for official lists so they can start catching murderers. Gun registration schemes lack a crime prevention component.

5. You don't really think authorities would use gun registration lists to confiscate weapons from people, do you?

Despite real-life examples recently of exactly that in New York, California and Louisiana, and global history for the past century, this couldn't really happen, do you think? Who would even support such a thing in a country like America, with its Bill of Rights? The guarantees against confiscating property, unwarranted seizures and the right to keep and bear arms would surely forestall any such abuse of power. Are there really U.S. politician who would support firearm seizures? (Unfortunately, it's a long list of usual suspects.)

And what about the so-called First Amendment test? If it's OK for arms it must pass muster for words too. Why would an honest writer object to being on the government list of approved writers? Why indeed.

This column really explains why registration is not a good, or useful idea....

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