Manatee With a Master's Degree Says Healthy Weight Loss is Racist & Eugenics

Parents have always been competitive. In a not so long ago era, parents would brag that their child made Eagle Scout, or the honor role at school. A child getting into a good school was reason to rub another parent's face in the boast.

The only thing that has changed is what parent choose to brag about. "My child is the first one in his kindergarten class to question their gender identity", is now just as praiseworthy as "My child is reading three grades above his peers" used to be.
I'll assume your talking prog infested areas only because a parent bragging about turning a kid into a tranny in red areas would probably end with that parent getting their ass kicked immediately & arrested for child abuse
Yep, it is here we can disagree meanwhile on the block you put your nose in my kids life ya won't have nose anymore. My job not yours. In the same token I won't poke my nose in your life or your kids. You can make your own decisions and pay the consequences of them.

Now you have gone assuming things about me.

This says a lot.

Thanks for saving me the trouble.


Believe me, you haven't the vaguest idea what you are talking about and it's time to put you back in the shut-the-fuck-up cage. I know from past experience that actually reasoning with you is pointless.

Lol, so do you put your nose in other people's business on the block? Pretty simple question with a yes or no answer . Lol, that simple question really trigger you that much? Are ya that much of a snowflake?
Lol, so do you put your nose in other people's business on the block? Pretty simple question with a yes or no answer . Lol, that simple question really trigger you that much? Are ya that much of a snowflake?

Ummmm, the manatee is putting her nose in other people's business.
First of all, I had no idea Haagen-Dazs gave out a masters degree.
Second, encouraging a healthy lifestyle & physical fitness is neither racism nor eugenics in any form.

This is what happens when you go through life fat, stupid & deranged

But there's more. We still haven't even gotten to the racism part yet. This chick went on to claim, "Be careful about what you say and what you are perpetuating. Because it's all tied to racism. And eugenics. You're being a racist when you start promoting weight loss. I said what I said, it's the truth [...] If you care about me, if you care about fat people, if you care about yourself, you will stop. You will stop right now."

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That's not a manatee. Manatees are cute and eat heads of lettuce that are going bad. I used to feed one about 2-3x a week.

Yes, 800 lb animals can be cute.

Oh yeah, it's illegal to do that. Bah!
I did it for years anyway, always the same manatee, me and a couple other people did it.
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See her lips?

Stop the video at the :23 second mark.

Trust me.

ETA: Where she says "opening your mouth" and touches her mouth.

And to add, the entire premise of the video is stupid. If it were "people should stop talking TO ME about ME" fair enough. But she's just talking about people talking about weight/diet in general. Wow, okay.
The freedom of choosing excess, be it too many calories or too much horsepower (and so many other areas), is tremendously overrated. The freedom to use good sense and rationality is insufficiently utilized.

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