Manchester Bomber Was Product Of West's Libya/Syria Intervention...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention
He was was a fuggun muslim terrorist.
Muslim terrorists are the cause of The War on Terror; not the result.
He was was a fuggun muslim terrorist.
Muslim terrorists are the cause of The War on Terror; not the result.
They are also pawns in the bogus war on terror. Which is why he was allowed safe harbor in Manchester among other radicals from a group known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
He was was a fuggun muslim terrorist.
Muslim terrorists are the cause of The War on Terror; not the result.
They are also pawns in the bogus war on terror. Which is why he was allowed safe harbor in Manchester among other radicals from a group known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

The US/West has been supporting radical Islamists for several decades. They've used them as mercenaries. It began back with the US CIA supporting Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. It's a very sad evil alliance.

But most Citizens in the West aren't even aware of their Governments' support of these brutal Terrorists. The rapid rise of Radical Islam in the world couldn't have been achieved without the US/West and Saudi Arabian support. That's the ugly truth.
Muslim goblins have been terrorizing, butchering and genociding for 1400 years. Because in their hate-ideology it's an evil crime to not be Islam. Demonic hate like Islam doesn't need any other reason to kill. And all this liberalfilth excuse-making for the most violent hate-ideology on this planet really, seriously makes me want to bring back England's cute little hang/draw/quarter penalty for treason for liberalfilth. Excuse-making liberalfilth obviously sadistically get off on the only religion which stones women to death, teaches children to be suicide bombers, beheads and/or fucks the small children of their enemies, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, non-surgically slices the clits off little girls - on and on and on. Anyone that supports that is the personification of evil.
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

He was was a fuggun muslim terrorist.
Muslim terrorists are the cause of The War on Terror; not the result.
They are also pawns in the bogus war on terror. Which is why he was allowed safe harbor in Manchester among other radicals from a group known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Which is exactly why radical islamics should not be allowed safe harbor in Manchester.
He was was a fuggun muslim terrorist.
Muslim terrorists are the cause of The War on Terror; not the result.
They are also pawns in the bogus war on terror. Which is why he was allowed safe harbor in Manchester among other radicals from a group known as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

The US/West has been supporting radical Islamists for several decades. They've used them as mercenaries. It began back with the US CIA supporting Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. It's a very sad evil alliance.

But most Citizens in the West aren't even aware of their Governments' support of these brutal Terrorists. The rapid rise of Radical Islam in the world couldn't have been achieved without the US/West and Saudi Arabian support. That's the ugly truth.
Of course, radical Islamists are being used to destabilize the ME to temper the Shia expansion that followed the failure in Iraq. Libya was integral part of that. It is what got Christopher Stevens killed. I don't feel bad for him. The innocents though is another story. The victims of the most recent bombing are paying a price for the stupid and deadly game being played.
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

That's puts thousands of Libyans and the kids in Manchester square onto Hillary.
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

That's puts thousands of Libyans and the kids in Manchester square onto Hillary.
Ooooh political points!!!!!
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

He detonated a bomb against little girls......there is no fucking blow back that caused that asswipe....
Muslim goblins have been terrorizing, butchering and genociding for 1400 years. Because in their hate-ideology it's an evil crime to not be Islam. Demonic hate like Islam doesn't need any other reason to kill. And all this liberalfilth excuse-making for the most violent hate-ideology on this planet really, seriously makes me want to bring back England's cute little hang/draw/quarter penalty for treason for liberalfilth. Excuse-making liberalfilth obviously sadistically get off on the only religion which stones women to death, teaches children to be suicide bombers, beheads and/or fucks the small children of their enemies, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, non-surgically slices the clits off little girls - on and on and on. Anyone that supports that is the personification of evil.

When arent leftists apologists for jihadist scum ???
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention

He detonated a bomb against little girls......there is no fucking blow back that caused that asswipe....

Check out the OP.
Muslim goblins have been terrorizing, butchering and genociding for 1400 years. Because in their hate-ideology it's an evil crime to not be Islam. Demonic hate like Islam doesn't need any other reason to kill. And all this liberalfilth excuse-making for the most violent hate-ideology on this planet really, seriously makes me want to bring back England's cute little hang/draw/quarter penalty for treason for liberalfilth. Excuse-making liberalfilth obviously sadistically get off on the only religion which stones women to death, teaches children to be suicide bombers, beheads and/or fucks the small children of their enemies, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, non-surgically slices the clits off little girls - on and on and on. Anyone that supports that is the personification of evil.

Never any of our business till we made it our business. We should leave their lands. We don't belong there. We never did.
Just more tragic Interventionist Blow Back. Good piece by Daniel McAdams.

Here's what the media and politicians don't want you to know about the Manchester, UK, suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and "regime change" policy in Syria. He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi's secular Libya, and later he trained to be an armed "rebel" in Syria, fighting for the US and UK "regime change" policy toward the secular Assad government.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago. After the US/UK and allied "liberation" of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate in Libya...

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Manchester Bomber Was Product of West's Libya/Syria Intervention
You keep reminding us about how Rand Paul was laughed out of the presidential primaries for spouting this kind of bullshit. This attack occurred because the British police failed to take proactive measures to investigate this apparently very large network of terrorist supporters for fear of offending Muslims.

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