Manchin fires back after Bernie Sanders pens op-ed in West Virginia paper

LMAO how many times over have you spend the billionaires money? Do you know the difference between a billion and a trillion?

That is a question that should be answered of you. It is $3.5 trillion over 10 years not 1 year. That averages out to $350 billion a year.
I never said it was paid for. What you did is a sign of the cult mentality. If I say it needs paid for you see that as me defending Trump.

That's one of the last things I would do.

If Republicans don't have to pay for the tax cuts then why should the childcare tax credit and tax credit be paid for? The money will be pumped into the economy which lifts families out of poverty and increases economic activity.
What Sanders and these other far left Democrats don't understand is unlike most of them Manchin is not in a safe solid blue state he is a Democrat in a very red state that Trump got 68% of the vote in in the 2020 election. Right now the Democrats have a Democratic Senator from the state who votes with the party best guess 75 to 80 percent of the time he goes along with the Sanders/AOC agenda he in all likelihood gets voted out in the next election and you have a Republican in that seat who in all probablity never votes with the Democrats on anything.

Why do you automatically assume the people in West Virginia do not support this? Polls have suggested that the people in West Virginia support a large part of Biden's economic plan. Or that they do not support voting rights.
Of course you are the liar. The Republican tax cuts were not paid for and nearly half of the bill is tax credits for childcare and children. I thought Republicans loved children or so they say when the issue is abortion.

Why are you being a typical ignorant commie and deflecting to things that nothing to do with the topic at hand? Oh right, it's because you know the xiden regime is lying their asses off regarding the 3.5T bill costing nothing. Here's a clue for ya commie, it will cost 3.5T and a lot more.

Why do you automatically assume the people in West Virginia do not support this? Polls have suggested that the people in West Virginia support a large part of Biden's economic plan. Or that they do not support voting rights.
Which polls have suggested that? You can get a poll to give you any outcome you want depending on who conducts the poll and how they word the question or questions. If this Sanders far left plan was truly popular in West Virginia I really don't think you would see Manchin opposing it I think it is safe to say Manchin understands the political reality in his state far better than Sanders or any of us.
They're going to eventually piss Manchin off and he'll switch parties and put McConnell back in as majority leader. That will make kneepads more irrelevant than she is now.

I don't see why Manchin should have any problem at all with switching
parties.He said it would insult one of his Democrat Mentors.That being
Senator Byrd.Who died years ago.Plus Byrd was somewhat unique among
D.C. Senators.He went out of his way NOT to schmooze with fellow
colleagues after hours.He and his wife had disdain for the D.C. crowd,
Byrd was much more at home playing his fiddle as he did on
- Hee Haw -.
Plus Trump took West Virginia by the Biggest margin in 2020.
at 38.9 %.Only Wyoming had more percent of Trump votes { 43.3 % }
So I stretched the truth a hair.
Manchin should team up with Krysten Sinema and both announce together
they decided to Leave their Party.Where sheer political will is the end all.
Not requiring a conscience lest of which any backbone.Just caving-in.
Which polls have suggested that? You can get a poll to give you any outcome you want depending on who conducts the poll and how they word the question or questions. If this Sanders far left plan was truly popular in West Virginia I really don't think you would see Manchin opposing it I think it is safe to say Manchin understands the political reality in his state far better than Sanders or any of us.
If you wanna know how Sanders style of commie talk gets popular.
go to YouTube and watch ... - The Young Turks -.
With a very large subscriber number.Meaning all the Young Turk Commies
are making out like bandits.Plus they put up a video about half a dozen times each
day. Based on intricate use of spinning and sheer Projection.Also Gaslighting.
Plus head chick at Young Turks is a special case.She used to have a problem just
casually using the " F " word.She's the classic example of an American Hater.
It oozes every time she opens her foul mouth.
Not A Classic example ... THE C;lassic example.
You obviously don't know how government spending works :itsok:
Not hard at all.Congress manages to spent any budget surplus
faster than it makes it on paper as a surplus.As with any Clinton surplus,
due to The New Republicans balancing 4 consecutive budgets.


While they hail from opposite ends of the Democratic spectrum, Sanders and Manchin have some big things in common. They both hold seats at the party's leadership table, and they share a stubborn streak when challenged on their biggest goals.

Some Democrats said that Sanders had erred by going after his colleague in his home state. Manchin has long said senators shouldn’t campaign against each other, and the op-ed from Sanders was “a mistake,” according to one Democratic senator, who requested anonymity to speak candidly: “It didn’t accomplish anything. We’re in a position to get this thing done. Everybody has to act like an adult.”

“They’re going to do battle in public. I don’t think that there’s any way around that,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). Even so, Murphy warned that “every single day that we’re consumed by internal debates and internal arguments is a day that we’re not actively selling” the social spending proposal to the public.

Murphy, like most in the party, is willing to meet Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) at a lower spending number. But rank-and-file Democrats are still waiting for a breakthrough.
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Whelp..let's take a look where West Virginia stands. On the first link, pay close attention to their ranking on the first four categories.



I could go on and on, but the point is made. Joe Manchin gets re-elected because he's a DINO shill for the coal and natural gas companies, not because he's done anything for his constituents in WV.
Everybody wants him to flip and to become a Republican because his views line up with theirs. Problem is, he could switch to the Republican party, but they'd primary him in 2024. :)

I have to hand it to Bernie Sanders for turning up the heat on Manchin. His 15 minutes are up. Time to do something for the voters of your state.
Coal and Nat gas are keeping us alive you dumbass... you should be glad somebody is tending to business. The Chinese sure as hell get it.

The sad thing is, Bernie is now more the face of the Dimocrat party, than Joe Manchin.

Kennedy is rolling in his grave.
Whelp..let's take a look where West Virginia stands. On the first link, pay close attention to their ranking on the first four categories.



I could go on and on, but the point is made. Joe Manchin gets re-elected because he's a DINO shill for the coal and natural gas companies, not because he's done anything for his constituents in WV.
Everybody wants him to flip and to become a Republican because his views line up with theirs. Problem is, he could switch to the Republican party, but they'd primary him in 2024. :)

I have to hand it to Bernie Sanders for turning up the heat on Manchin. His 15 minutes are up. Time to do something for the voters of your state.
why are socially progressive fiscally conservatives no longer eligible to be Ds in your opinion? And no gopers will vote for the child tax credit provisions that Manchin wants.
Bernie Sanders has no right to tell West Virginians what they should do. West Virginia is not a socialist state. Senators should represent their state, not their party.
Red Bernie's done this twice before and he'd never carry WV in a general contest. He was an entitled prick 50 years ago and hasn't changed


"The president is a longtime policy guy and relationship guy. So he brings both kinds of skills to his work" to corral his party behind a trillion-dollar-plus package of progressive priorities, said Biden's former primary rival Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Warren acknowledged, however, that Biden's level of influence over Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) — both of whom met with Biden on Tuesday — remains to be seen: "We'll know the answer to that when we make it across the finish line and assess what we’ve got."

Biden will also meet Tuesday afternoon with Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), along with House progressives and moderates.

“I’m going to be pushing the president to try to get it done from his side sooner rather than later,” Tester said ahead of the meeting. He added that Biden doesn’t necessarily have to be the one to close the deal but he “certainly is a big part of it.”
Manchin and Bernie both oppose the disastrous Citizens United SC decision...something to talk about!
Why do you automatically assume the people in West Virginia do not support this? Polls have suggested that the people in West Virginia support a large part of Biden's economic plan. Or that they do not support voting rights.
The issue is Sanders putting his nose into WV. The voters there can elect anyone they like .... from WV.
in this video, Manchin speaks of deciding to run for Senate after Robert Byrd died, leaving his governorship of WV after the 2nd year of his 2nd term

he discusses ways to "reform government" like the Duplication Elimination Act, which he says saves 400 billion dollars

says "God Bless Bill De Blasio" despite not agreeing with him on anything, says he's "passed a lot of amendments" with Pocahontas Warren

you can watch the whole thing, though i just summed up the best parts!


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