Manchin has destroyed Biden’s agenda

Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

So not only do you want to label me, you want to tell me what I want?

I guess you don't need me for this conversation.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

So not only do you want to label me, you want to tell me what I want?

I guess you don't need me for this conversation.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.

So if I don't agree with everything you say, I am a liberal who loathes the military.

What a crock of shit. If you actually read all my posts you we see the error of your assumptions.

And generalizations are rarely accurate.
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

So not only do you want to label me, you want to tell me what I want?

I guess you don't need me for this conversation.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.

So if I don't agree with everything you say, I am a liberal who loathes the military.

What a crock of shit. If you actually read all my posts you we see the error of your assumptions.

And generalizations are rarely accurate.
You said it, I didn't. If anything the military budget needs to be doubled!
His entire radical Marxist agenda is grinded to a hault like the German invasion of Russia
He's been in office for about five months. If Manchin and Sinema hold the line until even 2022, I'll be amazed. You can bet that INCREDIBLE pressure will be brought to bear. It will be in the form of "incentives" at first. These people play hardball. Ask Christopher Sign's family...
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

So not only do you want to label me, you want to tell me what I want?

I guess you don't need me for this conversation.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.

So if I don't agree with everything you say, I am a liberal who loathes the military.

What a crock of shit. If you actually read all my posts you we see the error of your assumptions.

And generalizations are rarely accurate.
You said it, I didn't. If anything the military budget needs to be doubled!

Doubled? I guess deficits mean nothing to you, huh?
This has been posted something like 20 times now and people are still too ignorant to understand that Manchin has done none of this. None of these things ever gets 60 votes.
Hence the hue and cry for the ending of the filibuster. Manchin and Sinema have clearly said they'll vote NO. Had they been willing to vote with the rest of the Left, the filibuster could be ended by a tiebreaker vote on simply changing a Senate rule.

Without the filibuster, every bit of the agenda of the Marxist Left can be rammed through.
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

That makes him gnash his teeth. No liberal ever admits to being what they are.
No liberal ever admits they were wrong. They just keep doubling down, even AFTER hooting "Busted" - the postage for a letter is more than five cents. But it was five cents for the postcard.
He was wrong and won't be man enough to admit he was dead wrong. I'm not making a big deal out of it. I'm pointing out how simple and petty he was, and continues to be.
First he claimed "biggest item in the budget" and then when I proved him wrong, again, he slips in "discretionary, discretionary." That wasn't in his original liberal claim.

It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Highways, interstates, bridges and more need attention. Yeah, stopping that was so helpful
That's exclusively on a state and local level, dumbass!

There are state highways and US highways. Funding for US highways comes, at least in part, from the federal gov't. Dumbass.
Interstates are federal. The funding for them is, at least in part, from the federal gov't.
Bridges repairs are also partly funded by the federal gov't.

All of the above get funding from the federal government.
from: Thousands of US bridges are 'structurally deficient' as pace of repair slows to lowest point in five years, industry group says
"Federal money for road and bridge projects comes from the Highway Trust Fund, which receives money from a federal gas tax of 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel."

Do a little research before calling someone else a dumbass while proving yourself to be an idiot.
We need a return to toll roads. Privatize everything. We are much better off that way.

No, we do not. Interstate highways and US highways are a vital part of our economy. We need to stop letting politicians pick what the money is spent on based on whether they get instant credit for it.

There are plenty of great ways to cut federal spending. Roads and bridges have been put on the backburner long enough.
How? By completely gutting the military?

First, by cutting the amount of money we send to other countries. Mainly those which can fund their own lives.

And then by cutting the defense budget by 1/3. We would still be spending more than any other country in the world, but could take care of things at home as well.
Yeah, and taxing the EVUUUUULLLLLLLL rich at 150% tax rates, that'll learn em. How about making massive cuts in welfare programs that eat up 65% of the budget instead?

Did I say anything about taxing the rich?

It would be a better conversation if you didn't just make up shit you want me to say.

Defense spending is the biggest expenditure of the budget. And it is overspending in the extreme.
the defense of the country is actually in the Constitution not the welfare programs.

Don't trouble the *moderator* with facts and the Constitution.
He knows everything. He has POWER ! ! ! !

Awww, are you afraid? lol

If you could point out one single instance in which I abused my power, I will happily stick to moderating and never post as just a member again.

Afraid of you and your uninformed giggles? Please.

1. Another fan of Isaac Asimov, like you, claimed that the postcard from Asimov I showed didn't have the correct postage. He claimed LETTERS cost more than five cents to mail at that time. You giggled and said to me "BUSTED!"

You and your Asimov-loving pal don't know the difference between a postcard and a letter, and under your mantle of "Moderator," you comment somewhat authoritatively, no matter how wrong you are. Moreover you never apologize. You never admit that you were wrong.

2. Above you claimed that the military is the largest item in the federal budget. DEAD WRONG.
Furthermore, the military is combined with Homeland Security in that 16.3%.
You giggled around that one as you always do, *moderator*.

One should expect you to provide reliable information. Like Joe Biden, you are unable to do so. I try diligently to ignore your comments because you seldom provide anything useful or accurate.

I should have said the defense budget is the largest item in the discretionary spending section of the federal budget, which is the only part that can be easily adjusted.

As for your nonsense about me being a moderator, you are the one rambling on and on about it. And commenting about what power I have. Again, if you can show any place I abused my power, I will happily stop posting as a member and ONLY sign in for my moderator duties.

And lastly, you need to get over that Azimov thing. It was a long time ago, and I did not apologize because I was not wrong. If I am wrong I will admit it.
Liberals like you not only want to "adjust" the defense budget, but totally eliminate it.

That makes him gnash his teeth. No liberal ever admits to being what they are.
No liberal ever admits they were wrong. They just keep doubling down, even AFTER hooting "Busted" - the postage for a letter is more than five cents. But it was five cents for the postcard.
He was wrong and won't be man enough to admit he was dead wrong. I'm not making a big deal out of it. I'm pointing out how simple and petty he was, and continues to be.
First he claimed "biggest item in the budget" and then when I proved him wrong, again, he slips in "discretionary, discretionary." That wasn't in his original liberal claim.


You really are a whiner, aren't you?
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Your repeated calls for massive cuts to outright gutting when the real cuts need to happen with Unconstitutional social welfare spending.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Your repeated calls for massive cuts to outright gutting when the real cuts need to happen with Unconstitutional social welfare spending.

Because I do not see the need to spend three times what China spends, while piling up deficits, is disparaging the military?

I guess Eisenhower's warning about the military/industrial complex was lost on you?
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Your repeated calls for massive cuts to outright gutting when the real cuts need to happen with Unconstitutional social welfare spending.

Because I do not see the need to spend three times what China spends, while piling up deficits, is disparaging the military?

I guess Eisenhower's warning about the military/industrial complex was lost on you?
Eisenhower? That RINO?
This has been posted something like 20 times now and people are still too ignorant to understand that Manchin has done none of this. None of these things ever gets 60 votes.
Hence the hue and cry for the ending of the filibuster. Manchin and Sinema have clearly said they'll vote NO. Had they been willing to vote with the rest of the Left, the filibuster could be ended by a tiebreaker vote on simply changing a Senate rule.

Without the filibuster, every bit of the agenda of the Marxist Left can be rammed through.

My opinion is there are a lot of people who have no desire to change the rule. Manchin is just the one that speaks up.
If Sleepy Joe wants to implement his "infrastructure" agenda, the path is crystal clear. Break out the spending that is actually INFRASTRUCTURE (hundreds of billions), and put it up for a vote. It will win in a landslide, and Biden can claim "bi-partisanship" all he wants.

Then break out the other garbage and let the Congress debate those measures on their merits. If The Peoples' Representatives want them, they will pass. Otherwise...

But unfortunately, this would be the honest way to proceed, so it is not in the Democrat playbook.
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Your repeated calls for massive cuts to outright gutting when the real cuts need to happen with Unconstitutional social welfare spending.

Because I do not see the need to spend three times what China spends, while piling up deficits, is disparaging the military?

I guess Eisenhower's warning about the military/industrial complex was lost on you?
Eisenhower? That RINO?

Funny, you never answered whether you served?
It's the standard MO for all Liberals as they loathe the military.
Yeah? When did you serve? I'm a liberal and did 20+ years and retired.

It's not even arrogance to ascribe such a thing to a political party or's petty and stupid.

I am also an honorably discharged veteran and proud of my service.
And yet you and your Leftist ilk always disparage the military.

Have you seen me disparage the military?
Your repeated calls for massive cuts to outright gutting when the real cuts need to happen with Unconstitutional social welfare spending.

Because I do not see the need to spend three times what China spends, while piling up deficits, is disparaging the military?

I guess Eisenhower's warning about the military/industrial complex was lost on you?
Eisenhower? That RINO?

Whether you like his politics or not, he was absolutely right about the military/industrial complex.

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