Manchin Is Standing Against His Entire Party, Sinema Is Enduring Harassment To Stop the Dems...And McConnell Folds, Giving Schumer/Dems HUGE Win

Krysten Sinema has endured personal attacks from fellow Democrats and criminal harassment from intrusive libtards / snowflakes in an effort to stop her party from adding another $5.5 trillion to the already fiscally criminal $28+ TRILLION deficit...

Joe Manchin has been a ROCK, standing up against his entire party, putting up with personal attacks and pressure to block his party from adding $5.5 TRILLION in new debt-adding, Democrat self-serving pork...

They both, along with the vast majority of Conservatives, have to be shaking their heads this morning, shocked at the overwhelming weakness of R-Mitch McConnell who undermined the Republicans' solidarity in refusing to lift the debt ceiling, convincing enough Republicans to vote with the Democrats, to allow these Democrats to get another step closer to passing that bill.

Both Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin fully support debt ceiling increase and in fact voted for it, which is separate from their negotiations on a new spending bill.

You are just too damn stupid to help yourself from constantly posting false garbage.
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Both Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin fully support debt ceiling increase, which is entirely separate from their negotiations on a new spending bill..

The 2 are not mutually exclusive. There is NO $5.5 trillion criminally, fiscally irresponsible Democrat pork-bloated bill passed if the debt ceiling is not increased. Democrats don't give a damn about paying off old debt - they are not looking back at what they have done to get to this point, they are looking forward to that $5.5 trillion bill they want and know they can't get it unless that debt ceiling is raised AT LEAST by that amount. NO MORE spending of that kind, unnecessary, self-serving spending without the debt ceiling increased.

The 2 are completely tied together.
Once we go completely upside down on the debt, THE UN will step in and The World Economic Forum will impose The Great Reset, and then America will be NO MORE.
Krysten Sinema has endured personal attacks from fellow Democrats and criminal harassment from intrusive libtards / snowflakes in an effort to stop her party from adding another $5.5 trillion to the already fiscally criminal $28+ TRILLION deficit...

Joe Manchin has been a ROCK, standing up against his entire party, putting up with personal attacks and pressure to block his party from adding $5.5 TRILLION in new debt-adding, Democrat self-serving pork...

They both, along with the vast majority of Conservatives, have to be shaking their heads this morning, shocked at the overwhelming weakness of R-Mitch McConnell who undermined the Republicans' solidarity in refusing to lift the debt ceiling, convincing enough Republicans to vote with the Democrats, to allow these Democrats to get another step closer to passing that bill.

McConnell was naïve enough, stupid enough, to believe Senate Majority Leader D-Chuck Schumer would be grateful for McConnell's betrayal which gave Schumer a HUGE 'Win'. HE WAS WRONG.

Schumer bragged how his fellow Democrats had remained strong and unified (which, of course, is a lie, considering Sinema and Manchin had refused to join fellow Democrats), taking a direct - and deserved - shot at the Republicans who, once again, caved to the Democrats. Again, the GOP's weakness and betrayal of GOP solidarity came from Mitch McConnell. Schumer savaged the GOP's attempt to stand in the Democrats' way. Schumer offered McConnell no gratitude, no mercy.

As Schumer spoke, Manchin's frustration, over sacrificing and enduring so much only to have Mitch McConnell - the opposing party Senate 'leader', a Republican - fold so quickly, so easily, flashed for everyone to see as Manchin sat directly behind Schumer as he spoke:

View attachment 549068

View attachment 549069
JUST CAN'T WATCH: Manchin explains his viral reaction to
Schumer’s diatribe against Republicans after debt ceiling deal

Manchin, who is perhaps the second most popular person in Washington, D.C. these days, was seated directly behind Schumer and could be seen shaking his head during the speech. He looks like a baseball manager sitting in a dugout after his team gives up the lead. Manchin appeared to be exasperated as Schumer continued talking. At one point, he could be seen putting his head into his hands and eventually getting up from his chair while his New York colleague continued.

Manchin’s office did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News about the Senator’s reaction.

Another video appeared to show Manchin walking out of the Capitol, saying that he hopes that both parties "de-weaponize." He said both sides were frustrated, "but that was not the way to take it out."

You can't blame Manchin for his frustration coming out as Schumer engaged in partisan political theater to attack Republicans while bragging about the Victory McConnell gift-wrapped and gave him, over McConnell's weakness, and his own party's criminal fiscal irresponsibility.
I have to disagree. I think McConnell played this well. He didn't really cave. In fact, he did just the opposite. Democrats had better take McConnell at his word because come December Democrats had better have done this through reconciliation because McConnell will then be able to prove that he not only let his intentions be completely known well, well ahead of time but gave Democrats the time to accomplish this.

The main sticking point is the reconciliation package which is not going to be liked by progressives in the end and may not ever become reality thanks to Manchin and Sinema, not to mention moderates in the House. If both bills don't make it then Republican's objections to raising the debt ceiling will no longer be an issue and they can then raise the debt ceiling again in December to an amount that would not include the extra 5 trillion. I think McConnell has skillfully maneuvered the circumstances to the point where Republicans are in a win win scenario and the blue team is in a lose/lose scenario.
Krysten Sinema has endured personal attacks from fellow Democrats and criminal harassment from intrusive libtards / snowflakes in an effort to stop her party from adding another $5.5 trillion to the already fiscally criminal $28+ TRILLION deficit...

Joe Manchin has been a ROCK, standing up against his entire party, putting up with personal attacks and pressure to block his party from adding $5.5 TRILLION in new debt-adding, Democrat self-serving pork...

They both, along with the vast majority of Conservatives, have to be shaking their heads this morning, shocked at the overwhelming weakness of R-Mitch McConnell who undermined the Republicans' solidarity in refusing to lift the debt ceiling, convincing enough Republicans to vote with the Democrats, to allow these Democrats to get another step closer to passing that bill.

McConnell was naïve enough, stupid enough, to believe Senate Majority Leader D-Chuck Schumer would be grateful for McConnell's betrayal which gave Schumer a HUGE 'Win'. HE WAS WRONG.

Schumer bragged how his fellow Democrats had remained strong and unified (which, of course, is a lie, considering Sinema and Manchin had refused to join fellow Democrats), taking a direct - and deserved - shot at the Republicans who, once again, caved to the Democrats. Again, the GOP's weakness and betrayal of GOP solidarity came from Mitch McConnell. Schumer savaged the GOP's attempt to stand in the Democrats' way. Schumer offered McConnell no gratitude, no mercy.

As Schumer spoke, Manchin's frustration, over sacrificing and enduring so much only to have Mitch McConnell - the opposing party Senate 'leader', a Republican - fold so quickly, so easily, flashed for everyone to see as Manchin sat directly behind Schumer as he spoke:

View attachment 549068

View attachment 549069
JUST CAN'T WATCH: Manchin explains his viral reaction to
Schumer’s diatribe against Republicans after debt ceiling deal

Manchin, who is perhaps the second most popular person in Washington, D.C. these days, was seated directly behind Schumer and could be seen shaking his head during the speech. He looks like a baseball manager sitting in a dugout after his team gives up the lead. Manchin appeared to be exasperated as Schumer continued talking. At one point, he could be seen putting his head into his hands and eventually getting up from his chair while his New York colleague continued.

Manchin’s office did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News about the Senator’s reaction.

Another video appeared to show Manchin walking out of the Capitol, saying that he hopes that both parties "de-weaponize." He said both sides were frustrated, "but that was not the way to take it out."

You can't blame Manchin for his frustration coming out as Schumer engaged in partisan political theater to attack Republicans while bragging about the Victory McConnell gift-wrapped and gave him, over McConnell's weakness, and his own party's criminal fiscal irresponsibility.
Manchin will cave

He is a democrat after all

No good comes from any of them
Pistol or poison...PICK!

It Is ALWAYS this question.

Then it gets memory holed until the next time.

If I say default....WE ALLLL DIE!!!


People like you are akin to talking to a fucking fence post.

One track, blank minds.
That's okay. I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

Avoid the question, change the subject, launch personal attack. Regular stuff here.
We will not default. The government closed down a few times over the years. But it should default. And end the nightmare we live through. All the truths of Biden and you. Gas is going higher and higher. The rents are going higher and higher. The homes are going higher and higher. Food prices are going higher and higher. Energy prices are going higher and higher. At some point we will end paying for you.
Your answer appears to be that we should default on America's obligations.

Do you have any idea what that would cause? Any idea at all?

I guess that would be okay now, so you could blame it on the Democrats.

I doubt you said this when Trump was in office.
Nice deflection. How else are the repubs supposed to fight against the ridiculous spending that the democrats want to do? You act like there are only 2 options, but there are more than that. How about this: the democrats raise the debt ceiling by themselves, since they are the ones that want to increase our obligations by so much? You coulda done it already, and still could. If they're going to use reconciliation to pass huge partisan spending bills then why shouldn't they also pass the legislation to raise the debt ceiling since they want to increase our debt so much and so quickly. If the GOP has no voice in determining the current spending then why should they help raise the debt ceiling so the democrats can spend all they want?

You do understand that raising the debt ceiling isn't only about paying for past obligations but also for future ones, right? Joe Biden is a fucking liar about that, or at least he left out that last part.
You appear to think that only the Democrats are responsible for our debt obligations.

Who told you that?
You appear to think that only the Democrats are responsible for our debt obligations.
Who told you that? was just Biden who declared to the American people that we have / had to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the REPUBLICANS' previous spending.

Please stop accusing others of doing what Biden / Democrats have done / do.
Again, 'pot meet kettle'. was just Biden who declared to the American people that we have / had to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the REPUBLICANS' previous spending.

Please stop accusing others of doing what Biden / Democrats have done / do.
Again, 'pot meet kettle'.
Do the Republicans have their hands in our obligations, or do they not?

(Hint: In Normal World, the answer to that direct question is "yes")
Do the Republicans have their hands in our obligations, or do they not?

(Hint: In Normal World, the answer to that direct question is "yes")
I have never said they have not. The comment I responded to still applies. was just Biden who declared to the American people that we have / had to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the REPUBLICANS' previous spending.
-- Where was your post disagreeing with the President or calling him out for his deceit / spreading disinformation?

Please stop accusing others of doing what Biden / Democrats have done / do.
Again, 'pot meet kettle'.
I have to disagree. I think McConnell played this well. He didn't really cave. In fact, he did just the opposite. Democrats had better take McConnell at his word because come December Democrats had better have done this through reconciliation because McConnell will then be able to prove that he not only let his intentions be completely known well, well ahead of time but gave Democrats the time to accomplish this.

The main sticking point is the reconciliation package which is not going to be liked by progressives in the end and may not ever become reality thanks to Manchin and Sinema, not to mention moderates in the House. If both bills don't make it then Republican's objections to raising the debt ceiling will no longer be an issue and they can then raise the debt ceiling again in December to an amount that would not include the extra 5 trillion. I think McConnell has skillfully maneuvered the circumstances to the point where Republicans are in a win win scenario and the blue team is in a lose/lose scenario.

I agree with this analysis. The GOP did help pass the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that the democrats should have been satisfied with cuz it also had a bunch of crap in it for the democrats' agenda. But no, they had to get greedy; they want it all and the GOP said NO. And they're the bad guys because they won't raise the debt ceiling so the democrats can pass as much spending as they want? Bull fuckin' shit! The dems could have passed legislation before now to raise the debt ceiling by themselves, but no, they wanted to force the repubs to give in. And to their credit, McConnell and the GOP said NO. If the democrats are going to pass their huge gargantuan spending bills via reconciliation then they can also pass the debt ceiling increase by themselves too and then face the voters next year. As it should be.
I have never said they have not. The comment I responded to still applies. was just Biden who declared to the American people that we have / had to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the REPUBLICANS' previous spending.
-- Where was your post disagreeing with the President or calling him out for his deceit / spreading disinformation?

Please stop accusing others of doing what Biden / Democrats have done / do.
Again, 'pot meet kettle'.
Well of course the Democrats play every game possible.

As I've said a zillion times, the two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors.

See, I'm not like you. I don't have a tribe to protect with dishonesty.

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