Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Whatever respect I had for THIS PIECE OF SHIT is now gone...forever!

Brietbart's Big Government ^
| December 24, 2015 | Ben Shapiro
As the end of the year approaches, Donald Trump is solidly ensconced at the top of the Republican polls nationally. The man just behind him? Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) , is currently running far behind in national polling, a distant third in Iowa, and in a deadlock with Cruz and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for second in New Hampshire. Panic time. So, here’s the establishment roundup for Christmas week. If You Support Donald Trump, You Want to Lose. Earlier this week, Bret Stephens of The...

Lante, do not feel badly, he did NOT want Reagan either.

The supposed conservatives on the right giving their opinion, is just like those on MSNBC giving theirs. Nobody it seems, wants to let the voters decide through their own devices, who to elect.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone pointing out a LIE that one of the candidates uttered. But I REFUSE to listen to the pundits from either side, who want to tell all of us that we are dumb, and they are smarter than we are; then inform us why a candidate is good........or the world according to them! Who the hell are they?
"Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!"


A majority of republicans know Trump is a disaster for the GOP, far worse than losing the GE.
'Politico’s Jeff Greenfield says, “If the operatives I talked with are right, Trump running as a Republican could well face a third-party run – from the Republicans themselves”….Jeb Bush’s aides “began looking into the possibility of making a clear break with Trump – potentially with the candidate stating that, if Trump were the nominee, Bush would not support him.” Last week, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said that former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “and a lot of the Republican leaders would much rather Hillary Clinton be President of the United States than have Donald Trump represent them as a Republican.” And in November, The Hill reported that “GOP establishment donors have confided to The Hill that for the first time in recent memory, they find themselves contemplating not supporting a Republican nominee for president.”'

Of course none of this will come to pass, Trump won't be the nominee next year; but this represents the damage being caused to the GOP, the conflict, the acrimony, and the resentment soon to come to Trump supporters when yet another 'establishment RINO' is the nominee.
Lante, do not feel badly, he did NOT want Reagan either.

The supposed conservatives on the right giving their opinion, is just like those on MSNBC giving theirs. Nobody it seems, wants to let the voters decide through their own devices, who to elect.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone pointing out a LIE that one of the candidates uttered. But I REFUSE to listen to the pundits from either side, who want to tell all of us that we are dumb, and they are smarter than we are; then inform us why a candidate is good........or the world according to them! Who the hell are they?

And Reagan had some of the same "liberal" policies Trump does. Except for the whole immigration thing. Yet George Will is the liberal now? :rolleyes:
'Politico’s Jeff Greenfield says, “If the operatives I talked with are right, Trump running as a Republican could well face a third-party run – from the Republicans themselves”….Jeb Bush’s aides “began looking into the possibility of making a clear break with Trump – potentially with the candidate stating that, if Trump were the nominee, Bush would not support him.” Last week, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said that former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “and a lot of the Republican leaders would much rather Hillary Clinton be President of the United States than have Donald Trump represent them as a Republican.” And in November, The Hill reported that “GOP establishment donors have confided to The Hill that for the first time in recent memory, they find themselves contemplating not supporting a Republican nominee for president.”'

Of course none of this will come to pass, Trump won't be the nominee next year; but this represents the damage being caused to the GOP, the conflict, the acrimony, and the resentment soon to come to Trump supporters when yet another 'establishment RINO' is the nominee.

But... weren't people like Haley Barbour and Paul Ryan Republican heroes just a few years ago? It's like they are throwing shit at a wall, and when it doesn't stick pretending they never threw it in the first place.
Lante, do not feel badly, he did NOT want Reagan either.

The supposed conservatives on the right giving their opinion, is just like those on MSNBC giving theirs. Nobody it seems, wants to let the voters decide through their own devices, who to elect.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone pointing out a LIE that one of the candidates uttered. But I REFUSE to listen to the pundits from either side, who want to tell all of us that we are dumb, and they are smarter than we are; then inform us why a candidate is good........or the world according to them! Who the hell are they?

And Reagan had some of the same "liberal" policies Trump does. Except for the whole immigration thing. Yet George Will is the liberal now? :rolleyes:

These nutz hate 70% of this country with their extremist backwards crap but they honestly believe they can win a national election? I am laughing.
Gutting our ability to compete is a sure loser. You're the strange one that wants to weaken this country and thinks we will be better off doing so. lol

Garsh Darnit all to heck, what part of $20T do you not understand! We are already gutted and fileted. They take our money, take a HUGE cut, hand out trinkets to the saps that vote for them. Have you seen any big infrastructure in the last 9 years? How is your potholes? Bay Bridge with Chinese bolts apparently not suitable against .............. wait for it...........water corrosion.
But... weren't people like Haley Barbour and Paul Ryan Republican heroes

Well, there may be some wolves in sheep clothing paticularly Ryan was sold as the chosen one. We are not fooled. Haley Barbour MS? yeah maybe after Katrina got some press. But they set up a good Tea Party guy to fail in the recent senate election. I suspect he may be in on that?
Trump is dangerous. Cruz or Rubio must prevail over him or our country is in danger. I don't see Hillary beating anybody, even Trump. She is just too unlikeable nationally. Trump is capable of doing anything ... I repeat ... anything if he is elected commander in chief.
Stopping the loserterians be it cruz or trump is far more important. For the sake of our country we better fucking hope.
Cruz believes in the Constitution. He will preserve spending that is important. He will return the federal government to its bounds. Trump will explode the power of government.
Gutting our ability to compete is a sure loser. You're the strange one that wants to weaken this country and thinks we will be better off doing so. lol

Garsh Darnit all to heck, what part of $20T do you not understand! We are already gutted and fileted. They take our money, take a HUGE cut, hand out trinkets to the saps that vote for them. Have you seen any big infrastructure in the last 9 years? How is your potholes? Bay Bridge with Chinese bolts apparently not suitable against .............. wait for it...........water corrosion.
What part of delusional conspiracy theory do you not understand.

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