Mandate for me, tax for thee


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Mitt Romney: Individual Mandate 'Is A Tax'

"I said that I agree with the [Supreme Court']s dissent, and the dissent made it very clear that they felt [the individual mandate] was unconstitutional," Romney said in a released clip of a CBS News interview. "But the dissent lost. It's in the minority. And now the Supreme Court has spoken. And while I agree with the dissent, that's taken over by the fact that the majority of the court said it's a tax, and therefore, it is a tax."

Romney continued: "They have spoken. And there's no way around that. You can try and say you wish they decided a different way, but they didn't. They concluded it was a tax. That's what it is."

The remarks are a complete 180 from those made by two top advisers to the Romney campaign in recent days. Spokesperson Andrea Saul, two days ago, said that the governor "thinks [the mandate] is an unconstitutional penalty," not a tax. Top aide Eric Ferhnstrom, that same day, emphatically declared that the campaign did not believe the mandate was a tax.

"The governor believes that what we put in place in Massachusetts was a penalty and he disagrees with the court's ruling that the mandate was a tax," Fehrnstrom said in a Monday interview with MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown."

The comments from Romney, delivered during his July 4 break in New Hampshire, also clearly gave way to the counter-argument that, by his own definition, he raised taxes during his time as Massachusetts governor. The individual mandate, after all, is the concept that Romney helped spearhead as part of the health care overhaul in the Bay State. The penalty that citizens in his home state were subjected to should they opt not to buy insurance is greater than those levied under Obamacare.

Romney didn't think it was a tax. The Supreme Court said it was. Romney acknowledges that nothing can be done about the Supreme Court saying it is a tax, and so it must be treated as a tax.
Isn't it a tax PENALTY? Not sure of the point that is trying to be made. What we should be talking about his how this should invalidate the vote in Congress, that is if the vote in Congress was actually legitimate. How can congress be told emphatically by the democratic leadership, and Obama himself, that what they are voting on is not a tax and now we know it is. Should the largest tax in US history now be voted on once again? Bush may have been wrong about WMD or in fact he may have lied. But does not the same standard hold for the President? Was the president who taught constitutional law saying it wasn't at tax because he thought it would make it unconstitutional, thus lying or is he just a fool who didn't know what he was talking about?

Romney didn't think it was a tax. The Supreme Court said it was. Romney acknowledges that nothing can be done about the Supreme Court saying it is a tax, and so it must be treated as a tax.

Do you have a quote concerning what Romney thought?
it's the biggest fucking tax hike in the history of America and it belongs to the democrats and to obama, not one single solitary Repbulican voted for this pos bill.

wear it with pride democrats
A Tax for thee, a tax for all.

It's all part of the attacks on liberty from Obamaco.
So if we agree that Romney raised taxes, then we have to agree that Obama did too. And that would be breaking a promise.
it's the biggest fucking tax hike in the history of America and it belongs to the democrats and to obama, not one single solitary Repbulican voted for this pos bill.

wear it with pride democrats

And something Obama and the Democrats can't recover from. Could be why so many are bailing on Obama, and the Convention.

The cracks in thier hull are widening as the days go on.
It is simply hilarious that this is being turned back on Romney. He is not president he didn't indigently claim it isn't a tax. Listen and laugh at Obama as the flips and flops.

George Stephanopoulos Interviews Obama - Obamacare

[ame=]George Stephanopoulos Interviews Obama - Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
If Obama had integrity he would say "I honestly did not think the only way an individual mandate would be constitutional is by it being a tax, therefore I will..."

But he won't because he intentional used deception to get this passed.

Who cares what Romney did? This is about Obama.

Romney didn't think it was a tax. The Supreme Court said it was. Romney acknowledges that nothing can be done about the Supreme Court saying it is a tax, and so it must be treated as a tax.
Well this thread backfired in record time.

All the OP did is prove how much both Obama and Mitt lied to people, that's all... Fucking awesome lol.
The Supremes have decided.

ObamaTax is a revenue issue. Congress can elect to fund it or not fund it as they see fit.

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