Mandela Effect Progressives and Covid version


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Mandela Effect is a “false memory” when many people supposedly misremember an event, one such memory of Mandela dying in prison

The latest version is Progressive Moonbats are now telling us that there never were any Covid vaccine mandates, or masking or social distancing requirements, it was all voluntary.

The TSA never had any vaccine requirements

The CDC never issued any restrictions or guidelines

PedoPete never wished anyone “a winter of severe illness and death”

We misremembered it all
The Mandela Effect is a “false memory” when many people supposedly misremember an event, one such memory of Mandela dying in prison

The latest version is Progressive Moonbats are now telling us that there never were any Covid vaccine mandates, or masking or social distancing requirements, it was all voluntary.

The TSA never had any vaccine requirements

The CDC never issued any restrictions or guidelines

PedoPete never wished anyone “a winter of severe illness and death”

We misremembered it all
I have recently had the Mandela Effect more than once. I remember watching the news of the deaths of famous people and then some time later I see the news of their deaths again on the news. Dolores Cannon said the Mandela Effect is real and it has to do with parallel worlds.
It is a last resort position for Deniers in any matter ----where they are effectively forced to ignore hard facts due to being Cognitively Rigid or suffering from Cognitive Dissonance . Basically the same meaning .

Many are untreatable as the effect is similar to very deep Conditioning .
Best to ignore them wherever possible or push them under a car when nobody is looking .

I would be interested to see how much Hypnosis could help them , except they would never see why they are much worse than pests and refuse help .

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