Manifesto clearly shows Dylann Roof is a Conservative right-winger

there is nothing in the writings of Margaret Sanger that is remotely racist. Suggesting that women who carry inherited disorders have the right to decide whether or not they wish bring forth a sick and suffering child is not racist. In fact it is barrier breaking. There is no question that there were EUGENICS
movements in the USA with adherents who
advocated FORCED abortion-----Unless you can come up with that Margaret Sanger said ---"Lets force black women to abort"-----you have committed libel

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words

Have you even read what she wrote or watched interviews she gave? She even attended KKK rallies and provided the photo's herself before realizing they were poor and uneducated so that they were added to her list of undesirables.

I have read it------her words are presented ---then INTERPRETED in your citation. They are INTERPRETED in accordance with your agenda to make the issue seem
"RACIST" --------my grandmother was born
in 1899 in a LARGE FAMILY-------she married at age 18------had two children by the time she was 21-----and-----lots of pregnancies thereafter. all ended in a back alley. WHY? because she was a
racist? Her skin was white as snow. Her father died of starvation in New York City. Both she and Sanger saw a HUGE PROBLEM and did what they could in THEIR TIME with the tools available to avoid a continuing tragedy--- Your citation
struggles to make birth control and abortion
NAZISM -------it isn't

How interpreted... those are her exact words written in her own hand. My grandmother had 15 children and raised all 15 pretty much by herself... they all turned out well. She was dirt poor but she made the effort and she knew all about birth control because she began having babies in the 1940's. She wasn't religious and was pretty much a Liberal in her time. But she didn't have to go to a back alley because she accepted what was happening.

Where you would be correct is to address "why" they were going to the back alleys.

You want to blame religion... do so because religion was the cause. If you became pregnant out of wedlock, they made your life not worth living and if you gave birth, it was a bastard child who would also be put through hell.

But the reason they had abortions was because the religious authorities made their lives hell and their only option to escape this hell was to have an abortion to conceal the pregnancy.

Margaret Sanger TO HER CREDIT supported birth control... but she also supported free love which put women in these situations because few women could go to a local pharmacy to get birth control even if it existed... but they could still have free love and risk pregnancy. So while she did support birth control, she sent strong mixed messages she knew most women wouldn't be able to take advantage of and she classified them as dimwitted idiots.
there is nothing in the writings of Margaret Sanger that is remotely racist. Suggesting that women who carry inherited disorders have the right to decide whether or not they wish bring forth a sick and suffering child is not racist. In fact it is barrier breaking. There is no question that there were EUGENICS
movements in the USA with adherents who
advocated FORCED abortion-----Unless you can come up with that Margaret Sanger said ---"Lets force black women to abort"-----you have committed libel
Read for yourself:

7 Incredibly Shocking Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
Do we live in those times anymore irosie? Are you denied access to birth control? Hell, you can buy a box of condoms for less than $20.00 and women can always tell the guy to pay for them or no sex... same with birth control pills. So, with women so much better educated... why are there more abortions now than ever in human history?
And before you go on the attack... I actually support abortion in cases of rape, life endangerment and fetal viability...

Now tell me, in a world where the lead reason for having an abortion is that a woman does not want to be a mother... but men stating the same thing that they aren't ready to be fathers are ignored... where is the equality when the same people fighting for women to abort fetuses just because they don't want to be mothers demand that men who don't want to be fathers must be made accountable?

If men must be held accountable for their actions... then so must women.
Manifesto clearly shows Dylann Roof is a Conservative right-winger

Was there ever any doubt?

Yes... considering the left was attacking him as such before they knew his name... and his manifesto only proves him to be a racist, not a Conservative.

Go read up on Fred Phelps and tell me how Liberals aren't capable of such hate because anyone can be. In fact, since the left flew into their attacks blaming Conservative Republicans less than an hour after the shootings happened, it's safe to say that it was based entirely in hate on the lefts part because they knew nothing about the man and still don't know his political ideals.
And remember, he attacked rightwingers, Conservatives and Republicans exactly as you are doing... good company you keep hunh synth
Oh and irosie... the largest contingent who are attacking Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger today are black Americans... most of which are Liberal Democrats. So feel free to attack them and divide the Democratic Party even further... the Republicans will appreciate your efforts.
Do we live in those times anymore irosie? Are you denied access to birth control? Hell, you can buy a box of condoms for less than $20.00 and women can always tell the guy to pay for them or no sex... same with birth control pills. So, with women so much better educated... why are there more abortions now than ever in human history?

I never had an abortion----but I live in the real world and have been "out there" witnessing all kinds of misery. Lots of girls are either not so bright---or under all kinds of weird pressures to do this or that----even by their own parents . You wouldn't know. Sometimes a MARRIAGE situation changes abruptly------you wouldn't know-----since you don't know----don't try to impose. I have been married and pregnant----and have a kid who-------I raised as a single parent.<<<<something I never expected with happen to me -----but I managed-----I understand that not all women can and would not IMPOSE it on any woman
But you yourself are IMPOSING. You say I don't understand... why do you assume this? Because I'm a man? As a man, I can't have a child without a woman and many men out there learned they could have been fathers only to have their heart broken when they learn the mother of the child aborted it. It is so easy for a fertile woman to get pregnant and then act like all the choices in the world are hers even though she willingly participated in the event that made her pregnant and put both her and the man equally on the path to parenthood.

So why is it alright for her to say she doesn't want to have a child and she has an abortion with your blessings and the blessings of the political left... but if a man doesn't want to be a father, he can't abandon his responsibilities for the consequences of a willful act, he can't just walk away or he's scum.

You sound like a feminist only thinking of women as if only women are involved and only women have choices. But if the woman decides to have the child, then she's made the decision for the father too if she demands he help raise the child. Yes, you are correct she has control over her body... but that does not give her control over the mans body nor to make his decisions for him even if she has a right to make decisions for herself.

You will never understand that due to ideological biases... and even if you try, you will continue acting like it's only about the woman.

It's kind of like adopting a child... damn near impossible for a single adult to adopt so that millions of children that need loving parents are left in foster care with unloving ones. Yet, how many single parents are there in the US and what's the difference between them and any single adult?

Try addressing that bias and find out why I am addressing yours on this matter.

Women have miscarriages every year... millions of them and most are before the fifth month when survival is almost impossible. Many women have miscarriages who didn't even know they were pregnant and some only learn when they visit the doctor for a checkup and are informed they had been pregnant but aren't anymore. Hard to believe, but it happens.

Like on this issue. Why was the left attacking the right less than an hour after the shootings when there was no way they could have known the shooters political ideals? Most on the left made up their minds when they heard about the shooting but none of the facts about it.

Remember the Washington Navy Yard shooting? The media came out saying the shooter was a white man and the left went on a wild tangent about it being a racist white Conservative Republican because only these gun crazy types would do such a thing. Turned out to be a black Liberal Democrat named Aaron Alexis... but the left knew better. And it's not the only time either as almost every time the left comes out acting like this, it blows up in their faces and they learn their white man was a black man, their Conservative was a Liberal, their Republican was a Democrat and their racist was one of their own rather than the opposition.

We still don'y know what party he belongs to except for rumors he's a registered Republican... but at least these are rumors and as soon as they started coming out, the attacks and rhetoric noticeably became reduced from Democrats as many remember how often they've jumped the gun and the thought that he might be a Democrat never occurred to them until now.

This is what I am saying to you and the others as the manifesto does not prove he is a Conservative, it only proves he is a racist and even for that he claims he had to act alone because he couldn't find any other racists or racist groups in Charleston. Odd isn't it... not even one? And why did all of his black friends just accept his views and think him weird? Might have to do with the fact they were his friends before he was put on the drugs that changed his personality and views.

The reality here is that should it prove he is a Democrat, Liberal Progressives will say so what, he's a Conservative. So what is he's a Conservative Democrat and attacking them only serves to further split the Democratic Party to the benefit of Republicans.

At some point irosie, you have to do what I did and break from the left who act like this and say wait until we learn the facts.

Over and over we have heard the Democrat left go on a warpath claiming they are attacking a white racist rightwing Christian Conservative Republican... and it proves to be the opposite.

At some point... leftwing Democrats need to learn restraint as if Dylann Roof is a Conservative, we'll learn that soon enough and factually so instead of exploiting it to attack with. You don't like how Republicans are responding nor Conservatives... hey, they're treating you like the left treated them from the moment they heard about the shooting.

Look at the topic here... did anything in the manifesto prove he was a Conservative beyond the lefts biased view that all Conservatives and Republicans are racists?

No, it actually doesn't.

So what happens if he proves not only to be a Democrat but a Liberal as well? We've seen it happen more than once in recent years where the left cried wolf and found themselves alone when they were proven wrong and people just stopped paying attention.

Patience is a virtue... I guess that makes impatience a vice.
And before you go on the attack... I actually support abortion in cases of rape, life endangerment and fetal viability...

Now tell me, in a world where the lead reason for having an abortion is that a woman does not want to be a mother... but men stating the same thing that they aren't ready to be fathers are ignored... where is the equality when the same people fighting for women to abort fetuses just because they don't want to be mothers demand that men who don't want to be fathers must be made accountable?

If men must be held accountable for their actions... then so must women.

ok so that's your problem----you have decided that a woman's right to control over her own body reduces your level of POWER. A pathetic argument in the real world where MOST absentee fathers do not support their children. Your issue is ----what if I got TRICKED into being a father. You that stupid?
But I am and you just proved it. Look at the venom in your remarks. You assume it's about power? How so and why assume because I voice an opinion that it's about power except for being brainwashed into it.

In the real world... people take responsibility and accountability for what they do and the decisions they make. In the real world, you don't claim to support equality yet deny it when you are the one with the power... not the other person.

Many men are absentee fathers and mothers are more likely to kill their children than fathers...

Only difference between a deadbeat dad and a deadbeat mom is he can walk away because the fetus is growing in the mothers body... but make no mistake about it, that's the only difference as the reasons given by both are identical where both willingly participate in the event.

You say that's pathetic... it truly is and on your part.

You say it's about power because you want the power... where did I mention anything about power or a man having the right to stop a woman from having an abortion or to force her to have one.

No... I never mentioned power or having power, I only mentioned equality which is something women seem to have forgotten.

As far as I care, women can abort all the children they want as there's too damn many people in the world anyhow... but you didn't know that because you chose to assume and popoff when you don't know jack.

I used to be a leftwing Democrat until people like you and your blind ignorance and hate made me shift towards the center.

No dear lady... you have all the abortions you might want to have as i could care less.

But I do care for the guiding principles of what the left stands for and you my dear are way beyond left and are in the extreme lefts ball field.

Thanks for the enthusiasm in posting this nutjob's manifesto but think about it....

If the guy is mentally ill and you want to pin a label on him (conservative, liberal, or other), you would have to think, that if it were an accurate portrayal of conservatives, liberals or others, that they are all predominantly predisposed to the same mental illness.

Nobody really thinks that.

What is true is that liberals are not the ones walking around with guns. That much is known. If anything, liberals have the tag of being anti-firearm; anti 2nd Amendment.

Yo, go back in recent history, you`ll find that most are Democrat!



Yo... Why are all mass murderers Democrats The Real Revo


Quoting a blog post is funny. Nice job. Needed that laugh.
Latest updates...

Questions are being raised about the manifesto as the woman who found it states she just happened to find the website abandoned and she bought it for $49.00 but she can't prove she didn't actually write it herself. While I doubt this because it should be easy enough to check it in the coding, it would render the entire argument moot if true.

The grandmother says they gave him the money for his birthday but they don't know what he did with it meaning they didn't have anything to do with it knowingly if true.

Republican sources are reporting he wasn't prescribed the drugs but was using Suboxone illegally purchased on the streets along with a host of other drugs he had been popping for a while. Don't know whether that is true or not since they want to portray him as a drug addict and would go to their point if this is the case... sounds a bit off as several news reports from independent sources said they were prescribed by a doctor.

It has now been confirmed by investigators that Dylann Roof has no connections to anyone. That he had visited a host of websites including many leftwing and many rightwing to which they are now claiming he had no political affiliation nor ideology except his own... he made it all up in his own head with influences from many sources but nothing directly connecting him to anyone or anything.

The statement given by a survivor also has fallen into question “I have to do it. You’re raping our women and taking over the country. You have to go.” but I think that sounds a bit too legit to question in all honesty.

Franklin Roof Dylann s Violent Father

Eager for a story, DailyKOS has apparently been slammed for several stories they ran which aren't true or are unfounded.

So, once again, it seems we're back at the status quo where he's just a lone wolf, drug addicted, whacked out, mentally ill psychopath who probably heard voices and thinks his neighbors dog told him to do it.
But I am and you just proved it. Look at the venom in your remarks. You assume it's about power? How so and why assume because I voice an opinion that it's about power except for being brainwashed into it.

In the real world... people take responsibility and accountability for what they do and the decisions they make. In the real world, you don't claim to support equality yet deny it when you are the one with the power... not the other person.

Many men are absentee fathers and mothers are more likely to kill their children than fathers...

Only difference between a deadbeat dad and a deadbeat mom is he can walk away because the fetus is growing in the mothers body... but make no mistake about it, that's the only difference as the reasons given by both are identical where both willingly participate in the event.

You say that's pathetic... it truly is and on your part.

You say it's about power because you want the power... where did I mention anything about power or a man having the right to stop a woman from having an abortion or to force her to have one.

No... I never mentioned power or having power, I only mentioned equality which is something women seem to have forgotten.

As far as I care, women can abort all the children they want as there's too damn many people in the world anyhow... but you didn't know that because you chose to assume and popoff when you don't know jack.

I used to be a leftwing Democrat until people like you and your blind ignorance and hate made me shift towards the center.

No dear lady... you have all the abortions you might want to have as i could care less.

But I do care for the guiding principles of what the left stands for and you my dear are way beyond left and are in the extreme lefts ball field.

you are still so obsessed about your loss of POWER over a woman's body that you are using your manly skills in SHIT MOUTH. (go have all the abortions you want <bitch>) Keep
it up DOG-----I am not a young woman and I have seen far more of the tragedy shit like you create than you can possibly imagine------to make that clear---I HAVE WITNESSED far more.
My own experience with shit like you
is my own problem which I did overcome by avoiding more shit like you-----My son is alive and well and all
grown up----no thanks to shit like you.
My focus is upon others who experience shit like you. I find it pathetic that you are obsessed with the
idea that some "tricky chit" will
trick you into being a father and then
'exploit' poor little you.
Lets see what happens when the racists yahoos show up at the GOP clown candidates rallies with confederate Battle Flags flying....that should be used to motivate a huge wave of minority voters to wash away the disgrace that is the Republican party...

You mean when democrats show up at Republican rallies waving confederate flags in front of their allies in the democrat media......just like they did in Tea Party rallies...the GOP should do like the Tea Parties did and have people ready with signs to stand next to these democrats...with signs that say "This is a democrat plant meant to smear us" and have them follow these guys around so they can't get the camera time....

Freddie is confused about the "right" and "left" thing ----his mind is simplistic----he equates "good" with
"left" and "bad" with "right"----he is not
even aware of the fact that until fairly
recently the party of southern segregationists was DA DONKEY one---and not the elephant. The same minds equate "east" with 'good' and
"west" with 'bad' --------the phrase
"THE WEST" means in their addled heads "IMPERIALISM, CAPITALISM,
communicating with brain washed morons
Actually, I'm new to this site but you can journey over to Facebook and Sodahead to see I've been saying this for years.

I am not a Conservative, not a Republican, not leftwing... everyone who knows me can tell you I am a Centrist and I go after both sides.

I have not at any time in this conversation displayed that I want any control or power over women or abortion.

I have in fact stated I support abortion and that I think if the man and the woman have the same exact reason for abandoning responsibility for an act they both willingly participated in that both should either have the right to abandon it or both should be held equally accountable.

Now, if you want to play the role of a brainless bubblehead with an inferiority complex who sees everyone as being out to get her... be my guest as I can play an extreme leftwinger off just as easily an an extreme rightwinger.

You say I want power... show me any statements I've made that illustrates I want power over a womans body.

Sorry toots... but you can take your man hating attitude and tell your wife to stick it.
It's sadly hilarious to watch NaziCon white supremacists try to excuse this little puke by trying to shift blame for the root cause.

Nobody is excusing what he did.

The guys a murderer. Who cares if he a racist. Murder is murder no matter the reason.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a fucking idiot. Never mind.

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