Manifesto clearly shows Dylann Roof is a Conservative right-winger

who murders the remaining 16% and what does your stat indicate? I have never been good at analyzing statistics ---calculus was easy but statistics threw me I am not even sure if the stats reveal much at all except that murder of whites by blacks is a bit bigger than one would expect based on proportion of the populations I am not sure if that fact is SIGNIFICANT

The most significant fact is that most homicides are committed by those of the same race. Per the 2010 census, whites represent about 64% of the population and blacks represent about 12%. Whites kill about 84% of whites and blacks kill about 90% of blacks. Whites kill about 8% of blacks and blacks kill about 14% of whites.

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Yes. In other words, blacks are killing whites at nearly twice the rate of whites killing blacks and you claim the whites are racist.

Another Lakhota lie exposed.

Please quote the lie, sparky. According to FBI statistics in 2013 - whites killed 189 blacks and blacks killed 409 whites. The white herd is much larger.
There are roughly 6 times as many whites as blacks fool, but blacks are killing whites at nearly twice the rate.If you can't grasp simple logic there is little hope for you.

Ernie S., maybe this will help you comprehend a little better:

And given the relative population percentages of whites and blacks, blacks are actually more likely to be interracially murdered by a white person than vice-versa. After all, as for homicides where the race of the offender is known, 447 B-W murders as a share of the white community is 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002) of all whites killed by blacks, which is 1 in every 500,000 white people who will be killed by a black person in a given year; meanwhile, 218 W-B homicides as a share of the black community is 5.5/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.00055). So although interracial homicide is incredibly rare in either direction, any given black person is more than 2.75 times as likely as any given white person to be interracially murdered, with roughly 1 in every 180,000 black persons being killed by a white person in a given year.

MUCH MORE: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

That would actually be funny if you didn't really believe your stupidity

Really! How do you manage to find your mouth to eat?
[QUOTE="irosie91, post: larger.

there are more whites around to kill. Maybe blacks have REASONS for killing
Remember this one>>>> "so many
countries persecuted da joooos---they
sophistry is so much fun[/QUOTE]

Maybe they do.... Maybe they're RACIST. Did you ever consider that?
As for Remember this one?
Actually no. I don't. Perhaps you could provide a link
I'd bet that a antisemitic LIBERAL said it.[/QUOTE]

In the past I worked in a very high crime area with an rough average of one murder
per week-----my impression of the many cases I
saw that involved a bullet in the brain---or other causes of death
the deaths were related to CRIME like drug
use and dealing and sales, thefts, robberies
and mostly not racism ----also domestic
violence. ---ie not related to RACISM--more related to drug crime, sex crime or domestic crime, property crime
As to the statement>>>>
"so many countries persecuted da joooos---they MUST HAVE HAD REASONS"
This statement (in sum and substance)
has been posted on this message board many times by islamo Nazis (ie--anti-semites) as a slur against jews
What would be these reasons blacks have to kill?
Retaliation. Robbery. etc

LOTS OF REASONS for killing-----on the mean streets of inner cities

Name them, name one valid reason besides self defense

I never said the reasons are VALID-----however-----I did work in an area which would qualify as "the mean streets of
the inner city" ------people could catch a bullet whilst simply walking to the local grocery
And who were the majority of the shooters?

It was a black neighborhood----the majority of shooters and victims of death by gunshot
were black-----but that fact is a function of
-----no whites lived there

Thanks for the enthusiasm in posting this nutjob's manifesto but think about it....

If the guy is mentally ill and you want to pin a label on him (conservative, liberal, or other), you would have to think, that if it were an accurate portrayal of conservatives, liberals or others, that they are all predominantly predisposed to the same mental illness.

Nobody really thinks that.

What is true is that liberals are not the ones walking around with guns. That much is known. If anything, liberals have the tag of being anti-firearm; anti 2nd Amendment.

It's called fighting fire with fire. Lecture someone else.

Lecture ?

I think it is a pretty objective statement.

Good to know you can stoop lower.
Retaliation. Robbery. etc

LOTS OF REASONS for killing-----on the mean streets of inner cities

Name them, name one valid reason besides self defense

I never said the reasons are VALID-----however-----I did work in an area which would qualify as "the mean streets of
the inner city" ------people could catch a bullet whilst simply walking to the local grocery
And who were the majority of the shooters?

It was a black neighborhood----the majority of shooters and victims of death by gunshot
were black-----but that fact is a function of
-----no whites lived there
Why doesn't the same thing happen in predominantly white neighborhoods?
LOTS OF REASONS for killing-----on the mean streets of inner cities

Name them, name one valid reason besides self defense

I never said the reasons are VALID-----however-----I did work in an area which would qualify as "the mean streets of
the inner city" ------people could catch a bullet whilst simply walking to the local grocery
And who were the majority of the shooters?

It was a black neighborhood----the majority of shooters and victims of death by gunshot
were black-----but that fact is a function of
-----no whites lived there
Why doesn't the same thing happen in predominantly white neighborhoods?

what same thing? lots of crime? there are lots of places that have "white" crime---
ever hear of the MAFIA?? I grew up in a state that had a river---part of it in quiet remote bulrush choked area------and as a young adult got an unskilled college time job in the
large rural hospital that was near the river--------that hospital pathology department conducted the autopsies on the weighted bodies that were dredged out of the river---every few weeks>>>>
mafia hits-----actually the hits were all white and the hitters were white too
So, how is this different than assuming he was a rightwing Conservative Republican within one hour of the shooting as we saw all across the internet?

On other topics about this, here and elsewhere, leftwing Democrats make sure you understand they mean all Conservatives and the entire right... including the Conservative, rightwing Democrats.

Look at the hate, the venom of their attacks and they didn't know the first thing about the guy when they were doing it.

Works well for Republicans because what it does is split Democrats against one another. For all of their differences, Liberal and Conservative Republicans work together bringing greater stability and unity to their political party. Neocons, Paleocons, Libertarians, Liberals, Moderates and all the various groups within the Republican Party may have their differences... but you don't see the same self destructive behavior among them that we see among Democrats.

Democrats gained both Houses of Congress in 2008 and held a super majority. Their arrogance and desire to get even with Republicans and the right unified a fragmented Republican Party we didn't think we'd see come together again until at least 2020... but the Democrat left proved us wrong by attacking all Republicans turning even Liberal Republicans against them. But, they didn't stop there as they also attacked Conservative Democrats and any Moderates who supported them. Well done... that gave Republicans unity and victory in 2010. Democrats held on in 2012 by the skin of their teeth but their bragging and boasting after the election achieved what? It gave the Republicans full control over Congress in 2014 and guess what... they are working across party lines now that Harry Reid has been removed and Democrats are working with them so we're seeing Congress achieve more now than they have since Obama's first year in office when many Republicans did vote for what Obama wanted.

And which political party controls the black community?

Before the Civil War, during, after... always the Democrats.

Why is it that nine of the top ten states for hate crimes are all under Democrat control? Why is it that most of the big cities with the worst problems with racism (Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St Louis, NYC, Boston, Los Angeles and so forth) are overwhelmingly leftwing and Democrat? In fact, how many "black" Conservative communities even exist in America? Even Ferguson Missouri has an all white, and all Democrat leadership except for it's recently elected Mayor? In Baltimore, we did everything the left said needed to be done to fix the things that are wrong. Majority black city leadership, majority black leadership in the police department, hundreds of millions of additional dollars poured into the city every year by the federal government... and it's either exactly the same or worse than when the leaders were majority white????

You say he's a Conservative? He never says he's a Conservative and his views are those of a racist... there are leftwingers with these beliefs just like Westboro Baptist Church was led by an extreme leftwinger, former civil rights attorney and hater of everything rightwing including rightwing Christians and the entire Republican Party as he was a Democrat through and through and a leftwinger on every issue having supported both the Clintons and the Gores until he learned they supported gay rights.

Who gave us eugenics? Leftwing intellectuals who viewed science as if it were a religion. It started in the US and then spread to Nazi Germany. People like Margaret Sanger were white supremacists, atheists, leftwing and they wanted to eliminate all non whites while eliminating imperfections within the white race. Sanger supported abortion and sterilization to achieve this. She also supported the Nazi's but objected to Hitler killing undesirables after they were born as being cruel. Who is Margaret Sanger and how do we know these things about her? She was the founder of Planned Parenthood and created it for the purpose of sterilizing undesirables before they created children... and abortion if it was too late. Her generation of leftwing Liberal also viewed poverty as undesirable and that it was caused by mental illness and that's why Planned Parenthood targeted the poor.

Blacks have three times as many abortions as whites, Hispanics have as many abortions and the majority of whites who have abortions are poor... exactly whom Margaret Sanger stated repeatedly in her writings that she wanted to eliminate.

So, this kind of talk has to come from a Conservative Republicans? There are still a lot of Old School Democrats out there like Lyndon Larouche and his followers who believe these things just as people like Fred Phelps supported the same type of hate about gays from the Democrat left.

Do you know what party Roof belongs to? What are his actual political views as you don't see Conservative views there... you see racist views and your own bigotry leads you to see it as Conservative because you only think Conservatives talk like this... afraid not.

And what if he is?

He states he had to do this on his own because he couldn't find any other racists or racist groups in Charleston... kinda overlooked that didn't you. Charleston is one of the cities leftwing Democrats like to bring up as examples of racism because of the past and while I am sure there are racists there today, this guy states clearly that he acted alone because he couldn't find any.

And then there's the drug he was put on Suboxone. From the moment he was put on the drug to eliminate his drug addiction, his personality and views changed. The reason he had black friends is he had them before these changes happened. Suboxone is know to dramatically alter personality, cause violent outbursts, violent thoughts and at the first sign of displaying these things... his doctor was supposed to remove him. In fact, his doctor was supposed to supervise him but didn't. You can say it's an excuse but any mind altering drug can do this and Suboxone is known to have these effects.

Even when he was in the church, he states that he had second thoughts and wanted to change his mind but couldn't... that's because the drug had that strong of a hold on him.

Suboxone is a replacement drug for Methadone that costs three times more, is so addictive itself that it's become a highly prized black market drug, when most come off of it they are driven back into addiction by the withdrawals and the drug can retain it's effect on the patient for seven months unlike methadone which dissipates within seven days.

He's still under the influence of Suboxone now which is why his trial has been set so far into the future when he's all but confessed and thrown himself to the mercy of the courts... the courts have to wait until the effects are proven to be out of his system and see if he alters his statements when he does.

If it weren't for the Liberal Democrats attacking Conservative Republicans from the first hour after the news broke when we still knew nothing about the case, they would possibly be first in line saying kill the sumbitch. But, because of all the attacks and hate, they've taken the opposite stand as normally it's leftwing Democrats claiming someone was under the influence of drugs to excuse their behavior.

I am a Centrist and I have no qualms about saying I do not forgive, I do not forget and I do not excuse what he has done... the families of the victims may do and say what they will even to the point it sounds like they're saying if he says he's sorry and accepts God they'll support setting him free. I say he killed nine people, there is no question of his guilt... so stick a needle in his arm and be done with him as there is no place left on this Earth for Dylann Roof.

Any leftwing Democrat who disagrees... you're the ones attacking Republicans for saying the drug caused this and you're the ones who sound like you want Dylann Roof ground up alive into hamburger meat. So, if you don't agree with what I say should be done with him... examine your own views because this is exactly what we're gaining from your hate and your attacks. You are the ones who made this political from the first hour and exploited it to attack Conservatives and Republicans while Republicans have been on the defensive and supporting the cause and effect the drugs had on him. They don't seem to disagree with executing Dylann Roof, they don't seem to like the man at all in fact... they aren't defending him, they are defending themselves against all the hate coming from the Democrat left.

Thanks for the enthusiasm in posting this nutjob's manifesto but think about it....

If the guy is mentally ill and you want to pin a label on him (conservative, liberal, or other), you would have to think, that if it were an accurate portrayal of conservatives, liberals or others, that they are all predominantly predisposed to the same mental illness.

Nobody really thinks that.

What is true is that liberals are not the ones walking around with guns. That much is known. If anything, liberals have the tag of being anti-firearm; anti 2nd Amendment.

Yo, go back in recent history, you`ll find that most are Democrat!


there is nothing in the writings of Margaret Sanger that is remotely racist. Suggesting that women who carry inherited disorders have the right to decide whether or not they wish bring forth a sick and suffering child is not racist. In fact it is barrier breaking. There is no question that there were EUGENICS
movements in the USA with adherents who
advocated FORCED abortion-----Unless you can come up with that Margaret Sanger said ---"Lets force black women to abort"-----you have committed libel

Thanks for the enthusiasm in posting this nutjob's manifesto but think about it....

If the guy is mentally ill and you want to pin a label on him (conservative, liberal, or other), you would have to think, that if it were an accurate portrayal of conservatives, liberals or others, that they are all predominantly predisposed to the same mental illness.

Nobody really thinks that.

What is true is that liberals are not the ones walking around with guns. That much is known. If anything, liberals have the tag of being anti-firearm; anti 2nd Amendment.

It's called fighting fire with fire. Lecture someone else.

It's also called a race to the bottom. Fighting a pig in the mud will equal 2 things; the pig will enjoy it and you'll end up just as dirty.

That, of course, is your right. Knock yourself out.

I used to respect your posts - but for some time I've noticed you seem to be much more self-righteous. Of course it's my right. It's also the right of Media Matters and others to fight back against NaziCon lies and smears. Turning the other cheek doesn't work well against NaziCons. Fight fire with fire.

Fire only works if you hit something with it. If you are branded a certifiable whackjob, nobody reads what you write; much less cares. You're well on your way to being getting that brand. It would be a shame.
there is nothing in the writings of Margaret Sanger that is remotely racist. Suggesting that women who carry inherited disorders have the right to decide whether or not they wish bring forth a sick and suffering child is not racist. In fact it is barrier breaking. There is no question that there were EUGENICS
movements in the USA with adherents who
advocated FORCED abortion-----Unless you can come up with that Margaret Sanger said ---"Lets force black women to abort"-----you have committed libel

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words

Have you even read what she wrote or watched interviews she gave? She even attended KKK rallies and provided the photo's herself before realizing they were poor and uneducated so that they were added to her list of undesirables.
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition

As an advocate of Birth Control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the "unfit" and the "fit", admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation to the mentally and physically fit though less fertile parents of the educated and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.

Birth Control is not advanced as a panacea by which past and present evils of dysgenic breeding can be magically eliminated. Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism.

But to prevent the repetition, to effect the salvation of the generations of the future–nay of the generations of today–our greatest need is first of all the ability to face the situation without flinching, and to cooperate in the formation of a code of sexual ethics based upon a thorough biological and psychological understanding of human nature; and then to answer the questions and the needs of the people with all the intelligence and honesty at our command. If we can summon the bravery to do this, we shall best be serving the true interests of Eugenics, because our work will then have a practical and pragmatic value.

Thanks for the enthusiasm in posting this nutjob's manifesto but think about it....

If the guy is mentally ill and you want to pin a label on him (conservative, liberal, or other), you would have to think, that if it were an accurate portrayal of conservatives, liberals or others, that they are all predominantly predisposed to the same mental illness.

Nobody really thinks that.

What is true is that liberals are not the ones walking around with guns. That much is known. If anything, liberals have the tag of being anti-firearm; anti 2nd Amendment.

Yo, go back in recent history, you`ll find that most are Democrat!



Yo... Why are all mass murderers Democrats The Real Revo

One of numerous documents written by her own hand where she advocates sterilization. Go do the research... she gives off lists of people she classifies as "unfit"

She also viewed white women in the class she deemed "fit" as being dimwitted morons if they put themselves in a position where they wanted an abortion and that human life began at conception... not five months or even five days later, but at conception.
there is nothing in the writings of Margaret Sanger that is remotely racist. Suggesting that women who carry inherited disorders have the right to decide whether or not they wish bring forth a sick and suffering child is not racist. In fact it is barrier breaking. There is no question that there were EUGENICS
movements in the USA with adherents who
advocated FORCED abortion-----Unless you can come up with that Margaret Sanger said ---"Lets force black women to abort"-----you have committed libel

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words

Have you even read what she wrote or watched interviews she gave? She even attended KKK rallies and provided the photo's herself before realizing they were poor and uneducated so that they were added to her list of undesirables.

I have read it------her words are presented ---then INTERPRETED in your citation. They are INTERPRETED in accordance with your agenda to make the issue seem
"RACIST" --------my grandmother was born
in 1899 in a LARGE FAMILY-------she married at age 18------had two children by the time she was 21-----and-----lots of pregnancies thereafter. all ended in a back alley. WHY? because she was a
racist? Her skin was white as snow. Her father died of starvation in New York City. Both she and Sanger saw a HUGE PROBLEM and did what they could in THEIR TIME with the tools available to avoid a continuing tragedy--- Your citation
struggles to make birth control and abortion
NAZISM -------it isn't
Margaret Sanger and the African American Community

From a site promoting Sanger...

"Sanger launched the Negro Project, designed by Sanger’s Birth Control Federation in 1939. It hired several African-American ministers to travel through the South to recruit African-American doctors. The project proposal included a quote by W.E.B. Dubois, saying that “the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among Whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” [7] This quote, often mistakenly attributed to Sanger, reflected the shared race and class biases of the project’s founders. The Negro Project relied on Black ministers because of its white sponsors’ belief that “the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.”

They try to excuse this away by blaming the black preachers while stating clearly that they were chosen by Margaret Sangers group. They then try to say the group was taken from her when it was not, she created it and left at the time she chose to leave it before it was formed.

Then there's this gem on that site...

"Serious abuses sprang from the eugenics movement with which Sanger was allied, including forced or coerced sterilizations of tens of thousands of women, mostly Black or Latina. Although Sanger opposed racially based eugenics and generally believed that sterilization should be voluntary, she made an exception in the cases of people she thought were unable to parent their children, such as the mentally ill—a position upheld by the Supreme Court in its 1927, eight-to-one Buck v. Bell decision concerning an allegedly ‘feebleminded’ White woman. But while this is downplayed in biographies of the judges involved, Sanger’s association with eugenics has been so overemphasized it often eclipses her role in promoting birth control"

What does it say? And aren't you just as guilty by associating with such people and supporting their views? Even if one wants to deny what she wrote in her own pamphlets and editorials, they can't erase that reality nor that she advocated sterilization.

And mind you, this is an extremely friendly and supportive author who still cannot get around the facts.

The reality is that the left did support such things and many on the left today who have gone through her writings have been shocked to see what she did advocate. Even if their political opposition cherry picked things and took things out of context, the amount of things she wrote in her own hand so that it cannot be denied is too much to be ignored.

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