Mankind Is Getting Less Intelligent, Less Wise


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Two millennia ago people were using computers to track astronomical movements, they invented underwater concrete so they could create seaports where none existed, they created aqueducts with slopes of 1” to every 10’ to carry water hundreds of miles to supply their cities with fresh water, they built bridges, roads, auditoriums, and arenas that are still in use today, they built giant arched and domed buildings that not only baffle us today on how they built it, but still stand despite centuries of earthquakes.

Today in 2021 we think people can control the weather, people can change sex on a whim, there’s no difference between male and female, socialism works if done right next time, buildings and stadiums are torn down because they’re falling apart after 40 years, most people today have no clue where basic needs come from outside of a store they totally rely upon.

Do not confuse intelligence with knowledge. Or knowledge with wisdom. People today may have a smart phone but can’t even figure out how to tighten the loose bolt on the garage door without being told how to do it. People today may know they can dress little boys up as girls and send them out in public that way, but have no concept about how unwise they are.

And it’s not just my observation:
What exactly explains this decline? Study co-author Dr. Jan te Nijenhuis, professor of work and organizational psychology at the University of Amsterdam, points to the fact that women of high intelligence tend to have fewer children than do women of lower intelligence. This negative association between I.Q. and fertility has been demonstrated time and again in research over the last century.

The Book, The Marching Morons by Cyril Kornbluth The book is listed in the Science Fiction hall of fame.

It talks about intelligence being mostly bred out over time.
Our senses are becoming duller, and we are becoming weaker. Technology is assuming what nature had previously necessitated. Still, we could easily annihilate earlier humans, for what it's worth.
Technology is de-evolving us. For real.

We might be able to enhance humans a lot with technology eventually. We could be a lot more intelligent and live for a very long time, maybe.

We will become only what the technology needs us to be.
Deep, bro. Deep

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