Man’s message to “peaceful” protesters who burned down his family business

Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.
I dont think the leftwing morons spilling into the streets each night are peaceful at all

most “peaceful” protesters may not personally set fires or point lasers at police officers but they are all part of the crowd that does

How are they "part of the crowd that does?" You have to distinguish between peaceful protesters and those who go out at night to start trouble. These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics. There are plenty of videos of protesters trying to challenge those who are not peaceful. Who was the black woman in the pink shirt who tried to confront the member of the Aryan Cowboys who was breaking windows at the Milwaukee Autozone?
dude, it's really quite simple, tell the protestors to leave when the violence starts. See, they aren't, so your post is complete bullshit. know that.
These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics.
I dont care who they are

when the first rock or bottle is thrown, the first fire set, or the first minute after curfew arrest the entire mob
These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics.
I dont care who they are

when the first rock or bottle is thrown, the first fire set, or the first minute after curfew arrest the entire mob

No one can be arrested unless seen committing a crime. How would anyone walking in a protest know what a stranger at the same protest would do until s/he does it? Hmmm. The United States Constitution does have something to do with this, you know. This is not Belarus.
The shot Jacob Black in the back Seven times when he went to the car where his three children were.
I think you have about 3 more days to wave the bloody shirt before actual facts become known and you will have to move on to the next lie
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.

Well the sheriff believes its outside agitators.

In Portland, BLM is still at the riots every night, however Antifa is also there creating issues. I agree there are outside agitators, in our city, the sheriff said it was it Antifa and a white supremacist group were there, however BLM and the police worked TOGETHER, not to defund but to point out trouble right away.

BLM is losing because their message is getting over powered by others. In Portland BLM is at the riots every night and instead of fighting with the police they need to work with the police, but that BLM group doesn’t seem to care about the message, they just want to be angry and their voice is now lost. The guy in the video lost his family’s business of 40 years. He did nothing wrong. He is absolutely correct in believing BLM needs to change their tactics because they are not working. BLM should go to the mayors, to the police chiefs, to the police departments and sit down and work on changing police policies and how the police investigate. The police and BLM need to find out what they can both do to bridge a large communication gap. Police need to reach out to poorer neighborhoods and communicate and help them educate and get educated themselves. BLM needs to set up official BLM policies and guidelines and look for people throughout the country that will work for their goals and purposes by working with city officials and not against them.

This is a huge problem that will take years to fix and violence doesn’t seem to be the answer.
I was looking into some local BLM feeds. . . They were disgusted by this, and were very angry by this action.

Pretty sure they were some agent provocateurs involved.

I really am beginning to suspect that the average liberal is not involved in the destruction. . . there is something else going on here.
Baloney this is the average liberal
peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

Again- Black folks asked for 10 years to do something about Police Brutality... They asked very nicely. They appealed to Congress.

This shit is still happening.

That is because politicians don’t give a damn about black people. Every four years they try to buy their votes and then after the election, they ignore them. It has been going on for longer than ten years however violence doesn’t help.
How do you come together with totalitarian subhuman animals who call you a racist ,or bigot , or homophobe ,simply for stating a fact or disageeing or simply hate you cause the color of your skin?

That's a very good question... How do we reason with you racists? God knows, we've tried, but every time we complain about one of these shootings, you guys come up with some kind of convoluted logic of why the black person who got shot 'deserved' it.
You are the racists
I think you have about 3 more days to wave the bloody shirt before actual facts become known and you will have to move on to the next lie

What facts justify a cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times?

It looks even worse that they let a 17 year old WHITE GROUPIE go around shooting people last night.
That is because politicians don’t give a damn about black people. Every four years they try to buy their votes and then after the election, they ignore them. It has been going on for longer than ten years however violence doesn’t help.

Doesn't it?

We made our greatest progress in the 1960's, when Malcolm X and the Black Panthers threatening to burn the country down. Yeah, we all like to pretend it was about MLK and his peaceful protests, but it really wasn't.
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.
I dont think the leftwing morons spilling into the streets each night are peaceful at all

most “peaceful” protesters may not personally set fires or point lasers at police officers but they are all part of the crowd that does

How are they "part of the crowd that does?" You have to distinguish between peaceful protesters and those who go out at night to start trouble. These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics. There are plenty of videos of protesters trying to challenge those who are not peaceful. Who was the black woman in the pink shirt who tried to confront the member of the Aryan Cowboys who was breaking windows at the Milwaukee Autozone?

I saw a couple of reporters who were there reporting on the protests/riots, and they said that there was a marked difference between the protesters who showed up in the daytime, and those that came out only at night. The ones who were there during the daytime were for the most part peaceful carrying signs, whereas the ones that showed up at night didn't have signs, and were just there to loot and riot.

Me personally? I think that the ones who are peaceful should start kicking ass on the ones who aren't. Why? Because even if they do have a good message in support of black lives matter, that message is getting lost in the violence. People don't really remember the things that go peacefully, they remember the violence and bloodshed more, even if it is a fairly infrequent happening. For some strange reason, people are more interested in when violence happens than when a peaceful protest happens. Guess that news adage is true "if it bleeds, it leads".
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.
I dont think the leftwing morons spilling into the streets each night are peaceful at all

most “peaceful” protesters may not personally set fires or point lasers at police officers but they are all part of the crowd that does

How are they "part of the crowd that does?" You have to distinguish between peaceful protesters and those who go out at night to start trouble. These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics. There are plenty of videos of protesters trying to challenge those who are not peaceful. Who was the black woman in the pink shirt who tried to confront the member of the Aryan Cowboys who was breaking windows at the Milwaukee Autozone?
then you'd be okay with taking them all out, right? I am.
Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse arrested for murder after cops let him flee out of state
There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
So you think what you read on facebook and twitter is more true than what you get from MSM? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Black folks should be rioting outside the CDC in Atlanta for an antidote to the brain disorder that causes them to resist arrest

You guys whined like little bitches when people told you to wear masks...

Being upset about being profiled is a bit more serious than that.
Yeah! That's right! In fact, they should resist arrest because they were profiled! That'll teach 'em to profile.
I think you have about 3 more days to wave the bloody shirt before actual facts become known and you will have to move on to the next lie

What facts justify a cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times?

It looks even worse that they let a 17 year old WHITE GROUPIE go around shooting people last night.
ahhhh, get your fking people under control mther fker. why aren't you protesting down in south chiraq? why aren't you pormoting jobs for Detroit and Ferguson. come on big fkr stand up and show us your black support? you for school choice? I am.
There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
So you think what you read on facebook and twitter is more true than what you get from MSM? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Of course what average ordinary people say is more truthful than what paid journalists say.

Folks in the government world, and the corporate world all have an agenda. Any intelligent person knows that. .

1) They are salaried. They are paid, and have a career to worry about.

2) They have editors approve their stories.

3) If it is corporate, there are advertisers to worry about, if it is government. . . well. . . . duh.

At lastly, if you know about Operation Mockingbird, you would know, all of these sources are compromised. You are fool if you belive that program ever ended.

In fact. . . it is now more out in the open than ever. The MSM openly hire former intel. right into their staff. . .

If you know anything about the nature of propaganda, you would know, that is the whole reason for controlling the narrative. The most reliable sources of intel, are folks that YOU know, right on the ground witnessing events.

Where do you think local reporters get their information? :dunno:

OTH, of course folks can lie, make up shit, and generally deceive. That is why you follow the rule of all good journalists. . . . fine a second source, and confirm the story.
There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
So you think what you read on facebook and twitter is more true than what you get from MSM? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Of course what average ordinary people say is more truthful than what paid journalists say.

Folks in the government world, and the corporate world all have an agenda. Any intelligent person knows that. .

1) They are salaried. They are paid, and have a career to worry about.

2) They have editors approve their stories.

3) If it is corporate, there are advertisers to worry about, if it is government. . . well. . . . duh.

At lastly, if you know about Operation Mockingbird, you would know, all of these sources are compromised. You are fool if you belive that program ever ended.

In fact. . . it is now more out in the open than ever. The MSM openly hire former intel. right into their staff. . .

If you know anything about the nature of propaganda, you would know, that is the whole reason for controlling the narrative. The most reliable sources of intel, are folks that YOU know, right on the ground witnessing events.

Where do you think local reporters get their information? :dunno:

OTH, of course folks can lie, make up shit, and generally deceive. That is why you follow the rule of all good journalists. . . . fine a second source, and confirm the story.
MSM has money. that's all one needs to know. Money controls the flow. anyone, anyone who doubts that are just too fking stupid to discuss further with.

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