Man’s message to “peaceful” protesters who burned down his family business

There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
So you think what you read on facebook and twitter is more true than what you get from MSM? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Of course what average ordinary people say is more truthful than what paid journalists say.

Folks in the government world, and the corporate world all have an agenda. Any intelligent person knows that. .

1) They are salaried. They are paid, and have a career to worry about.

2) They have editors approve their stories.

3) If it is corporate, there are advertisers to worry about, if it is government. . . well. . . . duh.

At lastly, if you know about Operation Mockingbird, you would know, all of these sources are compromised. You are fool if you belive that program ever ended.

In fact. . . it is now more out in the open than ever. The MSM openly hire former intel. right into their staff. . .

If you know anything about the nature of propaganda, you would know, that is the whole reason for controlling the narrative. The most reliable sources of intel, are folks that YOU know, right on the ground witnessing events.

Where do you think local reporters get their information? :dunno:

OTH, of course folks can lie, make up shit, and generally deceive. That is why you follow the rule of all good journalists. . . . fine a second source, and confirm the story.
MSM has money. that's all one needs to know. Money controls the flow. anyone, anyone who doubts that are just too fking stupid to discuss further with.
WTF does wealth have to do with information and facts?
What facts justify a cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times?
That hecwa# resisting arrest for a criminal warrant, that tasers didnt stop him, that he could have been reaching for a firearm in his car.

there are numerous possibilities
These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics.
I dont care who they are

when the first rock or bottle is thrown, the first fire set, or the first minute after curfew arrest the entire mob

No one can be arrested unless seen committing a crime. How would anyone walking in a protest know what a stranger at the same protest would do until s/he does it? Hmmm. The United States Constitution does have something to do with this, you know. This is not Belarus.
If you violate curfew you are breaking a law. If you are "protesting" without a permit where required you are violating a law. If you are deliberately impeding traffic on a public street you are breaking a law. People injured by rioters, including property, also have Constitutional rights that require defending.
There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
So you think what you read on facebook and twitter is more true than what you get from MSM? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
Of course what average ordinary people say is more truthful than what paid journalists say.

Folks in the government world, and the corporate world all have an agenda. Any intelligent person knows that. .

1) They are salaried. They are paid, and have a career to worry about.

2) They have editors approve their stories.

3) If it is corporate, there are advertisers to worry about, if it is government. . . well. . . . duh.

At lastly, if you know about Operation Mockingbird, you would know, all of these sources are compromised. You are fool if you belive that program ever ended.

In fact. . . it is now more out in the open than ever. The MSM openly hire former intel. right into their staff. . .

If you know anything about the nature of propaganda, you would know, that is the whole reason for controlling the narrative. The most reliable sources of intel, are folks that YOU know, right on the ground witnessing events.

Where do you think local reporters get their information? :dunno:

OTH, of course folks can lie, make up shit, and generally deceive. That is why you follow the rule of all good journalists. . . . fine a second source, and confirm the story.
MSM has money. that's all one needs to know. Money controls the flow. anyone, anyone who doubts that are just too fking stupid to discuss further with.
WTF does wealth have to do with information and facts?
Simple, it’s fake news paid to report.
That hecwa# resisting arrest for a criminal warrant, that tasers didnt stop him, that he could have been reaching for a firearm in his car.

there are numerous possibilities

But there wasn't a firearm in his car... that's the point. The warrant was for a simple domestic issue that they weren't even looking for him over. (Kenosha is not a very big town, it wouldn't have been hard to find him.)
Antifa is usually the culprit, but you'll find many BLM that are also BLM. Its similar to various Islamic terror groups for example ISIS or Al Queda, the ideology is the same.
But there wasn't a firearm in his car... that's the point.
The cops could not know that

he was a known felon with a warrant for his arrest who was resisting arrest

since he is your pet minority rationalize his actions for us

the cops have been fighting with him, even using non lethal tasers trying to arrest him

and they have their guns drawn and pointed at him

yet he continues to ignore their commands

did he think they were going to give up and just let him drive away?

Is the mental defect afflicting black people that powerful?
The cops could not know that

Then they should have found out before they started shooting people. There were three kids in that car, who could have been hit by their bullets.

he was a known felon with a warrant for his arrest who was resisting arrest

A minor domestic incident they weren't actively looking for him over... and would have probably been dismissed by a court.

since he is your pet minority rationalize his actions for us

I would be equally upset if they went around shooting white people on such flimsy pretexts. of course, if they did, then you'd be screaming to the high heavens about it.

the cops have been fighting with him, even using non lethal tasers trying to arrest him

and they have their guns drawn and pointed at him

yet he continues to ignore their commands

Maybe he was panicked after the beat down they gave him, or disoriented after using tasers. (Please note, Tasers are only non-lethal if cops have them... when Rayshard Brooks had one, it was a a deadly weapons that justified shooting him in the back twice.)

did he think they were going to give up and just let him drive away?

Is the mental defect afflicting black people that powerful?

What would have been the harm if he had? They were only there because he had shown up to a party uninvited. If he leaves, no problem. Which is how they would have handled it if he was white. Instead, they swarmed the place like he was jack the fucking ripper.
Maybe he was panicked after the beat down they gave him, or disoriented after using tasers.
thats an example of one bad decision by a blsck criminal leading to more trouble

blake was resisting arrest when he got tasered

and it still begs the question, why was he resisting arrest?

did he really think that was going to work out for him?

if so then these black criminals are really stupid people
thats an example of one bad decision by a blsck criminal leading to more trouble

blake was resisting arrest when he got tasered

and it still begs the question, why was he resisting arrest?

did he really think that was going to work out for him?

if so then these black criminals are really stupid people

Doesn't matter.

Shooting him the back was uncalled for.

So just so we have it clear. Not obeying a command gets you shot in the back seven times.

Illegally bringing a gun to a riot as a minor and shooting three people... meh, let him walk it off. Here's some water. Are you thirsty, dear.
Yeah, well, when that cop goes to jail, I guess he can whine, "but he didn't listen!!!"
do you really think black criminals have a right to ignore lawful orders from the police?

and does that give them the right to take the first shot?
They do not have a legal right to use deadly force in a situation that doesn't merit it.
Explain the thinking of the black moron who got shot

did he really expect the cops were going to let him drive away
"Oh, my, God, oh, my god, it burns, I need to check on my kid"
Are you telling us that after getting kicked out of his ex-girl friends house and refuse to be arrested, he suddenly wants to check on his kids?

dont make me laugh

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