Man’s message to “peaceful” protesters who burned down his family business

peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

He’s white, what makes you think any BLM or Antifa retard is going to care about him?

Heading into a third of demands for justice, Sheriff Beth said social media is attracting more demonstrators -- and he believes they are rebels without a cause.

"The professional agitators is what we call them, that come from other places, they don't care. Them coming here, burning a building or looting a building is like, most everybody in this room is like, we're going out to dinner," Beth said.

Sheriff believes social media is attracting 'professional agitators' to Kenosha

Thats not so different from my belief that these are social misfits and outcasts from civil society.

Losers of the first order

but they are also leftwingers

there is no question that BLM and ANTIFA have marxist roots

And they are getting support from the democrat party
He’s white, what makes you think any BLM or Antifa retard is going to care about him?
I think he’s a typical guilt-ridden white liberal who votes democrat and is truly bewildered by the mindless violence
Again- Black folks asked for 10 years to do something about Police Brutality... They asked very nicely. They appealed to Congress.
Black folks should be rioting outside the CDC in Atlanta for an antidote to the brain disorder that causes them to resist arrest
You guys whined like little bitches when people told you to wear masks...
while there is no evidence that the cheap, thin paper masks do any good, few if any white people engage the cops in hand-to-hand combat rather than put one on

as I said, failure to obey lawful orders from the cops is a black brain disease
He almost deserved that destruction with that naive, white-bread, kumbaya response.
If I was his fire insurance agent, I’d consider an investigation to determine if he staged the fire.
Like maybe there was a sign on the front of the building that said BLM Sucks! I dare you to burn this place down, antifa!
Blm is a racist organization and the leaders should be jailed.
The people that did this, their homes should be burnt to the ground. They should lose everything they own.
I doubt if many are responsible home owners and contributing members of society
You were only feeding their insatiable egos by placing signs in your windows so that they would not get broken. That will not suffice. They will want more. They are full of themselves, the antipode to the business owners who sport a much healthier and truer individualism, just as Chodorov has explained it.
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.

Well the sheriff believes its outside agitators.
So what are the organizations doing to distance themselves from these "outsiders"? Are they holding press conferences denouncing their actions? Are they advocating peace at their protests?
You were only feeding their insatiable egos by placing signs in your windows so that they would not get broken. That will not suffice. They will want more. They are full of themselves, the antipode to the business owners who sport a much healthier and truer individualism, just as Chodorov has explained it.
Didnt work in Nazi Germany, and it wont work in Bidens America. You can't pacify evil
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.
I dont think the leftwing morons spilling into the streets each night are peaceful at all

most “peaceful” protesters may not personally set fires or point lasers at police officers but they are all part of the crowd that does
All this is wanted, it’s to be seen before the election in November , it’s nothing else, BLM, the protests, all this is from the big leftist poop

peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

He’s white, what makes you think any BLM or Antifa retard is going to care about him?

Heading into a third of demands for justice, Sheriff Beth said social media is attracting more demonstrators -- and he believes they are rebels without a cause.

"The professional agitators is what we call them, that come from other places, they don't care. Them coming here, burning a building or looting a building is like, most everybody in this room is like, we're going out to dinner," Beth said.

Sheriff believes social media is attracting 'professional agitators' to Kenosha

Thats not so different from my belief that these are social misfits and outcasts from civil society.

Losers of the first order

but they are also leftwingers

there is no question that BLM and ANTIFA have marxist roots

And they are getting support from the democrat party

They believe they are revolutionaries, communist revolutionaries. These are furthering Democrat goals.
They believe they are revolutionaries, communist revolutionaries. These are furthering Democrat goals.
Its really sad that misfits like that exist in America

But not surprising given our liberal pop culture and piss poor education system
peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

Again- Black folks asked for 10 years to do something about Police Brutality... They asked very nicely. They appealed to Congress.

This shit is still happening.

Why is it that people ignore a problem when asked nicely, and then bitch when things get ugly. Moreover, most of the BLM protesters are marching peacefully.
Bad headline. A peaceful protester does not burn down a business. A rioter does. Please distinguish between the two.
I dont think the leftwing morons spilling into the streets each night are peaceful at all

most “peaceful” protesters may not personally set fires or point lasers at police officers but they are all part of the crowd that does

How are they "part of the crowd that does?" You have to distinguish between peaceful protesters and those who go out at night to start trouble. These folks also could be from right-wing groups seizing an opportunity to start violence and then blame it on someone with the opposite politics. There are plenty of videos of protesters trying to challenge those who are not peaceful. Who was the black woman in the pink shirt who tried to confront the member of the Aryan Cowboys who was breaking windows at the Milwaukee Autozone?
while there is no evidence that the cheap, thin paper masks do any good, few if any white people engage the cops in hand-to-hand combat rather than put one on

as I said, failure to obey lawful orders from the cops is a black brain disease

Naw, the problem is they expect the police to treat them like White People.

Take for instance, the Kenosha police department, please.

The shot Jacob Black in the back Seven times when he went to the car where his three children were.


A white Cop Groupie was allowed to wander down the street with an AR-15, shoot three people and then escape to Antioch.
There is a difference between "propaganda" and grassroots open source intel.

The source I am talking about is twitter and FB feeds of average citizens. If it causes you cognitive dissonance, and you need to believe that ANTIFA and BLM are the same thing? Fine.

I am telling you though, that the paradigm your TEE VEE and the nation conventions are feeding you IS NOT THE TRUTH.
declared war is what I call it. I think it is now time to respond with the same weapons.

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