Man’s message to “peaceful” protesters who burned down his family business

He should have thought of that before he crashed his ex’s home and had an outstanding warrant for his arrest

Yes, how dare he think that he has a right to go somewhere as a black man and not get shot.
This ain’t horseshoes or handgrenades

almost does not count

if white people are smart enough to cooperate with police instructions rather than resisting arrest black people can learn to do that too

Okay. Then we need to get cops to start treating black people and white people the same.

Which means that if they shoot Blake in the back 7 times for merely reaching for something, they also need to shoot Rittenhouse when he's fleeing the scene of three people he's just shot.
Okay. Then we need to get cops to start treating black people and white people the same.
The cops do that now

Black people CHOOSE to fight with the cops while white people cooperate
The cops do that now

Black people CHOOSE to fight with the cops while white people cooperate

Um, no, they don't...

Rittenhouse walked right past the cop with an AR15 after someone had just been shot. You think they'd do that for black folks.

Rittenhouse walked right past the cop with an AR15 after someone had just been shot. You think they'd do that for black folks.

there were Black Lies Matter people carrying long guns also

peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

anyone involved in looting, burning, destruction is NOT a "peaceful protestor"

they are criminals

by equating looters and rioters with peaceful protestors you are engaged in blood libel!

you want people to hate PEACEFUL PROTESTORS for crimes they never committed!


I do not burn or loot or destroy

I protest police brutality
I protest police abusing their position to hurt people , destroy lives and kill people without DUE PROCESS.
I understand that MOST cops are "not like that"
I also understand that MANY cops ARE "like that" and THEY need to be ferreted out!

I protest the CONSERVATIVES who have no problem with police abusing their power!
I protest the conservatives who justify every act of police brutality
I protest a president who thinks police brutality against people he doesn't like is a GOOD THING!
I protest a president who tweets "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
I protest the conservatives who AGREED with that tweet

I protest how vile and loathsome you are and what terrible things you are doing to MY country

How do you come together with totalitarian subhuman animals who call you a racist ,or bigot , or homophobe ,simply for stating a fact or disageeing or simply hate you cause the color of your skin?

That's a very good question... How do we reason with you racists? God knows, we've tried, but every time we complain about one of these shootings, you guys come up with some kind of convoluted logic of why the black person who got shot 'deserved' it.

" you guys come up with some kind of convoluted logic of why the black person who got shot 'deserved' it. "

"he shouldn't have moved"
"he should have kept quiet"
"he shouldn't have had a cell phone in his hand"
"he shouldn't have stopped breathing"
"he shouldn't have been black"
"what was he doing in OUR neighborhood?!"
"turns out he had a criminal record for trespassing so he deserved to die"

peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

anyone involved in looting, burning, destruction is NOT a "peaceful protestor"

they are criminals

by equating looters and rioters with peaceful protestors you are engaged in blood libel!

you want people to hate PEACEFUL PROTESTORS for crimes they never committed!


I do not burn or loot or destroy

I protest police brutality
I protest police abusing their position to hurt people , destroy lives and kill people without DUE PROCESS.
I understand that MOST cops are "not like that"
I also understand that MANY cops ARE "like that" and THEY need to be ferreted out!

I protest the CONSERVATIVES who have no problem with police abusing their power!
I protest the conservatives who justify every act of police brutality
I protest a president who thinks police brutality against people he doesn't like is a GOOD THING!
I protest a president who tweets "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
I protest the conservatives who AGREED with that tweet

I protest how vile and loathsome you are and what terrible things you are doing to MY country


Set the curfew for “peaceful” protesting at sundown

Then arrest and book anyone on the streets after curfew
I was looking into some local BLM feeds. . . They were disgusted by this, and were very angry by this action.

Pretty sure they were some agent provocateurs involved.

I really am beginning to suspect that the average liberal is not involved in the destruction. . . there is something else going on here.

LOL Oh my God spare us the bullshit and lies from your side. You racists and bigots live to burn businesses down.
I was looking into some local BLM feeds. . . They were disgusted by this, and were very angry by this action.

Pretty sure they were some agent provocateurs involved.

I really am beginning to suspect that the average liberal is not involved in the destruction. . . there is something else going on here.

LOL Oh my God spare us the bullshit and lies from your side. You racists and bigots live to burn businesses down.

peaceful protests huh?

what a lie

anyone involved in looting, burning, destruction is NOT a "peaceful protestor"

they are criminals

by equating looters and rioters with peaceful protestors you are engaged in blood libel!

you want people to hate PEACEFUL PROTESTORS for crimes they never committed!


I do not burn or loot or destroy

I protest police brutality
I protest police abusing their position to hurt people , destroy lives and kill people without DUE PROCESS.
I understand that MOST cops are "not like that"
I also understand that MANY cops ARE "like that" and THEY need to be ferreted out!

I protest the CONSERVATIVES who have no problem with police abusing their power!
I protest the conservatives who justify every act of police brutality
I protest a president who thinks police brutality against people he doesn't like is a GOOD THING!
I protest a president who tweets "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
I protest the conservatives who AGREED with that tweet

I protest how vile and loathsome you are and what terrible things you are doing to MY country


That is not how it works. By now most of the people who go to the Antifa/BLM protests know there is something more going on. You have to be short a few chromosomes to not know that. And most people want police to be good at their jobs. But they themselves as a group have screwed over people and not paid the price for doing so. And now they are paying the price in a general way. And so is the civilian population.

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