Mansfield Texas High School Shooting

Yes, well federal law says that weed is a schedule one drug. But if I get pulled over in Oregon with my Glock and an ounce of weed sitting on the passenger seat, I might get a traffic ticket.

"My Glock". LOL

You've never even seen a firearm that wasn't on TV, much less owned one.
The crime will stop when people allow Jesus to come into their mind. Jesus will be good to himself. Jesus is not against his gift giving laws. It would be beyond wonderful having Jesus in everyone. People could have the car or bike that they always wanted.
How about a big screen t.v?
I want all the 'stuff' first before I commit to anything.
Lol - Gotta love the way they included one token white guy just to prove that the meme isn’t racist as hell! :)

You are the idiots that want to include every gang banger shootout as a mass public shooting....I do believe, however, that the last Kroger shooting was by an Asian guy..
Stephen Crowder covering the news not covering this shooter .....cause.......he wasn't a white kid, wasn't a Trump voter, didn't use an AR-15, and likely has gang ties....

But...nothing to see here...

Here’s something that y’all may find very interesting. Kinda blows up a lot of talking points we’ve seen from righties huh? Now, in fairness I believe they are referring to shootings involving a lot more than four victims.

Between 1982 and May 2021, 66 out of the 124 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 21 mass shootings, and Latino in 10. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53 percent, 17 percent and eight percent respectively.​

Race of mass shooters reflects the U.S. population​

Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn.​

Conversely, looking at the mass shootings in the United States by gender clearly demonstrates that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by men.​

Here’s something that y’all may find very interesting. Kinda blows up a lot of talking points we’ve seen from righties huh? Now, in fairness I believe they are referring to shootings involving a lot more than four victims.

Between 1982 and May 2021, 66 out of the 124 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 21 mass shootings, and Latino in 10. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53 percent, 17 percent and eight percent respectively.​

Race of mass shooters reflects the U.S. population​

Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn.​
Conversely, looking at the mass shootings in the United States by gender clearly demonstrates that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by men.​ do mass public shootings...they also generate most societal changes and innovations...

Mass public shootings in 2019....12

Mass public shootings in 2020...2

Total Killed....78 people....

14 people in 2 years in a country of over 330 million people...

Meanwhile.....actual criminal shootings by criminals who are not mass public shooters?


Black males make up 7% of the population...around there....but make up over 50% of the murderers, and over 50% of the murder victims....
Here’s something that y’all may find very interesting. Kinda blows up a lot of talking points we’ve seen from righties huh? Now, in fairness I believe they are referring to shootings involving a lot more than four victims.

Between 1982 and May 2021, 66 out of the 124 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 21 mass shootings, and Latino in 10. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53 percent, 17 percent and eight percent respectively.​

Race of mass shooters reflects the U.S. population​

Broadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn.​
Conversely, looking at the mass shootings in the United States by gender clearly demonstrates that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by men.​

so you approve of the site.

Here’s something that y’all may find very interesting. Kinda blows up a lot of talking points we’ve seen from righties huh? Now, in fairness I believe they are referring to shootings involving a lot more than four victims.
Between 1982 and May 2021, 66 out of the 124 mass shootings in the United States....
124 mass shootings in the US 1982-2021?
According to the NY, there were more than 600 mas shootings in 2020, alone.
So, is the NYT lying, or are you?

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