Manufactured Racism by Blacks

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I'd say the black Hutus were more violent than whites because look at the numbers I posted--they out murdered the German Holocaust !!!!!!
I'll ask you for the 4th time

Are you saying that white people have been less violent than black people throughout history ?

Just a Yes or No
per capita--very possible
although the Germans murdered more in the Holocaust--less Germans participated per captia in the actual murders than Hutus did in murdering Tutsis in Rwanda Rwanda, no mass collection and transportation of Tutsis as they did to Jews in WW2--so the genocide had to be more widespread-necessitating more murderers per capita for Rwanda
2. in Rwanda they used machetes/hacking for some of the murders--very inefficient--thereby necessitating more people per capita for murdering as opposed to Germans using gas for a lot of the murders
.....only one man needed to pull the ''switch'' to murder many
3. more Tutsis murdered in less time--necessitating more people for murders--over 500,00 minimum in three months--using guns/machetes/etc
4. Holocaust victims about 6 million
1941 to 1945...some say 1933 to 1945....
1941-1945 6 million divided by 4 = 1.5 million per year or 125,000 per month
Rwanda Hutus murdered over 160,000 [ minimum ] per month using very inefficient weapons
...more murders per month using less efficient killing method

if my math is correct.

Shaka Zulu murdered/killed many:
'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did''
Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

per capita your point would be very hard to prove

anyway---my point still is correct and PROVEN!!!
blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites--you do agree with this?
it CAN"T be denied
well, you can deny it--but you will only look stupid
why are you trying to deflect away from my proven point?
more blacks murder per capita of their population than whites do per capita of their population
For the 2nd time

So are you saying that white people have been less violent throughout history than black people ?

Just a Yes or No
no more violent than any other race
the topic--point is blacks commit murder at a much! much higher rate--you do agree with that??
that's undeniable
why are trying to deflect away from that?
as far as white people committing violence at a much higher rate--no they don't
please prove that

the white race has had the higher intelligence to produce more deaths
that doesn't mean they are more violent--especially per capita
White people are more violent per capita and any other way known to man. Stalin, Lenin and Hitler and their followers murdered more men women and children than any other race of people we know of. If we put the American indians on your hitlist ..the numbers of.white murders In the last few centuries soars beyond comprehension.
Blacks need to manufacture racism because they can't get their own shit together, so they need someone to blame.

The only people manufacturing racism is whites.
Only a tiny percentage of whites ever talk about race. Nearly all blacks talk about race nearly all the time. Now pull up your pants.
Actions speak louder than words.
I totally agree with you JQ
the blacks just don't talk about hating whitey/etc
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
they are acting out their hate and racism
they burn/loot/destroy/etc for lies--lies that WHITE cops always murder '''innocent'' blacks
yes--those actions speak loudly
You sound like the whites who denied that blacks in the 1960's were being mistreated. Then President Johnson sent a commission down to determine what caused the riots and what do you know it was lack of opportunity and police brutality towards black people. Now this wasn't black people's findings. This was the White US Government who figured it out. And then they squashed the report because it would have been political suicide at the time.

So sounds like you're denying it now just like you did then.
no more violent than any other race
I'll ask you the question for a third time

Are you saying that white people have been less violent than black people throughout history ?
the topic--point is blacks commit murder at a much! much higher rate--you do agree with that??
I'm saying that white people have been the most murderous and violent race of people on the planet and are not in any postion to accuse any1 of violence

Now if you want to debate me on this. We can go at and I'm pretty confident of winning the debate.
I'm waiting for your argument ..I gave you the answer
I'm waiting for your argument ..I gave you the answer
Have white people been less violent than black people throughout history ?

If you don't say Yes or No. Then I'll assume that you know your on loosing ground and leave it there
Blacks need to manufacture racism because they can't get their own shit together, so they need someone to blame.

The only people manufacturing racism is whites.
Only a tiny percentage of whites ever talk about race. Nearly all blacks talk about race nearly all the time. Now pull up your pants.
Actions speak louder than words.
I totally agree with you JQ
the blacks just don't talk about hating whitey/etc
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
they are acting out their hate and racism
they burn/loot/destroy/etc for lies--lies that WHITE cops always murder '''innocent'' blacks
yes--those actions speak loudly
You sound like the whites who denied that blacks in the 1960's were being mistreated. Then President Johnson sent a commission down to determine what caused the riots and what do you know it was lack of opportunity and police brutality towards black people. Now this wasn't black people's findings. This was the White US Government who figured it out. And then they squashed the report because it would have been political suicide at the time.

So sounds like you're denying it now just like you did then.
no race has a monopoly on evil--I've sta
I'm waiting for your argument ..I gave you the answer
Have white people been less violent than black people throughout history ?

If you don't say Yes or No. Then I'll assume that you know your on loosing ground and leave it there

assume all you want
I have proven my have not proved your point--which I guess is whites are more violent
I'm waiting
Blacks need to manufacture racism because they can't get their own shit together, so they need someone to blame.

The only people manufacturing racism is whites.
Only a tiny percentage of whites ever talk about race. Nearly all blacks talk about race nearly all the time. Now pull up your pants.
Actions speak louder than words.
I totally agree with you JQ
the blacks just don't talk about hating whitey/etc
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
they are acting out their hate and racism
they burn/loot/destroy/etc for lies--lies that WHITE cops always murder '''innocent'' blacks
yes--those actions speak loudly
You sound like the whites who denied that blacks in the 1960's were being mistreated. Then President Johnson sent a commission down to determine what caused the riots and what do you know it was lack of opportunity and police brutality towards black people. Now this wasn't black people's findings. This was the White US Government who figured it out. And then they squashed the report because it would have been political suicide at the time.

So sounds like you're denying it now just like you did then.
blah blah blah ...what's your point?
no more violent than any other race
I'll ask you the question for a third time

Are you saying that white people have been less violent than black people throughout history ?
the topic--point is blacks commit murder at a much! much higher rate--you do agree with that??
I'm saying that white people have been the most murderous and violent race of people on the planet and are not in any postion to accuse any1 of violence

Now if you want to debate me on this. We can go at and I'm pretty confident of winning the debate.
I'm waiting for your argument ..I gave you the answer

You really have no argument against the bombs that Essen can drop on you. You ran your mouth and now you need know it's time to be quiet.
per capita--very possible
although the Germans murdered more in the Holocaust--less Germans participated per captia in the actual murders than Hutus did in murdering Tutsis in Rwanda Rwanda, no mass collection and transportation of Tutsis as they did to Jews in WW2--so the genocide had to be more widespread-necessitating more murderers per capita for Rwanda
2. in Rwanda they used machetes/hacking for some of the murders--very inefficient--thereby necessitating more people per capita for murdering as opposed to Germans using gas for a lot of the murders
.....only one man needed to pull the ''switch'' to murder many
3. more Tutsis murdered in less time--necessitating more people for murders--over 500,00 minimum in three months--using guns/machetes/etc
4. Holocaust victims about 6 million
1941 to 1945...some say 1933 to 1945....
1941-1945 6 million divided by 4 = 1.5 million per year or 125,000 per month
Rwanda Hutus murdered over 160,000 [ minimum ] per month using very inefficient weapons
...more murders per month using less efficient killing method

if my math is correct.

Shaka Zulu murdered/killed many:
'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did''
Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

per capita your point would be very hard to prove

anyway---my point still is correct and PROVEN!!!
blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites--you do agree with this?
it CAN"T be denied
well, you can deny it--but you will only look stupid
why are you trying to deflect away from my proven point?
more blacks murder per capita of their population than whites do per capita of their population
For the 2nd time

So are you saying that white people have been less violent throughout history than black people ?

Just a Yes or No
no more violent than any other race
the topic--point is blacks commit murder at a much! much higher rate--you do agree with that??
that's undeniable
why are trying to deflect away from that?
as far as white people committing violence at a much higher rate--no they don't
please prove that

the white race has had the higher intelligence to produce more deaths
that doesn't mean they are more violent--especially per capita

What kind of education do you have? Per capita is an estimate t's not real numbers.
Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

And it probably would be if blacks were 90% of the population. Or are you saying blacks would have done it differently had they been in charge? I doubt it. Don't forget it was blacks who initially sold other blacks into slavery.

I don't know about that. Blacks might not even be here. And spare me the white disingenuous claim of blacks selling other blacks into slavery because that's not exactly how it happened. I say things would be different because the simple reality is that backs travelled and had the chance to colonize and enslave whites but did not. Whites came to Africa where they were drastically out numbered and blacks could have wiped them out or forced them into slavery but did not. You see when you decide to start making crazy comments understand that you are telling me how things happened according to one side, the European one. Well that's not the only side and Africans tell a little different story about slavery and how it went down. Like for example how whites would give one tribe arms then pay them to go capture their enemies to be enslaved.

Great movie if you haven't seen it

I don't really need to see movies. I have the ability to talk to African scholars. I live in a college town.
C'mon brah, even YOU don't believe that. :lmao:
They do. But most white people keep their mouth shut. Why? Because you have to live with other white people and fear becoming an outcast. Racism is not even whites fight, right? So why should they suffer for it?
I'll admit we talk about black people when you are not around. When someone says something extremely racist guys like me cringe but I don't really push back like a black person would.

And white racists will say it's harmless because there are no blacks around but if that's the way they feel about black people how can they suggest that white hiring managers don't also have the same negative feelings towards black people.

These whites you are arguing with aren't being intellectually honest with you.

We know this. And many times you aren't either. But you are better than the others.
all of your posts are discredited when you deny the statistics right there
you cannot change the laws of arithmetic
maybe you really are a dumbass--I'll explain it differently without numbers so maybe you will understand :
blacks make up a small percentage of the population but are committing murder at more than that percentage
whites make up a huge percentage of the population but are committing murder at less than that percentage
So are you saying that white people have been less violent throughout history than black people ?
per capita--very possible
although the Germans murdered more in the Holocaust--less Germans participated per captia in the actual murders than Hutus did in murdering Tutsis in Rwanda Rwanda, no mass collection and transportation of Tutsis as they did to Jews in WW2--so the genocide had to be more widespread-necessitating more murderers per capita for Rwanda
2. in Rwanda they used machetes/hacking for some of the murders--very inefficient--thereby necessitating more people per capita for murdering as opposed to Germans using gas for a lot of the murders
.....only one man needed to pull the ''switch'' to murder many
3. more Tutsis murdered in less time--necessitating more people for murders--over 500,00 minimum in three months--using guns/machetes/etc
4. Holocaust victims about 6 million
1941 to 1945...some say 1933 to 1945....
1941-1945 6 million divided by 4 = 1.5 million per year or 125,000 per month
Rwanda Hutus murdered over 160,000 [ minimum ] per month using very inefficient weapons
...more murders per month using less efficient killing method

if my math is correct.

Shaka Zulu murdered/killed many:
'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did''
Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

per capita your point would be very hard to prove

anyway---my point still is correct and PROVEN!!!
blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites--you do agree with this?
it CAN"T be denied
well, you can deny it--but you will only look stupid
why are you trying to deflect away from my proven point?
more blacks murder per capita of their population than whites do per capita of their population

Blacks don't murder at over 7 times the rate of whites. Yesterday you were saying 8. It can be denied because it's not true.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

If you imagine that, is there any nation you imagine isn’t?
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

If you imagine that, is there any nation you imagine isn’t?

I don't imagine anything as it pertains to this issue.
More manufactured racism! A black student spray painted "KKK "and "Nigg@r" all over the school. What the fuck is wrong with these clowns? Black Lives Matter!! Hands Up Don't Shoot!! and hundreds of others like this. All based on lies......

Apparently when they can't find any "real" racism, they go out and and create it!

Police have charged a former Eastern Michigan University student over three incidents of vandalism that targeted African-Americans, including the spray-painting of ‘KKK’ and ‘n*gger,’ and the command to “leave” the school.


On Tuesday, the university was shaken when police announced the suspect was Eddie Curlin, an African-American. A preliminary hearing is set for November 9.

“To know that it was a person of color is hurtful,” Jaiquae Rodwell told the Eastern Echo, the university newspaper. “As a black student, to know that another black person is using the N-word in a negative way is embarrassing.”

Curlin was arraigned on three counts of malicious destruction of property, four counts of identity theft, and one count of using a computer to commit a crime, all related to vandalism incidents that took place on the Eastern Michigan University campus in the fall of 2016.

Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

If you imagine that, is there any nation you imagine isn’t?

I don't imagine anything as it pertains to this issue.

Another question ducked
Give the guy a break. He was just trying to be a good Conservative.

Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

If you imagine that, is there any nation you imagine isn’t?

I don't imagine anything as it pertains to this issue.

Another question ducked

Not ducking. I don't answer your dumb ass questions because I don't want to.

After all, this is a thread about a instance that happened in America.
per capita--very possible
although the Germans murdered more in the Holocaust--less Germans participated per captia in the actual murders than Hutus did in murdering Tutsis in Rwanda Rwanda, no mass collection and transportation of Tutsis as they did to Jews in WW2--so the genocide had to be more widespread-necessitating more murderers per capita for Rwanda
2. in Rwanda they used machetes/hacking for some of the murders--very inefficient--thereby necessitating more people per capita for murdering as opposed to Germans using gas for a lot of the murders
.....only one man needed to pull the ''switch'' to murder many
3. more Tutsis murdered in less time--necessitating more people for murders--over 500,00 minimum in three months--using guns/machetes/etc
4. Holocaust victims about 6 million
1941 to 1945...some say 1933 to 1945....
1941-1945 6 million divided by 4 = 1.5 million per year or 125,000 per month
Rwanda Hutus murdered over 160,000 [ minimum ] per month using very inefficient weapons
...more murders per month using less efficient killing method

if my math is correct.

Shaka Zulu murdered/killed many:
'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did''
Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

per capita your point would be very hard to prove

anyway---my point still is correct and PROVEN!!!
blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites--you do agree with this?
it CAN"T be denied
well, you can deny it--but you will only look stupid
why are you trying to deflect away from my proven point?
more blacks murder per capita of their population than whites do per capita of their population
For the 2nd time

So are you saying that white people have been less violent throughout history than black people ?

Just a Yes or No
no more violent than any other race
the topic--point is blacks commit murder at a much! much higher rate--you do agree with that??
that's undeniable
why are trying to deflect away from that?
as far as white people committing violence at a much higher rate--no they don't
please prove that

the white race has had the higher intelligence to produce more deaths
that doesn't mean they are more violent--especially per capita
White people are more violent per capita and any other way known to man. Stalin, Lenin and Hitler and their followers murdered more men women and children than any other race of people we know of. If we put the American indians on your hitlist ..the numbers of.white murders In the last few centuries soars beyond comprehension.

Hard to deny this.

Even when it's white Christians vs. white Christians we are some murderous mofos.

The European wars of religion were a series of religious wars waged in Central, Western and Northern Europe from 1524 to 1648
The only people manufacturing racism is whites.
Only a tiny percentage of whites ever talk about race. Nearly all blacks talk about race nearly all the time. Now pull up your pants.
Actions speak louder than words.
I totally agree with you JQ
the blacks just don't talk about hating whitey/etc
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
they are acting out their hate and racism
they burn/loot/destroy/etc for lies--lies that WHITE cops always murder '''innocent'' blacks
yes--those actions speak loudly
You sound like the whites who denied that blacks in the 1960's were being mistreated. Then President Johnson sent a commission down to determine what caused the riots and what do you know it was lack of opportunity and police brutality towards black people. Now this wasn't black people's findings. This was the White US Government who figured it out. And then they squashed the report because it would have been political suicide at the time.

So sounds like you're denying it now just like you did then.
blah blah blah ...what's your point?
Take out the black on black crime and black people are relatively harmless to us whites. Better you worry about your loser white neighbors who might snap and own a lot of guns.

Then consider if you live in a mostly white neighborhood you really have nothing to fear from black people.

Remember the uber driver who was driving around shooting people between rides?

How come black people don't do stupid shit like this?
Actually he was working hard to support the LIBERAL LIE, that this nation is horribly racist.

He is certainly one of you.

This nation is racist.

If you imagine that, is there any nation you imagine isn’t?

I don't imagine anything as it pertains to this issue.

Another question ducked

Not ducking. I don't answer your dumb ass questions because I don't want to.

After all, this is a thread about a instance that happened in America.
He won't answer any of your questions don't answer his.
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