Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

gay people have families.

that is why the sentiments are changing in this country .

why do you hate gay people?

Gay people COME from families, frequently dysfunctional families . As far as Gay People having Families - yes they have Fauxfamilies - Fake families. It's a facade.

Faggots for the most part are not suitable parents, they have a ridiculously high instance of pedophiliac tendencies and are largely mentally unstable. In addition extremely high rates of queer relationships are transient, who gets junior Daddy or Dad ?. There are of course exceptions to all norms , so I don't advocate excluding them from the adoption process but only after extremely tedious screening.

Not real sure that's actually on topic :)

The author of the article is homosexual. It's not about if they are good or not, it about the path utilized to get what they (the left for he most part) want
I hate it when people gain equality before the law in some way I don't personally approve of.
gay people have families.

that is why the sentiments are changing in this country .

why do you hate gay people?

Gay people COME from families, frequently dysfunctional families . As far as Gay People having Families - yes they have Fauxfamilies - Fake families. It's a facade.

Faggots for the most part are not suitable parents, they have a ridiculously high instance of pedophiliac tendencies and are largely mentally unstable. In addition extremely high rates of queer relationships are transient, who gets junior Daddy or Dad ?. There are of course exceptions to all norms , so I don't advocate excluding them from the adoption process but only after extremely tedious screening.

Not real sure that's actually on topic :)

The author of the article is homosexual. It's not about if they are good or not, it about the path utilized to get what they (the left for he most part) want

The Post being addressed was in relat. to "gay people have families"
Gay people COME from families, frequently dysfunctional families . As far as Gay People having Families - yes they have Fauxfamilies - Fake families. It's a facade.

Faggots for the most part are not suitable parents, they have a ridiculously high instance of pedophiliac tendencies and are largely mentally unstable. In addition extremely high rates of queer relationships are transient, who gets junior Daddy or Dad ?. There are of course exceptions to all norms , so I don't advocate excluding them from the adoption process but only after extremely tedious screening.

Not real sure that's actually on topic :)

The author of the article is homosexual. It's not about if they are good or not, it about the path utilized to get what they (the left for he most part) want

The Post being addressed was in relat. to "gay people have families"

Yeah, but that was TM who only dug up an old post to ask why I hate gays

Unintentionally illustrating the point of the op
Excellent post. Yes, the Left are masters of media manipulation. Perhaps they learned it from Goebbels.
Excellent post. Yes, the Left are masters of media manipulation. Perhaps they learned it from Goebbels.

They learned it from someone else actually. At least one of them in top ranks in the agenda. But universal truths apply so ? Maybe Goebbels too.
How did the Left gain the upper hand with same sex marriage? A technique identified by Cass Sunstein and Timur Kuran explains the simple, effective process: Availability Cascades.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).

Articles: Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Reading the authors preface is recommended to those on the left who like play the victim card. Part of it : The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families.

My mother is not my two brothers biological mother. Children deserve the right to have loving parents, it doesn't matter if they are biological or not.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Excellent post. Yes, the Left are masters of media manipulation. Perhaps they learned it from Goebbels.

They learned it from someone else actually. At least one of them in top ranks in the agenda. But universal truths apply so ? Maybe Goebbels too.

Can I get a translation into English please?

Yes, read my first post on the first page in this thread. I won't mention who it is, only that he was a master in an esoteric art and taught mastery in the art of manipulating perception. And that one of the members of his inner circle, who he later ousted, was one of the founding people of GLAAD...and gay...and filled with a bitter vendetta for his former master and a burning desire to get even with his master for his describing homosexuality as "masturbatory" not long before he kicked this guy out. If you want to know more, just PM me.
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How did the Left gain the upper hand with same sex marriage? A technique identified by Cass Sunstein and Timur Kuran explains the simple, effective process: Availability Cascades.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).

Articles: Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Reading the authors preface is recommended to those on the left who like play the victim card. Part of it : The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families.

My mother is not my two brothers biological mother. Children deserve the right to have loving parents, it doesn't matter if they are biological or not.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
What right is there to loving parents? I agree it is optimal and preferred but sometimes life just doesn't work out that way. Plenty of very successful people had parents who were drunks, mean, or criminals.
How did the Left gain the upper hand with same sex marriage? A technique identified by Cass Sunstein and Timur Kuran explains the simple, effective process: Availability Cascades.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).

Articles: Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Reading the authors preface is recommended to those on the left who like play the victim card. Part of it : The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families.

My mother is not my two brothers biological mother. Children deserve the right to have loving parents, it doesn't matter if they are biological or not.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

What right is there to loving parents? I agree it is optimal and preferred but sometimes life just doesn't work out that way. Plenty of very successful people had parents who were drunks, mean, or criminals.

But they would be better than parents who were homosexual? Or not biological?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Not real sure that's actually on topic :)

The author of the article is homosexual. It's not about if they are good or not, it about the path utilized to get what they (the left for he most part) want

The Post being addressed was in relat. to "gay people have families"

Yeah, but that was TM who only dug up an old post to ask why I hate gays

Unintentionally illustrating the point of the op

Okay ... gotcha
How did the Left gain the upper hand with same sex marriage? A technique identified by Cass Sunstein and Timur Kuran explains the simple, effective process: Availability Cascades.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).

Articles: Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Reading the authors preface is recommended to those on the left who like play the victim card. Part of it : The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families.

My mother is not my two brothers biological mother. Children deserve the right to have loving parents, it doesn't matter if they are biological or not.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
.... Plenty of very successful people had parents who were drunks, mean, or criminals.

Chelsea Clinton will be glad to hear that .
How did the Left gain the upper hand with same sex marriage? A technique identified by Cass Sunstein and Timur Kuran explains the simple, effective process: Availability Cascades.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).

Articles: Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Reading the authors preface is recommended to those on the left who like play the victim card. Part of it : The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families.

It's manipulating reality to assert GLBT are just like the rest of us. Of course it is.

But that gay ice skating guy is definitely trying to get me to do a double take. LOL
I actually thought it would take another 15 years to swamp the anti-gay sentiment. But it is happening faster than I thought.

Talk to people under 40 - the vast majority of them really don't care at all if someone is gay. I figured it would take 10 or 15 years for enough of the other, older folks who seem so concerned about other people's love life to die off.

But apparently, a lot of them are just changing their minds. I am amazed to see how public opinion on this issue has shifted so dramatically and so quickly.
I actually thought it would take another 15 years to swamp the anti-gay sentiment. But it is happening faster than I thought.

Talk to people under 40 - the vast majority of them really don't care at all if someone is gay. I figured it would take 10 or 15 years for enough of the other, older folks who seem so concerned about other people's love life to die off.

But apparently, a lot of them are just changing their minds. I am amazed to see how public opinion on this issue has shifted so dramatically and so quickly.
The truth is no one really cares if someone is gay. But we dont need to hear about it all the time. And we don't need to pretend that two guys playing house are really Tom and Mary.
This thesis "The issue of same sex marriage boils down to adults selfishly seeking to define a right to have children over and above the right of children to intact biological families" is unsustainable.

Children have a right to a family, whether biological or not.

The error is to suggest, without any evidence, that children have a right to "biological" families.

Children have a right and have the need to be loved by 'parents', whether biological or not.

When a couple hires another to help produce a child that child is denied biological parents, and or a mother/father.

So...all parents of test tube babies, envitro babies, adopted babies are not parents....their children were denied........
I actually thought it would take another 15 years to swamp the anti-gay sentiment. But it is happening faster than I thought.

Talk to people under 40 - the vast majority of them really don't care at all if someone is gay. I figured it would take 10 or 15 years for enough of the other, older folks who seem so concerned about other people's love life to die off.

But apparently, a lot of them are just changing their minds. I am amazed to see how public opinion on this issue has shifted so dramatically and so quickly.
The truth is no one really cares if someone is gay. But we dont need to hear about it all the time. And we don't need to pretend that two guys playing house are really Tom and Mary.
Nor do we need the FORCED ACCEPTENCE
No one has to accept anything in their private homes. They can even live in a duck pond in the frigging woods and never see people. But when they offer stuff for sale, or pass laws, they can't treat folks different unless there's a rational reason. And fearing some guy will see you nekid ain't rational.
I actually thought it would take another 15 years to swamp the anti-gay sentiment. But it is happening faster than I thought.

Talk to people under 40 - the vast majority of them really don't care at all if someone is gay. I figured it would take 10 or 15 years for enough of the other, older folks who seem so concerned about other people's love life to die off.

But apparently, a lot of them are just changing their minds. I am amazed to see how public opinion on this issue has shifted so dramatically and so quickly.
The truth is no one really cares if someone is gay. But we dont need to hear about it all the time. And we don't need to pretend that two guys playing house are really Tom and Mary.
Nor do we need the FORCED ACCEPTENCE

I respect your right to your own opinions about it, but there is no denying that your opinions are in the minority and the gap is getting bigger a lot faster than I would have expected.

I think it isn't going to take long at all for the opposition to recognizing gay marriages to crumble away to dust.
I actually thought it would take another 15 years to swamp the anti-gay sentiment. But it is happening faster than I thought.

Talk to people under 40 - the vast majority of them really don't care at all if someone is gay. I figured it would take 10 or 15 years for enough of the other, older folks who seem so concerned about other people's love life to die off.

But apparently, a lot of them are just changing their minds. I am amazed to see how public opinion on this issue has shifted so dramatically and so quickly.
The truth is no one really cares if someone is gay. But we dont need to hear about it all the time. And we don't need to pretend that two guys playing house are really Tom and Mary.
Nor do we need the FORCED ACCEPTENCE

Don't forget also the defiance of democracy in the suppression of the various duly enacted state constitutional laws that define marriage to exclude gays, minors, polygamists and others, as it was reaffirmed last Summer was within the full and "unquestioned authority" of the states "consensus" to decide as to the question of gay marriage.

Don't forget the fascism angle. If they want it legalized, then put it to a consensus, like in California, where it lost, both times they tried it.

So much for the cooked polling data that shows "most people support gay marriage"...

Oh yeah? Put that to a vote in each state and see how it pans out. Oh, but they won't, they want it forced on the state via sedition. And why? Because straight up they are lying about the polling data.

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