Manufacturing Consent on Same Sex Marriage

Only if "God's" name is Lucifer :cuckoo:

Have you read the strong warnings and no-nonsense admonitions in Jude 1 and Romans 1? Because they say the exact opposite of your conclusion. In fact, they are worded so strongly and the lesson of the destruction of two cities and all their inhabitants so profound, held out as "an example of what will happen" to any other civilizations who fall by that cannot conclude otherwise.

It's helpful if you're a christian reading this and wondering where God actually stands on this issue, to read Jude 1 and Romans 1 instead of some gay guy telling you what God stands for in the internet.

Whether you want to admit it or not people are changing their minds because they are following Jesus's command to love their neighbor as themselves. Certain prejudices and ignorance can prevent that process from taking place but the path of righteousness set forth by Jesus Christ is becoming clearer to more and more people.


Jude 1 and Romans 1 doesn't tell people they should hate gay people. They say that christians must not allow gay people to substitute what they do for "normal" in a society. Big difference. And they gave what God did to Sodom as an example for failing to earnestly contend for the common salvation. Everyone went down to the Pit, not just gays. Those New Testament passages tell christians to despise the behavior, not the men and women doing it.

So to follow Jude 1 and Romans 1 is consistent with Jesus teaching compassion. Compassion is not, however, synonymous with promotion or enabling..

Jesus did not make the statements in Jude and Romans.
Only if "God's" name is Lucifer :cuckoo:

Have you read the strong warnings and no-nonsense admonitions in Jude 1 and Romans 1? Because they say the exact opposite of your conclusion. In fact, they are worded so strongly and the lesson of the destruction of two cities and all their inhabitants so profound, held out as "an example of what will happen" to any other civilizations who fall by that cannot conclude otherwise.

It's helpful if you're a christian reading this and wondering where God actually stands on this issue, to read Jude 1 and Romans 1 instead of some gay guy telling you what God stands for in the internet.

Whether you want to admit it or not people are changing their minds because they are following Jesus's command to love their neighbor as themselves. Certain prejudices and ignorance can prevent that process from taking place but the path of righteousness set forth by Jesus Christ is becoming clearer to more and more people.


Jude 1 and Romans 1 doesn't tell people they should hate gay people. They say that christians must not allow gay people to substitute what they do for "normal" in a society. Big difference. And they gave what God did to Sodom as an example for failing to earnestly contend for the common salvation. Everyone went down to the Pit, not just gays. Those New Testament passages tell christians to despise the behavior, not the men and women doing it.

So to follow Jude 1 and Romans 1 is consistent with Jesus teaching compassion. Compassion is not, however, synonymous with promotion or enabling..

One of many reasons why the Framers mandated a separation of church and state, why the Constitution forbids codifying subjective religious dogma into secular law, and why that subjective religious dogma is legally and thankfully irrelevant.
Whether you want to admit it or not people are changing their minds because they are following Jesus's command to love their neighbor as themselves. Certain prejudices and ignorance can prevent that process from taking place but the path of righteousness set forth by Jesus Christ is becoming clearer to more and more people.


Jude 1 and Romans 1 doesn't tell people they should hate gay people. They say that christians must not allow gay people to substitute what they do for "normal" in a society. Big difference. And they gave what God did to Sodom as an example for failing to earnestly contend for the common salvation. Everyone went down to the Pit, not just gays. Those New Testament passages tell christians to despise the behavior, not the men and women doing it.

So to follow Jude 1 and Romans 1 is consistent with Jesus teaching compassion. Compassion is not, however, synonymous with promotion or enabling..

One of many reasons why the Framers mandated a separation of church and state, why the Constitution forbids codifying subjective religious dogma into secular law, and why that subjective religious dogma is legally and thankfully irrelevant.

The 1st Amendment, the freedom to practice one's religion, is not irrelevant. And soon I believe you are going to have that spelled out for you in a judgment.
The personalities and practices of such as beagle9, Silohuette, and others here are prima facie evidence as to the wisdoem of why the FFs separated church and state in the Constitution.
The personalities and practices of such as beagle9, Silohuette, and others here are prima facie evidence as to the wisdoem of why the FFs separated church and state in the Constitution.

Then why are kids required as a matter of law by LGBT lawmakers in California to celebrate the LGBT messiah Harvey Milk in school each May 22nd? I thought you said church and state should be separate? Do you think it's a good idea for elementary aged children to celebrate a man who was famous for his sexuality? And that that sexuality involved sex with minors?

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