manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Manufacturing shrinks, raising questions for Trump

The manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, and another 1.2 percent in the second quarter. In July, it is estimated that it contracted 0.4 percent. A recession occurs when an economy contracts in two consecutive quarters.

Better technology and automation have led manufacturers to cut jobs over the last half century. Many of the jobs that still exist in the sector are now white-collar jobs that require college degrees.


Donald Trump made three promises. One of them was to bring back manufacturing. The other two were to build a wall and Mexico would pay for the wall.

So far, this has been a trifecta of failure.

In fact, by definition, we’ve already been in a recession.
Problem is that the Dems are presently involved in a 20 clown car pile-up, with no viable candidate in sight, except for Mooch, then all the clown cars will be full.
How could that be with all the jobs Trump is taking back from China?
Manufacturing shrinks, raising questions for Trump

The manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, and another 1.2 percent in the second quarter. In July, it is estimated that it contracted 0.4 percent. A recession occurs when an economy contracts in two consecutive quarters.

Better technology and automation have led manufacturers to cut jobs over the last half century. Many of the jobs that still exist in the sector are now white-collar jobs that require college degrees.


Donald Trump made three promises. One of them was to bring back manufacturing. The other two were to build a wall and Mexico would pay for the wall.

So far, this has been a trifecta of failure.

In fact, by definition, we’ve already been in a recession.
A Fall recession has been predicted for a year now.

So are we back to a Trump economy for the fourth time now?
Manufacturing shrinks, raising questions for Trump

The manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, and another 1.2 percent in the second quarter. In July, it is estimated that it contracted 0.4 percent. A recession occurs when an economy contracts in two consecutive quarters.

Better technology and automation have led manufacturers to cut jobs over the last half century. Many of the jobs that still exist in the sector are now white-collar jobs that require college degrees.


Donald Trump made three promises. One of them was to bring back manufacturing. The other two were to build a wall and Mexico would pay for the wall.

So far, this has been a trifecta of failure.

In fact, by definition, we’ve already been in a recession.

Your source doesn't provide a link to the claims at all.

Meanwhile here is a better supported claim that has links to back it up, from The Last Refuge:

Consumer Spending Beats Expectations – Shoppers Reject Phony Media Recession Fears…

If you needed any empirical evidence to prove the doomsday proclamations by the financial pundits are false claims, just look at the July consumer spending results. July spending more than doubled expectations.

July results were +0.7 percent, against the economic forecast of +.03 percent. Consumer spending makes up over two-thirds of the U.S. GDP and overall economy. Doesn’t exactly sound like Main Street is on the precipice of a recession. Oh my.



Meanwhile China is slowly losing the trade war as they are now cannibalizing part of their economy to keep it going the way they want it:

China Allows Currency to Drop – President Trump Responds – Devaluation Lowers Consumer Import Prices…

China needs to buy dollars to backstop their own currency (¥uan). When China trades with the U.S. they hold the return dollars as a peg against their weak currency. Remove the flow of dollars (lessen exports) and they start to run out of strong pegged currency.

What is happening today is not as much direct devaluation by China; rather they are intentionally allowing their currency to drop in value, in an effort to lower export prices and off-set any tariffs from the U.S. Simultaneously, Beijing is spending internally, burning cash, to keep their economy from weakening. Their Yuan burn rate is greater than the influx of higher valued dollars needed to hold their position.

They cannot keep this position indefinitely.

First, here’s a solid interview with former CEO Gerald Storch on how the currency devaluation leads to lower prices for U.S. consumers. Again, emphasizing the point that U.S. consumers are not paying for the tariffs against China. Watch:


WE are NOT heading into a recession, don't let the media lie to you!
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For the year to date, employers have announced plans to cut 369,832 jobs, a year-over-year increase of 35.8%. In the first seven months of 2018, employers said they planned to chop 272,301 jobs. This year’s seven-month total is the highest since 2015, when 393,368 cuts were announced.

So Far in 2019, US Has Lost 43% More Jobs Than This Time Last Year

I saw one report that said only 13,000 manufacturing jobs were created in the first five months of this year.
Lol democrats begging for job losses so they don’t get blown out in 2020 is funny ha
Lol democrats begging for job losses so they don’t get blown out in 2020 is funny ha
You assume that is something Democrats would want because it’s what Republicans would do. I don’t want to recession. It would hurt Americans. But Trump and the Republicans are trying to create a recession just like they did in 2008 before they handed the economy over to Obama.
Lol democrats begging for job losses so they don’t get blown out in 2020 is funny ha
You assume that is something Democrats would want because it’s what Republicans would do. I don’t want to recession. It would hurt Americans. But Trump and the Republicans are trying to create a recession just like they did in 2008 before they handed the economy over to Obama.
Trump is killing U.S. manufacturing

U.S. manufacturers must be asking themselves just now: If President Trump is our friend, what would an enemy look like?

Trump built much of his 2016 presidential campaign on a promise to increase manufacturing jobs in the United States. He blamed shrinkage in the manufacturing sector on trade agreements such as NAFTA and the policies of the Chinese, and took credit when an American manufacturer agreed to create or save jobs in the United States. Many of those arrangements, however, turned out to be exaggerated or bogus


Guess Trump was wrong. He said in the UN today that he brought back so many manufacturing jobs they’re pouring into the country. Was that a lie or is he just too stupid to know the truth
You can dwell on the 1st quarter if the voices in your head tell you but the PMI manufacture grew to an 8 month high of 50.1 in September.
Trump is killing U.S. manufacturing

U.S. manufacturers must be asking themselves just now: If President Trump is our friend, what would an enemy look like?

Trump built much of his 2016 presidential campaign on a promise to increase manufacturing jobs in the United States. He blamed shrinkage in the manufacturing sector on trade agreements such as NAFTA and the policies of the Chinese, and took credit when an American manufacturer agreed to create or save jobs in the United States. Many of those arrangements, however, turned out to be exaggerated or bogus


Guess Trump was wrong. He said in the UN today that he brought back so many manufacturing jobs they’re pouring into the country. Was that a lie or is he just too stupid to know the truth
dean do you ever get trump out of your head?....or are you to far gone?...
Trump is killing U.S. manufacturing

U.S. manufacturers must be asking themselves just now: If President Trump is our friend, what would an enemy look like?

Trump built much of his 2016 presidential campaign on a promise to increase manufacturing jobs in the United States. He blamed shrinkage in the manufacturing sector on trade agreements such as NAFTA and the policies of the Chinese, and took credit when an American manufacturer agreed to create or save jobs in the United States. Many of those arrangements, however, turned out to be exaggerated or bogus


Guess Trump was wrong. He said in the UN today that he brought back so many manufacturing jobs they’re pouring into the country. Was that a lie or is he just too stupid to know the truth
You'll get your government stores yet.
Lol democrats begging for job losses so they don’t get blown out in 2020 is funny ha
You assume that is something Democrats would want because it’s what Republicans would do. I don’t want to recession. It would hurt Americans. But Trump and the Republicans are trying to create a recession just like they did in 2008 before they handed the economy over to Obama.

House and Senate were Democrat Control from 2007 - 20011 which mean the last two years of Bush second term Democrats controlled the purse strings...

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