Many American Jews Sour On Netanyahu

Rob Eshman, publisher and editor in chief of The Jewish Journal, a mainstream Jewish newspaper in Los Angeles, wrote this week that the election results show that Israeli and American Jews “are drifting apart.”

And on Thursday, the Conservative Jewish movement’s rabbinic arm, the Rabbinical Assembly, took the unusual step of issuing a statement condemning Mr. Netanyahu for putting out a video on social media during the election campaign warning that “right-wing rule is in danger” because Arab voters were streaming to the polls. The video was widely criticized as race-baiting, and it offended the sensibilities of American Jewish leaders who have long proclaimed with pride that Israel is a democracy in which the Arab minority has the right to vote.

Rabbi William Gershon and Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, the president and executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly, said, “This statement, which indefensibly singled out the Arab citizens of Israel, is unacceptable and undermines the principles upon which the State of Israel was founded.”

From the OP link. So much for Israel being a democracy.
they couldn't believe was was happening and scumbag news papers like the NY times buried the horror

Please stop whining and man up. Jews don't run the world.

They run the NY times and downplayed the slaughter of the Holocaust

So, what's your point?

Leftist Jews are leftist and would prefer not to be Jews most of them want to forget that fact

Can you blame them?
absolutely sad really. You? You like the leftist reservations?
I can comprehend NaziCon logic of hating liberals - but I can't comprehend NaziCons hating liberal Jews who disagree with a tyrant like Nutanyahoo.
Hey Squaw..... we KNOW who you are!....

Most American Jews Supported Netanyahu Speech World Israel News
depends on where you get your news

Long before the latest election in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu was a polarizing figure among American Jews. But even many of his supporters said this week that they were appalled at his last-minute bid to mobilize Jewish voters by warning that Arabs were going to the polls in droves, and his renunciation of a two-state solution to the Palestinian crisis.

Mr. Netanyahu’s party won the election and cheers from hard-line American Jews. But in interviews this week, rabbis, scholars and Jews from across the country and a range of denominations said that with his campaign tactics, he had further divided American Jews and alienated even some conservatives, who had already suspected that he was more committed to building settlements than building peace with the Palestinians.

Even with Mr. Netanyahu’s postelection interview walking back his statements against a two-state plan for peace with Palestinians, many Jews say they are worried that the most lasting outcome of the elections will be the increasing isolation of Israel — not only around the world but also from the younger generation of American Jews. Unlike their parents and grandparents, these Jews have grown up in an era when Israel is portrayed not as a heroic underdog but as an oppressive occupier, and many of them tend to see Mr. Netanyahu as out of step with their views on Israel and the world.

Much More: Netanyahu Tactics Anger Many U.S. Jews, Deepening a Divide - The New York Times

Are these American anti-Netanyahu Jews guilty of anti-Semitism? What about American Jews who are also part Arab?

Note to mods: If you move this thread - please leave a trail.
Rob Eshman, publisher and editor in chief of The Jewish Journal, a mainstream Jewish newspaper in Los Angeles, wrote this week that the election results show that Israeli and American Jews “are drifting apart.”

And on Thursday, the Conservative Jewish movement’s rabbinic arm, the Rabbinical Assembly, took the unusual step of issuing a statement condemning Mr. Netanyahu for putting out a video on social media during the election campaign warning that “right-wing rule is in danger” because Arab voters were streaming to the polls. The video was widely criticized as race-baiting, and it offended the sensibilities of American Jewish leaders who have long proclaimed with pride that Israel is a democracy in which the Arab minority has the right to vote.

Rabbi William Gershon and Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, the president and executive vice president of the Rabbinical Assembly, said, “This statement, which indefensibly singled out the Arab citizens of Israel, is unacceptable and undermines the principles upon which the State of Israel was founded.”

From the OP link. So much for Israel being a democracy.

Rob Eshman is a radical leftist nutjob:cuckoo:
Going against Netanyahu, 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal

Strong Jewish support for an Iran nuclear deal was a surprise finding of a poll of American Jews who voted Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against any deal that leaves Iran with an enrichment program.

More: Going against Netanyahu, 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal -

I'm sure that doesn't make Nutanyahoo and/or NaziCons happy.
Going against Netanyahu, 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal

Strong Jewish support for an Iran nuclear deal was a surprise finding of a poll of American Jews who voted Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against any deal that leaves Iran with an enrichment program.

More: Going against Netanyahu 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal -

I'm sure that doesn't make Nutanyahoo and/or NaziCons happy.

What deal? A telephone poll by Jstreet:slap:
Going against Netanyahu, 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal

Strong Jewish support for an Iran nuclear deal was a surprise finding of a poll of American Jews who voted Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against any deal that leaves Iran with an enrichment program.

More: Going against Netanyahu 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal -

I'm sure that doesn't make Nutanyahoo and/or NaziCons happy.

What deal?:slap:

Duh, the one President Obama's team and European partners are trying to negotiate - without childish interruptions.

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