Many Mock Righteousness

There are men who race towards hell as if it were heaven.
There is no greater example of insanity than this.
There are men who race towards hell as if it were heaven.
There is no greater example of insanity than this.
For once, you and I agree.

Scripture clearly teaches that it is a violation of divine law under penalty of death to worship a human being as if he was a god.

Yet you openly defy the law of God, which scripture clearly results in death, and brazenly teach others to do the same, which amounts to murder, to demonstrate your love and devotion..


I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Another interesting article concerning the topic of the OP for readers to look at:

25 Important Bible Verses About Mocking God

I honestly feel sorry for everybody who chooses to mock God because there will be severe penalties for that person and God will make that person eat those words. All over the web you see people writing blasphemous things about Christ and when the time comes they’re going to wish they had a time machine.

Unless you’re trying to give someone a reason to believe in Christ, stay away from scoffers unless you want to be led astray. People are not opening their eyes to God’s amazing power right in front of them. As time goes on you will see more and more scoffers. Ridiculing is not the only way of Mocking God. You can also mock Him by twisting, rejecting, and not obeying His Word.

(continue reading on link above)
Here is another article - same author:

25 Important Bible Verses About Scoffers

Throughout Scripture we read about scoffers and as time goes on there will be more and more of them. They are everywhere in America. Go and check out a Christian vs atheist debate on YouTube and you will find them. Check out Dan Barker vs Todd Friel debate. These mockers make blasphemous God posters and images. They don’t desire to know the truth. They brush the truth off, laugh, and say lame jokes like you believe in the flying spaghetti monster.

Do not make company with scoffers. If you desire to be a disciple of Christ you will be scoffed at by the world because you take a stand against evil. You will get persecuted for Christ, but there will be a time when every scoffer will be trembling in fear and think back about every idol word that came out of their mouth. God will never be mocked.

The plans for many unbelievers will be to accept Christ on their death bed, but you can’t pull a fast one on God. Many people think I’ll scoff now and keep my sins and later I’ll become a Christian. Many will be in for a rude awaking. A scoffer is a blind man filled with pride who walks with delight on the road to hell.

(continue reading article on link above)
Oh! Those dangerous praying Christians who quote Bible Scriptures! Surely there could be nothing worse in Zappa's insane mind than a nation full of godly people! The devil's worst nightmare - praying Christians and a nation that believes in, obeys and honors Jesus Christ.

BTW, It was all of you loving and praying Christians who were accusing the innocent for defiling and contaminating the minds of the youth when it was all you loving and praying Christians who defiled and contaminated the minds of your own children before they ever heard of rock and roll or Frank Zappa by teaching them that defying the laws of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus is a religious duty and holy obligation.

Zappa didn't do anything other than what Jesus himself did when standing up to the religious hypocrites who were screaming for the blood of the innocent.

You are such a snake. Soon you will learn that your poison no longer has any effect on anyone.....
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For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18

But suppose that servant says in his heart, ‘My master will be a long time in coming,’ and he begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour of which he is unaware. Then He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the faithless..…Luke 12:45
B.O.J. JUST SHUT UP ABOUT GOD. You know nothing about God, all you know is the bible texts, and the fear of hell was written in the bible by nasty old men trying to scare people into obeying them.

You are a woman, are you also a mother? Would you burn your child even for a second for disobeying you? Let alone for all eternity. Then why can you believe that God would burn his children. No mother would burn their children and that makes human mothers more moral than God, and that is a ridiculous idea.
Frank Zappa died a terrible death - he suffered for a long time from prostrate cancer before finding himself in hell. I wonder if that is how you shall come to the realization that hell is real and that Jesus Christ is God, Hobelim. What a terrible way to find out hell is real - when it is too late!

Frank Zappa served the devil. While he may have thought he was going to receive an eternal reward, immortality - becoming a god - for leading young people into sin with his evil music / lyrics he now knows that was a lie. It amazes me that the wicked believe they can depend on Lucifer to tell them the truth. His name is the Father of lies so why would they count on the Father of lies to tell them the truth? Is that not the height of insanity? Yes, it is.

Quoting Frank Zappa, he said the following:

"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)

Satanists are under the illusion that they are gods. Hell is truth realized too late.

Have you ever considered that you may have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than Frank Zappa did? What kind of excuse do you think you'll have when you stand before Jesus Christ at the Judgment and have to give an account for rejecting Him as Lord over your life and slandering / devising wicked schemes against His servants, Hobelim?
The Great Frank Zappa was a jokester, but you wouldn't get that, because you're a bible sniffing moron. Zappa also had extraordinary musical talent, and your god gave him that.
I somehow just don't believe that heaven is populated with such massive imbeciles as yourself.

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