Many Mock Righteousness

The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.
Show me one in the New Testament (after God became flesh and dwelt among men in order to redeem us). You cannot. Why can't you? Because it isn't there. No where in the New Testament - after God became flesh and dwelt among us in order to redeem man - can you find any teaching which tells the followers of Jesus Christ to kill. What you are referencing are specific times to a specific people - the Hebrews - not the Gentiles - in which God directed His people on such situations as possessing the land which He gave them (Israel). Your argument does not hold and you know it. Your reason for rebelling against God has nothing to do with God's command to Joshua thousands of years ago. It is because you have hardened your heart against God that you do not obey Him. Not because of some ancient war / God's command to a people that has nothing to do with you or I and the time we are now living in (after the cross). A warning for you. Do not add to God's Word or you will be found a liar.

It is written:

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Proverbs 30:5,6
Hey BOJ, you just did it for him with the NT by saying
the OT God changes from not being a man nor form to suddenly changing the commands and becoming what it warned against making other gods before him.
You also just admitted worshiping another God then the OT & being a Satanist.
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
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The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.
Show me one in the New Testament (after God became flesh and dwelt among men in order to redeem us). You cannot. Why can't you? Because it isn't there. No where in the New Testament - after God became flesh and dwelt among us in order to redeem man - can you find any teaching which tells the followers of Jesus Christ to kill. What you are referencing are specific times to a specific people - the Hebrews - not the Gentiles - in which God directed His people on such situations as possessing the land which He gave them (Israel). Your argument does not hold and you know it. Your reason for rebelling against God has nothing to do with God's command to Joshua thousands of years ago. It is because you have hardened your heart against God that you do not obey Him. Not because of some ancient war / God's command to a people that has nothing to do with you or I and the time we are now living in (after the cross). A warning for you. Do not add to God's Word or you will be found a liar.

It is written:

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Proverbs 30:5,6
Every word of god is pure? Geez, you read it in a book brah, get over yourself and your self-induced hallucinations. And in the same book it says for humans to kill humans, directed by your hallucination. You're about halfway to being insane, I'm here to help you.
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
I truly believe that I can help him.

Or at least have fun trying. :D
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
I truly believe that I can help him.

Or at least have fun trying. :D

oh sure, its all fun and games. The guy is a menace to society. He needs to be penned in behind a very strong fence like some wild and venomous animal.. Can you imagine what would happen to the country if people as mentally unstable and detached from reality as he is ever usurped positions of authority in government to influence laws, customs, and national policy according to their irrational and perverted views? Freedom would vanish, justice would become a mockery, entire communities would be living under siege in a police state, millions would be persecuted and imprisoned, the entire nation on the brink of chaos.....

Oh, wait a minute.......

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UM BOJ is a Female, and she is merely dedicated and over zealous to what she has been programed into believing is truth.
This is what I'm trying to point out on that other thread.
If she spent that time and effort and dedication researching instead of cutting and pasting other cultists then she could deprogram herself from the repetitive hypnotic affect of these false teachings.
IT'S more a case of affiliation pride, fear, and ego that traps them into their own altered reality.
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
I truly believe that I can help him.

Or at least have fun trying. :D

oh sure, its all fun and games. The guy is a menace to society. He needs to be penned in behind a very strong fence like some wild and venomous animal.. Can you imagine what would happen to the country if people as mentally unstable and detached from reality as he is ever usurped positions of authority in government to influence laws, customs, and national policy according to their irrational and perverted views? Freedom would vanish, justice would become a mockery, entire communities would be living under siege in a police state, millions would be persecuted and imprisoned, the entire nation on the brink of chaos.....

Oh, wait a minute.......


I'm a woman. Your comment reminds me of the things Hitler and his Nazis used to say about the Jews. None of which was true. The Jews were not a threat to anyone and they still aren't. When the Jews were taken away to concentration camps / death camps they were as gentle as lambs. They were not violent and they did not resist the evil men who came for them.

HaShev is a Jew. He may not know what I'm about to post here but I'm sure he recognizes some of what you are saying because it it has been said before. I'm not caught unaware by the wicked agenda that has been devised against the children of God.

In 1993, the leaders of the World Parliament of Religions met in Chicago where some 150 of the world's religious leaders met to sign a document known as "The Global Ethic," also known as Ecumenicalism. There were Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoarastians, Luciferians, Janis, Jews, Neo-Pagans, Satanists, Wiccans, Bhahman's, Taoists, Sikhs, Unitarians and others involved.

Within this document there is the phrase, "not authentically human", which refers to anyone who holds onto their faith that their one God is the only God. That would mean people like me who are holding fast to the Holy Word of God must die. It is easier for them to do it if they can convince the masses that those they target are not "authentically human."

Now this was the same type of thinking that the Nazis used to legitimize the execution of the Jewish people - they weren't considered human.

This time it isn't just the Jews but it is all believers who believe in the God of Israel and it will lead to the rounding up and execution of American Believers. So let me state this plainly. I am not going to bow down to the spirit of anti-Christ or its doctrine of unity (which sacrifices the truth for a lie) and the spirit of Rome's Ecumenicalism. I am going to hold fast to the Word of God and my faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God to the very end. Your words do not intimidate me, neither am I afraid of you. I feel pity for you and I pray for you. You are so lost and you do not even realize it. What else could I do but to show mercy and pray for you?
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
I truly believe that I can help him.

Or at least have fun trying. :D

oh sure, its all fun and games. The guy is a menace to society. He needs to be penned in behind a very strong fence like some wild and venomous animal.. Can you imagine what would happen to the country if people as mentally unstable and detached from reality as he is ever usurped positions of authority in government to influence laws, customs, and national policy according to their irrational and perverted views? Freedom would vanish, justice would become a mockery, entire communities would be living under siege in a police state, millions would be persecuted and imprisoned, the entire nation on the brink of chaos.....

Oh, wait a minute.......


I'm a woman. Your comment reminds me of the things Hitler and his Nazis used to say about the Jews. None of which was true. The Jews were not a threat to anyone and they still aren't. When the Jews were taken away to concentration camps / death camps they were as gentle as lambs. They were not violent and they did not resist the evil men who came for them.

HaShev is a Jew. He may not know what I'm about to post here but I'm sure he recognizes some of what you are saying because it it has been said before. I'm not caught unaware by the wicked agenda that has been devised against the children of God.

In 1993, the leaders of the World Parliament of Religions met in Chicago where some 150 of the world's religious leaders met to sign a document known as "The Global Ethic," also known as Ecumenicalism. There were Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoarastians, Luciferians, Janis, Jews, Neo-Pagans, Satanists, Wiccans, Bhahman's, Taoists, Sikhs, Unitarians and others involved.

Within this document there is the phrase, "not authentically human", which refers to anyone who holds onto their faith that their one God is the only God. That would mean people like me who are holding fast to the Holy Word of God must die. It is easier for them to do it if they can convince the masses that those they target are not "authentically human."

Now this was the same type of thinking that the Nazis used to legitimize the execution of the Jewish people - they weren't considered human.

This time it isn't just the Jews but it is all believers who believe in the God of Israel and it will lead to the rounding up and execution of American Believers. So let me state this plainly. I am not going to bow down to the spirit of anti-Christ or its doctrine of unity (which sacrifices the truth for a lie) and the spirit of Rome's Ecumenicalism. I am going to hold fast to the Word of God and my faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God to the very end. Your words do not intimidate me, neither am I afraid of you. I feel pity for you and I pray for you. You are so lost and you do not even realize it. What else could I do but to show mercy and pray for you?
You're a woman? Then read your bible and know your place in life and STFU!!!!!! :D
The Lord rebuke you, Satan! Do not curse my God's name on this thread! Jesus Christ never told any of His followers to kill others in God's name.

Jesus said,

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:44-45

The evidence of God's goodness is all about you. It is God's mercy, love and compassion that you are still breathing. Think about it.
There are many instances in the bible where god wants people to kill other people.
Ipso facto, the bible is a sham.

lol...How dare you speak after you have been rebuked by the mighty book of Jeremiah?

Are you a wizard?
I truly believe that I can help him.

Or at least have fun trying. :D

oh sure, its all fun and games. The guy is a menace to society. He needs to be penned in behind a very strong fence like some wild and venomous animal.. Can you imagine what would happen to the country if people as mentally unstable and detached from reality as he is ever usurped positions of authority in government to influence laws, customs, and national policy according to their irrational and perverted views? Freedom would vanish, justice would become a mockery, entire communities would be living under siege in a police state, millions would be persecuted and imprisoned, the entire nation on the brink of chaos.....

Oh, wait a minute.......


I'm a woman. Your comment reminds me of the things Hitler and his Nazis used to say about the Jews. None of which was true. The Jews were not a threat to anyone and they still aren't. When the Jews were taken away to concentration camps / death camps they were as gentle as lambs. They were not violent and they did not resist the evil men who came for them.

HaShev is a Jew. He may not know what I'm about to post here but I'm sure he recognizes some of what you are saying because it it has been said before. I'm not caught unaware by the wicked agenda that has been devised against the children of God.

In 1993, the leaders of the World Parliament of Religions met in Chicago where some 150 of the world's religious leaders met to sign a document known as "The Global Ethic," also known as Ecumenicalism. There were Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoarastians, Luciferians, Janis, Jews, Neo-Pagans, Satanists, Wiccans, Bhahman's, Taoists, Sikhs, Unitarians and others involved.

Within this document there is the phrase, "not authentically human", which refers to anyone who holds onto their faith that their one God is the only God. That would mean people like me who are holding fast to the Holy Word of God must die. It is easier for them to do it if they can convince the masses that those they target are not "authentically human."

Now this was the same type of thinking that the Nazis used to legitimize the execution of the Jewish people - they weren't considered human.

This time it isn't just the Jews but it is all believers who believe in the God of Israel and it will lead to the rounding up and execution of American Believers. So let me state this plainly. I am not going to bow down to the spirit of anti-Christ or its doctrine of unity (which sacrifices the truth for a lie) and the spirit of Rome's Ecumenicalism. I am going to hold fast to the Word of God and my faith in Jesus Christ by the grace of God to the very end. Your words do not intimidate me, neither am I afraid of you. I feel pity for you and I pray for you. You are so lost and you do not even realize it. What else could I do but to show mercy and pray for you?

Frank Zappa died a terrible death - he suffered for a long time from prostrate cancer before finding himself in hell. I wonder if that is how you shall come to the realization that hell is real and that Jesus Christ is God, Hobelim. What a terrible way to find out hell is real - when it is too late!

Frank Zappa served the devil. While he may have thought he was going to receive an eternal reward, immortality - becoming a god - for leading young people into sin with his evil music / lyrics he now knows that was a lie. It amazes me that the wicked believe they can depend on Lucifer to tell them the truth. His name is the Father of lies so why would they count on the Father of lies to tell them the truth? Is that not the height of insanity? Yes, it is.

Quoting Frank Zappa, he said the following:

"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)

Satanists are under the illusion that they are gods. Hell is truth realized too late.

Have you ever considered that you may have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than Frank Zappa did? What kind of excuse do you think you'll have when you stand before Jesus Christ at the Judgment and have to give an account for rejecting Him as Lord over your life and slandering / devising wicked schemes against His servants, Hobelim?
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Frank Zappa died a terrible death - he suffered for a long time from prostrate cancer before finding himself in hell. I wonder if that is how you shall come to the realization that hell is real and that Jesus Christ is God, Hobelim. What a terrible way to find out hell is real - when it is too late!

Frank Zappa served the devil. While he may have thought he was going to receive an eternal reward, immortality - becoming a god - for leading young people into sin with his evil music / lyrics he now knows that was a lie.

You are a moron Jeri.

Zappa saying that hes playing the devils advocate is like an atheist saying he consults the spaghetti monster.

Say what you want about the man but he sure had you religious hypocrites pegged. If Jesus himself ever heard his music or saw the way he still is getting your collective panties in a bunch he would be rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. Zappa did not believe in any eternal reward, he did not hope to become a god, and, in actuality, there is no hell or eternal penalty from God for exposing religious actors and lying frauds like yourself.

Sorry to disappoint you, he is not burning in hell. you are.

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He was a child of the devil (by choice) the same as you.

Frank Zappa was a perverse man who defended incest. His sickness is exposed in this Crossfire interview. Notice how he falls apart when he is confronted about incest promoting lyrics and attempts to defend incest and lyrics like "incest is good"..... As they pressure Zappa he begins to fall apart and is exposed as a demented pervert! You'll also find him defending satanism toward the end and then he has a melt down on camera and flies into a cursing tirade! What a show! Great interview which exposes what a demented, sick individual Zappa was.

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He was a child of the devil (by choice) the same as you.

Yeah, well if rejecting your belief in a three for the price of one God, and your bullshit promise to the gullible that a person can join you in defying the Divine commands and they will not die, like you have already died, but instead they will live forever makes me a child of the devil in your blinded and perverted eyes, I'll consider that an honor, thank you.
No wonder you love Frank Zappa. If you listened to the entire interview you'll see he was spouting the same nonsense about Fascist theology and the danger to America's future - just as you just did on this very thread. Not too difficult to see why you're a fan of Zappa and that makes you one very sick individual.

Oh! Those dangerous praying Christians who quote Bible Scriptures! Surely there could be nothing worse in Zappa's insane mind than a nation full of godly people! The devil's worst nightmare - praying Christians and a nation that believes in, obeys and honors Jesus Christ.
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You'll also find him defending satanism towards the end and then he has a melt down on camera and flies into a cursing tirade! What a show! Great interview which exposes what a demented, sick individual Zappa was.

I suppose that how a person interprets what they see depends on where they are at.

The very same clip showed me that Zappa was a principled man of great intelligence and courage. The interviewers were hypocritical worms.

And you...lost, for scripture must be fulfilled.
Principled man? Courage? ha! ha! Did you watch that video or was it too painful to see your Mentor have a melt down and be exposed for what he was on live television?

Did Gurnall not nail this about those who have a further degree of ungodliness in mocking the godliness of others? This describes you and Frank Zappa to a "T." You both (he's in hell now) have an obsession with mocking holiness in other people and would go so far as to devise schemes - accusing the righteous in order to satisfy your blood lust against those who belong to Jesus Christ. It's satanic and will land you in hell as quickly as it did Zappa. How old was he when he went to hell? 52? 54?

Gurnall writes,

A further degree of ungodliness appears in mocking the holiness of another person rather than only harboring unholiness in oneself. How desperately wicked is that man who not only refuses partake in the divine nature himself but cannot bear the sight of others choosing to following the holiness of Christ. The very hint of holiness works up such a strong opposition inside the person it causes him to vomit out the bitterness and gall of his own spirit against it.

God reserves the chair for this kind of sinner and seats him above all his brethren in iniquity. Blessed is the man that walked not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful (Psalm 1:1). In this case the scorner is set as chairman at the counsel of sinners.

Some read the word scornful as "rhetorical mockers," for there indeed a devilish cleverness in some of these jeerers. Such scorners take pride in polishing the darts they shoot against the saints. The Septuagint translates the phrase as "the chair of the pestilent ones." As the plague is the most deadly of diseases, so is the spirit of scorning among sins.

Very few recover from this sin, for the Bible speaks of sinners almost synonymously with the dead. God warns us not to waste our healing balm of reproof - "reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee" (Proverbs 9:8).
All we can do is write, "Lord, have mercy" on his door - pray for him, but do not try to reason with him. - William Gurnall

William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

This is the end of our discussion. You're clearly an example of what Gurnall was describing (a scorner) and there is no point in continuing on. I'll pray for you but reasoning with you is simply not possible.
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Principled man? Courage? ha! ha! Did you watch that video or was it too painful to see your Mentor have a melt down and be exposed for what he was on live television?

Maybe you should watch it again if ever you sober up. The only intelligent person there with any ethics at all was Frank Zappa who stood up during what will one day be known as one of the darkest moments in american history when assholes like yourself were blaming all the ills of society on musicians and actors. What a joke, especially when the droves of children who were drawn to music had their brains scrambled from birth by their parents who had fallen for the same crap that has defiled and contaminated your mind, perhaps permanently.

This is the end of our discussion. You're clearly an example of what Gurnall was describing (a scorner) and there is no point in continuing on. I'll pray for you but reasoning with you is simply not possible.

Don't waste you time Jeri. I've already done all that I am ever going to do for you.

At this point, I certainly won't be praying for you.

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