Many people rip Giuliani a new anal orifice

Stat and another anal thread. Like he doesn't get enough anal in bus stations and men's room all across Germany. :lol:
someone who loves the country doesn't say he wants to fundamentally transform it libtards!

so when you tell Uncle Bob to lose weight and stop smoking, so he doesn't have a heart attack and die, it's because you are a mean person, not because you love him.

Got it.
About time that Il Duce Giuliani made himself too toxic to be accepted by even the most contemptuous neocon. The asshole was untouchable after 9/11 and he has been riding that dead horse ever since.

Why the talk of anals and assholes all of the sudden?
That's usually reserved for the Right, isn't it?

Concerned it isn't just for you anymore?

Have you ever posted anything that was not just a line of vulgar insults? Just one post that was a reasonable expression of anything other than an insult. If so, you got a link to that?
someone who loves the country doesn't say he wants to fundamentally transform it libtards!

so when you tell Uncle Bob to lose weight and stop smoking, so he doesn't have a heart attack and die, it's because you are a mean person, not because you love him.

Got it.

So $7 Trillion in new debt, records for food stamp, Disability and unemployment are the Obama Diet
So $7 Trillion in new debt, records for food stamp, Disability and unemployment are the Obama Diet

Yes, your boy Bush really left him a mess, didn't he?

The mess was cleaned up in record time. Bear Stearns and Lehman (oh, btw, it looks like Lehman real estate holdings are now worth a fortune) were vaporized, Merrill and others were bought by competitors and the GSE should have been liquidated.

The "Crisis" ended quickly but Obama's FDR -like marco economic interference swelled the ranks of the unemployed and food stamp recipients
Rudy must have read that convicted felon's book (D'Nesh) to go-off saying tangential tinfoil :tinfoil: conspiracy stuff like that.
Rudy must have read that convicted felon's book (D'Nesh) to go-off saying tangential tinfoil :tinfoil: conspiracy stuff like that.

Rudy was just trying to endear himself with the fringe GOP crazies. The mainstream GOP crazies already liked him,
Fmr. Giuliani staffer wants to separate himself MSNBC

(Video at the link)

Addicting Info Former Staffer Calls Out Giuliani You Have Lost The Right To Call Yourself America s Mayor VIDEO

Abandoned by the party, even his former staffers appear to be distancing themselves.

Mike Paul was once EVP of communications for Giuliani, but he had nothing nice to say about his boss in an interview on MSNBC’s Hardball.

Speaking with Steve Kornacki, he called Giuliani’s ugly rhetoric an “abomination.” Furthermore, Paul felt that these comments attacking the sitting president of the United States, along with much of Giuliani’s actions in the decade since 9/11, meant that he can no longer claim to be “America’s mayor” – rather he only represents a fringe group of conservative extremists.

Wayne Barrett What Rudy Giuliani knows about love - NY Daily News

Rudy Giuliani knows a lot about love.

Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was "offended" when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference.

Or ask Judi Nathan, his third wife, whom he started dating while still married to Hanover and New York mayor. In two SUVs, he and an entourage of six or seven cops traveled 11 times to Judi's Hamptons getaway at a taxpayer cost of $3,000 a trip. That's love...

Yes, she was his second cousin.

More from the above link:

The onetime presidential candidate also revealed at the party that Obama "doesn't love America," an echo of a speech he'd delivered to delirious cheers in Arizona a week earlier when he declared: "I would go anywhere, any place, anytime, and I wouldn't give a damn what the President of the United States said, to defend my country. That's a patriot. That's a man who loves his people. That's a man who fights for his people. Unlike our President."

Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He's the Giuliani police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.

Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

Though Rudy cited Harold throughout his public life as his model (without revealing any of his history), he and five Rudy uncles found ways to avoid service in World War II. Harold, whose robbery conviction was in the name of an alias, made sure the draft board knew he was a felon...

...Rudy also said Obama is "more of a critic than he is a supporter of America," an odd admonition coming from a security salesman who told a Tijuana audience of consulting clients in October: "America needs to stop lecturing other countries and start working on how to stop drug use in its citizens," shifting the onus for the Mexican drug trade onto us. He's a consultant in Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, the very countries where right-wing governments, traffickers and/or gangs are driving children and teenagers across the U.S. border.

He was a consultant for the government of Qatar, the country his friend and FBI director Louis Freeh accused of hiding 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed before the attack. That's the ultimate triumph of money over memory, since he's still talking, as recently as a week ago, about the 10 friends and 343 firefighters he lost on 9/11.

While Giuliani finds Obama's rhetoric insufficiently pro-American, his 2012 RNC speech was filled with catchphrases like Obama's "a complete and absolute failure," and he just branded the President "a moron" in his Arizona invocation of Neville Chamberlain at Munich, all of it presumably a new form of nationalist celebration. In 2012, Rudy even blasted Obama, without a glance in the mirror, for "attempting to exploit" the killing of Osama Bin Laden, calling it "disgusting."

Oh, and here's the admission form for his father to Sing-Sing:


It's so bad that even Newsmax (a right wing rag) is also ripping Giuliani:

As Giuliani Stands by Obama Claim Others Warn of Stupid Slurs

Giuliani's comments left Scarborough wondering if the nation is "really going to go through another cycle where Republican candidates are too stupid to get out of the way of the stupidest people in their party, that keep them from winning presidential elections by spewing hatred, instead of telling people how they're going to get back to work," he said.


So, let me get this straight:

this man, Rudy Giuliani, who has been married three times, once to a cousin, once having announced his upcoming divorce to his second wife on TV without having even informed her, while already dating his future third wife - is attacking our President. So much for Republican "family values". Imagine how the Right were to scream were our President to have three different wives and have divorced the second the way Giuliani did. Here's some more as to how nasty his divorce was. I'm beginning to think that Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich both went to the same school of "family values".

And this man, Rudy Giuliani, whose father (and some of Rudy's uncles as well) was a felon, for 3rd degree robbery, also using a false name - is attacking the way that Obama was brought up.

And this man, Rudy Giuliani, who has deep ties to both Mexico and Quatar (the country accused of mastermining the 911 attacks) - and he questions President Obama's patriotism, love for and loyalty to our country.

The man is a true asshole. I kind of wish he were to become the 2016 GOP nominee, for Hillary would tear him apart, as in, 60-40 tear-up.

It is no wonder that the vast majority of the Republican Party is running away from Rudy Giuliani, for he has crossed a line that no one should cross.


SO Gulliani says what everyone on earth has LONG SINCE KNOWN... with most of us knowing it in the long before you idiots elected a person born to a FOREIGN NATIONAL, thus a person who is NOT A "Natural Born Citizen", and as the Founder's feared, such a person is loyal to 'THE DREAMS OF HIS FATHER'... thus a person who IS NOT "Loyal To the United States" because he DOES NOT LOVE AMERICA... and you feel that a Leftists who once worked for Gulliani's campaign and their loyalty to the Anti-American Peasantpimp, is somehow relevant to this.


What would be that relevance?
The reasons for their "vicious attacks" on Rudy is: many many of the people feels the same

Constantly he is defending ISLAM islam ialam and then comes and slams Christians, the very people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents

People are seeing there is something VERY wrong with this man and his hatred that he directs at us and our country all the time. even Overseas he can't pass up putting us down
About time that Il Duce Giuliani made himself too toxic to be accepted by even the most contemptuous neocon. The asshole was untouchable after 9/11 and he has been riding that dead horse ever since.

Why the talk of anals and assholes all of the sudden?
That's usually reserved for the Right, isn't it?

Concerned it isn't just for you anymore?

Have you ever posted anything that was not just a line of vulgar insults? Just one post that was a reasonable expression of anything other than an insult. If so, you got a link to that?
Do you imagine that you're entitled to respect or something?

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