Many people rip Giuliani a new anal orifice

Oh and in 2005 Barney Frank had this to say about a HOUSING BUBBLE....

Barney Frank, in all his misguidings on the matter, was still a member of the minority party and not driving policy.

Is that why the minority party today can halt the Senate from doing anything?... BUT in 1998 Andrew Cuomo was CHIEF OF HUD, and by his own admission caused the housing bubble with BAD LOANS... and in 1998 it was ALL DEMOCRATS making policy.

I see. So you're under the delusion that Democrats were in control of the Congress in 1998. :cuckoo:

And Barney Frank was never in the Senate, so he blocked nothing; and you can't cite a single reform bill that the Democrats blocked in the Senate. As always, you lose because you're a natural born loser.

No, they were in control of HUD! and then we have this....

Fauny said:
{repeats itself} * * * *

So, I will repeat myself, too.

"Repeating your already refuted ignorant claim doesn't convert your words into anything intelligent, honest or useful."
You've refuted nothing. You objected. Nothing more.

You merely repeated your already refuted claim. And it WAS refuted. Your denial is your dishonesty on display.

Your "comparison" between the Reagan assertion that we needed to change our PATH and the Obumbler declaration that we need to fundamentally change America (which was never a solely economic contention by that assclown) is false.

As you know.
Again,your objections are noted. However, you yourself posted Obama's quote in context. He was speaking of the economy.

Wrong. What I posted was his "explanation" of what he had said when he was questioned on it. Obumbler, AS you KNOW, conveniently left out much of what else he had said that actually much more clearly (and honestly) explains what he meant. I already provided examples of the things he has said apologizing for America to the world. And it is far from all "economic."

Newsflash: Just because you long to suck his asshole out doesn't mean he actually IS a messiah. In reality, he is a compulsive lying sack of shit.
Oh, there are SOOOO MANY video's showing the CommiecRATS caused this it's mind boggling, just one more ......

I Hope I didn't spoil Pawns RANT about the Housing Bubble!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You be sure to let me know when you find one who drove the economy during the critical years of 2003 through 2006, when the vast majority of toxic loans were written.

Now didn't the CRASH occur when there was a Democrat Congress in 2008? Well I do believe from Jan. 2007 on, that both houses of Congress were Democrat controlled, BUT they did NOTHING.... almost 2 years of letting it fester, and they were the ones, as we all know with the FINANCIAL power, and not the president.

How many times must you be humiliated with that idiotic line of reasoning given the damage to the housing markets occurred prior to Democrats taking over? By 2005, house prices began to fall and foreclosures began to rise. By 2006, there was a record number of foreclosures. By 2007, the damage was done and no legislation could have prevented that train wreck given the train had already derailed. By the end of 2007, the Great Recession had already begun.

But sure, g'head and ignore the critical years of 2003-2006. That's what losers do.

Oh, there are SOOOO MANY video's showing the CommiecRATS caused this it's mind boggling, just one more ......

I Hope I didn't spoil Pawns RANT about the Housing Bubble!:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You be sure to let me know when you find one who drove the economy during the critical years of 2003 through 2006, when the vast majority of toxic loans were written.

Now didn't the CRASH occur when there was a Democrat Congress in 2008? Well I do believe from Jan. 2007 on, that both houses of Congress were Democrat controlled, BUT they did NOTHING.... almost 2 years of letting it fester, and they were the ones, as we all know with the FINANCIAL power, and not the president.

How many times must you be humiliated with that idiotic line of reasoning given the damage to the housing markets occurred prior to Democrats taking over? By 2005, house prices began to fall and foreclosures began to rise. By 2006, there was a record number of foreclosures. By 2007, the damage was done and no legislation could have prevented that train wreck given the train had already derailed. By the end of 2007, the Great Recession had already begun.

But sure, g'head and ignore the critical years of 2003-2006. That's what losers do.


You can put up all the signs you want Pawn, but we have video of the CommiecRATS saying they caused it! Can't get more damning than that!

Unlike Progressives, Rudy is allowed to speak his mind.

Progs insist on uniformity of thought and belief

Sure, he's free to speak his mind.

And be held accountable when he says something incredibly stupid.

You know, like not questioning how someone was raised when your Dad was a CONVICTED FELON!!!!

Because if dad had a criminal record, you learn the "values" of a life of crime? Funny. That didn't seem to have happened with Rudy.

But, reared as a communist by a weak ass father figure who was a communist and mentored by uncle Frank, an avowed communist, and studying the preachings of a shitheel like Saul Alinsky, Obumbler DOES seem to place far greater stock in criticizing America than in commenting positively (anywhere) about her many significant virtues.

I realize that you guys hate Mark Levin. Good. True words burn you like Holy Water on Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. And Mark CORRECTLY noted that one does not seek to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE something one actually likes.

Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.
Unlike Progressives, Rudy is allowed to speak his mind.

Progs insist on uniformity of thought and belief

Sure, he's free to speak his mind.

And be held accountable when he says something incredibly stupid.

You know, like not questioning how someone was raised when your Dad was a CONVICTED FELON!!!!

Because if dad had a criminal record, you learn the "values" of a life of crime? Funny. That didn't seem to have happened with Rudy.

But, reared as a communist by a weak ass father figure who was a communist and mentored by uncle Frank, an avowed communist, and studying the preachings of a shitheel like Saul Alinsky, Obumbler DOES seem to place far greater stock in criticizing America than in commenting positively (anywhere) about her many significant virtues.

I realize that you guys hate Mark Levin. Good. True words burn you like Holy Water on Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. And Mark CORRECTLY noted that one does not seek to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE something one actually likes.

Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.
Unlike Progressives, Rudy is allowed to speak his mind.

Progs insist on uniformity of thought and belief

Sure, he's free to speak his mind.

And be held accountable when he says something incredibly stupid.

You know, like not questioning how someone was raised when your Dad was a CONVICTED FELON!!!!

Because if dad had a criminal record, you learn the "values" of a life of crime? Funny. That didn't seem to have happened with Rudy.

But, reared as a communist by a weak ass father figure who was a communist and mentored by uncle Frank, an avowed communist, and studying the preachings of a shitheel like Saul Alinsky, Obumbler DOES seem to place far greater stock in criticizing America than in commenting positively (anywhere) about her many significant virtues.

I realize that you guys hate Mark Levin. Good. True words burn you like Holy Water on Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. And Mark CORRECTLY noted that one does not seek to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE something one actually likes.

Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

A mindless droid of the left, how amusing!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:
Sure, he's free to speak his mind.

And be held accountable when he says something incredibly stupid.

You know, like not questioning how someone was raised when your Dad was a CONVICTED FELON!!!!

Because if dad had a criminal record, you learn the "values" of a life of crime? Funny. That didn't seem to have happened with Rudy.

But, reared as a communist by a weak ass father figure who was a communist and mentored by uncle Frank, an avowed communist, and studying the preachings of a shitheel like Saul Alinsky, Obumbler DOES seem to place far greater stock in criticizing America than in commenting positively (anywhere) about her many significant virtues.

I realize that you guys hate Mark Levin. Good. True words burn you like Holy Water on Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. And Mark CORRECTLY noted that one does not seek to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE something one actually likes.

Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.

GGAAAWWWDDD I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Hillary gets the nod for the white house. I would pay BIG bucks to watch you squirm.
Because if dad had a criminal record, you learn the "values" of a life of crime? Funny. That didn't seem to have happened with Rudy.

But, reared as a communist by a weak ass father figure who was a communist and mentored by uncle Frank, an avowed communist, and studying the preachings of a shitheel like Saul Alinsky, Obumbler DOES seem to place far greater stock in criticizing America than in commenting positively (anywhere) about her many significant virtues.

I realize that you guys hate Mark Levin. Good. True words burn you like Holy Water on Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist. And Mark CORRECTLY noted that one does not seek to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE something one actually likes.

Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.

GGAAAWWWDDD I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Hillary gets the nod for the white house. I would pay BIG bucks to watch you squirm.

That's because you are busy paying no attention to politics?

You are not up to consistency or honesty, but at least you're just a hack.

Smugly, you still suck dick professionally.

Obumbler is ruining the Republic. A follow-up by shit bird Shrillary would only seal the deal. You'd lIKE that? You truly are a fuckwit.
Huh? THAT was fundamentally lame.

No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.

GGAAAWWWDDD I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Hillary gets the nod for the white house. I would pay BIG bucks to watch you squirm.

That's because you are busy paying no attention to politics?

You are not up to consistency or honesty, but at least you're just a hack.

Smugly, you still suck dick professionally.

Obumbler is ruining the Republic. A follow-up by shit bird Shrillary would only seal the deal. You'd lIKE that? You truly are a fuckwit.

Blame anyone you want. I don't care any more. Seriously. Hack? Maybe. So What. Everyone's vote USED to matter...NOW NO ONE'S vote matters.

I'm just gonna invest in microwave popcorn cuz there will be some big time entertainment and shit about to hit the fan.
No. It was merely something that a dipshit like you cannot refute.

Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.

GGAAAWWWDDD I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Hillary gets the nod for the white house. I would pay BIG bucks to watch you squirm.

That's because you are busy paying no attention to politics?

You are not up to consistency or honesty, but at least you're just a hack.

Smugly, you still suck dick professionally.

Obumbler is ruining the Republic. A follow-up by shit bird Shrillary would only seal the deal. You'd lIKE that? You truly are a fuckwit.

Blame anyone you want. I don't care any more. Seriously. Hack? Maybe. So What. Everyone's vote USED to matter...NOW NO ONE'S vote matters.

I'm just gonna invest in microwave popcorn cuz there will be some big time entertainment and shit about to hit the fan.

The shit did hit the fan. We have a fucking asshole President who is unconcerned with comporting his official activity to the confines of the limits imposed by the Constitution. We have a political Party that devoutly seeks to toss his salad for him. We have a majority opposition party that is too lame, limp and indifferent to even effectively block of impede the asshole President. They think "take him to court" is akin to governance.

Meanwhile, yes. You are a hack. You offer criticisms, but anybody who reads your drek sees quickly just how one-sided you are.

You used to at least offer some entertainment value. Now? Just tripe.

Smuggly, starts with Zzzzzz. Zzzzzmugly, perhaps?
whats even more sickening is people like Walker won't distance themselves from Rudy's gross comments :puke:

No. What's truly sickening is that none of you left wing fubars will admit that Rudy was honest and accurate. You shitbirds do distance yourself from his accurate observations and truthful speech. Very telling. Very sad. Very predictable.
Why would I bother?

I've lost ALL interest in politics. The American election process is fundamentally crippled. Thanks to the doctrine of Newt and the Kochs and the Karl Roves respect for those of the opposing party has been completely destroyed. There will be no coming back to civility. You and YOUR kind can be thanked for that.

I'm just here to stick it to you pieces of shit. That's all. There is no point. I just enjoy telling the enemies of America to go fuck themselves.

Go fuck a duck, smugly. You assholes were NEVER civil so you couldn't get "back" to it.

Don't worry about not engaging in the discussion. You have never been known for saying anything of particular value, anyway.

As for your one-sided bullshit rant about the GOP side of the equation, I'd warn you about myopia, but let's get real. You are just a cheap as partisan blind hack.

So, with all due respect (i.e., none at all) fuck yourself.

GGAAAWWWDDD I'm gonna laugh my ass off when Hillary gets the nod for the white house. I would pay BIG bucks to watch you squirm.

That's because you are busy paying no attention to politics?

You are not up to consistency or honesty, but at least you're just a hack.

Smugly, you still suck dick professionally.

Obumbler is ruining the Republic. A follow-up by shit bird Shrillary would only seal the deal. You'd lIKE that? You truly are a fuckwit.

Blame anyone you want. I don't care any more. Seriously. Hack? Maybe. So What. Everyone's vote USED to matter...NOW NO ONE'S vote matters.

I'm just gonna invest in microwave popcorn cuz there will be some big time entertainment and shit about to hit the fan.

The shit did hit the fan. We have a fucking asshole President who is unconcerned with comporting his official activity to the confines of the limits imposed by the Constitution. We have a political Party that devoutly seeks to toss his salad for him. We have a majority opposition party that is too lame, limp and indifferent to even effectively block of impede the asshole President. They think "take him to court" is akin to governance.

Meanwhile, yes. You are a hack. You offer criticisms, but anybody who reads your drek sees quickly just how one-sided you are.

You used to at least offer some entertainment value. Now? Just tripe.

Smuggly, starts with Zzzzzz. Zzzzzmugly, perhaps?

Suit yourself. You don't have to read my "tripe" I have changed. This shit isn't "funny" anymore.
whats even more sickening is people like Walker won't distance themselves from Rudy's gross comments :puke:

No. What's truly sickening is that none of you left wing fubars will admit that Rudy was honest and accurate. You shitbirds do distance yourself from his accurate observations and truthful speech. Very telling. Very sad. Very predictable.


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