Many prominent Democrats and Republicans will not attend

Who gives a fuck. The man is going to be sworn in as president. He will start signing orders revoking everything obama did. By Spring the obama stench will be almost gone.


It's common - this isn't anything unusual. As the OP stated "inauguration departures by operatives on the losing side of an election are common every four years". You think Republicans hung around for Obama's inaugeration?
Notice, only the dumbest of the dumb are celebrating Trump's coming out party. Others will attend hoping to be noticed and secure an appointment on the Crony list.
Notice, only the dumbest of the dumb are celebrating Trump's coming out party. Others will attend hoping to be noticed and secure an appointment on the Crony list.
You do know Hillary WILL be attending right?
Notice, only the dumbest of the dumb are celebrating Trump's coming out party. Others will attend hoping to be noticed and secure an appointment on the Crony list.

Ted I saw him in concert in the 70's, awesome song but.... He is nuttier than a fruitcake..

The truth is, people are afraid to perform at the inauguration, because democrats are fucking crazy and dangerous. No one wants to get shot in the face for singing a song, or berated non stop on social media, called a racist, xenophobe, etc, ect, etc. The left demonizes people mercilessly and its really shitty. Thats why you guys lost.

No such thing as a prominent Democrat.

Wonder if those same Democrats would have accepted Republicans not showing to Hillary's inauguration if she had won or called them racists if they chose not to attend Obama's? We both know the answer to those question. Are you willing to admit that Democrats would have done so?

30 out of 50 states, the heartland of america, elected Trump

That means he won a majority of popular votes in each of those states. Since each one of those state's popular votes have nothing to do with any of the others, adding them together to get a total is meaningless. A student's grades in one class have nothing to do with grades in another yet the Democrats want to act like votes do and it's the same type situation.

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