Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Pop quiz on the WTC core columns tomorrow kids.
Class dismissed. Skyboy and Rainman , go to the office.'ve never even watched the videos you're posting. You had no idea how many core columns there were until we told you. You had no idea how much of the gravity load the core columns were subject to compared to the perimeter columns.

You're consistently hamstrung by the fact that you're posting videos you've never watched, cutting and pasting arguments you don't understand.

Angelo is hilarious SS Medicare no pills and can still get it up.
The essence of a structural engineer
120 pages of troll clutter.:71:

... and counting ...
Says the latest additional troll.

And trolls being anyone who asks super obviouos questions about the various truther theories?

Like......why are there no sound of explosives as the towers fall if the towers were destroyed with explosive demolition?

Or.....where were the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that the thermite conspiracy requires? None were see before, during or after, despite the thermite burning for WEEKS according to the conspiracy.

These are obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask about these explanations.

Is any reasonable person also a 'troll' if they ask the same obvious questions?
Thermite is a chemical mixture of aluminum powder and one or more metal oxides, that releases an enormous amount of energy when the mixture is made to react. Nanothermites, developed by US national laboratories through the Department of Energy, are high-tech energetic materials made by preparing a mixture of ultra fine grain aluminum and metal oxides, intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. The large surface area to volume ratio of the reactants causes the rate of reaction to proceed much faster, and coupled with the addition of organic compounds to produce gases, nanothermites can be made to perform like high explosives.

Christopher Bollyn

.....A thermite demolition device patented in 1996 by Komatsu, a company for which Marsh & McLennan executive (and Kerik's boss in Iraq) L. Paul Bremer was a board member.

Thermite is a chemical mixture of aluminum powder and one or more metal oxides, that releases an enormous amount of energy when the mixture is made to react. Nanothermites, developed by US national laboratories through the Department of Energy, are high-tech energetic materials made by preparing a mixture of ultra fine grain aluminum and metal oxides, intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. The large surface area to volume ratio of the reactants causes the rate of reaction to proceed much faster, and coupled with the addition of organic compounds to produce gases, nanothermites can be made to perform like high explosives.

Christopher Bollyn

.....A thermite demolition device patented in 1996 by Komatsu, a company for which Marsh & McLennan executive (and Kerik's boss in Iraq) L. Paul Bremer was a board member.


So where were the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that your theory requires? Remember, thermite burns so brightly that it can permanently damage your eyes if you look directly at it.

So here's the collapse:

Where are ANY of the thermite reactions? Remember, 3/4 of these thermite reactions would have been on the perimeter columns, on the OUTSIDE of the building. Yet....nothing.

Worse, you insist that the thermite reactions continued to burn for weeks. Here's a picture of ground zero after the collapse but before the clean up effort:


Where are the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that you insist are STILL burning in this photo?

Laughing....time to switch back to 'explosive demolition' in your game of 'conspiracy-whack-a-mole'.
Where are the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that you insist are STILL burning in this photo?

Laughing....time to switch back to 'explosive demolition' in your game of 'conspiracy-whack-a-mole'.
That is an aerial view of the ground.
There are 8 floors underneath all that including a mall, bus station and subway station all of which occupied more area ( not volume) than the towers themselves, ( otherwise there would be a mountain of debris) so most of the molten steel was near the bottom of the pile but they could still read the temperatures.
Where are the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that you insist are STILL burning in this photo?

Laughing....time to switch back to 'explosive demolition' in your game of 'conspiracy-whack-a-mole'.
That is an aerial view of the ground.
There are 7 floors underneath all that including a mall, bus station and subway station all of which occupied more area ( not volume) than the towers themselves, ( otherwise there would be a mountain of debris) so most of the molten steel was near the bottom of the pile but they could still read the temperatures.
And parking garage.
Where are the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that you insist are STILL burning in this photo?

Laughing....time to switch back to 'explosive demolition' in your game of 'conspiracy-whack-a-mole'.
That is an aerial view of the ground.
There are 8 floors underneath all that including a mall, bus station and subway station all of which occupied more area than the towers themselves, so most of the molten steel was near the bottom of the pile but they could still read the temperatures.

Ah, but you forget one very important detail......the tower came down from TOP to bottom. Here's the collapse again:

The collapse begins high, high up at the point of impact with the plane at around the 77th floor with the base of the tower still standing, proceeding down, one floor at a time, all the way to the ground. Exactly opposite of controlled demolition, which is bottom to top.

With 47 core columns and 240 perimeter columns per floor, and roughly 90 floors on one tower and 80 floors on the other, that's roughly 50,000 seperate thermite reactions that would have had to have been used to destroy the towers in the manner we saw.

With the 240 perimeter columns of the each floor on the OUTSIDE of the building, roughly 40,000 of those thermite reactions would have occcured on the outside of the building visible to anyone.

Yet nothing.

And it gets *so* much worse for the thermite theory. As you guys insisted that the thermite continued to burn for WEEKS. Which posses two enormous problems for you. First, there's no thermite reactions ever seen in the debris.


Per the thermite theory, there are 50,000 thermite reactions burning in this photograph. Yet.....nothing.

Worse still, thermite burns fast and ridiculously bright. So bright in fact that it can permenantly damage your eyes if you look directly at it. Here's a single thermite reaction, for reference:

It would be nearly impossible to miss even one such reaction. To say nothing of 50,000 of them.

And yet it STILL gets worse for the thermite theory. As your ilk are pushing Nano-thermite.....which per truthers burns even faster, hotter and brighter than regular thermite. And per your theory, there was enough nano-thermite stuffed into the towers burn every minute of every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week....for WEEKS.

How many cubic MILES of nano-thermite do you imagine were stuffed into the tower to burn furiously, continually and uncontrolled 24 hours a day for WEEKS? The quantity of nano-thermite necessary for your conspiracy is larger than the WTC towers. There wouldn't have been room for people in the WTC due to all the nano-thermite in your theory.

And yet.....nothing. Not a single reaction. Despite your conspiracy requiring 10s of thousands of them.

Your conspiracy is just an awful, awful explanation of events with so many theory crippling holes, inconsistencies and contradictions by the evidence as to make it laughable.
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Where are the 10s of thousands of thermite reactions that you insist are STILL burning in this photo?

Laughing....time to switch back to 'explosive demolition' in your game of 'conspiracy-whack-a-mole'.
That is an aerial view of the ground.
There are 7 floors underneath all that including a mall, bus station and subway station all of which occupied more area ( not volume) than the towers themselves, ( otherwise there would be a mountain of debris) so most of the molten steel was near the bottom of the pile but they could still read the temperatures.
And parking garage.

There's no parking garage at the 77th and 93rd floors of the WTC. Yet the collapse began at the 77th floor of the South Tower and the 93rd floor of the North Tower.

Try again.
Ah, but you forget one very important detail......the tower came down from TOP to bottom. Here's the collapse again:...

The interior core 'box columns go all the way down around the elevator shafts.
When the towers collapsed these inner columns had to have been compromised
for the kind of controlled -like demolitions we all witnessed.

Which may or may not have been noticeable at ground level from outside when the collapses began above.
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Ah, but you forget one very important detail......the tower came down from TOP to bottom. Here's the collapse again:...

The interior core 'box columns go all the way down.
When the towers collapsed these inner columns had to have been compromised
for the kind of controlled -like demolition we all witmessed.

So if the core colunns were destroyed at the base of the building....why didn't the base of the building collapse first?

Alas, the WTC came down exactly opposite oof controlled demolition. In ACTUAL controlled demolition the base of the building is knocked out and the entire building falls all at once from bottom to top. Kicker charges are used to break up the debris. Here, watch:

The collapse starts at the bottom and the entire building falls all at once. The top, the middle, the base. Everything.

But that's not how the towers fell at all. The collapse initiated at the 77th floor on the South Tower and the 93rd floor on the North Tower. The collapse began there and proceeded down, one floor at a time. And while this was happening, the base of the building DIDN'T fall. It remained intact until the debris field arrived and destroyed the floors of the base, one at at time, all the way to the ground.

The towers fell top to bottom. Exactly opposite of controlled demolition.

Worse, the there was no sound of explosives when the tower fell.

So 'silent explosives'? That's a physical impossibility. Any explosion sufficient to destroy structural steel columns robust enough to support one of the tallest buildings in the world......would be sufficient to make an enormous sound.

Worse for your conspiracy, still......the survivors of the collapse were found at its base. Spread out between the 22nd and 1st floor. Which just obliterates your claim, as they would have been detonated per your theory. With the collapse magically jumping from the base of the tower to the top....but leaving the sspace in between untouched?

That's ridiculous.

That makes as much sense as someone getting shot in the head, with the bullet leaving a hole in the front and back of their skull, but not damaging teir brain or any squishy bits in between.

Um, no. Your explanation is just awful.
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Oh, and then there's the lack of any apparatus of explosives ever found....before, during, and after the collapse. Not a single charge, not a single inch of blasting wire, not a single timer or transmitter.

Absolutely nothing.

And this despite the Port Authority Bomb Squad at the WTC until a week before the collapse, complete with bomb sniffing dogs. And yet, nothing.

And no girders cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition.

And no residue of explosives found in any dust sample, despite an analysis so precise they were able to detect prescription medication from the WTC pharmacy.

And the building being ON FIRE. Where actual explosives would have exploded, with any transmitter, timer or blasting wire reduced to bubbling pools oof plastic.

Again, the 'controlled demolition' theory is just an awful, awful explanation of the events of 911, filled with huge and rather stupid theory killing holes.
We'll see how the grand jury decides soon enough. I'm very patient.

You understand that you're talking about a PETITION for a grand jury to review your failed conspiracy, yes?

The petition was filed in 2018 and relayed to a special grand jury almost a year and a half ago.

And the special grand jury never took it up.
We'll see how the grand jury decides soon enough. I'm very patient.

You understand that you're talking about a PETITION for a grand jury to review your failed conspiracy, yes?

The petition was filed in 2018 and relayed to a special grand jury almost a year and a half ago.

And the special grand jury never took it up.
Would that make you happy, while your're pissing on the 9/11 graves with your cover-up ?
9/11 Grand Jury Update: U.S. Attorney's Lips Sealed, Lawyers' Committee to File Mandamus

The group announced earlier this week that they plan to file a Mandamus petition in federal court prior to the upcoming 9/11 anniversary since the U.S. Attorney's Office declined last month to disclose the status of the grand jury proceeding. The goal of this legal action is to confirm whether the U.S. Attorney presented the group's 2018 petition reporting unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury, as mandated by federal statute.
We'll see how the grand jury decides soon enough. I'm very patient.

You understand that you're talking about a PETITION for a grand jury to review your failed conspiracy, yes?

The petition was filed in 2018 and relayed to a special grand jury almost a year and a half ago.

And the special grand jury never took it up.
Would that make you happy, while your're pissing on the 9/11 graves with your cover-up ?
The group announced earlier this week that they plan to file a Mandamus petition in federal court prior to the upcoming 9/11 anniversary since the U.S. Attorney's Office declined last month to disclose the status of the grand jury proceeding. The goal of this legal action is to confirm whether the U.S. Attorney presented the group's 2018 petition reporting unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury, as mandated by federal statute.

What cover up? Remember, your conspiracy theory is just awful. Its wildly complicated, contradicted by overwhelming evidence and has overlapping, theory killing holes riddling it. As an explanation of events, its a truly terrible, poorly thought through piece of pseudo-intellectual flotsam.

How then can you 'cover up' something that didn't actually happen?
Whoever happens to Google up this thread, please ignore the above lying paid disinformation troll. Read the OP to start with, then decide for yourself.
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