Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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15,000 views in 6 weeks.

Yup....of your conspiracies collapsing under even the most obvious questions. Like...where were the thermite reactions? Or why were the 'explosives' silent?

And you fleeing when your conspiracies collapse.

Thank you for demonstrating how awful the truther story actually is in describing the events of 911!
Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

Laughing....yup! 15,000 views of your conspiracies collapsing when subject to even the most obvious questions that any reasonable person would ask.

Like....if the WTC towers were destroyed with controlled explosive demolition, then why were there no sounds of explosions as the buiding collapsed?

Or....if the WTC tower were destroyed with thermite, then why didn't we see the 10s of thousands of super obvious thermite reactions that your theory requires before, during or after the collapse? Remember, you said that the thermite burned for WEEKS. Yet, nothing.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?

No, they didn't. There was nothing 'consistent with controlled demolition' about their descriptions.

Read the oral histories yourself:

Oral Histories From Sept. 11 Compiled by the New York Fire Department - The New York Times

The firefighters talk about how the FDNY expected WTC 7 to fall due to fire and structural damage, how they put a transit on the building to measure its angle as it started to dangerously lean, how they carefully monitored the building's structural failure due to fire and structural damage, how they anticipated its collapsed by a couple of hours an created a perimeter to keep everyone at a distance.

Explicitly contradicting your conspiracy. You're actively ignoring the oral histories of the FDNY fire fighters.

You really need to watch these videos before you start posting them. This is getting embarrassing to watch.
You really need to watch these videos before you start posting them. This is getting embarrassing to watch.
Still spouting the same talking points and lies,
the way you were shown to ? I call you guys pod clones.
You really need to watch these videos before you start posting them. This is getting embarrassing to watch.
Still spouting the same talking points and lies,
the way you were shown to ? I call you guys pod clones.

Calling any evidence that contradicts your conspiracy a 'lie' doesn't make the evidence disappear.

The FDNY oral histories still show that the FDNY anticipated the collapse of WTC 7 due to fire and structural damage HOURS before it happened.

The videos of the collapse of the WTC towers still demonstrate that there were no sound of explosives as the towers came down.

'Silent explosives' are still a physical impossibility.

There still wasn't a single thermite reaction ever seen before, during or after the collapse of the WTC....despite your theory requiring 10s of thousands of such reactions that burned continually for WEEKS.

Just because you ignore the evidence doesn't mean we can't see it. Which is why you so consistently fail. Reasonable people don't ignore what you do.
Calling any evidence that contradicts your conspiracy a 'lie' doesn't make the evidence disappear.
I rest my case. Run along loser.

Ad Hominems? Says it aid so, Angelo!

And noticed how you cut out ALL of the examples of evidence that contradicts your conspiracy from your reply, refusing to address any of it.

1) The FDNY oral histories still show that the FDNY anticipated the collapse of WTC 7 due to fire and structural damage HOURS before it happened.

2) The videos of the collapse of the WTC towers still demonstrate that there were no sound of explosives as the towers came down.

3) 'Silent explosives' are still a physical impossibility.

4) There still wasn't a single thermite reaction ever seen before, during or after the collapse of the WTC....despite your theory requiring 10s of thousands of such reactions that burned continually for WEEKS.

Just because you ignore the evidence doesn't mean we can't see it. Nor does the evidence disappear because you start calling me names,.

Reasonable people don't ignore what you do, Angelo.
As would any reasonable person.
Reasonable people wonder why most Americans never heard of Tower 7.

Reasonable people would wonder why you ignore the FDNY oral histories, where the firefighters on the scene anticipated the collapse of the WTC 7 by hours due to fire and structural damage.

This after you just CITED the FDNY oral histories as a reliable source. Do you always ignore your own sources, or only when they explicitly contradict your failing conspiracies?
And Angelo..reasonable people would also wonder why you ignore the most obvious questions about your theories.

Like why there are no sounds of explosives when the WTC towers collapsed.

Or why there wasn't a single thermite reaction ever seen before, during or after the collapse of the WTC....despite your theory requiring 10s of thousands of such reactions that burned continually for WEEKS.

You can't expect to convince reasonable people of your claims with such huge, theory killing holes in your conspiracies.
Reasonable people would wonder why you ignore the FDNY oral histories, where the firefighters on the scene anticipated the collapse of the WTC 7 by hours due to fire and structural damage.

This after you just CITED the FDNY oral histories as a reliable source. Do you always ignore your own sources, or only when they explicitly contradict your failing conspiracies?
No. You're obviously spinning everything I say or post.
And Angelo..reasonable people would also wonder why you ignore the most obvious questions about your theories.

Like why there are no sounds of explosives when the WTC towers collapsed.

Or why there wasn't a single thermite reaction ever seen before, during or after the collapse of the WTC....despite your theory requiring 10s of thousands of such reactions that burned continually for WEEKS.

You can't expect to convince reasonable people of your claims with such huge, theory killing holes in your conspiracies.
You're asking Carl Sagan to prove there's life on other planets.
I'm just an investigative reporter asking questions.

The burden of proof is on you, as the upcoming grand jury witnesses will soon clearly demonstrate.
Reasonable people would wonder why you ignore the FDNY oral histories, where the firefighters on the scene anticipated the collapse of the WTC 7 by hours due to fire and structural damage.

This after you just CITED the FDNY oral histories as a reliable source. Do you always ignore your own sources, or only when they explicitly contradict your failing conspiracies?
No. You're obviously spinning everything I say or post.

You cited the FDNY oral histories in your post.

Now you're ignoring the FDNY oral histories where the fighter fighters on the scene anticipated the collapse of the WTC 7 by hours, due to fire and structurual damage.

The FDNY firefighters went into elaborate detail in the oral histories about the catastrophic structural damage that the WTC 7 had suffered, how entire sides of the structure were heavily damaged by falling debris from the towers. How massive fires raged uncontrolled for hours. How WTC 7 leaned and buckled as it burned. How they measured its slow structural failure for HOURS. How they anticipated its collapse due to fire and structural damage and evacuated a perimeter around the failing structure.

It was no surprise at all to the FDNY that WTC 7 came down. For crying out loud, they *warned* people about it hours before it happened.

Why do you ignore the very oral histories of the FDNY that you cited only a couple of posts ago?
You cited the FDNY oral histories in your post.

Now you're ignoring the FDNY oral histories where the fighter fighters on the scene anticipated the collapse of the WTC 7 by hours, due to fire and structurual damage.
2 different things.
"See. That's why they didn't try to put that fire out ."
They were told it was coming down no matter what.
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