Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Does that include the video showing WTC in free fall ... I'm still interested in that ...
Does that include the video showing WTC in free fall ... I'm still interested in that ...

Nope. No such video.

Here's the best video I know of the collapse. Where you clearly see chunks of concrete hitting the ground while the base of the tower is still standing, LONG before the main debris field reaches the ground. With the collapse being way slower than freefall.

Alas, as this video demonstrates.......there was concrete and steel hitting the ground from the collapse while the base of the tower was still standing. And before the main debris field arrived.

Also, you know what you don't hear? Any explosions. Just a rumble as the tower began collapsing at the point of impact with the plane and destroyed one floor at a time, all the way to the ground.

So 'silent' explosives? There's no such thing.

Also, that collapse is exactly opposite of controlled demolition. Falling top to bottom. While controlled demolition is bottom to top.
Thank you for re-posting that ... Angelo ... the good footage starts at about 1'10" ... looks normal to me ... see how the lower stories are stock still, no motion, no acceleration ... see above where the stories are accelerating downward ... clockwork demonstration of gravity ...
Many, many eyewitnesses know the truth.

If 'explosives' were the truth, you wouldn't have to keep switching your conspiracies.

But as mentioned earlier, when the theory killing holes of the 'thermite' conspiracy are revealed, you flee to 'explosive demolition'.

When the theory killing holes in the 'explosive demolition' conspiracy are revealed, you flee to thermite.

If either theory had merit, you wouldn't have to keep running between them.
9/11 is a military/security industry boondoggle.

John Haltiwanger, “America’s ‘War on Terror’ Has Cost the US Nearly $6 Trillion and Killed Roughly Half a Million People, and There’s No End in Sight,” Business Insider, November 14, 2018,

As Cost of ‘War on Terror’ Hits $6 Trillion, NY Grand Jury Looks Anew at 9/11
9/11 is a military/security industry boondoggle.

John Haltiwanger, “America’s ‘War on Terror’ Has Cost the US Nearly $6 Trillion and Killed Roughly Half a Million People, and There’s No End in Sight,” Business Insider, November 14, 2018,

As Cost of ‘War on Terror’ Hits $6 Trillion, NY Grand Jury Looks Anew at 9/11

Now that I don't necessarily disagree with.
And yet we're still waiting for you to prove even one of your Truther claims...
It has been proven but since you assholes are paid to post your bull shit, you make it so clear why you are here you handlers should be pist
And yet we're still waiting for you to prove even one of your Truther claims...
It has been proven but since you assholes are paid to post your bull shit, you make it so clear why you are here you handlers should be pist

Ah, the old conspiracy theorist mantra: Anyone who doesn't ape your conspiracy becomes part of it!

I have a much simpler explanation: the truther conspiracy is simply an awful explanation of events on 911.
Not playing your fucking game scumbag

Just because your conspiracy is an awful explanation riddled with massive holes, wild complexity and is overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence is no reason to get pissy.

Just come up with a better theory. Preferably one that isn't completely unnecessary.

And as this video demonstrates elegantly, there's no sound of explosives as the towers collapse.

So silent explosives? There's no such thing. Add to that, no residue of explosives found in any dust sample taken from ground zero, no appparatus of explosive ever found (before, during or after the collapse), no girders cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition, and the towers coming down exactly opposite of controlled demolition.

As I've said....the 'explosive demolition' theory is just an awful explanation riddled with conspiracy killing holes that you can't possibly explain away.

Must be time to flee back to the thermite theory.
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And as this video demonstrates elegantly, there's no sound of explosives as the towers collapse.

So silent explosives? There's no such thing.

Must be time to flee back to the thermite theory.

You're not that stupid are you ?
Most of the footage of the collapses , including this one, was taken from helicopters.
You do know how loud they are ? There's obviously no way to hear or record outside sound
from something as loud as a news or police chopper.

And as this video demonstrates elegantly, there's no sound of explosives as the towers collapse.

So silent explosives? There's no such thing.

Must be time to flee back to the thermite theory.

You're not that stupid are you ?
Most of the footage of the collapses , including this one, was taken from helicopters.
You do know how loud they are ?

Ad hominems? Say it ain't so, Angelo!

The video I've posted was taken from near the base of the towers as it started to collapse.

Pieces of concrete and metal are hitting the ground while the lower sections of the tower are still standing. Demonstrating it wasn't a 'free fall' collapse. With the debris field coming significantly slower than free fall. Starting at the point of impact with the plane and destroying one floor at a time, all the way to the ground.

Exactly opposite of controlled demolition.

And you know what you DON'T hear? Explosives. You just hear a rumble as the tower begins to fall. A rumble that rises as the debris field gains speed and mass.

So....silent explosives? Um, no. There's such thing. Its just another layer of how awful your conspiracy is at explaining the actual events.
The spin cycle is my favorite ... btw, I did the math, free fall for the WTC is 6.5 seconds ... the video claimed 9 and 11 seconds ... so we can just chuck that off to friction ...
Building 7 was about 14 seconds. So there's that.
The spin cycle is my favorite ... btw, I did the math, free fall for the WTC is 6.5 seconds ... the video claimed 9 and 11 seconds ... so we can just chuck that off to friction ...
Building 7 was about 14 seconds. So there's that.

Yeah, the penthouse collapses into the building as the interior begins its collapse.
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