March 15, 2016 Super Tuesday

Will Hillary run the board tonight? She already has Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio. Only Missouri and Illinois to go.
She got both of those too.

Thank you!

Go Hillary! The is no doubt that she is the most qualified presidential candidate of both parties. I also agree with the following link that she should speak more softly and smile a little more. I don't like it when she sounds preachy and screechy. Sanders speaks like that all the time - and it's irritating.

Male Pundits To Hillary Clinton: Quiet Down And Smile More
I agree.

In fairness to Hillary - I must add that she mostly only sounds preachy and screechy when she is tired.
It's okay, I want her to lose 20 lbs. too. She needs to be at her best going into this job. Healthy and strong. She's 68.

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