March against Monsanto & New Soil News

Genetically modifying seeds and using so many chemicals that grow into the foods and get in the water ways are unholy alliance as far as I am concerned and it is being force upon the people.

A poster on facebook got it right when he stated concerning these companies pushing this crap on the people, "meet my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl and my cousin Daryl....."

Institute for Responsible Technology

View attachment 52523

So what's wrong with sharing science and patents?
The bully effect. It is a co-monopoly without technically being a monopoly.

It's the OPPOSITE of a monopoly. They are collaborating to make better products. And not restricting their competition.. If -- of course -- that diagram is correct..
Genetically modifying seeds and using so many chemicals that grow into the foods and get in the water ways are unholy alliance as far as I am concerned and it is being force upon the people.

A poster on facebook got it right when he stated concerning these companies pushing this crap on the people, "meet my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl and my cousin Daryl....."

Institute for Responsible Technology

View attachment 52523

So what's wrong with sharing science and patents?
The bully effect. It is a co-monopoly without technically being a monopoly.

It's the OPPOSITE of a monopoly. They are collaborating to make better products. And not restricting their competition.. If -- of course -- that diagram is correct..
Or collaborating in unison to insure that there is little to no competition or laws are passed favoring their crappy products.
Genetically modifying seeds and using so many chemicals that grow into the foods and get in the water ways are unholy alliance as far as I am concerned and it is being force upon the people.

A poster on facebook got it right when he stated concerning these companies pushing this crap on the people, "meet my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl and my cousin Daryl....."

Institute for Responsible Technology

View attachment 52523

So what's wrong with sharing science and patents?
The bully effect. It is a co-monopoly without technically being a monopoly.

It's the OPPOSITE of a monopoly. They are collaborating to make better products. And not restricting their competition.. If -- of course -- that diagram is correct..
Or collaborating in unison to insure that there is little to no competition or laws are passed favoring their crappy products.

Somebody develops a useful GM trait that this "cartel" wants -- I'm sure they will invited in. That's how you expand the horizon on scientific discovery and utilization.. End results could be pollution-sucking plants or plants that replenish over-farmed soil.. It's science. It needs to be monitored. But it is NOT inherently evil..

One day -- genetic modification may save you from diabetes or cancer..
Genetically modifying seeds and using so many chemicals that grow into the foods and get in the water ways are unholy alliance as far as I am concerned and it is being force upon the people.

A poster on facebook got it right when he stated concerning these companies pushing this crap on the people, "meet my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl and my cousin Daryl....."

Institute for Responsible Technology

View attachment 52523

So what's wrong with sharing science and patents?
The bully effect. It is a co-monopoly without technically being a monopoly.

It's the OPPOSITE of a monopoly. They are collaborating to make better products. And not restricting their competition.. If -- of course -- that diagram is correct..
Or collaborating in unison to insure that there is little to no competition or laws are passed favoring their crappy products.

Somebody develops a useful GM trait that this "cartel" wants -- I'm sure they will invited in. That's how you expand the horizon on scientific discovery and utilization.. End results could be pollution-sucking plants or plants that replenish over-farmed soil.. It's science. It needs to be monitored. But it is NOT inherently evil..

One day -- genetic modification may save you from diabetes or cancer..

The sickness and disease that has resulted thus far upon the populous is inherently evil. It was allowed but the people now are aware they want it stopped and our government is standing by doing very little even though it is already been and being well documented.

It has not been very well monitored; in fact just the opposite as bureaucrats looked the other way. The same goes with other tragedies visited on the people in the name of so called what is good. Between the Benzalkonium (under the guise of limiting phosphates) and the excess fertilizers in the entire eco system the people now have huge doctor bills to support and sustain. Got to love those "we can fix that" people. Instead of calling it for what it is 'we'll force a tax via an insurance program' on them all.

I prefer what God put in the natural to take care of my medical needs. Personally I have seen too many arrogant and ignorant doctors along the way that have done far more damage in their diagnoses than cures that they have actually made. I have a lot of respect for the one's that actually do take and have the time to help a person figure out what they need verses trial an error methods of much of the modern day medicine that is being made available. If I want trial and error I can make myself a guinea pig perfectly fine all by myself but to be used as one unknowingly by another who thinks they know how I feel or what I feel like is obviously wrong.

Don't get me wrong there is a place for everything but there are way too many people getting licenses that should not have them in all professional fields not just medicine. Lab projects need to be limited to a lab out tried out on whoever, wherever or whenever someone thinks they have all the answers.

When I read through their pages at Novo Nordisk and their sister company Novozymes they stated that if a problem arises when can come up with another solution concerning their GM products. The statement hit me like it is no big deal to mess up something natural as we can just fix it as we got the scientific no how to do that. How many have to suffer and die in the mean time while they figure out a magic cure for the damage that their products are creating?

It was nice to come across a scientist willing to call it out for what it is.

"This is why the GMO plant is resistant to it; but the other consequence is that when you eat Bayers’ Glufosinate-resistant GMO maize or canola, even weeks or months later, glufosinate, though slightly modified, is probably still there (Droge et al., 1992).Nevertheless, though the health hazard of glufosinate is much greater with GMOs, the implications of this science have been ignored in GMO risk assessments of Glufosinate-tolerant GMO crops."


"A yet further reason to be concerned about GMOs is that most of them contain a viral sequence called the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter (or they contain the similar figwort mosaic virus (FMV) promoter). Two years ago, the GMO safety agency of the European Union (EFSA) discovered that both the CaMV promoter and the FMV promoter had wrongly been assumed by them (for almost 20 years) not to encode any proteins. In fact, the two promoters encode a large part of a small multifunctional viral protein that misdirects all normal gene expression and that also turns off a key plant defence against pathogens. EFSA tried to bury their discovery. Unfortunately for them, we spotted their findings in an obscure scientific journal. This revelation forced EFSA and other regulators to explain why they had overlooked the probability that consumers were eating an untested viral protein."

What happens as these trial and error projects wipe away perfectly healthy systems? They just can't go back and fix it all; plus the fact that by the time these things are discovered who is actually paying the bill? Its not the guys who already made their money and ran or lived high on the hog while the hog's fat was sickening the masses.

Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

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