Marches against Sharia


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Islamic law (sharia) is anti-American....there are two groups out and armed this weekend, one anti-sharia and the other is leftist pro-sharia.....

Act for America is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. It was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian immigrant from Lebanon. She has said that “every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim” and that Muslims are a “natural threat to civilized people of the world, particularly Western society.”

Although the “March Against Sharia” event page claims Act for America believes in religious freedom, Gabriel has also said that a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Quran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.


The 'March Against Sharia' Protests Are Really Marches Against Muslims | HuffPost
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......
It's a march against Muslims. The marchers share most of the same beliefs that Sharia represents. They just hate Muslims. That's why they're marching.
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......

Member that poll passed around last week where the usual hair-on-fire parrots tried to claim it said "two thirds of British Muslims would not report terror plots to the police" (it didn't)?

Another line in the same poll asked a multiple choice question about how each Muslim respondent would ideally like to live. "Sharia" returned a whopping one (1) percent.
It's a march against Muslims. The marchers share most of the same beliefs that Sharia represents. They just hate Muslims. That's why they're marching.
wouldn't you hate a group that is trying to press you into submission....?
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......

Member that poll passed around last week where the usual hair-on-fire parrots tried to claim it said "two thirds of British Muslims would not report terror plots to the police" (it didn't)?

Another line in the same poll asked a multiple choice question about how each Muslim respondent would ideally like to live. "Sharia" returned a whopping one (1) percent.

then why do muslims not integrate......why so they set up their own court system......why are there so many no-go zones in Europe.....why so many attacks....?
Although the “March Against Sharia” event page claims Act for America believes in religious freedom, Gabriel has also said that a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Quran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.


"Having it both ways --- Priceless"
It's a march against Muslims. The marchers share most of the same beliefs that Sharia represents. They just hate Muslims. That's why they're marching.
wouldn't you hate a group that is trying to press you into submission....?
One group wants - fascism. The other group wants - fascism.

Houston, we have a problem. Peas in a pod (with bars between them)
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......

Member that poll passed around last week where the usual hair-on-fire parrots tried to claim it said "two thirds of British Muslims would not report terror plots to the police" (it didn't)?

Another line in the same poll asked a multiple choice question about how each Muslim respondent would ideally like to live. "Sharia" returned a whopping one (1) percent.

then why do muslims not integrate......why so they set up their own court system......why are there so many no-go zones in Europe.....why so many attacks....?

The question is, why do you swallow this click-bait blogosphere bullshit?
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......

Member that poll passed around last week where the usual hair-on-fire parrots tried to claim it said "two thirds of British Muslims would not report terror plots to the police" (it didn't)?

Another line in the same poll asked a multiple choice question about how each Muslim respondent would ideally like to live. "Sharia" returned a whopping one (1) percent.

then why do muslims not integrate......why so they set up their own court system......why are there so many no-go zones in Europe.....why so many attacks....?
Where in the Quran (or the Bible) does God say, hey, just be like everyone else. Have beer, watch some pron, forget all that submission to my will thing, you might annoy the neighbors with all your praying.
Although the “March Against Sharia” event page claims Act for America believes in religious freedom, Gabriel has also said that a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Quran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.


"Having it both ways --- Priceless"
Well, Jesus did say America First. Oh wait, no he didn't. I remember now, it was something about God and no one being able to serve two masters.
From the OP's own link.........

>> SPLC trawled through all the local “March Against Sharia” Facebook groups and compiled an extensive list of extremist groups and white supremacists who said they will be showing up at the marches on Saturday.

They found a slew of armed anti-government militia groups, some with histories of threatening government officials. The groups claim they’ll be providing “security” at the rallies, which means they’ll likely show up with guns. Often called “Patriot” groups, they include the Oathkeepers, the III Percenters and American Civil Defense.

The SPLC also found avowed neo-Nazis and white supremacists eager to take part in the rallies across the country.

In Texas, members of the group Sons of Odin will be attending the Houston event. (Sons of Odin describes its beliefs as “closely aligned” with those of the Soldiers of Odin ― a white supremacist, anti-refugee vigilante organization.) And the neo-Nazi group White Lives Matter is set to attend the rally in Austin. <<​

"Sons of Odin". "Soldiers of Odin".

"Odin", you'll remember, was the pseudo-deity invoked by Jeremy Christian in Portland a few weeks back, when he started haranguing two teenage girls, one black, the other wearing a hijab, on a light rail train, and then when several passengers attempted to calm him down, slit three people's throats, declared "I hope they all die", declared himself a "patriot" and summed up his multi-murder with "this is what Liberalism gets you".

Also revealing is the chosen imagery of "sons of" and "soldiers of". It's the same fantasy used by the various white supremacist groups that arose at the same time as the Ku Klux Klan, often calling themselves "Knights of the Rising Sun", the "White Brotherhood" or the "Native Sons of the South".
Once muslims reach critical mass the only thing for us infidels (agnostic here) is to convert, die, or be subjugated.

Muslims have stated the goal and liberals are not listening for whatever reason.
Once muslims reach critical mass the only thing for us infidels (agnostic here) is to convert, die, or be subjugated.

Muslims have stated the goal and liberals are not listening for whatever reason.
We have already been subjugated by those other Levantines.

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