Marches against Sharia

Once muslims reach critical mass the only thing for us infidels (agnostic here) is to convert, die, or be subjugated.

Muslims have stated the goal and liberals are not listening for whatever reason.
Everyone wants to rule the world. This isn't new - in religion.

But feel free to defend liberalism, tolerance, that sort of thing. How about - defend women expressing their religious freedom here by wearing the burkini?
And don't forget, boys, we have religious courts for other faiths here - Applying God’s Law: Religious Courts and Mediation in the U.S.
If we were in control of our own nation, Sept 12 would have been the first day of a permanent ban on Muslim immigration. Instead, the pace picked up.
This is why the Founders feared people like you. And banned you from doing most of the things you so want to do.
Hahaha, fool, the founders were even more restrictive than I
And don't forget, boys, we have religious courts for other faiths here - Applying God’s Law: Religious Courts and Mediation in the U.S.
If we were in control of our own nation, Sept 12 would have been the first day of a permanent ban on Muslim immigration. Instead, the pace picked up.
This is why the Founders feared people like you. And banned you from doing most of the things you so want to do.
Hahaha, fool, the founders were even more restrictive than I
The Founders (many of them) owned people. Not the most progressive on certain things but they still put in a system that fucks you good and now locks you out of banning people based upon their religion.
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Brigitte Gabriel, the shrill harpy featured in the OP is a total loon.

She makes millions selling her idiotic books, and giving hate speeches to gullible audiences that buy into her nonsense about muslims and Islam. .... :cuckoo:
Once muslims reach critical mass the only thing for us infidels (agnostic here) is to convert, die, or be subjugated.

Muslims have stated the goal and liberals are not listening for whatever reason.

Ah, "Muslims have stated that" have they? Link?

Give me a sec to turn my speakers down -- the collective voice of two billion people is prolly gonna be fairly loud.
By Abdullah Al Araby

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson courageously stated that he could not support the election of a practicing Muslim to the presidency of the United States. The reason was that he doesn’t think Islam is consistent with the American Constitution. Is Mr. Carson justified in his statement? Let’s examine the facts.

Islam is more than a religion; it is an all-encompassing way of life with regulations for every facet of life. The life governing rules are embodied in what is known as Sharia Law. These laws are based upon the Quran, the Hadith (Mohammed’s sayings,) and the Sira (Mohammed’s biography). How does Sharia Law compare to the American Constitution that outlines the values and institutions that we hold dear?

First: Liberty

The United States was built on the Bill of Rights, established by the founding fathers that came here to escape religious oppression. The Constitution gives citizens the right to express themselves as they please. We are free to criticize any governing elected official or policy; and are free to worship any way that we choose and to speak our minds about our own religion or that of others. Americans can act anyway that they deem appropriate as long as we don’t violate the rights of others.

What would happen to this freedom in an Islamic state? Would the citizens be granted the right to choose the religion they want, or would they be forced to accept Islam according to the Quranic verse: “If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost.” (Qur’an 3:85). How about the right of a Muslim to change to another religion? Is that a non-controversial matter as it is in our Bill of Rights? Or, would it mean that whoever changed from Islam would be charged with apostasy which is punishable by death? Mohammad said “Whoever changes his religion, kill him.” Hadith Al Bukhari Vol. 9:57.

Second: Democracy

The USA’s system of government gives citizens the right of self-rule through duly elected officials of their choice. These representatives write the laws that best concur with the wishes of the people to maintain their way of life. We are to even have a say in what amount of taxes we are to pay and how the funds are to be spent.

One important principle in this great system is the separation of church and state. Islam, however, is actually a political-religious system. It’s built on an opposing concept, forIslam is a religion and a state.” According to Islam, Sharia law is the principal sources of legislation: We have sent down to thee the book in truth, that you might judge men as guided by God.” (Qur’an 4:105). If Sharia is the basis for law, what are some of the rules and regulations that might be eventually imposed under a Muslim president? Here are just a few examples:

  • Stealing: punished by hand amputation (Qur’an 5:38)
  • Adultery: punished by public flogging (Qur’an 24:2)
  • Drinking: punished by 40 or 80 lashes (Al Bukhari 8:770)
  • Resisting Islam: punished by death, crucifixion or the cutting off of the hands and feet (Qur’an 5:33)
  • Blasphemy against Allah punishable by death (Qur’an 5:33-34)
  • Blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammad: Death – even if the accuser repents (Qur’an 33:57)
  • Sodomy (homosexuality): Death for the person committing the act, as well as for the one receiving it. (Qur’an 4:15-16 and Sunan Abu Dawood 38:4447)
Third: Equality

Under our system in the United States, there is not to be any discrimination among citizens based on gender, race, color, or religion. Would Islam treat men and women equally?

  • It teaches that men are superior to women (Qur’an 2:228)
  • It gives male heirs double portions of inheritance as that given female heirs. (Qur’an” 4:11)
  • When testifying in court a man’s witness has the twice the value of a woman’s. (Qur’an 2:282)
Would Islam treat non-Muslims fairly?

  • The Quran warns Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians? (Qur’an 9:30)
  • The Quran imposes “Jizya” (tribute tax) on Christians and Jews. They pay the extra Jizya tax just for the right of existence in Islamic culture (Qur’an 9:29)
  • Mohammad says that a Muslim cannot be legally executed for killing a non-Muslim. “ Al Bukhari Vol. 9:50
My fellow Americans

The threat of Islam is real. Muslims are taught from youth to give first allegiance to the religion of Islam above any non-Muslim nation. In essence, for most any fundamentalist Muslim, citizenship in the USA is apt to be merely a stepping stone to see Sharia Law established as the law of the land. To elect a Muslim President of the USA, carries great risks.

Get this message around. Keep America free, for all to enjoy.

Brigitte Gabriel, the shrill harpy featured in the OP is a total loon.

She makes millions selling her idiotic books, and giving hate speeches to gullible audiences that buy into her nonsense about muslims and Islam. .... :cuckoo:
Anyone who backs the republicans/far right is condoning the behavior of those who are anti-Islam.
By Abdullah Al Araby

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson courageously stated that he could not support the election of a practicing Muslim to the presidency of the United States. The reason was that he doesn’t think Islam is consistent with the American Constitution. Is Mr. Carson justified in his statement? Let’s examine the facts.

Islam is more than a religion; it is an all-encompassing way of life with regulations for every facet of life. The life governing rules are embodied in what is known as Sharia Law. These laws are based upon the Quran, the Hadith (Mohammed’s sayings,) and the Sira (Mohammed’s biography). How does Sharia Law compare to the American Constitution that outlines the values and institutions that we hold dear?

First: Liberty

The United States was built on the Bill of Rights, established by the founding fathers that came here to escape religious oppression. The Constitution gives citizens the right to express themselves as they please. We are free to criticize any governing elected official or policy; and are free to worship any way that we choose and to speak our minds about our own religion or that of others. Americans can act anyway that they deem appropriate as long as we don’t violate the rights of others.

What would happen to this freedom in an Islamic state? Would the citizens be granted the right to choose the religion they want, or would they be forced to accept Islam according to the Quranic verse: “If any one desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost.” (Qur’an 3:85). How about the right of a Muslim to change to another religion? Is that a non-controversial matter as it is in our Bill of Rights? Or, would it mean that whoever changed from Islam would be charged with apostasy which is punishable by death? Mohammad said “Whoever changes his religion, kill him.” Hadith Al Bukhari Vol. 9:57.

Second: Democracy

The USA’s system of government gives citizens the right of self-rule through duly elected officials of their choice. These representatives write the laws that best concur with the wishes of the people to maintain their way of life. We are to even have a say in what amount of taxes we are to pay and how the funds are to be spent.

One important principle in this great system is the separation of church and state. Islam, however, is actually a political-religious system. It’s built on an opposing concept, forIslam is a religion and a state.” According to Islam, Sharia law is the principal sources of legislation: We have sent down to thee the book in truth, that you might judge men as guided by God.” (Qur’an 4:105). If Sharia is the basis for law, what are some of the rules and regulations that might be eventually imposed under a Muslim president? Here are just a few examples:

  • Stealing: punished by hand amputation (Qur’an 5:38)
  • Adultery: punished by public flogging (Qur’an 24:2)
  • Drinking: punished by 40 or 80 lashes (Al Bukhari 8:770)
  • Resisting Islam: punished by death, crucifixion or the cutting off of the hands and feet (Qur’an 5:33)
  • Blasphemy against Allah punishable by death (Qur’an 5:33-34)
  • Blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammad: Death – even if the accuser repents (Qur’an 33:57)
  • Sodomy (homosexuality): Death for the person committing the act, as well as for the one receiving it. (Qur’an 4:15-16 and Sunan Abu Dawood 38:4447)
Third: Equality

Under our system in the United States, there is not to be any discrimination among citizens based on gender, race, color, or religion. Would Islam treat men and women equally?

  • It teaches that men are superior to women (Qur’an 2:228)
  • It gives male heirs double portions of inheritance as that given female heirs. (Qur’an” 4:11)
  • When testifying in court a man’s witness has the twice the value of a woman’s. (Qur’an 2:282)
Would Islam treat non-Muslims fairly?

  • The Quran warns Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians? (Qur’an 9:30)
  • The Quran imposes “Jizya” (tribute tax) on Christians and Jews. They pay the extra Jizya tax just for the right of existence in Islamic culture (Qur’an 9:29)
  • Mohammad says that a Muslim cannot be legally executed for killing a non-Muslim. “ Al Bukhari Vol. 9:50
My fellow Americans

The threat of Islam is real. Muslims are taught from youth to give first allegiance to the religion of Islam above any non-Muslim nation. In essence, for most any fundamentalist Muslim, citizenship in the USA is apt to be merely a stepping stone to see Sharia Law established as the law of the land. To elect a Muslim President of the USA, carries great risks.

Get this message around. Keep America free, for all to enjoy.


No, and neither is the law of any other religion which is why we are - a secular nation.
And don't forget, boys, we have religious courts for other faiths here - Applying God’s Law: Religious Courts and Mediation in the U.S.
If we were in control of our own nation, Sept 12 would have been the first day of a permanent ban on Muslim immigration. Instead, the pace picked up.
This is why the Founders feared people like you. And banned you from doing most of the things you so want to do.

The Founding Fathers knew Islam was a danger. That's why the first foreign war after the revolutionary war was against Islamic barbarians.
Brigitte Gabriel, the shrill harpy featured in the OP is a total loon.

She makes millions selling her idiotic books, and giving hate speeches to gullible audiences that buy into her nonsense about muslims and Islam. .... :cuckoo:
Anyone who backs the republicans/far right is condoning the behavior of those who are anti-Islam.

What's wrong with being anti-Muslim?
That's like saying it's wrong for a Jew to be anti-Nazi.
Brigitte Gabriel, the shrill harpy featured in the OP is a total loon.

She makes millions selling her idiotic books, and giving hate speeches to gullible audiences that buy into her nonsense about muslims and Islam. .... :cuckoo:

Brigitte Gabriel is wonderful, she reminds people what the Muslims did in Lebanon after they took the majority: genocide against Christians.
Seems to me those who hate are the idiot who call themselves ANTIFA, these are the same losers who use infowars as their only debate point because they don't have enough real information to know the difference... these are the same loser who have no ---n clue what a Communism is even about these are the same ass holes who act like they are 5 beating on a bucket with a ping pong paddle. Yeah the radical left are the ones who serve all the hate in this Country. They feed the fire with a clueless mom fed string of lies that these idiots think is actually true. They're that dumbed down.

I mean these idiots are such idiots man honest to gawd you stand back and watch them they are cowards, -ussies, they're little bitches and check out the one who looks like baby huyee blowing a whistles lmao
It's a semi-free country. You're certainly allowed to waste your time protesting against something that isn't happening.
we are only a few years behind Europe if we keep importing muslims like them......there is plenty of 'something' happening over there......

Member that poll passed around last week where the usual hair-on-fire parrots tried to claim it said "two thirds of British Muslims would not report terror plots to the police" (it didn't)?

Another line in the same poll asked a multiple choice question about how each Muslim respondent would ideally like to live. "Sharia" returned a whopping one (1) percent.

then why do muslims not integrate......why so they set up their own court system......why are there so many no-go zones in Europe.....why so many attacks....?

They can't even get a long in thier own Country let alone try to come to ours, and just like California idiots they try changing their laws and rules into the same bs they fled from. They are no different than radical leftist antics idiots.
And don't forget, boys, we have religious courts for other faiths here - Applying God’s Law: Religious Courts and Mediation in the U.S.
If we were in control of our own nation, Sept 12 would have been the first day of a permanent ban on Muslim immigration. Instead, the pace picked up.
This is why the Founders feared people like you. And banned you from doing most of the things you so want to do.

The Founding Fathers knew Islam was a danger. That's why the first foreign war after the revolutionary war was against Islamic barbarians.
Pirates, actually. And I wouldn't call it a war.
The Founding Fathers knew Islam was a danger. That's why the first foreign war after the revolutionary war was against Islamic barbarians.
Actually, the war was against mediterranean pirates, and had nothing to do with religion.

During that time period England, France, Spain, and other countries including America, engaged in piracy on the high seas at various times. ..... :cool:
Brigitte Gabriel, the shrill harpy featured in the OP is a total loon.

She makes millions selling her idiotic books, and giving hate speeches to gullible audiences that buy into her nonsense about muslims and Islam. .... :cuckoo:
Anyone who backs the republicans/far right is condoning the behavior of those who are anti-Islam.

What's wrong with being anti-Muslim?
That's like saying it's wrong for a Jew to be anti-Nazi.
In this case that would be Jews who are anti-Christian.
Islamic law (sharia) is anti-American....there are two groups out and armed this weekend, one anti-sharia and the other is leftist pro-sharia.....

Act for America is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. It was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian immigrant from Lebanon. She has said that “every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim” and that Muslims are a “natural threat to civilized people of the world, particularly Western society.”

Although the “March Against Sharia” event page claims Act for America believes in religious freedom, Gabriel has also said that a “practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Quran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.


The 'March Against Sharia' Protests Are Really Marches Against Muslims | HuffPost
The left is pro-sharia law? Wow. That's bad.

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