Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

My my is it just me or does someone sound racist and anti Latino? This is the second thread in two day's that has shown the start of the left's war on Latinos and you guy's are supposed to be the party of tolerance and understanding towards other races and cultures for shame.

Rubio is Cuban-American. They are not representative of Hispanics

Cuban Americans escaped the murderous Marxist/Communist system established by serial murderer Che and Fidel Castro, and maintained by terror, poverty, concentration camps and denial of the most basic human rights. Kind of country Obama would like to see America to become.

Cuban Americans can rightfully claim to be Hispanics. Their ancestors were from Spain, you know: HISPANIA.

The other so-called Hispanics are the descendents of Indians who never had the guts to retain any of their falsely glorified history or even the language of their ancestors. They invaded America illegally not for freedom but for jobs that their wise and caring leaders can't or won't provide for them. They send most of their earnings to their old country, contributing other than their labor, nothing to the economy. Now that the economy is doldrums, they don't care to come so much, the fact which is grotesquely misinterpreted by the Left as Obama securing the border.

Why would anyone who was Hispanic not vote Republican..with members like this?


You see this in itself is part of the problem the GOP is having.

When you repeat stupid right wing rhetoric like "keeping blacks on the plantation" this is just the thing that turns them off to even considering the GOP message.

So say their crystal ball or now you know what turns off and on ALL the people in the country

The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.

Minorities are voting overwhelming for democrats. You can dance around this fact all you want, but it's still an inconvenient truth for republicans and their supporters.

oh well, they want to sell their souls for a party which gives them over over 10% unemployment, they can

this is from your all's favorite site
Unemployment Rates Highest Amongst Black And Latinos
[Sep 10, 2012] The latest U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report, shows that black and Latino unemployment remain critically elevated and may present a political ... ( 215 Comments ) -
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lol, lol, lol

The guy is siding with his people and somehow he's a hope for white America? Conservative yes...Did you know that there were such a thing! There's left and right wing within meso countries...

Most of his beliefs are right but that doesn't mean he's on our side.
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Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Before I go on, am I the only one that thinks Marco Rubio acts, looks, and speaks like the Poster Child for the Reformed Gays Movement? (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Spanish speakers usually have Spanish language cable stations and radio they listen to. These media have their own translators. Always have and always will. What was the point of having Baby Face Anchor Baby Rubio pull this stunt and did he do as poorly in Spanish as he did in English?

Does the party of Grand Old White America, really think Hispanics are so dumb as to fall for a Tio Tortia being a front man for a political power grab? Maybe they do, they are always calling blacks stupid.

Every time the party of Grand Old White America loses an election we get to hear how they were foloed...fooled into voting for the real democrats. If only blacks would listen to the party of Grand Old White America, they would all get a pair of boots to pull themselves up with, and a chance to be white-for-a-day.

What does the GOP base really think of the Hispanic electorate? What does the GOP leadership think of the Hispanic electorate?

I predict in 8 years they will have developed a strategy to attempt to rip the browns away from the brown/black voting block coalition. Divide and conquer. The only question I have is "Will it succeed?"

Rubio's translation video time frame
Spanish State of the Rubio - The Colbert Report - 2013-13-02 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
typical anti hispanic racism by the left .
why would it be the kiss of death, it wasn't for Obama when he called the military he is in charge of, corps-man?

but taking a drink of water on camer is now a KISS OF DEATH

can you believe this people...

they friggen crack me the hell up

Strange aversion to water they have. Now I know why they stink so bad.:lol:
You would think by reading their replies about it that they all sneak into a closet to drink water. Maybe they do and get their silly thoughts while feeling around in the dark.
Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

Obama is very intelligent no matter how much you all try to minimize it. You have his bio, education and all yet you continue to claim he he's as braindead as your leadership. Hardly, Obama has had much success these past 4 years in spite of Republican obstruction and talking points.

You can't compare Rubio to Obama. Well you can but you look bad trying.

That and ten bucks will get you a happy meal and change if you skip the coffee.:lol:
your party memebers displayed EXPLICIT RACISM at and 80% rate.

in the dems it was @30% rate

The republican party is self proclaimed racists

Care to provide a link to back up your racist claims? It is the left who refers to conservative blacks as sellouts, not really black, uncle Toms, (house negro's I'm using the P.C. version) oreo among other things. We are now seeing the same type of stuff from the left being leveled at Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz you lefties want to see racism so bad check the nearest mirror.
This tread typifies left wing liberal racism. The KKK lives in the DNC.
Here’s a Side-By-Side Comparison of How Obama, Rubio, & Paul View the State of the Union

Here?s a Side-By-Side Comparison of How Obama, Rubio, & Paul View the State of the Union | Video |

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.
Here’s a Side-By-Side Comparison of How Obama, Rubio, & Paul View the State of the Union

Here?s a Side-By-Side Comparison of How Obama, Rubio, & Paul View the State of the Union | Video |

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

Yep...I forgot about Obama's super secret stupid voters~ Peel them away and it would have been a GOP landslide.

Clueless: Obama Voters Know Nothing About Government | Independent Journal Review

[ame=]Typical Obama Supporters Exposed - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters - YouTube[/ame]
Then there is this brilliant elected democrat:

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
poor clever girl. Didn't I ressurect one of her comments on the election? LOL

She became part of the great unhinging of 2008. Look at what she does now, posts imbecilic crap.

LOL way to go :clap: that will win people over. No ideas.
Then there is this brilliant elected democrat:

3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube

What is your point? Are you that type who can't take a joke and treat it as something serious? Do you even know the name of that Congressman asking questions in that hearing?

Joke? Hank Johnson is a joke all right, but your party elected him and keep doing so I might add. An "island will tip over"...gawd but if it were not so flipping sad that a sitting congressman was so idiotic, it would be funny

Yet you come on here and talk smack because a junior senator (Rubio) was nervous and took a sip of water? How about Obama's numerous gaffs? Why the fuck can't you all debate the content of Rubio's response? <rhetorical question> Because you can't

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