Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

I don't ignore, I disagree with it.

We've been over this same point about a dozen times now, and you still won't actually answer me. One group's opinion of another does not translate into fact.

black people including Colon Powell say the republican party is racist.

you disagree but give no proof that they are not.

I gave poroof they are.
you pretended that court documented evidence I gave you is not real

I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

Are you speaking of the Democratic party and their plan to keep African Americans down on the plantation by telling them they can't succeed without their help? If you want to look for real racism, there it is. Democrats treat people of color as second class citizens incapable of taking care of themselves.
Excellent retort. Seems I wrote the wrong "site". I am deeply ashamed and humiliated, especially in the light of the high standards of this thread and site.

Many thanks for your poignant observation.
A dingbat posting a dingbat study from a dingbat sight. How impressive!

It's more impressive than your spelling.
Excellent retort. Seems I wrote the wrong "site". I am deeply ashamed and humiliated, especially in the light of the high standards of this thread and site.

Many thanks for your poignant observation.

I'm just having fun and have made the same mistake myself. Writing and spelling are two (too) different things.
I don't ignore, I disagree with it.

We've been over this same point about a dozen times now, and you still won't actually answer me. One group's opinion of another does not translate into fact.

black people including Colon Powell say the republican party is racist.

you disagree but give no proof that they are not.

I gave poroof they are.
you pretended that court documented evidence I gave you is not real

I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

oh yeah, and seeing the nutty rants from the liberals on this board makes people want to run out and join the Democrat party..

I will say the Democrat party and liberals are racist and we see it on this board DAILY starting with this thread..the great colored hope
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black people including Colon Powell say the republican party is racist.

you disagree but give no proof that they are not.

I gave poroof they are.
you pretended that court documented evidence I gave you is not real

I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

Are you speaking of the Democratic party and their plan to keep African Americans down on the plantation by telling them they can't succeed without their help? If you want to look for real racism, there it is. Democrats treat people of color as second class citizens incapable of taking care of themselves.

You see this in itself is part of the problem the GOP is having.

When you repeat stupid right wing rhetoric like "keeping blacks on the plantation" this is just the thing that turns them off to even considering the GOP message.
black people including Colon Powell say the republican party is racist.

you disagree but give no proof that they are not.

I gave poroof they are.
you pretended that court documented evidence I gave you is not real

I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

oh yeah, and seeing the nutty rants from the liberals on this board makes people want to run out and join the Democrat party..

I will say the Democrat party and liberals are racist and we see it on this board DAILY starting with this thread..the great colored hope

Considering over 90% of black voters vote democrat every election, I don't see the logic behind your post. Blacks have joined the democratic party and are sticking with it, so they and other minorities who overwhelmingly vote democrat obviously don't see the racism you claim.
I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

Are you speaking of the Democratic party and their plan to keep African Americans down on the plantation by telling them they can't succeed without their help? If you want to look for real racism, there it is. Democrats treat people of color as second class citizens incapable of taking care of themselves.

You see this in itself is part of the problem the GOP is having.

When you repeat stupid right wing rhetoric like "keeping blacks on the plantation" this is just the thing that turns them off to even considering the GOP message.

So say their crystal ball or now you know what turns off and on ALL the people in the country
AP poll: Majority harbor prejudice against blacks

Republicans were more likely than Democrats to express racial prejudice in the questions measuring explicit racism (79 percent among Republicans compared with 32 percent among Democrats), the implicit test found little difference between the two parties. That test showed a majority of both Democrats and Republicans held anti-black feelings (55 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Republicans), as did about half of political independents (49 percent
Are you speaking of the Democratic party and their plan to keep African Americans down on the plantation by telling them they can't succeed without their help? If you want to look for real racism, there it is. Democrats treat people of color as second class citizens incapable of taking care of themselves.

You see this in itself is part of the problem the GOP is having.

When you repeat stupid right wing rhetoric like "keeping blacks on the plantation" this is just the thing that turns them off to even considering the GOP message.

So say their crystal ball or now you know what turns off and on ALL the people in the country

The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.

Minorities are voting overwhelming for democrats. You can dance around this fact all you want, but it's still an inconvenient truth for republicans and their supporters.
the republicans themselves answered the questions that way.

Yet at every turn republicans claim any example of racism brought up by people of color is "race card" pulling by the right on here.
neary 80% of republicans displayed EXPLICIT RACISM

ooooooooooooo they "displayed" explicit racism, would that like you all are doing with this thread?

or how about that lovely thread on Palin loving some black meat?

give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink
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Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Before I go on, am I the only one that thinks Marco Rubio acts, looks, and speaks like the Poster Child for the Reformed Gays Movement? (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Spanish speakers usually have Spanish language cable stations and radio they listen to. These media have their own translators. Always have and always will. What was the point of having Baby Face Anchor Baby Rubio pull this stunt and did he do as poorly in Spanish as he did in English?

Does the party of Grand Old White America, really think Hispanics are so dumb as to fall for a Tio Tortia being a front man for a political power grab? Maybe they do, they are always calling blacks stupid.

Every time the party of Grand Old White America loses an election we get to hear how they were foloed...fooled into voting for the real democrats. If only blacks would listen to the party of Grand Old White America, they would all get a pair of boots to pull themselves up with, and a chance to be white-for-a-day.

What does the GOP base really think of the Hispanic electorate? What does the GOP leadership think of the Hispanic electorate?

I predict in 8 years they will have developed a strategy to attempt to rip the browns away from the brown/black voting block coalition. Divide and conquer. The only question I have is "Will it succeed?"

Rubio's translation video time frame
Spanish State of the Rubio - The Colbert Report - 2013-13-02 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
My my is it just me or does someone sound racist and anti Latino? This is the second thread in two day's that has shown the start of the left's war on Latinos and you guy's are supposed to be the party of tolerance and understanding towards other races and cultures for shame.

Rubio is Cuban-American. They are not representative of Hispanics

I didn't say Hispanic I said Latino and that does not make the comments any less racist or anti Latino.
your party memebers displayed EXPLICIT RACISM at and 80% rate.

in the dems it was @30% rate

The republican party is self proclaimed racists
your party memebers displayed EXPLICIT RACISM at and 80%.

in the dems it was @30% rate

The republican party is self proclaimed racists

shut up take one fucking poll and paint everyone who is Republican as racist
You are a racist because you can't stop talking about it or people skin color
all you do is repeat the same stupid shit over and over...go have another drink
I wouldn't say the party is racist. However there are a good many racists in the party (you can easily see that here on this site) who turn minorities off to the party.

oh yeah, and seeing the nutty rants from the liberals on this board makes people want to run out and join the Democrat party..

I will say the Democrat party and liberals are racist and we see it on this board DAILY starting with this thread..the great colored hope

Considering over 90% of black voters vote democrat every election, I don't see the logic behind your post. Blacks have joined the democratic party and are sticking with it, so they and other minorities who overwhelmingly vote democrat obviously don't see the racism you claim.

Do you think that is because democrats find jobs for them? Duh, free shit, my friend, free shit

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