Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Then there is this brilliant elected democrat:

3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube

What is your point? Are you that type who can't take a joke and treat it as something serious? Do you even know the name of that Congressman asking questions in that hearing?

engaging her on this is a waste. demand she step up her game or ignore her imbecilic posts.

The funny thing is I remember a fraternity similar to what Hank Johnson was a member of, when I went to college. We always called it KA, Kappa Alpha, and it was a southern style fraternity with a Confederate flag, that had a nice cannon in front of their frat house. They use to shoot the cannon off at football games. This was back in 1970 and I was a Freshman living in a dorm, with all these fraternities trying to recruit me. I was a Chemistry major and had made gunpowder even before being a teenager. I talked some of my fellow dorm members into helping me steal that cannon. The issue came up about what we were going to do with it and I wanted to load it and shoot it at the administration building. Other suggestions included chaining it to flag pole outside our dorm and we finally agreed to just hide it and I knew the perfect place in the attic of our dorm, or at least I thought so.

Hell, I crawled right up to their frat house after dark with lookouts and was cutting the galvanized chain, when a car pulled up in their driveway setting off an alarm. I hunted down a hacksaw by going to the food places I frequented to get one. We had already arranged a place to meet, if we were caught on the top of a roof in a dorm near our area. Most of that frat were jocks, but they could catch me by running me down. They weren't that far behind me when I was caught, but I left them in smoke. The rest of the people managed to get away clean, so when I found them on that roof after eluding all their jocks, who could run a distance. We were laughing at those idiots running around looking for us once we were all on that rooftop and watching them scurry about trying to find us, like the stupid SOBs they were. After the first attempt, I wanted to go back, but no one wanted to go with me. The cannon was just too big for me to do it alone and the whole idea of doing it just faded into oblivion. Damn you people who have no imagination or creativity, only carrying about your own raunchy hides!
[ame=]Picard Facepalm - YouTube[/ame]
even the lighting made Rubio (R) look almost as shifty :eusa_shifty: as his campaign finances :eek: :wink_2:
give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink

It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.
What is your point? Are you that type who can't take a joke and treat it as something serious? Do you even know the name of that Congressman asking questions in that hearing?

engaging her on this is a waste. demand she step up her game or ignore her imbecilic posts.

The funny thing is I remember a fraternity similar to what Hank Johnson was a member of, when I went to college. We always called it KA, Kappa Alpha, and it was a southern style fraternity with a Confederate flag, that had a nice cannon in front of their frat house. They use to shoot the cannon off at football games. This was back in 1970 and I was a Freshman living in a dorm, with all these fraternities trying to recruit me. I was a Chemistry major and had made gunpowder even before being a teenager. I talked some of my fellow dorm members into helping me steal that cannon. The issue came up about what we were going to do with it and I wanted to load it and shoot it at the administration building. Other suggestions included chaining it to flag pole outside our dorm and we finally agreed to just hide it and I knew the perfect place in the attic of our dorm, or at least I thought so.

Hell, I crawled right up to their frat house after dark with lookouts and was cutting the galvanized chain, when a car pulled up in their driveway setting off an alarm. I hunted down a hacksaw by going to the food places I frequented to get one. We had already arranged a place to meet, if we were caught on the top of a roof in a dorm near our area. Most of that frat were jocks, but they could catch me by running me down. They weren't that far behind me when I was caught, but I left them in smoke. The rest of the people managed to get away clean, so when I found them on that roof after eluding all their jocks, who could run a distance. We were laughing at those idiots running around looking for us once we were all on that rooftop and watching them scurry about trying to find us, like the stupid SOBs they were. After the first attempt, I wanted to go back, but no one wanted to go with me. The cannon was just too big for me to do it alone and the whole idea of doing it just faded into oblivion. Damn you people who have no imagination or creativity, only carrying about your own raunchy hides!

I am glad you cleared it up early that you were not an English major.
give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink

It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

there is nothing wrong with the message as put forth by rubio and paul. there is plenty of tolerance, much more than the dems have shown, women and minorities that are addicted to free stuff will always be dems, its a waste of effort to try to convert them.

but I too would like to see a viable third party. I would like to see the GOP dump the Roves and Morris's and focus on fiscal sanity, leave the rest of it to the states.
give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink

It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!
give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink

It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!

I'm not a Liberal or an extremist. I'm a realist. It's plain that the Republican message is not attracting voters. That saddens me. I wish they'd get their shit together.

Obviously, you would rather they keep losing elections.
It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!

I'm not a Liberal or an extremist. I'm a realist. It's plain that the Republican message is not attracting voters. That saddens me. I wish they'd get their shit together.

Obviously, you would rather they keep losing elections.

yeah we know, they have to be more like Democrats..pander pander pander
It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!

I'm not a Liberal or an extremist. I'm a realist. It's plain that the Republican message is not attracting voters. That saddens me. I wish they'd get their shit together.

Obviously, you would rather they keep losing elections.

52/48 somehow that does not seem like no one voted GOP. the obama facination is an aberration, normalcy will return in 2014 and 2016
give it up, you all display explicit racism so don't act like your shit doesn't stink

It obviously doesn't stink enough to repel voters. The Republican message reeks. Rubio isn't going to make it reek any less for those who can see a manipulative Republican ploy for what it is.

Fix the attitude, fix the message, develop some real tolerance, propose policies that don't alienate women and minorities. In other words, get your shit together. Personally, I'd like to see a viable third party. As it stands now, we don't even have a viable second party.

good post. Repubs are mathematically painting themselves into a corner every Primary they have. If they change their policies they'll remain electoral relevancy but be hypocrites & if they remain the same, they may not be hypocrites but they'll become more & more of a minor player

As an aside, looks like rubio ditched the TPartty & picked up the Establ. Repub banner :thup: Wonder how much $ he got for his next campaign?
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your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!

I'm not a Liberal or an extremist. I'm a realist. It's plain that the Republican message is not attracting voters. That saddens me. I wish they'd get their shit together.

Obviously, you would rather they keep losing elections.

52/48 somehow that does not seem like no one voted GOP. the obama facination is an aberration, normalcy will return in 2014 and 2016
Under normal circumstances, it would seem so, Redfish.

It's hard to beat a press that's so paid-for, Redfish. I'm starting to lose faith in the voting system. Putting criinals in charge of congress because they're easy to work with is the wrong turn this nation took years ago. Now, the chickens have almost come home to roost. The decision that the government can kill its own citizens hasn't been usurped all that much yet, but when some idiot gets the bright idea that political expediency requires killing or starving segments of the population, that's the day it will have gone too far.

Unfortunately, by that time the government will have stepped in and removed weapons from its perceived enemies, which currently seem to be Republicans and conservatives. Every recent argument about gun control has ended up one way or another with the Senate and the White House condemning Republicans for their opposition to repealing or altering the Second Amendment out of existence.
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your postings reeks newbie..another liberal parrot preaching to others...yea!

I'm not a Liberal or an extremist. I'm a realist. It's plain that the Republican message is not attracting voters. That saddens me. I wish they'd get their shit together.

Obviously, you would rather they keep losing elections.

yeah we know, they have to be more like Democrats..pander pander pander

No, they have to be more like Republicans. Not the brand of Republican you see now which for all I know, you view as the standard. Tells me you haven't been around very long. At least not long enough to remember what a Republican looked like before the party began shopping the fundamentalist Christian morality market for votes. Mixing politics with religion has been their biggest mistake and is now haunting them. That, and their unapologetic plans to slice and dice SS and Medicare as a remedy for all that ails us.

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